Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 14 - Ancestor

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When I came back, I asked Qin Yiheng what it meant, and he explained it to me.

This biscuit is actually a so-called tribute, whether it is a deity or a deceased spirit, even a monster that likes to worship in many places will have a corresponding tribute. To go bigger, live sacrifices have been common since ancient times. To go young, basic pastries and fruits are indispensable. It is rumored that after enjoying the tribute (usually the tribute is still intact, but people are accustomed to understand it, putting the tribute on the table to make a look, you can take it away the next day), people eat those The tribute enjoyed by the gods can extend the life and prosperity, or drive the disease to save people, or ask the child to get money, anyway, there will be endless benefits. This is of course only a rumor, and he has not personally verified it. But this biscuit dedicated to ghosts was eaten. At least I didn’t get any benefits. Instead, I suffered a lot of sins. I personally verified it. I asked him, why am I so frustrated?

Qin Yiheng explained that this tribute to ghosts generally has three results when eaten. One is that the taste is relatively sweet. This sweetness is not fully reflected in the taste buds. It is mainly a feeling, just like a kiss is more sweet. This kind of sweet tribute is the most dangerous, because it is said that the sweet tribute is because the things that have enjoyed it are sun-absorbing evil things. Women will have menstrual disorders and miscarriages after eating it. Weakness; if you continue to live near this evil thing, it is easy to be invaded.

The second kind is more bitter, and it does not simply mean taste bitterness. This kind of thing is good, because the thing you have enjoyed will indeed help you, at least it will not harm you. This tribute, even if it is not beneficial to the body, is basically harmless. It is said that the tribute after the devotion of the gods, whether it is fruit or pastries, will feel tasteless like chewing wax, or you can feel the taste faded.

The third one is sour. This tribute was tasted by something resentful. This kind of resentment is not that kind of resentment, but a kind of resentment, because it does not accept offerings. This kind of tribute tastes sour in the mouth and is usually harmless to the human body.

After listening to Qin Yiheng’s explanation, I probably understood what he meant. I really want to lose my temper. Since he knows this kind of experiment best, he should do it by himself, causing Lao Tzu to run to the toilet for a long time.

Although he said these reasons, I do n’t think there is much factual basis, but it still makes sense to think about it. Things put overnight will inevitably deteriorate in a humid environment. It is normal to eat diarrhea, but now that things are clear, what should we do next?

He said that the things inside were very pitiful, and he didn’t want to harm anyone. If he didn’t do anything with the methods of dealing with Li Gui, we still look for ways to let him choose to leave.

Our previous way of exorcising ghosts was arbitrarily arrogant, but today, if you want to ask it to go by yourself, and let a thing that has been nostalgic here for so many years go by itself, this net is too spread. But there is no way, Qin Yiheng said that I can only obey orders, who made me ignorant.

I briefly discussed with him and decided to start with how this person died. Listening to the old man telling about the previous things, I think this thing is probably the ancestor of their family, so the ringer must be the ringer, we can only ask their family members.

This investigation was quite cumbersome. We pretended to be curious and asked several elderly people who lived in their family. Although they knew that the house was haunted, they couldn’t say anything about it. We asked the old man who showed us the house. The old man scratched his head for a long time, and he could only say that this person should have been an official in the court.

Such clues are clueless. Qin Yiheng and I stayed for another two days, and we already had the idea of ​​going back home. Qin Yiheng said that it is not possible, we still have a way to try.

I asked him what was the solution. He actually looked at me with bright eyes for a long time.

When I saw his eyes, I couldn’t help but fought a cold war. It must be an operation. If you ask in detail, I guessed it, and this time it seemed to worry me more than any time before.

Although Qin Yiheng still said it lightly, but I have eaten several lessons, I really can’t believe him anymore. What’s more, his bad idea this time was actually trying to get that thing on me.

