Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v2 Chapter 53 - Skyworm

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Our room is next door. Entering the room, we sat on a bed. I lit a cigarette and waited for Qin Yiheng to speak.

I guess he had trouble understanding what he said, and he deliberately opened the can of Red Bull.

Qin Yiheng sighed and asked, “Where do you want me to start?”

I said, “Let’s go farther and say the thing about the nearest bathing center. Where did you go later that night?”

Qin Yiheng said with a surprised expression, and asked, “Did you see me in the bathing center?”

I immediately got angry and really wanted to throw the cigarette butts over. I said, “Can you **** your grandson with garlic and be dedicated ?!”

He comforted me and said, “Don’t be excited. It’s really hard to say anything in between. But if you really see me, then you must be a hell.”

If this **** is in the comics, my head will definitely be suffocating, but seeing Qin Yiheng’s tone is calm, I am still afraid of blaming him wrong, so I have to be patient and let him continue talking.

Qin Yiheng posted it mysteriously and said, “Bai Kai is unfathomable. You have to be careful. I think he may have come to replace Yuan Zhen and have to defend.”

This time I couldn’t help it anymore, even if what he said was true, I didn’t even bother to listen to it-this was obviously interrupting.

I stood up, nodded at Qin Yiheng, turned around and wanted to throw the door away.

Suddenly, I heard that the wall of the room was thrashed several times, and the sound should be the room that was opened next door.

Qin Yiheng and I were a little stunned. Is this **** going to break through the wall or what? Such a big movement, Bai Kai was hit with his body? Want to commit suicide by hitting a wall with alcohol?

Before I thought about it, Qin Yiheng shouted, “No, Bai Kai is going to have an accident!” He opened the door and rushed out!

I hurried to follow, but Qin Yiheng did not stop in front of the white door, but ran straight out of the corridor, and it was instantly gone.

This time I was awkward. Standing outside the Baikai door, the movement inside was more real, and the sound was endless.

It’s too late to chase Qin Yiheng. I had to knock on the door that was opened.

Someone knocked on the door and the sound inside stopped. After two seconds of waiting, the door opened, and I was dragged in by a sudden opening. Without waiting for me to speak out, he immediately whispered to warn me: “Don’t move, Qin Yiheng has a problem. I can prove it to you if you don’t believe me.”

In this way, both times have caught up with spy wars. I nodded and sat down. In fact, I have no interest in what Bai Kai said. I just feel a bit sad that Qin Yiheng can still play like this.

In the past few years, I have seen too many people who have cheated for the sake of money. I did not expect my business to be the last, and I did not know how to get to this point.

Bai Kai opened to me, and lifted the quilt piled on the bed, with the small object he was holding the grasshopper in the center of the bed.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, the grasshopper cried out slowly, but the sound was not loud. It was estimated that he had been covering it just now, a little weak.

I asked Bai Kai: “What do you mean?”

He put the grasshopper back in his arms and said, “Do you know how hard I tried to save you? The grasshopper started to cry just now. I’m afraid I will be heard by you. I can only beat the wall to cover the sound. . “

I took a closer look, and sure enough, Bai Kai’s hand seemed to be swollen. I was even weirder and asked, “What do you mean by this grasshopper call?”

Bai Bai smiled and said, “If it weren’t for me, I guess you wouldn’t see it in your life. This is called” Tianga “, but it was for the emperor in the early years!”

It is estimated that I was confused, and he continued to explain briefly to me. Bai Kai speaks easily with dirty words, which makes people feel uncomfortable, but generally I understand.

This “Sky Grasshopper”, to put it bluntly, is the head of a group of Grasshoppers. Only the Grasshopper called, and other Grasshoppers dare to call. Strictly speaking, “Tiangao” is not just as simple as its head, and its ability is not limited to taking the lead. It is said in plain words-“This thing is a **** god!”

In the early years, especially during the prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a tradition called Wan Lai Lai Chao. The word “蝈” is also the common word “国”, which means that before the emperor’s first visit to the Taihe Hall in the New Year’s Day on the New Year’s Day, thousands of grasshoppers will be placed in the entire hall. I do n’t know if there are 10,000 of them. The number is very impressive anyway. Then waiting for the moment when the emperor stepped into the Taihe Temple, the eunuchs had to find a way to make all the grasshoppers call together to pay their respects to the emperor.

This may sound simple, but it is very difficult to operate in practice. First of all, on New Year ’s Day is a cold winter, it is not easy for the insects such as grasshoppers to survive and breed; secondly, it is also very particular to achieve when to mangle them artificially. It is said that by using the temperature change, the stove is lit in the hall. As soon as the temperature rises, the grasshopper will naturally call. It can be said in plain language that in fact this is just the surface, and the real mystery is all on this skyhopper.

There is only one way to make Tiangao tweet-Tiangao only calls when he is fighting for food. In legend, this day grasshopper only eats one thing, that is a ghost.

