Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v4 Chapter 67 - Billiard hall

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Without waiting for me to speak, the boss cried again, his voice exhausted.

This time I didn’t stop him, a man in his forties or forties, rarely had a chance to cry. This human heart is full of flesh, and there is such a good master who should cry.

Now that things are completely clear, the subsequent ending will not require me to blend in. I waited for the boss to sort out his emotions and then drafted the contract with him. This boss is really a real person. He said that the price I gave was too high. He wanted me to make more money. As a result, the two of them had been in a hurry for a long time before finally signing the contract. I couldn’t help but want to laugh, as long as all businesses can do so.

After so much trouble, everyone was tired. We first sent the boss back, and the three talents found a place to settle down.

That Huang Daxian Qin Yiheng did not seem to want to stay, wrapped in a piece of black cloth and carried it with him, until it was opened in the hotel room, saying that Huang Daxian saw the light.

I was curious before, how did Qin Yiheng know the origin of Huang Daxian. At this time, when he finally had time to ask, he took my hand and put it on Huang Daxian.

At first, I was a little nervous. For me, I couldn’t accept this big piece of gold. It turned out to be a living thing. When I touched it for a while, I was relieved when I saw nothing unusual.

Qin Yiheng said, Jiang Shuo, you feel it. Wong Tai Sin can speak. All I know is what it tells me.

I raised my ears and listened for a long while without any movement. The heart said that my way is not enough? Or was it in the middle of the night, Wong Tai Sin was asleep? I just turned my head to show that I didn’t hear anything, and suddenly I felt something in my palm seemed to be pushed by something. Then, inexplicably, two words came out of his head, spared his life.

This feeling is very subtle and difficult to describe. I am not sure if these two words came out of my own, or if this Huang Daxian is really talking to me. I want to continue to feel it, but I never feel anything in my palm again.

I was amazed for a long while before telling Qin Yiheng, I seemed to hear that it told me to be fatal. what’s up?

Oh? Qin Yiheng looked at me and said nothing. Bai Kai laughed next to him. This is the time to eat supper. I’m afraid you might stew it. Hurry to sleep and get enough energy, you have to move tomorrow.

I was rushed to bed by Bai Kai, but I haven’t fallen asleep for a long time. Two words have been repeated in my mind all the time.

I said to myself, will Bai Kai and Qin Yiheng prepare to get rid of Huang Daxian tomorrow? Once and for all? This Wong Tai Sin knew that I would not participate, and wanted me to save him?

Do you still want to express something else?

I thought for a long time, no clue. At first glance, it was almost dawn, and I hurried to sleep.

It didn’t take long for this sleep to wake me up in the morning. I didn’t care about eating. When I left the hotel door, I saw a big truck parked in the courtyard. This kind of truck is very common on weekdays, but this one has been arranged in advance. The entire body of the car was covered with a black cloth cover, and Meng Yi looked a bit like the rhythm of pulling paper carts and horses.

Bai Kai asked me to sit in the co-pilot and entered the car alone. After patting the car, Qin Yiheng drove the car and went straight to the dumpling house.

Because there is no meal, there are not many people on this food street. We walked directly from the back to the dumpling place to unload the goods. The boss seemed to have been waiting for a long time and was standing on the roadside smoking.

I saw Bai driving off the car from the rearview mirror and said a few words to the boss. Following the two, they sneaked into the dumpling house.

After waiting a long time this time, I was almost asleep. Suddenly felt a slight vibration of the body, it seems that some goods have been moved up. I was wondering what it was, and it was passed over with a sense of vibration, and a strong anger squeezed through the window. I suddenly realized that it seemed that we were all weasels.

I don’t plan to get off the car anymore. I don’t want to smell that taste in my life.

I saw that Qin Yiheng was holding Huang Daxian at this time, and his hands were touching slightly. It looks like the old lady holding a Jingba.

I rolled the car window and squinted. When Qin Yiheng wakes me up, everything is done.

The car started again and drove straight to the suburbs.

I looked at the posture and estimated that I was going to be released. This time I came here, and I didn’t go shopping. Quandang was traveling.

The scenery on the road is not bad, but the car never stops. We stopped when we drove to a place that was truly backcountry.

Bai Kai knocked on the car window and asked me to throw him a cigarette. I saw him dirty all over, and he didn’t dare to reach out.

Bai Kai scolded, Mom’s lack of conscience, drastically damaged his conscience, watch out for the death of Huang Jun! With a wave of his hand, we saw a weasel approaching the door!

My heart said that this is really Huang Jun! Bai Kai’s ability to manipulate things is really unfathomable. It’s really blind to not train the beast at the circus.

I just wanted to get out of the car and handed over the cigarettes. Suddenly I saw the weasel kneeling down in unison. The posture was similar to what I saw in the cave at that time, but I did n’t know if it was my psychological role.

They are saying goodbye. Qin Yiheng explained slowly, don’t be nervous, come, smile, wave.

I hurried to do it, Qin Yiheng got out of the car, holding Huang Daxian in his hand, and placed it solemnly on the ground. The weasels slowly surrounded them. Turning around in circles, after more than ten minutes, I suddenly heard a whistle from Bai Kai. Those weasels hurried away and ran into the field and disappeared.

I sighed for a long time. I released so many weasel at once, and I don’t know if this farmer would be mad by the scourge.

But I don’t care about others anymore. The house was solved this time, and I was very happy after all.

Without going into details on the way back, we met the boss again. The boss specially showed us a few hands and made a table specialty. We are so hungry that we have nothing left to eat. I am no longer worried about this boss in the future, regardless of whether Huang Daxian is blessed, with this skill, I will never be hungry.

This time I came out to run two houses, and I was comfortable. Qin Yiheng said that Huang Daxian was not easy to stay outside for a long time. The three had no choice but to break up on the spot. I went home and rested for a few days, and the business kept coming to the door. I selected a few of them to discuss with them, and finally chose a house with the highest relative profit. So we set off again.

This time the house is a billiard hall, because I have n’t visited the site yet and I ’m not sure what it looks like. However, the billiard hall is basically the same regardless of the type or interior decoration, so there is nothing to worry about. Through the last dumpling restaurant, I gradually let go. I felt that there are some houses in commercial buildings with a very high return rate, so I decided to let go and try more water.

The location of the billiard hall is in Chengdu. It is said that it is relatively high-end in the local area, but the price is very low, and there is room for price reduction in the middle.

Before I went, I checked the location on the map. Even if this stadium is received and re-planned, it is ideal to open a restaurant. Basically make a profit without compensation.

But low prices are definitely accompanied by high risks. What’s inside is still worth mentioning.

The people over there said that the business of the stadium was still very prosperous earlier, but then the boss seemed to provoke someone, and the other party used the means to rectify him, causing the business to collapse. Whether the method described here is open or secret, it is definitely not a commercial competition. Bacheng has something to do with metaphysical alchemy. Although the boss doesn’t have the ability to master the sky, he has been in the mall for so many years and he knows what direction he should work hard. So looking for the so-called expert, this matter has evolved into a fight.

Specifically, who did the master fight against, and how did he fight? It’s not clear over there.

I just knew that the seniors were carrying luggage to the billiard hall for three days, but they were carried out on the fourth day. Although they were not dead, they were also hit hard. The owner of the billiard hall did not solve the problem and filled in the medical expenses. This billiard hall can’t really be opened.

But anyone who spreads this matter in his heart will also be in a panic, so the boss let out the words, who can solve this matter, even if he can find the original mastermind, the billiard hall is free of charge, in order to fight This breath!

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