Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v4 Chapter 72 - Lights up

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I couldn’t help but take a flashlight to take photos of the wreckage again. This time I had a subjective association, and when I saw the vague look of a ship.

What puzzles me is how did this ferry ship get in? Who brought it in again?

Obviously, such a large object cannot get in through a window or a door. Moreover, this ferry boat has been broken up to look like this. Obviously, it will not be disassembled, transported in and reassembled.

I looked around, I am afraid the only reasonable explanation is that the ferry was put in before the house was capped.

In that case, is it related to the developer of this building?

I thought about it and asked, do we have to check the developer of this building? Will it also be HTC Group?

Yeah, Xiao Que, you have finally lived up to our uncle Bai ’s painstaking cultivation. Such a big thing really ca n’t hide people ’s eyes and ears. Even if you move it, you have to leave some clues or something. Let ’s go around and inquire. Bai Kai said suddenly, I depend, my **** of idiom! Tell me out loud! Laozi, is this an export!

I didn’t answer the call and turned my face to hear Qin Yiheng’s meaning.

He seemed to be contemplating for a long time without looking up. I shot him, and he said, not necessarily. Jiang Shuo, did you forget? The closet in my house and the internal corporate journals in your house.

I screamed and suddenly understood what he meant. Did this ferry appear here out of thin air?

I saw Qin Yiheng just now. Obviously, this thing is a real thing, not a blind eye. Mom has really invented a device like aerial transmission in this world? I do n’t rely on them to do something bad. Is this bad?

I lit a cigarette, anyway, I am clueless.

Seeing that the two of them could not come up with an idea for a short time, I simply continued to look around the house.

I just glanced briefly at it. This time I took a flashlight and looked at each statue along the wall. Sure enough, as I guessed before, these statues were not made at the same time, and they are very different in terms of shape, age, workmanship and even materials. I am not an expert in identification and cannot confirm whether these things are antiques. But I can be sure that these things are old objects. And every statue can vaguely smell the unique musty smell. It makes me suspect that these things have been salvaged from the Milky Way.

There are some figurines that should not be heavy. I can move alone. But to be cautious, I still didn’t get started. I can only try my best to look at the front of the statue from other angles. Most of these statues I see should be Buddha statues. Of course, I do n’t know much about Buddhism. I just feel like a statue. Counting it roughly, about forty or fifty statues, people who glanced at them looked dizzy.

After a round, I walked back to the ferry again.

Qin Yiheng and Bai Kai are sitting on the ground smoking. I asked a few words, Bai Kai just waved his hand and asked me not to blend in, and whispered to discuss with Qin Yiheng.

I can only sit next to it. I don’t know what bricks are on the ground, it’s very cold. I sat for a while and couldn’t help but get up.

After about ten more minutes, Qin Yiheng raised his head and said, Jiang Shuo, you go down first. We need to deal with something.

I didn’t even expect to wait for such a conclusion, and I felt a little unhappy. I haven’t waited for my refusal. Stay away.

After talking with Qin Yiheng, Qin Yiheng froze for a moment before nodding.

They are so cautious, I am afraid that the things to be done are still dangerous.

I had to step back a dozen steps and saw Bai Kai ok with me, and then stopped. Fortunately, this position is also very real.

However, I was glad for a long time, and Bai Kai called me to turn off the flashlight, and the flashlight that followed them instantly went out.

The room suddenly became dark, his eyes didn’t adjust to the darkness at all, and his fingers were completely out of reach.

I said to my heart, shit, you can’t see anything like that.

You can only stand up and listen.

After a while, a spot of light suddenly lit up between them.

It was Bai Kai holding a lighter. Following me, Qin Yiheng picked up something beside him and stretched out to make Bai Kai light up.

My heart suddenly jumped into my throat, Qin Yiheng was holding the oil lamp!

I remember that the oil lamp is the legendary person on Huangquan Road representing the sun. The lamp is on and the lamp is off. Now they light up a lamp that has been extinguished, is it possible that someone will die and resurrect?

This is the legendary return to the sun?

Just thinking, the light of the oil lamp dimmed again. There is a very special smell in the air. Very indescribable.

The two of them seemed reluctant and lit the oil lamp again. However, the oil lamp was still weak and wobbled, and it went out after a short while.

I heard Bai Kai scolding me for leaning, and the lighter lit up for the third time.

After this ignition, Qin Yiheng guarded the oil lamp more carefully. It’s like guarding against the wind that doesn’t exist in this room.

This time it really worked. The light was faint for a while, and it seemed to stabilize.

