Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 11 - Uninspired villa

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It’s a pity that even though I really felt that there was a lot of room for appreciation, I didn’t buy it in the end. However, at least I have gained something this time, at least I have gained a lot of insight. A few days after I got home, I had a minor illness-a cold and a fever. I thought it was caught by something, this is also an inertial thinking after doing this line-all day suspicious.

Qin Yiheng said that after seeing it, he really caught a cold, but it took a few days to take the medicine. Well, the next day, a college classmate found me. He heard that I was doing such a nagging job, and wanted me to help me come up with an idea. Their family is very rich and is a large household in a county. My family built a four-story building in the county, one floor for office use, two or three floors for self-occupation, but the fourth floor has been decorated and has been empty. As a result, during the past six months, he could hear someone walking on the fourth floor wearing high heels every night while sleeping on the third floor, and sometimes even heard the sound of moving the bed. This classmate was very scared and dared not check it. And when I dared to go during the day, I found nothing. I took Qin Yiheng in the past, he briefly looked at it, and said that only the homeless ghost saw that there was an empty house and no one lived there, and he lived in. There was no malice, and it can be solved by offering a **** . My classmates did the same. Sure enough, that voice never appeared again.

This time the matter is small, but I understand the truth, the house should not be too long without popularity, otherwise it is easy to be used as a home by the homeless wild ghosts. The reason for eating and being popular, because after all, the house will be empty for a long time from the completion of the building to the decoration and occupancy. Although the little ghosts who live here generally do not have the ability to maliciously or hurt people, and even many people still share a room with these things, but in the long run, they will still be affected more or less.

After solving his family’s affairs for this classmate, Qin Yiheng and I were busy, because there was already a sign that the real estate was recovering. There was still news from Yuan Zhen, but there was no tempting house. Fortunately, after waiting for a few days, there was a reliable, but also a villa, although the price is not low, but I and Qin Yiheng are very interested.

This villa is in a resort. Three floors, the third floor is actually just an attic, and it doesn’t have much space. The owner of the villa is the owner of a real estate company and is very famous in the local area. The cause of the incident is also very weird. This boss may have made a lot of ill-gotten gains, and he is also very superstitious, so he has always liked Kaiguang’s body protection and evil. It stands to reason that these things are always around, there must be no taboos. But since the boss bought a jadeite pendant from Thailand that was said to have been opened by local masters for more than 300,000 yuan, strange things have happened.

First of all, this boss often dreamed that someone would come to grab his jadeite pendant when he was on vacation in the resort, and he must dream every night. A few times down, the boss panicked and gave the jade jade pendant to a bodyguard and driver who had followed him for many years. The driver didn’t know whether he knew about the boss’s nightmare. Anyway, he wore the jade pendant. Unexpectedly, within a few days, the bodyguard actually swallowed jade and committed suicide, and died in this villa.

Originally, I didn’t want to see this house. First, the price of the villa was too high, and second, it was not easy to change hands. Frustrated during that time, I was really panicked. There is a house that looks better than empty waiting, so Qin Yiheng and I decided to take a look.

The city where the house is located is not big, it is the end of the second-tier cities. However, there are rich people everywhere, and second-tier cities do not affect the purchase of luxury homes by these rich people. The villa area is located on the outskirts of the city, and there is a small golf driving range around.

When Qin Yiheng and I arrived, we didn’t expect to be so far away. When we got off the plane, we first went to the hotel and then drove to the villa area. It was already dark.

Fortunately, this boss has been contacted before, and he arranged for one of his employees to wait for us. After a brief exchange, it was found that this employee could not be the master. He was only responsible for showing us the house, and keeping the price at a price that his boss had explained.

So after talking for a while, I think this is not very reliable. Even if the house is dead, the price has not decreased much.

In this way, we have no profit at all, plus it is originally night, I do not recommend to go to the house at this time. In case there is any problem with the house, we have entered in such a hurry, we have sacrificed in vain.

However, since it is so late, we can only sleep for one night at this resort. The price of the room is ridiculously expensive, but it’s also impossible. The next morning, we followed the employee to see the house. The villa is quite artistically decorated, but not as big as I expected.

The outside looks like three floors, but only two floors actually live. On the third floor is a small loft that can only be entered with a cat’s waist in it, to hold up some debris or something.

Qin Yiheng and I walked up and down a circle, he looked around, and I chatted casually with the employee, the content of the chat was around the dead bodyguard. This employee seems to be quite real, but it is possible that the boss explained what he said before he left. He talked about the bodyguard. After Qin Yiheng finished reading, I didn’t ask anything, I had to make an appointment with him to talk, and then I withdrew from Qin Yiheng.

I asked Qin Yiheng when I was out, how did it feel?

Qin Yiheng said, very good.

I said, how good is it?

Qin Yiheng said, I really can’t see anything, but this villa feels awkward.

I heard him say that his heartbeat began to speed up, but looking at his expression did not seem to be a big problem, so I asked him where it was awkward.

He yelled, “This villa is so big, but why is there no kitchen?”

It was only after he said this that I remembered that when I was just turning around in the house, I really didn’t seem to notice whether there was a kitchen. But I think this is normal, a holiday villa, there is no need to have a kitchen. There are a lot of high-end and mid-range restaurants in the resort. Besides, people who come to the resort are for leisure. No one wants to cook. I told my thoughts to Qin Yiheng that he first nodded and then shook his head.

