Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v2 Chapter 40 - ferry

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In fact, I have no interest in finding anchors. It means nothing.

He glanced at me when he returned to the profile picture, but the phone light was too weak, and I couldn’t see his expression clearly. After a while, he said: “The anchor was actually found.”

When he said that, I immediately looked around. Because the other floors were checked by us together before, if found, it must be in this room. As a result, I don’t know if the light source is strong enough. I didn’t see it after looking around.

I hesitated and didn’t get up to find it. Now I just want to stay away from the bathing pool, so I asked Qin Yiheng: “Where is the anchor?”

He still didn’t look back and told me that in fact we had seen the anchor on the third floor before, but the anchor was no longer like an anchor. If he guessed right, the bed was made by melting the anchor.

When he said this, I was really surprised. Although I do n’t understand the steps and tools required to burn iron, just think about it, the stove must be there? Smelt metal in this bathing center? This is really unrealistic!

Solving Qin Yiheng, he went on to say that it was not necessarily fired in the bathing center, and it was probably just a ceremony before being transported in. The ceremony was done, shipped out and fired, then shipped back. Ship anchors are eye-catching, but they are definitely not noticed when they are transported into the iron bed.

He was right in saying this, and after a few chats, I actually watched him carefully.

There was nothing unusual about seeing him, so I let go of my vigilance, and I could relax in my sitting posture.

I lit a cigarette and continued to ask Qin Yiheng: “Why do you have to use the anchor to melt into an iron bed? If according to the previous analysis, these people are just to record fetal dreams, then it should be as comfortable as possible. Ah. And, just said that you are in the pool, you are not so literary, you mean your reflection? And the most important thing is, what is the person behind the curtain? “

I have a lot of doubts, plus I just held back for a long time, so the speed of the speech is very fast, I don’t know if he can’t hear clearly.

Anyway, he nodded at me and pointed to the bathing pool again, saying: “Here is Qin Yiheng; behind the curtain is Qin Yiheng.”

He said something like the logic of a voice robot, just like he didn’t say it.

I had to ask again, let him be more detailed, I can’t understand. As a result, he shook his head and refused to speak.

After waiting for a while and seeing that he didn’t mean anything, I was a little anxious and urged him to rush to explain. He looked at me and said that he wanted to find out that he could go to the bathing pool for a look. After he finished, he actually gave way to me.

Curious about killing cats, I know this very well.

Although there is no danger in looking at the situation and fishing, I was scared. Frustrated, Qin Yiheng couldn’t punish his confession with severe punishment. I can only retreat and ask him to tell me what happened to the bed.

This time he didn’t slap me sloppyly, and he stood up very seriously, looked around, and told me that there was a problem with this whole house. I said to my heart, isn’t this **** bullshit? No problem, why do we run here?

I vomited in my heart, and did not interrupt him, but waited patiently for him to continue. His style has always been like this, and amazing things will always be left to the end.

What Qin Yiheng said was really amazing. He first asked me if he knew that there was a river in the so-called hell, no matter what the name is in the yang, whether it was the Nai River or the forgetful river, in fact, the same river was said. The legendary Naihe Bridge (called Naihe Bridge) is on this river.

According to legend, only those who die normally in the sun or are good people are eligible to cross the Naihe Bridge and embark on the road of reincarnation. Those who committed adultery, or who had strayed in after they died, could only be thrown into the river to suffer. In our folklore, there have always been many related stories.

Although this river is called a river, it is not a clean place in the legend. It is said that it is stinky and cold, and the world’s pollution is squeezed in it. The degree of discomfort can be imagined.

Therefore, some souls do not have the right to cross the bridge, but they are afraid of being thrown into the river, so they have to think of other ways to cross the river.

This leads to a new way, that is ferry.

According to legend, there are ferry people on the river in the underworld, who are responsible for collecting money and crossing the dead souls across the river. It is said that the price is not low.

There are not only one ferry person, but many, so professional integrity and credibility are also uneven. There are many ferrymen who do not collect money and do nothing. When the boat is halfway through, they will kick the “passenger” down; and the souls who are in the river themselves, because of jealousy, will grab the kicked souls, so they will fall into the water. Just don’t want to go up again.

However, these “black ferry people” should be only a few, just like Yang Jian, they are still a lot of good people after all.

Those who cross the river smoothly, that is, the souls who have reluctantly entered the road of reincarnation, although there will certainly be some twists and turns in the middle, but they are already very happy by comparison.

Because of this, it is customary in many places to burn paper money immediately after a person dies. In addition to making a little difference, this is also a precautionary measure. No matter whether the deceased is qualified to cross the bridge, first give the ticket money for crossing Say enough.

And this is why there are customs of paper lanterns and paper boats in many places. In fact, it is just to give those dead souls or deceased relatives and friends a medium or carrier for crossing the river. Although it is only a beautiful vision, it is also based on the legend of the ferry.

Qin Yiheng said that he stopped talking and looked at me with his head tilted. It seemed to ask me if I understood.

I heard what he said, but I still haven’t found anything to do with the house. There is no river near our location. The city is not along the Yellow River or the Yangtze River. The whole house is barely related to water, but there is no other place except for the pool of water he put in.

I used my cell phone to take care of myself, shook my head at him, expressing puzzlement.

Qin Yiheng yelled, and it seemed that I guessed that I would have such a reaction. He paused and said, “This whole house is now a ferry boat.”

Perhaps it was from Qin Yiheng’s mouth that there were too many things about his gods. This time I was not surprised, but instead somehow came up with an association in my head.

On the closet door of his house, there is a picture of water flowing, because it is incomplete, so we still do n’t know what it means. Now, with such a reminder from him, I said, would it be ferry Right?

I didn’t open my mouth to ask him because I wanted to wait for him to continue. Unexpectedly, he stopped talking and asked me to get the searchlight back. I had to go to the female bathroom again. Fortunately, although the searchlight did not light up, but the parts were the same, so it was not troublesome to find them.

Back at the men’s bathroom, Qin Yiheng took over the searchlight and began to tinker with the Swiss army knife, still silent. I have been waiting by the side, quite anxious.

After seventeen or eight minutes, I was a bit sleepy while sitting on the ground, and suddenly heard Qin Yiheng yell “Jiang Shuo”. I lifted my head and didn’t wait to ask him why, the eyes were white immediately-he suddenly lit the searchlight and shone on my eyes! Although this searchlight is not as good as a wolf-eye flashlight, it is **** bright enough.

Coupled with the fact that the room was already dark, such a sudden shot, I immediately felt dizzy, the sight was full of light, and I could not see anything.

I subconsciously scolded: “Qin Er, what the **** are you doing? I can’t see it anymore. Hurry up!”

Qin Yiheng didn’t answer me, but turned off the searchlight immediately. Originally, my eyes hadn’t slowed down yet, and it was dark again.

I rubbed my eyes, and the bright light stimulated me to shed a lot of tears, but I couldn’t see anything clearly.

I shouted “Qin Yiheng” again, he still didn’t respond, but suddenly there was a “pop” sound of water in the direction of the bathing pool. It started clattering.

I said to my heart, broken, shit, won’t the things in the pool come out?

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