Heart of Dorkness

Bane Twenty-Two - Milkrun

Bane Twenty-Two - Milkrun

“I have a lot of work for you,” Luciana said.

The Dark goddess was talking to her daughter and her daughter’s two best friends. The girls were standing... somewhat at attention--though really, they didn’t have the bearing or decorum to really call their postures ‘at attention’--across from Luciana’s throne.

Semper, meanwhile, was lounging on a seat set to the side, close enough to Luciana’s throne that someone well-versed in historical monarchy etiquette might have drawn the conclusion that her seat was that of a royal companion’s, once reserved for a king’s unmarried but very close friend.

It was, once, the kind of gesture that would have told the court that a member of the royalty was courting someone and they wanted to present that person to the court in an official manner.

The court, today, included only three girls who were all entirely clueless about any of the symbolism before them.

Semper, however, was not clueless.

Semper was fighting very hard not to blush like a farm girl who’d just met the handsome knight of her dreams.

Semper was having a hard time listening to what was being said because she couldn’t help but think back to the night before when she and Luciana had kissed for the first time. And the second time. And then for the very long third time which turned her mind hazy enough that she lost count.

“What kind of work, exactly?” Valeria asked.

Luciana nodded. “Very important work. Isn’t that right, Semper?”

Semper jumped, then took a split second to bottle up all of her emotions. She was a cultivator and a goddess, she could push aside her desire to sigh and giggle to herself for a few moments. “Yes, yes that’s right,” she said.

What were they talking about?

“Yes,” Luciana agreed. “Now, Semper and I were talking to each other, and we discovered something that needs our attention.”

Semper nodded along while fighting a blush. Oh yes, they’d discovered all sorts of things that needed their attention.

“Now, because we are going to be very busy, we’ve decided to send the three of you off on a very important quest,” Luciana continued. “Isn’t that right, Semper?”

“Yes!” Semper said. Was Luciana trying to get the kids out of the castle?

Semper squirmed in her seat. There was only one plausible reason for that. She tried to make it look as though she was merely repositioning herself, but a quick glance to Luciana’s knowing smile suggested that the Dark Goddess knew otherwise.

“So, we’re going on a mission?” Valeria asked.

“Where are we going to?” Esme asked right after. “What are the parameters of the mission?”

“Semper, can you enlighten them, please?” Luciana asked.

Semper resisted the urge to glower. When she’d told Luciana that she’d do anything she wasn’t thinking the goddess would put her on the spot like this. She could take it out on Luciana later. Maybe with some spanking.

She was getting distracted again. This was worse than the last century of pinning after Luciana. At least when her best friend and now... whatever they were, was just an unrequited crush, she was able to keep her cool most of the time.

With a quick bit of scrambling, she recalled all of the issues her Archivists had brought up. There were a number of them. Now, how far did they want to send the kids? Not too far. They wanted some space, but sending them on a year-long trip would disappoint Luciana.

The woman was rather uptight at times, so she wouldn’t admit to needing to keep Valeria close, but she absolutely loved her daughter and would be upset if Valeria was gone for too long.

Semper, were she a lesser woman, might have been somewhat envious of their relationship, but Valeria had opened up Luciana to all sorts of things, and the current results spoke for themselves.

Without Valeria around, Semper feared that it would be another century before Luciana finally got a clue.

The part of her mind scanning back to all the reports she’d gone over found something suitable. “My Archivists in the Caselfella Republic report some issues in the region,” she said.

Esme perked up appropriately at that. “What kind of issues?” she asked.

Semper tried to recall all the details. Something about a cult in the region causing a kerfuffle? Ah, yes, one of her vaults had people poking around it. “One of my secret vaults hasn’t reported back as well as I would like. It’s quite near the capital. I’ll, of course, be providing you with a map.”

Luciana nodded. “Yes, the Caselfella Republic. It’s a great opportunity for you, Esme.”

“Wait, Esme?” Valeria asked. “What about Felix and I?”

“Hmm. I do have a few tasks I suppose need seeing to in the region,” Luciana said. “But I don’t know if you’re quite ready for that.”

“What? Of course I am!” Valeria protested.

Luciana really did know her daughter well. Now any suspicion the girl had would be buried under indignity.

“I'll be writing to Lord Malicieux then, he’s one of my worshippers in the region, they’ll be able to assist you.”

“Um, assist me with what, exactly?” Valeria asked.

Luciana blinked slowly. It was only centuries of studying her face that allowed Semper to know that she was thinking quickly about what to say. “Why, I haven’t heard back from one of my temples in the area in some time. It might be in some sort of trouble. I’m certain my intrepid daughter might be able to find out what’s wrong and fix it.”

“How are we going to get there?” Felix asked. She glanced at Semper who gave her a quick wink. The girl grinned back. She was probably thinking that this was Semper giving her a hand, which... sure, she wouldn’t deny it if it came up.

“By ocean,” Luciana said.

Semper took a deep breath. Ocean travel would add entire days to the voyage compared to flying directly there.

How long did Luciana intend to make this vacation?

“You can stop by Vizeda,” Semper said. “And travel on foot from there,” she added.

Luciana gave her a look, and Semper returned it with a slow bat of her eyelashes. There was a very, very faint flush to Luciana’s cheeks which Semper took to be a victory.

“Okay,” Valeria said. “So we’re going to need a bunch of things, aren’t we?”

“Yes, but I’m certain you can pack things on your own, can’t you?” Luciana asked.

“Yeah! No problem,” Valeria said.

“Wonderful,” Semper said. “Esme, I’ll be handing you several reports from other Archivists to look over. From there, I expect you to draw up your own plan.”

Esme nodded. “I can do it,” she said. “I’m sure that’s a normal challenge for new Archivists, right?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, certainly,” Semper said. It wasn’t. She just didn’t want to spend any time doing the work herself. “Work hard on it, you never know now what you might need to know in the future.”

Esme nodded as if that was some great wisdom which she’d just been given.

“On that note, I think all three of you have some preparations to draw up,” Luciana said. “The ship will be departing... tomorrow morning. So, off you go now. Don’t forget to pack in extra underthings and at least one more change of clothes than you think you’ll need.”

“Mom!” Valeria complained with a face which was starting to turn red. “Come on, girls, I have some bags in my room. Oh, what kind of monster do you think I should bring?”

With that, the three of them left the throne room, their echoing chatter fading away almost as soon as the room’s great doors shut with a loud thump.

Now they were alone once more.

“So,” Semper began. “You have me all alone now.”

“Indeed,” Luciana said.

“And that was all planned, of course.”

“Of course.”

“And the children will be leaving for... oh, at least an entire week.”

“More, perhaps. I can ask the ship to move slowly.”

“Even more then,” Semper said. “So I’ll be at your mercy for quite some time, then.”

Luciana nodded gravely. “Yes.”

Semper eyed the woman, a small smile creeping onto her lips. “You have no idea what to do with me that entire time, do you?”

Again, that tiny red tint on Luciana’s cheeks. “I’m certain I can think of a thing or two,” she replied.

“Oh? I would much rather do many things that don’t involve much thinking at all,” Semper said.

This time there was no hiding Luciana’s blush. “You’re quite forward.”

“I’ve been forward for a long, long time. It’s only now that you’re actually catching on,” Semper corrected. It was a little unfair, but she enjoyed teasing Luciana about it and would continue to enjoy it for a very, very long time. Semper stood up, slowly and regally. “Now, I believe yesterday we had gotten as far as kissing... shall we resume?”


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