Qin Yiheng has always persuaded me that this matter can only be solved internally by us. If we use people from their family, it will not be so. I think about it again and again, he also promised again and again, saying that there is no problem with guarantee.

I thought about it, or agreed with my teeth. In fact, I am still for money.

When he saw me agree, he took me to make some preparations: first dug a small hole outside the door of the partial room, and then erected a pole in it. Fortunately, there was one in the host, otherwise this kind of thing is really not easy to find . Finally, he used a black thread to tie a small buckle on my middle finger, and the other end of the thread was tied to the pole, telling me that I will lose consciousness in a while, but if I feel that the thread on the **** moves, I must try to wake up. come. Although he will be fine next to him, I have to remind me in advance that it will be the same as letting you sign the operation notice before the operation.

I sat on the old bed and said, fucking, why didn’t I say it early, but now that I’ve got into the thief ship, I can only be slain. Qin Yiheng made a round in the room, struck a few points with his feet on the ground, and then closed the door of the partial house. The darkness rushed in. He lit a piece of wax and put it on the last point he had before, and then stuffed a handful of chicken feathers in my hand and told me that the first moment I woke up, I put the chicken feathers to the door. Toss out, the farther the better.

At this time, I started to get nervous, all kinds of fears went straight to my heart, and I was afraid that moving it would break the black line on my fingers, so I could only wait so hard. After a while, I didn’t know if it was a psychological effect. I really felt cold all over and couldn’t stop the cold war. Suddenly, I felt something lying on my back. I don’t know what’s behind, I instantly lost consciousness.

To be honest, I have never slept so well in my life. I had imagined countless possibilities before and guessed how I felt when I was upper body. As a result, when Qin Yiheng suddenly screamed to wake me up, I realized that this process did not feel at all, and there was no memory at all.

The moment I woke up, my consciousness was still vague, my body was very weak, and I wanted to continue to sleep.

But Qin Yiheng quickly reminded me to throw out the feathers. I quickly got up, and I couldn’t care about the elegance anymore. I just banged the door open, stolen enough to throw out the feathers. To my surprise, the chicken feathers didn’t move forward, but they flew all over with a hula, and they were everywhere.

After that, things are not so absurd. Qin Yiheng collected the things and went back to explain the process to me. According to him, the person above me is quite elegant and speaks very well, but it seems to be very pitiful, always crying. I said, how to wake up with a wet face after waking up.

I asked him what the previous steps meant. Qin Yiheng said that the **** is the position where a person’s yang is the heaviest. Tying the **** is nothing more than insuring the person. If this thing is so powerful that it really takes up my body, then this knot can help me retain the last yang, so that I can still save if I take it. In fact, the poles can actually ward off evil spirits and fight ghosts. Perhaps modern urban people do not understand this, and now the development of society has caused such traditional tools to be little known. According to the older generation, the medical level in the countryside was very limited at that time, and because of the sparse population and the low popularity, there were frequent corpse incidents. The swindled zombies scratched and pinched when they saw them, and they were so powerful that no one could stop them. They could only knock down the zombies by slapping with a pole. Standing the pole on the ground seems to be crumbling, but if someone really wants to break or push down the pole standing on the ground, the pole will suddenly become stable and rock-solid. Tying the black line on my **** to it is equivalent to finding the strongest force to hold me back. Although it seems ridiculous to talk about these things, there are indeed things that challenge our common sense in this world.

As for the white wax, Qin Yiheng said that he just clicked a few stars in the room in the simplest way, and put the white wax in the position of Kuixing, also to protect my yang. And the last piece of chicken feathers that let me throw it away was fortunate. Although the things on my body are not evil, the people who have been on the body will have a minor illness, and a bad luck for a year, so he let me throw out the bad luck when I woke up. , Can alleviate the loss caused by the upper body. When he said that, I thought of the chicken feathers, and in the end it was really flying against the common sense. I talked to him, and he nodded, saying that basically the bad luck was all gone, but I am afraid I still have a headache and brain fever, and the treatment will pass.