Qin Yiheng carefully held the lamp in his hand, and the person sat straight. Bai Kai stood up and held Qin Yiheng’s head.

This makes me very puzzled, thinking about it must give him a temperature test?

After thinking about it for a while, I understood that it was protecting Qin Yiheng’s Tianling Gai.

If this scene did not happen in this place, I am afraid it is still very warm. However, what I feel now is a burst of coldness. I don’t know if it is a psychological effect.

The two of them stayed motionless for a long time. It made me feel that time seemed to freeze.

Suddenly, Bai Kai took his hand away. The whole person stepped back quickly. Qin Yiheng slowly stood up and shone with the lamp in his hand.

At this time Qin Yiheng just turned his back to me, and I couldn’t see what he was photographing. He could only tell from his blurry silhouette that he was bending over.

I saw Bai Kai also standing far away, and couldn’t help but get away.

Sample, who the **** made you come? Bai Kai whispered, standing behind me, trying not to be illuminated by the oil lamp.

I looked at it, the oil lamp was too dim, and the edge of the light was at least two or three meters away from us. Just asked, is it still so far, afraid of a ball? Bai Kai, tell me, what are you doing?

Keep your eyes on the bright spots, don’t pull things around. Bai Kai pointed at his own eyes, looking at the shadow, shadow.

I just noticed the shadow around Qin Yiheng. The light was dim, but his shadow was unusually clear.

With the movement of his body, the shadow also wobbled from time to time. Qin Yiheng seemed to be looking at the statues one by one, slowly walking further and further along the wall.

Bai and I followed, keeping a relatively safe distance.

Knowing to look at the shadow, my attention is no longer on Qin Yiheng. The light shines on the statue, because it is too tight against the wall, the shadow is just nailed to the wall like a black cloth, and nothing can be seen. Qin Yiheng had to keep changing his position and let the shadow reflect from all directions.

After staring at it for a long while, it seemed to be found nothing. I gradually relaxed.

If you want to continue to set a blank statement. I remembered that the owner of the billiard hall gave me a pack of limited-edition cigarettes and wanted to take it out and give it a blank.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t wait for his hand to reach into his pocket, and suddenly grabbed my arm freely. I looked up and saw Bai Kai staring at Qin Yiheng in a stunned direction.

I followed his gaze and found nothing special at first. However, when I confirmed it, I was shocked.

It’s not that there are any changes and problems in the shadow, but we suddenly found a statue, not facing the wall, and I don’t know when it turned around quietly!

The statue in the house looked around when I opened it in white, and I checked it myself. All the statues are facing the wall!

Is there something in Mom’s house? Or are these statues alive at all?

I couldn’t help but look back, the statue behind me was not far from us. It’s just helpless to see nothing.

I asked Bai Kai in a low voice, what should I do? Is it necessary to remind Qin Yiheng?

Damn, bear with me first. Bai Kai gritted his teeth and said, if there is one thing, we can get it.

Speaking of people, he walked a few steps forward, closer to Qin Yiheng.

I naturally dare not be behind, and look at the past again. Qin Yiheng has discovered that the statue is not right, and is using the oil lamp to sway in front of the statue. Shaking, I don’t know why Qin Yiheng’s hand stretched out, and put it on the shoulder of the statue.

The statue is a little taller than Qin Yiheng. Among all the statues, it is a medium size.

I want to recall what kind of statue it is, but I can’t remember it. At this moment, I suddenly saw Qin Yiheng exert his strength and turned the statue directly to the ground! Make a loud noise!

Missing! Hold your breath! Bai Kai shouted, and the man ran to it.

I didn’t have time to respond to this series of things, and I could only hold my breath instinctively. I saw the oil lamp in Qin Yiheng’s hand, and suddenly got up with a sudden, the flame was ten centimeters high! I don’t know what the reason is!

However, all this did not end. From the moment the fire lit, more and more statues in the house fell down.

From their side, continue in my direction.

Bai Kaiyan hurriedly supported one nearby, the statue was large, and Bai Kai was obviously struggling.

At this time, I couldn’t think of anything else in my head, and the human instinct rushed past. Anyway, the statues in the house are falling down, and they are the same everywhere they hide.

When the man just ran to the front, he saw that Qin Yiheng had put the oil lamp on the ground and went to help Bai Bai.

Through the light of the oil lamp, I saw this is a solid wood statue. People just reached out to help, and suddenly I was stunned.

The oil lamp was behind me now, and my shadow was clearly reflected in front of my eyes. I suddenly saw it. At this time, my shadow is not like mine at all, which is not the shape of a person at all.

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