In old prisons, there will be an unwritten tradition. Some prisoners cannot pass the New Year, and must be killed before the New Year ’s Eve. On the surface, this is because of the fear of delaying the age and making these people miss the road. In fact, in secret, the soul of these people after death has become a good meal for Tiangao.

Legend has it that when these prisoners were killed, they had to cut their tongues, cover their eyes, and fill their mouths and **** with red paper. This is because, first of all, this is a terrible work. The eunuchs also have concerns when doing this. I am afraid that there will be some negligence. After the prisoner dies, he will report it to Lord Yan. This is of course only a worry out of thin air. And blindfolding is also because the prisoners are not allowed to see who instructed or executed, I am afraid they will be entangled in revenge in the future. This is also very similar to the execution of death penalty in modern times, and it is also a reason to be blindfolded.

And stuffed with red paper is to hope that the prisoner’s last breath is blocked by red paper. Then on the day of the New Year’s Day, the eunuchs burned the red paper in the stove, and the prisoner’s last breath was really spit out. When Tiangao smelled the filthy smell, he naturally began to take the lead in screaming.

Although Bai Kai didn’t speak as vividly as Qin Yiheng, he still has at least his real skills. After listening, I was taken aback. So, did the grasshopper call ghost?

Mean Qin Yiheng is dirty?

But I didn’t really see where he had a problem along the way, so I asked Bai Kai: “You grasshopper didn’t call along the way, why did you suddenly call now?”

Bai Kai said: “I said brother, do you think I lied to you? Before it was sleeping, just woke up.”

I pondered a bit, but I couldn’t believe it all. Just now he was apparently pretending to be drunk, and besides, there was so much filth in that house, and he didn’t hear anything from him. Perhaps Qin Yiheng suddenly discovered something, or was led by Bai Kai Design.

I looked at Bai Kai, his expression didn’t seem to be lying. I sat on the chair, and continued to talk to Bai Kai here, where I kept watching the movement outside the door. Based on my understanding of Qin Yiheng, I should be able to hear what he said.

Bai Kai also sat across from me. This scene is the same as that of Qin Yiheng and I.

He seemed to organize the language again, and suddenly said, “Well, I will tell you something, just when I return the betrayal of you in the house. As for you, believe it or not.

When I heard it, I was a little bit excited. Anyway, regardless of whether it was true or false, I listened and said it first.

Bai Kaidao: “I know that you have partnered with Qin Yiheng for such a long time. Have you noticed a problem, why did he have to take you?”

I ’m very upset, shit, is n’t this talking about my waste wood? In our business, it seems that I just drafted a contract and estimated the price of housing as simple as that, but it also requires a very high professional quality. Moreover, how many times did I sell my life to Qin Yiheng.

I asked him: “Do you mean Qin Yiheng can still find someone else to cooperate?”

Bai Kai nodded and said, “Don’t you ever think about it? Qin Yiheng is a hard-to-find master when you get a lot of people like you.”

I was asked to be a little guilty, and I thought about it a bit. Qin Yiheng and I are also old friends. He does n’t look like a man who loves money either. Is he pitiful? Want to help me?

Bai Kai smiled meaningfully and said, “Because you are Qin Yiheng.”

I was confused and asked what Bai Kai meant. He asked me to think about it first, otherwise he told me, and I might not be able to accept it.

I thought about it and thought, is this an anagram? According to what Qin Yiheng said in the bathing center that night, I am afraid there is really a mystery in it.

After thinking for about a few minutes, I went through the details of the bathing center that night, but I still had no idea.

Plus the white grasshopper didn’t know what happened. At this time, I was getting more and more screaming and I was upset. I had to wave my hand away and said, “I can’t think of anything.”

Bai Kai nodded and poured me a glass of water. I took a sip and suddenly found a problem–

I just said that the grasshopper only calls when it feels filthy, but now Qin Yiheng has run away. How come the sound of the grasshopper has never stopped?

I’m sweating a little bit, shit, am I lucky? Is it dirty to co-operate with white?

I looked at Bai Kai, his expression didn’t change much. I had another guess-would n’t he be holding me on purpose now? Otherwise, as for selling such a thing?

I had to raise my vigilance, and people moved away, asking Bai Kai: “Why are you still calling the grasshopper?” The tone tried to be as casual as possible.

Bai Kai actually walked up to me and said, “If it doesn’t call, I’m afraid it’s the real accident.” Then, he continued with a very mysterious expression, “And, listen, It ’s called not because it discovered what it ate, but because of fear. “

He was almost by my ear when he said this, and the sound of grasshoppers was also close, and I was upset.

I simply stood up and walked around the house for a few steps. By the way, I should consider whether I should stay here. In the end I decided to stay. Since Qin Yiheng did n’t tell me, I really need to listen to Bai Kai.

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