Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v2 Chapter 48 - Jiang, one brutal point

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I had a lot of sweat in my palm. Just now he came over, I thought it was a sudden attack on me again, and my muscles have been stretched.

When he went out, I began to figure out what he meant.

Is this house okay? What does it mean to call us all?

Xu Chuanxiang also heard the conversation between us and asked me next. I ignored him and chased the man out and asked him, “Why would the man die if there is no problem with the house?”

I regretted it as soon as I spoke. I was also anxious for a moment, and the voice was very loud. I am afraid that everyone else in the house would hear it.

I saw that it was n’t hiding, so I just asked again, “Why are you telling me this?”

The man had already reached the stairway, and when he heard me, he folded back and dragged my clothes, dragged me directly downstairs, scolded, and whispered, “You don’t want to **** Alive, they want to make this house a haunted house! These people know it all, so who the **** are they quietly choosing to start with, you have taken the initiative to stand up! “

I said to myself, it’s over, and I was spotted with me early in the morning?

But I thought it was wrong to think about it. Ordinarily killing a living person, using alchemy is better than using violence directly, so I asked him, how do these people do it?

The man said two words disdainfully: “Crushed to death.”

To be honest, I heard it was crushing. I almost laughed, and a strange picture appeared in my head: the others in the room were stacked like pancakes, pressing me to the bottom.

This **** is not a cartoon, how is it possible?

However, this person’s serious look made me have to follow it seriously, so I asked him if he could be more elaborate, which I couldn’t understand.

He glanced at the stairs and said, everyone in the house now has one on his back, and when the time comes, all these things will run on a person’s back.

I looked at my shoulder subconsciously, there was nothing on it. However, he can say that he can say that the so-called pressing things must be invisible to the naked eye, otherwise I should have discovered them early in the morning. I reached out and touched my back, it was cold, and I didn’t know if it was due to cold sweat.

Now I was a little scared. After thinking about it, I felt that this person’s performance seems to have a solution. No matter what he said is true or false, I still believe it is safer, so I continue to ask: ” Do you have a solution? Otherwise, what about the one on your back? “

He listened and laughed happily. He told me that there were eight people in the house, and there were also eight things. However, he did not have them on his back. He said, pointing at me, there are two on your back!

If Xu Chuanxiang was still upstairs, I am afraid he would beat him. My personal safety can be abandoned, but after all, I brought him in. If Xu Chuanxiang was killed, I would be too human. Therefore, I am still very polite and ask him if he can give me some advice. I am afraid that he will not agree. I promised again.

There was no change in the man ’s expression, saying, “Did your friend already point you?”

Only then did I understand the meaning of Qin Yiheng’s note. If you want me to be cruel, do you want to start first? He knows me very well. Even after so many years of social experience, my heart is still quite soft. But even if I did something harmful, I don’t know where to start now. I wanted to ask the man again, without waiting, I heard Xu Chuanxiang upstairs suddenly shouting: “Boss Jiang is coming up! The one who is going down with you is not a person! He wants a substitute! He wants a substitute!”

My head immediately buzzed and took a big step back instinctively. Damn, this is filthy? !

At this time, the two of us on the first floor were empty and dark, which was disturbing at first. Reminiscent of the person just now, it was indeed not normal.

I stepped back several times in a row, and then stopped at the back of the stairs to the handrail of the stairs. I turned around and wanted to run upstairs.

The man didn’t chase it, he just said a word in the back. Go up and see who is looking for a substitute.

His words stopped me, in the middle of the stairs, neither up nor down. After experiencing so many houses, I think my biggest growth is not the courage, but in the same panic, my mind is getting calmer.

The time was short, and I thought about it quickly. Although this person said something very weird, but I just had physical contact with me just now, and it didn’t seem like a filth.

Besides, I listened to the upstairs. After Xu Chuanxiang shouted that just now, there was no other movement, which had to be suspicious.

When the man saw me stop, he chased it again and said, “Do you know why your friend made you cruel? If you are not cruel, others will be cruel to you.”

