Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 28 - Remove acne

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When I woke up, it was already dawn. Qin Yiheng’s bed is empty, I don’t know where he went. I saw it was too early, so I didn’t rush to find him, but lay in bed and watched TV patiently. He came back at noon, carrying a sparrow. I’m wondering, what’s the matter with going out to play birds this morning? Qin Yiheng asked me to wait patiently, and then took the Swiss army knife from the bag and went to the bathroom. My curiosity was hooked up and I couldn’t help but watch it.

I saw that Qin Yiheng eviscerated the sparrow three times and five times in the bathroom, broke the belly, and then took out the internal organs one by one and carefully placed them on the yellow paper. The whole scene was a bit bloody. It was really uncomfortable to see these as soon as I woke up.

Then, he took out a handful of straw from his pocket, tied a little straw man with a red string, stuffed the organs wrapped in yellow paper into the belly of the straw man, and finally tied a stick to the neck of the straw man Red thread, asked me to tie it to the middle finger. After everything was done, Qin Yiheng told me that I do n’t want to run away today anymore, so stay at ease, do n’t break the line, and wait until night to start getting rid of acne.

I had to carefully place the grass man on the bedside table, and then lay on the bed in a posture similar to infusion. Although this pose is not difficult, but after a long time, the arm is still tingling, especially when eating, because the right **** is tied, it is extremely inconvenient to use chopsticks. Fortunately, Qin Yiheng was there, and he could help me, but it didn’t have much impact.

It was finally getting dark. Qin Yiheng saw that the time was almost up, so he turned off the light in the room, made me stand up to the place where the moonlight could not reach, put the grass man under the moonlight, and then took out a yellow Paper, wrote my name, and told me to pierce my finger, drip a few drops of blood on it, and then burned the yellow paper. In an instant, the paper burned to ashes.

I looked at it and felt quite fresh, but as I saw the yellow paper burned out, my heart began to get nervous, because Qin Yiheng said that he would have some hardships to eat. I believe that breaking a finger should not be a pain.

At first there was nothing unusual. I saw Qin Yiheng staring at the grass man. But slowly, I don’t know if I was dazzled. I saw that the grass man seemed to move slightly. Qin Yiheng’s face also looked very nervous. He also noticed the slight movement of the grassman, and immediately took out a prepared small paper cutting blade, letting me reach out, between the first and second joints of my ten fingers In between, a knife came one by one. Needless to say how sharp the paper knife is, my hand was covered with small openings, and the blood began to slowly flow down the edge of the knife.

Qin Yiheng held my hands and told me to drip blood onto the grass man. With each drop, the Caoren seemed to struggle. Although he saw the red, it must have been accurate, and the blood stopped after a while. But even with my fingers, it hurts me so much. Unconsciously, I sweat a lot on my forehead. Looking down, I saw a lot of blood on the grass.

Later, Qin Yiheng took out a bundle of red thread and wrapped the paper man like a mummy, then broke the red thread tied to my **** and told me that now the acne has been transferred to the grass man. Tonight, leave it in the house Sleep overnight, find a time tomorrow, and put it on the main road with dense traffic to let the car press for one day.

I heard him say it was all right, and let out a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried about the man, so he put him in the bathroom.

When he had put the Caoren, he explained to me that although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, this is common sense. He used the five internal organs of the sparrow and the paper figures to fake me, and turned the blame away. However, if you do so, the Caoren will be crushed on the road tomorrow, and my luck will inevitably be lower for a while, but if you are lucky, if you are crushed by the wedding car, you will be able to solve the bad luck, but the married family may have a minor disaster .

The matter has been resolved, and my mood has relaxed a lot. This night I thought I could have a good night’s sleep. Who knew that in the middle of the night it seemed to hear a child crying in the house. I turned sideways and saw Qin Yiheng also awake. He made a gesture for me to continue sleeping, saying that it was no problem, and I had to turn over and go to sleep. Although I didn’t sleep soundly this night, I also slept till dawn.

The next day, Qin Yiheng planned to put the Caoren on a road with frequent traffic, and then discussed with me again, thinking that we should still go back to the old man’s house to see.

