Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v2 Chapter 38 - Fetal dream

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I am very impressed with these patterns, it is impossible to remember correctly. At that time, I also discussed with him. He told me that although these patterns are not the same, they should depict a kind of thing, but that thing has different actions.

“How did this thing come here? This bath center has something to do with Fang Wanjin? Is it their family’s property?”

I was completely blinded, and Qin Yiheng also said he couldn’t tell why. However, he can be sure that this thing in front of us is a bed, because there is a very shallow groove on it, he guessed that it should be the place where the jade pillow or the magnetic pillow was placed earlier.

Listening to his reminder, I also found the groove, but this is even more unpredictable. This room is the same as other rooms. Is it a massage room? Not to mention that this bed is so high, it is very inconvenient to go up and down. If it is a metal bed, can it be comfortable to lie down? Did this come to enjoy the massage, or come to take the initiative? And the patterns on the ceiling are unreasonable?

I thought about it and suddenly startled myself, because I seemed to find a reasonable explanation. This room is combined, it seems unlikely that sleeping people, but if sleeping a body, it is normal. In an instant I felt cold in my neck, shit, is this room a morgue?

I backed away and moved away from the bed a bit before I talked about my guess with Qin Yiheng.

He listened to meditation for a moment and said that this sounds a little bit reasonable, but he also has a guess. Regarding our previous analysis based on the house, the table is the menstrual table recorded by a woman in the house I’m afraid of getting pregnant. If I think about it in the same way, there must be a living person in this room.

Qin Yiheng cleared his throat and continued: “I’m afraid I found the reason why different patterns are recorded on the house. Those are the dreams of a woman’s fetus! Therefore, they will be recorded in conjunction with the menstrual schedule. Whose fetal dream is also being recorded! “

After Qin Yiheng finished speaking, I didn’t react in a while. I didn’t understand until he explained it to me again.

To be honest, I think his guess is a bit outrageous. I tried to imagine the picture: a pregnant woman was lying on this cold steel frame bed, surrounded by several people waiting to record her fetal dreams, which was more scary than looking at the autopsy body.

This dream should be heard by many people. In short, it is the dream that women have when they are pregnant. It is said that this dream is full of strange things, and it can extract a lot of information from the content, such as the gender of the fetus, the future destiny, and even more outrageously, it can learn the past life of the fetus.

Earlier I had a college classmate who was pregnant and once said related things in the qq group of our class, so I still have some understanding. She told us at that time that when she was three or four months pregnant, she often dreamed that someone who could not see her looks chased her with a knife. The dream was very real. She was awakened several times, and later she I went to see someone, and they told her that this child was an enemy of her last life. This time she came to avenge her, and she bluntly persuaded her that this child must be a troublemaker, and suggested that she get rid of it.

The person she was looking for was well-known in the local area, and it shouldn’t be meant to cheat the money, but as a mother, it would be reluctant to kill her child. Therefore, although my classmate was suspicious of the letter, in the end, he didn’t give up.

Later, when the child was born, everything was calm, but I didn’t know if it was coincidence. Just when the child was more than one year old, my classmate’s husband drove the child out, and somehow the child suddenly cried and calmed It’s useless, and finally it’s gone. My classmate’s husband had to park the car to the side of the road first to see if the child had an emergency. Strangely, the child stopped crying as soon as the car stopped. But before he could start the car again, a car came out and chased his tail out of control. In the end, there was nothing wrong with the child, but he broke his arm and nose bridge.

This incident inevitably reminiscent of the previous fetal dream, so in that period of time, the matter was discussed for a long time.

But I didn’t get in touch with Qin Yiheng at that time, so I didn’t intervene, just diving as a visitor.

Now Qin Yiheng said that it may be related to Fetal Dreams. I thought about my classmates’ experience, but it was still very difficult to understand.

According to my understanding, even if this dream is often done, the content should be consistent. But looking at the posture in this room, is the dreamer still dreaming of a series?

I asked him: “Is your guess reliable?”

He continued to explain to me: “This dream, in scientific understanding now, is that when people sleep, their brains do not rest, but they are constantly imagining, so they can form dreams, which is a very illusory kind. thing.

“In metaphysics, the opposite is true. Dreams are solid in the understanding of metaphysics. Many masters of alchemy can even use small bottles or small gourd-like containers to collect dreams and sell them to people in need at high prices. There are a lot of people in this kind of fetal dreams, usually pregnant women go to buy some good luck or foreshadow the child’s future fetal dreams. It is not clear whether it is useful, but there are still markets, and some people can be seen I still believe this.

“This trading dream not only sounds awesome, it is also very demanding to operate. The specific implementation has to do with time, place and even the birth date, so it is very complicated. I have only heard about it, and I have not seen the dream entity myself. what does it look like.

“However, what is certain is that this so-called entity must not be a tangible thing, it should be a very abstract concept. There are many strange beasts in the legend that feed on human dreams, especially It ’s a beautiful dream, so this good dream is still useful. “

Qin Yiheng explained this one way, to be honest, I was a little lost.

In life, there are not many things that really belong to you. The so-called cars, houses, tickets are all fleeting things, maybe tomorrow will not be yours. Now even dreams can be taken away by people. It does sound a little bit of a loss of confidence in the world.

However, when it was not emotional at the moment, I asked Qin Yiheng: “Is these fetal dreams all prophecies or signs? Is this group of people predicting the future here? Because I heard many rumors that this dream is Something that predicts the future. “

He said umbrily, “First of all, there are many types of dreams. There are specific types of dreams, which have specific names. Among them, there is indeed a part that can predict the future. “Show”. The reason why it is called such a strange name is because most of the dreams that predict the future are warning of some life-threatening disasters or something. Simple explanation, in metaphysics, this is understood as a negative difference to give you a hint. Legends The mansion is not a machine, and it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. It is obviously not that you should be in trouble, but it is accidentally put on your head there. To make up for it, it is also a humanized reminder. However, this also It ’s just a rumor, whether it ’s really such a thing, I ’m afraid I wo n’t know until I die. ”

Qin Yiheng also told me a very fresh concept: “Many people should have heard and heard that the things dreamed of in their dreams are all counterproductive, that is, the bad things dreamed of in their dreams. It may not be really bad things, but strict In a sense, this is actually a misunderstanding. The dreams in the first half of the night, from 6 pm to 12 pm, are positive, and the dreams after 12 pm and 6 am are the opposite. I do n’t know the specific reason However, it is guessed that it should have a certain relationship with the delivery of Yin and Yang. In ancient times, people did not have such a rich night entertainment life at present, they all died at sunset and sunrise. With such a distinction, it is just a night ’s sleep Divided into two equal parts. Now there are few people who can sleep before twelve o’clock, let alone go to bed at six o’clock in the evening, so now there is gradually no one dreaming of it in the middle of the night is positive. By now, only insiders are left to understand the inside story. Those who know a little bit well know what time they have when they wake up. “

Qin Yiheng said a word, I looked at the time, and it was past midnight.

It ’s not a problem for the two of them to stay in this room all the time. I ’ll discuss with him. If I have no idea, I ’d better go back to the hotel and rest. It ’s no big deal to come tomorrow.

He did not object, saying that the specific use of this fetal dream, he really does not have a good guess, the only thing he can do now is to cross the river by touching the stones. After finishing talking, Qin Yiheng took me out of the room and took two steps. He suddenly remembered and said: “The previous rumor was that a large anchor was brought in. We need to find it first.”

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