When I want to ask what that thing said to him, Qin Yiheng sold a pass to show that everything will be clear. Solved this matter, I am afraid that we can make a lot of money for such a big house. I was so tired that when I was making money, I was no longer energetic and simply went back to my room and lay down to sleep.

Overnight. When I got up the next day, it was already dawn, and my body was still too tired. I got up and found that Qin Yiheng was no longer there, so I tidied up and went out. I think Qin Yiheng must be in that partial room now, and when he arrives, he finds that this family of people is basically pestering around. Qin Yiheng is talking to a few strong people in this family.

He arranged it briefly, and a few strong men began to raise their sledgehammers, smashing a wall in this partial house. I was dumbfounded. The house seemed to be in disrepair for a long time, but it was very strong but unexpected. A few strong and powerful men smashed the wall for a long time before breaking the wall apart. Qin Yiheng kept staring beside him, smashing it for a while, shouting a stop, and ran to the root of the broken wall to find something. After a while, he took out a shaft.

The position of my station is relatively backward, and it doesn’t look very real. It is probably a picture. When I looked closer, I realized that it was not a painting, but a fabric. I glanced at it again, and I felt familiar, but I still didn’t figure out what it was. After asking him, I realized that it was a decree. This is really a fantasy, and there is a decree hidden in the walls of their home. Although the words written above are very neat, I have no choice but to read too little, and I don’t see what it means.

Qin Yiheng gave me a brief explanation, presumably that the person in their family can be ordered to return to Beijing to return to office.

After finishing, Qin Yiheng explained to everyone:

Their ancestor had committed something in the court and was demoted to three ranks. What is the specific thing, maybe it is a bit different from the text prison at that time. Then this person was more arrogant and arrogant, so he directly applied to the emperor to retire. The emperor was also kind, rewarding him the house. Presumably, this person still has a certain degree of learning. After returning home for two years, the emperor actually remembered him and wanted to call him back to Beijing to become an official. Unfortunately, he was already sick at home by this time. This person was originally unwilling, so he was reluctant to reincarnate himself. This time it was good. As soon as the decree came, he felt even more wronged and kept making trouble at home. The family was also afraid when they saw it, and the decree did not dare to burn it. Later, there was no way but to build it into the wall of this partial house. As a result, he also followed into the partial room, washing his face with tears against the wall all day. However, between Yin and Yang, he certainly had no hope of going back to the official state. Now the imperial edict has been taken out, as long as he burns it out and calms his grievances, this is all about.

When I heard that I was going to burn the decree, I followed my heartache! It is said that this thing is very valuable, but their family members agreed to burn it, but only burn some paper money, hoping to take a photo to commemorate something. Qin Yiheng said it didn’t matter, so he handed the imperial edict to the old man and let them deal with it.

This trip did not in vain. Although the experience was not difficult, but at least the beginning and the end, the most important thing is to help their family, the price of the house can definitely be pushed down. When this great man finished the matter of the decree, I directly drew the old man and talked about the price. The old man is really real enough, really discounted the price. I made a rough calculation. If the house was bought at his price, the profit would be quite generous, so I drafted a contract directly with the old man and signed the painting.

I stayed for another day and a half, almost finished the transfer procedures, and Qin Yiheng and I were ready to triumph. This family still wants to stay with us for dinner, so that they can only refuse to succeed. On the way back, I was very happy, but when I got on the train, I started to have a fever. I took a few pills temporarily and got off the train and went directly to the hospital to hang some drops. Qin Yiheng said that this is the sequela of being put on the body, just rest for a few days. I also took advantage of this time to take a good rest. It stands to reason that I have already let the feathers fly for a while, and the bad luck should be gone. Maybe I think too much. A house after this one really made me suffer.

However, in the words of Qin Yiheng, that is what happened in my life, so that the two of us accidentally penetrated a terrifying secret.

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