I also think it is necessary to go back, even if it ’s not to see if you can find any hints from that game, at least I have to apologize to the old lady, and say it individually. Besides, I still think this house can be bought because the old man The soul is gone, this business is still very cost-effective.

We went back to the old man’s house again. The old lady didn’t blame her for the interruption that day, and she still smiled. I just sat down and continued to refine the matter of signing a contract with the old lady. Qin Yiheng went to the old man’s bedroom to see if there were any new discoveries. The contract matter was smoother than expected, but unfortunately, Qin Yiheng did not gain anything. Anyway, this is the end. Although there are still too many questions that haven’t been solved, at least I can win this house. In this way, the twists and turns spent this time are worthwhile. Qin Yiheng seemed a little unwilling, but now it seems that he can only go home. So we stopped for another day, and we didn’t get up until we signed the contract with the old lady.

On the train back, I only remembered the question of asking Liu Mengzi, because if the address Qin Yiheng gave me was correct, and I found a fake Liu Meng according to the correct address, there must be a big problem.

Qin Yiheng said that he had actually taken this into consideration long ago, so when we go back, he will look for Liu Lazi. But now it seems that the chance to find him is estimated to be very small. If you think about it in a bad way, Liu Lai is likely to have an accident.

To be honest about a person’s life and death, I have been dealing with ghosts and gods for so long, and I have been able to look down on them a lot, but I am still not able to adapt to the mischief between living people.

I took a deep breath and prepared to go to the toilet to smoke a cigarette. As soon as I entered the toilet, I smoked a few sips, and the cell phone in my pocket rang. It was a text message. I took out my phone and saw that it was a strange number, but the content really surprised me: Yuan Zhen was not alone!

I was taken aback by this text message. After thinking about it, I dialed the phone back, but it was turned off. This short message is unclear, saying that Yuan Zhen is not alone. What does this mean? Does it mean that he is not a person, or does he have a gang?

Frankly speaking, I also think that Yuan Zhen should have a team, but I haven’t learned about it after working with him for so long. After all, we are only a cooperative relationship, and benefits are the bond between us. As for the source of the news that he found me the houses, it has nothing to do with me.

I thought about the text for a while, and thought it was mostly a prank. Yuan Zhen is really a superb intermediary, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that he is not a human being. But before I stepped out of the toilet door, there was another text message, which was still the number, and the content was: Do you believe it? I prove it to you. This house has the answer you want, the key is in the flower pot on the terrace. At the end of the message is an address. The city where the house is located is a municipality, but it is far from where I am.

This text message made me even more curious, so I dialed the phone again and the phone was still turned off. I understood it twice. Most of the other party transferred the call to a shutdown number, so I tentatively returned a text message to the other party: Who are you? However, the text message never came again.

Back in my seat, I was still thinking about it. After thinking about it, I thought Qin Yiheng should still be told. I read the text message to him, but he didn’t think it was a big deal. He just said that the person pretended to be so mysterious, he just wanted to lead us to the house. If so, then the house is probably a trap.

I quite agree with his analysis. The last six-finger loss caused me to still have a fresh memory, so I didn’t think about it anymore, and took a comfortable posture to close my eyes and relax.

When I was almost at the station, I received another text message, and I said, wouldn’t it still be that person? Sure enough, the MMS sent this time was actually a MMS message, and I clicked to see it, and I felt a little stunned.

The framing composition of the photo is somewhat deformed. Most of the screen is blocked by a black paint. Only a small part can be vaguely seen as a blurred back view. It can be seen that this photo was taken very quickly.

After watching it for a long time, I suddenly felt a little wrong.

The scene in the picture seems familiar. I thought about it again and reacted violently. This picture was taken in this train, and the back in the picture is me! This person is on this train!

I immediately stood up and looked back and forth, but the car had already entered the station, many people were carrying the luggage and getting off, it was impossible to find the person who took the photo, and since he dared to send it to me, it must have been well planned, and it was accurate I can’t find him.

But who will this person be?

It is estimated that Qin Yiheng also looked at me abnormally, and asked me what was going on.

I showed him the picture, but his expression suddenly froze, and then he told me that we must go to this house. But I asked the reason in detail, but he did not want to say more, but just told me that this time it was probably because he knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and he preferred to travel in the mountains, hoping that I would be mentally prepared.

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