I hesitated even more and thought about it. If what this person says is true, then the best thing in this house is me.

If Xu Chuanxiang really calculated me for self-preservation, this is not impossible. Although our relationship is not employment, it is only based on money.

I listened again, and the strange thing was that it was unusually quiet upstairs. I guess it is likely that Xu Chuanxiang has been controlled by others.

So I had to walk back, but still kept a two-step distance from the man.

The man didn’t mind, touched it from his arms, took out an object, and put two breaths in his mouth. This black gourmand can’t see what it is. Anyway, the things are not big. I guess it should be a snuff bottle or even suspect that this person is taking drugs.

However, after he finished blowing, the cat lowered the object and opened it, as if something was released from the ground.

I was curious. I couldn’t help but took a step closer to see it, but I still couldn’t see it. I didn’t ask his permission, I just opened my phone and took a photo.

It was only after this photo that the ground was a living creature, which should be a grasshopper or an insect like a grasshopper.

However, as long as it is much larger than its counterparts, it climbs east and west on the ground for a while, and then stays still. It is not known whether it is because of the instinctive reaction after being exposed to light.

The man squatted down and told me that it was not yet time for us to go up. When we saw this bug running upstairs, we could move.

Listening to his tone now, it feels less disgusting.

I nodded and asked him, “What is this for?”

He drew a “hush” gesture, and warned me not to blow the bug, saying that this thing was told to me and I couldn’t understand it.

However, if I believe in him, I will listen to him, otherwise he will go to the upstairs to die, and he will not stop.

I was quite worried about Xu Chuanxiang, but he said everything about it. Although I couldn’t bear it, I still gritted my teeth.

The house was as quiet as the two of us. When he spoke, his voice was deliberately quiet, so I didn’t dare to speak loudly. The two stared at the bug and muttered for a long time.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, I took the opportunity to ask him if he wanted to see someone in the house and why the note was sent wrong.

He regained a very beating expression and said, “Are you stupid? Didn’t you tell them that they sent it wrong? In order to let me know that you are among these people too, so **** let me Get rid of you! If I hadn’t met that person, you **** would have died! “

He said that I had to take a step back, and said, shit, this man is like a man who knows alchemy, saying that it is my letter on the mixed roads. After thinking for a while, he seems to have communicated with me since entering the house, and I haven’t seen him meet anyone.

Although still curious, I did not dare to ask. Regardless of whether it is true or not, you have to count on him.

It takes time to make people want to smoke, but I worry that the smoke will smoke the bug, so I have to endure it.

——————– Great dividing line ————————– –

I finished torturing my editor. Under the torture of chilli water and fried chicken, my editor told me everything he knew. Let me explain to you now:

(Cough, great enough to make him want to hit him. Twenty-three teacher pretended to clear his throat)

There are two types of tickets under the cover of the book, called anticipation and recommendation.

Looking forward to the ticket, everyone has one for each book every day. The more votes, the more cover of my book will be flooded. If I do n’t renew, I will be drowned by everyone … The only way to save myself is to renew. When I renew, the ticket will be cleared. The water will also disappear. So this is a war, either you drowned me, or I use the update to prevent the water from flooding the Jinshan.

“One millennium waits for a change, the water of the West Lake, my tears …” Well, this idea of ​​grinding iron must have come from the White Snake Biography!

The other kind of ticket is a recommendation ticket. As the name suggests, the vote means that you have to recommend this book to everyone. Everyone has one vote per day by default; recharge users, who have less than ten yuan, have two votes per day; users who recharge more than ten yuan have three votes per day; and then add this iron grinding vip system, vip level, add to this rule For one vote and two for VIP, two votes are added.

For example, if you are VIP level 2, then you must be a user who recharges more than ten yuan, that is, 3 + 2 = 5, with five votes! Do you understand?

Wow ha ha ha, I am really a genius, I can understand such a complicated thing, and explain it so easily!

(Here, Fan Taixian, the editor in charge of Twenty-three, is crying wildly: “Don’t listen to him, he is a big lazy, and the explanations are all written by me … I wrote it …”

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