Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v5 Chapter 9 - tunnel

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I have no retreat, and Daoshan Huohai can only gritt his teeth. Full text reading of the latest chapter

Those corpses are not too slow or slow, as if I expected I would not run away, waiting for the prey to be delivered to my mouth. Just looked at me blankly.

However, this expressionless face is more scary than the so-called grimace.

All I could use to fight back at this time was only a mouthful of blood.

I don’t know if it’s useful. I held my breath and sprayed my nearest corpse, hitting his face sporadically.

When I looked at my heart, I was completely cold. My mother didn’t respond at all.

“Don’t care about the others, climb up. You have the key on them, they can’t move you!” Wan Jinrong shook the rope and urged.

As soon as I heard it, I climbed up a bit harder.

The face of the corpse was already in sight.

Sure enough, as Wan Jinrong said, I was almost face to face with the body.

The other party didn’t mean to attack me at all. My heart said, this key is so god? Can ward off evil? Or is the body in this house guarding something? Only the person with the key will not be attacked? This key is equivalent to the password to cancel the alarm? So what are they protecting?

I think so, people have almost reached the top.

During this time, I passed countless corpses, and my heart was hanging, and I found that it was really safe and sound. I also relaxed. Just restrain yourself from looking at the corpses, otherwise you will feel chilly.

The top of the rope is also a wardrobe, no different from other wardrobes.

With my last effort, I grabbed the lower edge of the closet, shouted, and turned in.

Only then did I find that there are no holes in this wardrobe.

In front of me was a small tunnel with no head in sight.

I even more determined what big secret must be hidden in this house, this arrangement is obviously anti-theft measures. There are so many wardrobes in the whole house. If it is not Wan Jinrong, I think I will never find this passage hidden behind the wardrobe door.

I sat on the floor and took a few breaths, but I knew I couldn’t hold on for too long. Reading the full text of the latest chapter, I saw that the following Qin Yiheng and Bai Kai were still circling the corpse, as if they were almost exhausted.

I had to get up and light up the flashlight. Climb deep into this tunnel.

The length, width and height of the tunnel are consistent with the wardrobe. It’s not too uncomfortable to walk inside though it’s rigid.

It’s just that my hands and feet are soft now, and I have to use both hands and feet to move forward.

It didn’t take long to climb, I heard the sound of someone behind me, turned around and saw Wan Jinrong also entered the tunnel. Pointing forward with the chin, motioned me to continue climbing.

I said, what exactly is here? You can tell me now, the door is guarded by you, and I have no chance to repent.

“It’s a secret you never knew. Today I will reveal it to you.”

Wan Jinrong approached me a few steps, dragged me from the ground, and drove me forward with my shoulders.

“You save a lot of energy, there is a time when you want to kneel.”

This tunnel is longer than I thought. I judged it according to the area of ​​the house. The maximum length of the tunnel is ten meters. Otherwise we have already walked outside the house.

However, when I walked, I realized that this whole place cannot be judged by common sense. I do n’t know how long we have been walking, but what is certain is that we must have walked out of the house. I can’t help but think of the corridor on the Yin River, which also has such a common sense. I cannot help but underestimate whether this tunnel is a strange air corridor? Without any support, like floating in the air. Completely violated the laws of physics and architecture?

Maybe the brain is a little chaotic when we are exhausted, and I unknowingly think a little bit.

Later, I walked more and more staggered, almost relying on Wan Jinrong to drag me forward.

Finally at the end of the corridor, we saw a door.

I felt very familiar with this door at first glance. I was even more convinced that this house must be related to Yinhe.

Because this is the door to Huangquan Road that I have seen on top of the building by the Yin River.

Whether it is modeling or repairing after damage, it is almost the same as a model.

It’s just that things have passed for so long, and I can’t tell whether there is a deviation in the memory, but at least this door is too similar to the one by the Yin River.

Wan Jinrong leaned me against the wall and pushed open the door carefully.

I was ready to see countless oil lamps, but after the door opened, I found that it was dark.

Wan Jinrong took my flashlight and took it in.

I saw another deeper and darker tunnel. The only difference was that there was a large iron chain with the thickness of an adult arm on the ground of the tunnel. The chain did not rust, and there was a strange reflection under the flashlight.

“We are coming” Wan Jinrong supported me again, Jiang Shuo, I know you don’t think I’m a good person. But you also need to know that there is no absolute good person in this world.

I didn’t say anything. After sitting on the ground for a while, I recovered some strength.

I know it’s hard. I’m definitely not Wan Jinrong’s opponent. My life can be taken out, but what I have to consider now is how to save Qin Yiheng and Bai Kai.

“Now that you have arrived, you should remember what you promised. My two best friends are still below.”

I know that they will be safe immediately. Wan Jinrong made a please gesture, and I hope you will go for the last part.

I walked forward, and the tunnel inside was surprisingly cold. The unstoppable upper teeth beat the lower teeth.

I rubbed my hands and sighed, I couldn’t see the white mist.

The temperature inside is not too low, but the cold is like deep into the bone marrow.

Fortunately, this tunnel is very short. We only walked more than 100 meters, and we reached the end.

This time it appeared to be a well.

The iron chain also fell into the well. It’s like a well rope, but I don’t know what is tied to the other end.

Wan Jinrong handed me the flashlight and pulled up the iron chain himself.

The iron chain seemed to be very heavy, and the green bars on Wan Jinrong’s forehead had risen because of the force. The whole tunnel echoed with the clattering of the iron chain and the wellhead, which made people listen to their hair.

I looked at the well. The wellhead was made of metal. Look at the material should be the same as the iron chain. There was a pale cyan light.

There are no patterns and carvings on the top, and it looks very smooth.

I didn’t rush out my hand to touch it, but suddenly an idea came out of my head, Wan Jinrong was by the well, unguarded. If I push him down, I will start with the strength. Is the initiative in my own hands?

When thinking this way, Wan Jinrong suddenly stopped.

I was taken aback, this person is unfathomable, can you still read other people’s ideas?

After going through the flashlight, I realized that it was a false alarm. Wan Jinrong pointed at the iron chain at this time. Mr. Jiang, please open this with your key.

I looked closely, there was a big lock on the iron chain. The rust is completely gone. It really matches the key in my hand.

What makes me wonder is that the iron chain hasn’t pulled its head, this lock is just locked on the iron chain for no reason.

It looks like someone’s lock has no place to put, and it is accidentally locked onto it, there is no need to open it at all.

I said, this lock is not locked, why open it?

“You just open it. The friends below you haven’t given you much time to consider.”

I sighed, and for me there may really be no room for bargaining.

I cannot believe Wan Jinrong’s words completely, but I still have to try it for Qin Yiheng and Bai Kai.

I took the key from my arms and walked over.

The hand touched the lock, and immediately an icy coolness drilled directly from the palm to the heart.

I took a deep breath and inserted the key.

In fact, I thought that it would be very difficult to insert the lock and key like this.

Unexpectedly, the key seemed to be sucked into the keyhole instantly by the lock. I didn’t even feel the force, so I heard Gada and the lock opened instantly.

I froze for a few seconds, there was a disturbing depression in the air.

Then, I heard a loud bang, and it came up from the bottom of the well.

The loud noise made me almost sit on the ground! This is thunder! Thunder beneath this well? ! !

I screamed and looked at Wan Jinrong.

He was grinning, looking at me with a bad intention.

“Mr. Jiang, everything is over.”

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