He said, indeed, it is normal for a resort to have no kitchen. One of the most basic ways for a house to identify yang is to see if there is a fire, that is, if there is a fire to cook. Modern life is rather vague about this concept, but in ancient times, houses without standing fire were basically vacancies. This is more cumbersome to elaborate. To put it simply, there is no humanity in this house, so we will find that many spiritual events will happen in the hotel, which is actually the reason. The yang will slowly rise in a human place. Unless there is really something dirty, the harmless wandering soul will be washed away by human taste.

Qin Yiheng continued, we have just been there, everything looks normal except for the lack of humanity. In this case, the dead bodyguard did not complain, and there are two problems, assuming that the bodyguard is indeed Died in that room, then first, the bodyguard was dying horizontally, there must be unwillingness. And he didn’t have any external interference shortly after his death, and the house has no kitchen, so the soul can’t dissipate so quickly; secondly, if the bodyguard is really dying, this is good news for us. However, the boss as a businessman should still be profitable, and it is impossible to sell us a house without any problems. If he had seen it with an expert, and the expert could not solve it, then we bought it and dug a grave for ourselves.

After finishing talking, Qin Yiheng looked at me and did not speak for a long time. I was a little hairy when he saw it, and quickly asked him what he meant.

He said, otherwise, let’s do a test at night?

I was anxious as soon as I heard it. We have done so many tests and we haven’t been able to pass it by.

Qin Yiheng said that this test is very simple, I don’t have to go. After he finished, I thought about it a bit. He said it so lightly. Is it okay this time? Anyway, I didn’t mean to go back alone. I might as well follow along to see the excitement, so I nodded.

Qin Yiheng saw me agree, and took me to prepare something simply.

These things are very common, but I don’t understand what they mean when combined. We went to the supermarket first, Qin Yiheng chose a large porcelain bowl, tapped and beat in his ear for a long time, then bought a large number of chopsticks, and picked them one by one for a long time. Finally, he filled a bowl of water with a porcelain bowl and placed it under the root of the wall outside our room window before going to bed. The next day he carefully took the bowl of water in and told me that he watched it tonight.

That night, the two of us quietly slipped back to the villa. We were surprisingly slow because we were holding this bowl of water along the way. Fortunately, it is not the holiday season now, and there are no people in the resort.

Qin Yiheng opened a window in the villa and told me that it was his intention to stay that day. He asked me to get in first, pick up the bowl, and then he climbed in.

A few simple movements made me choke because of this bowl of water. Because the water is basically flush with the bowl edge, Qin Yiheng can’t sprinkle it with another drop, so even if I hold it dry, it takes a lot of energy.

Turning into the villa, Qin Yiheng turned into a grandfather who let me hold the bowl first, and then he started to wander around the villa.

My arm is really unbearable, so I want to put the bowl on the ground. Before waiting for my cat’s waist, Qin Yiheng turned around and told me not to put the bowl on the ground. In this way, I have to go back to recovery, which is really a **** test of muscle control. Fortunately, I was also careful enough that the water did not spill out.

By the time Qin Yiheng came over to take over the bowl, my two arms were numb and almost unconscious.

Qin Yiheng took the bowl and held the bowl step by step. He walked to a corner of the villa, put the bowl gently on the ground, and then placed a chopstick on the edge of the bowl, pulling me back. .

I remembered on the way back, wouldn’t there be a camera? As I walked back and forth, I looked back and forth. Fortunately, the security facilities in this villa area were not perfect. There was only a camera at the intersection of each path. The process of turning the window into the room was not captured.

Overnight. Before the next day, Qin Yiheng woke me up and took me back quietly. Turning back to the villa, we squatted next to the bowl together. If he doesn’t move, I won’t dare to move, but I don’t know what the two of us are waiting for.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Yiheng looked at his watch and talked to me about the time. Let me pay attention to it. I realized that he might be waiting for the dawn.

It dawned quickly. I focused on the bowl for half a day, looking at the window a little bit inattentively, and when I looked back, it was already dawn.

Qin Yiheng kept frowning and watching the bowl, but until he heard the sparrow out of the window, there was no change in the bowl.

He hummed, tilted his head and looked left and right for a long time.

I want to ask him what’s going on, and I’m afraid of wronging his alchemy. I can only hold it forever.

He watched it for a while, and told me to jump out of the window with him.

On the way back, Qin Yiheng has been wondering that although he is not a so-called expert, at least the use of these alchemy has not failed in this way. Originally, he wanted to see how the bodyguard died tonight. According to him, water is the most spiritual thing in nature (Scientifically, water is also the most important element of life. Qin Yiheng has always believed that what science and technology can explain is called science, and what cannot be explained is metaphysics. In fact, it may not be that the metaphysics is so unpredictable, but that human technology ca n’t explain it yet.) The night water he held was full of talk, and the night dew and the morning dew were the water between the sun and the **** Called the rootless water. In comparison, it is easier to psychic than pure water. He put the bowl right in the south of the villa and put it in for a night. If the bodyguard really died in this room, unless he was really taken away by the mansion, any trace of his existence could be found from the water anyway. Even if people ca n’t feel or see it, it ’s impossible to find water that is more sensitive than people.

The chopsticks are used to lift the water in the time when the sky is dawning, waiting for the water drops to fall naturally, and the place where the water drops float is the location of the soul. It’s just that there is no response from the bowl of water, so there is no need to do this part again.

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