Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v4 Chapter 51 - stairs

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At a glance, my eyes were blocked by dense trunks, and I saw nothing.

There was a little hair in my heart. This Yinhe is a legendary thing, now we have found it. I don’t know how many people would believe it when I talked about this experience with others in the future.

follow me. Wan Jinrong walked forward without looking back.

We walked for another fifty meters or so, we finally got out of the woods, and our eyes widened at once. We are standing on a natural river bank almost two meters high.

In front of us is the endless water, the water surface is calm like a mirror, and no waves can be seen. You ca n’t even determine if it ’s flowing.

My heart beat to my throat, this shock has nothing to do with Yinhe.

I have never seen such a vast water area, and to say something shameful, I even have an urge to kneel.

This piece of water permeates a kind of oppressive majesty, which is completely different from the sea.

Looking left and right, there is nothing over the river bank, and no head can be seen.

I can’t even estimate how long and wide this river is. The only thought in my mind is that I never want to see this river again in my life.

It took me a while to say a word, is this Yinhe?

Wan Jinrong nodded with a smile, the first time I saw it was like you, don’t worry too much. Mortals are destined to be small.

Wan Jinrong leaned down and pointed in the direction of the other side of the river. There was the place we were going to. If I did n’t go today, I would go sooner or later.

I followed his fingers, except for water, I could only see the water.

It was dark at this time, but the visibility was surprisingly good. Strangely, not only can’t see the moonlight in the sky, there is not even a star. Let me doubt that this river will shine by itself. It’s just that this kind of light is special and will not be noticeable.

I took a deep breath, and the air didn’t have any taste that was peculiar to the water.

I said, then we are going to cross the river now? Are you looking for a ferry?

No, we can only walk along the river. Remember, stay away from the river. No one can save you if you fall.

Wan Jinrong tried a few times on the ground with his feet. The soil was strong, and he started to move towards the side.

I walked more cautiously in the back, and I suddenly remembered a sentence, saying, often, there is no wet shoes standing by the river. Thinking of this sentence now is scarier than the river of his mother.

This walk completely ignores the time. From time to time, I stop to look around. There is only one way to go along the river bank anyway, so I’m not afraid of losing it.

I never saw anything special, but found that the water was not only infinitely long, but even the wood on the other side could not be seen.

This can explain why there are signs in the woods. If such a large wood, if people get lost in it, they are basically dead.

Wan Jinrong has never meant to stop and rest. People have come to a point of exhaustion.

I seemed to see some light on the other side of the river.

The light was very vague, and it was impossible to judge what was coming out. But from the distance analysis, it must be a lot of light.

I photographed Wan Jinrong Road, you see there is light across. Someone is setting fire?

No. Wan Jinrong didn’t reply, you forgot what this river is? Opposite is the legendary hell, of course there will be lights.

My mouth is wide open. Hades? What does **** look like? It suddenly looks almost like looking at the city at night. Co-authoring here at midnight is also flamboyant? Everyone’s male ghosts and female ghosts live a happy nightlife?

I said, there is a city over there?

Wan Jinrong suddenly turned around, now is not the time for curiosity. We are coming.

He turned his shoulders, and I saw a strange building in the woods on the front right.

The building is tens of meters high and dark gray throughout. It just happens to be integrated with the surrounding colors, it is difficult to find if it is not approaching.

I never thought there would be such a tall building in such a place. And this building is surprisingly thin, like an unusually high lighthouse or monument, I don’t know what it will look like.

I looked up and my neck was sore.

Turning over the river and the sea in my heart, everything in front of me is obviously beyond my original worldview. Even though I have seen so many things that subvert the world view, I still will be amazed when I see this building.

Wan Jinrong patted me, meaning to continue walking.

Every time I take a step towards that building, my heartbeat seems to speed up a bit. I don’t know where this tension comes from.

I wonder whether people or ghosts should choose to live in this place. If there is really anything in it, will it welcome us two uninvited guests?

Soon, the two went under the building.

From this position, the whole building looks more majestic and majestic. I can’t see any brick joints on the outer wall, and I don’t know whether it was painted with a layer of outer wall paint, or whether this thing is not a brick barrier.

Turning a corner along the wall, I saw a dark door.

The door should be wooden. There were no patterns or handrails on the door. Wan Jinrong gently pushed it with both hands. The door opened slowly as if it were opened by itself. There was only a dark inside, and a damp smell.

Wan Jinrong rubbed his hands and rushed at me, don’t look back when walking up. No matter what you feel behind.

I nodded and reached for my phone photo. Was held by Wan Jinrong, there must be no light, remember, this place is taboo.

Before I understood him, he had already gone inside.

I could hear the creaking sound of his foot on the wooden floor and quickly followed.

As soon as people enter the building, the damp smell becomes more apparent. I can already feel that the taste is the same as the mud found in that box. Unconsciously, he covered his mouth and nose and tried to find a place to help with the other hand.

Because the area of ​​the whole building is so small, Wan Jinrong walked back a few steps and reminded me that there was a staircase.

I tentatively stepped up with my feet. The feeling from the bottom of my feet made me feel a little uneasy. The staircase is also wooden, but obviously the wood is already rotten. I’m afraid I don’t know which foot will step on. Fortunately, Wan Jinrong walked in front of me. I couldn’t help but beware. If he stepped on the air, don’t be taken down.

Originally, I had no strength, and I only climbed the stairs to know. The challenge has just begun.

The building itself is very tall, and each staircase is steep. After crawling for about a few dozen knots, my legs were sore that I couldn’t lift it.

Wan Jinrong’s physical strength is surprising, and he didn’t mean to accommodate me.

He had to bite his teeth and followed, and the sweat on his forehead began to fall.

After another walk, suddenly Wan Jinrong stopped. I thought we had climbed to the apex of the building, but the black ones couldn’t help but see nothing in front of him.

I said, why don’t you go? Here we are?

Hush. Wan Jinrong said quietly, do you feel the stairs are shaking?

I just reacted violently. I had been moving before and couldn’t even notice. Now that I stopped, I discovered that the stairs were shaking regularly. This clearly tells us that we are not alone on the stairs now.

I raised my ears to listen, and I didn’t hear footsteps or the creaking noise of the wooden stairs.

Presumably the other party is still far away from us.

How to do? I quietly asked Wan Jinrong.

Let’s hurry up, Wan Jinrong dragged me and said, you better hold on, otherwise I had to kick you down and delay the time.

I was about to speak, and suddenly felt that the vibration of the stairs increased significantly. And the frequency started to get messy.

There are only two possibilities.

One, the other party speeded up. Second, there are more people on the stairs.

Either way, it ’s not good news for us.

Wan Jinrong continued to walk up without looking back, striding faster and faster.

All my energy for feeding has been used, so I can barely keep up with him.

Such a walk is no longer a simple physical test, it is a struggle in will.

Later, I had been relying on inertia to climb the stairs, and my legs had long been unconscious.

Finally, when I reached the limit, we stopped again, this time really reached the apex of the building, there was no stairs in front, but a door.

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