Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 55: A Chance Encounter

Breanne paced the road, her hands curled in fists as the others watched, mystified as to what was going on.

“I do not see why this has upset you so much,” Blackbast said.

“You don't understand why he's asking you to sell me would upset me so much?” Breanne growled.

“He wanted to buy her?” Heather asked as she and Quinny started to smile.

“That was his intention, yes,” Blackbast said as she folded her arms. “He's quite taken with her. I believe he might even be in love.”

“Ohh, Breanne has a boyfriend,” Quinny teased.

“You keep out of this,” Breanne snapped as she pointed at Quinny. “How would you like it if somebody wanted to buy you?”

“Is he good-looking?” Quinny asked with a smile causing Breanne to throw up her arms and resume pacing.

“So, this ogre wanted to buy her, and you told him what?” Heather asked.

“First,” Blackbast said as she held up a finger. “He was very polite, cordial, and well-spoken. He said Breanne was a rare treasure and that he was very interested in acquiring her.”

“Ask him if he wants Quinny,” Breanne grumbled.

“Second,” Blackbast said while ignoring the remark. “He had nothing to buy her with. He wanted to meet in six days with sufficient funds to purchase what he called the rarest of elven treasures.”

“Well, he’s certainly a sweet talker,” Heather said and looked to Breanne. “But I can tell you’re not keen on this idea.”

“Of course, I'm not. He only wants to buy me because he saw me in this collar,” she said and pointed to the one around her neck.

“That is exactly why he wanted to buy you,” Blackbast replied. “He is an ogre conqueror, and his class is all about raiding, pillaging, and dragging away the women. I believe he can take a slave every twenty or thirty levels. Though I am sure, he can take more if he spends the points.”

“I am not becoming his sex slave,” Brennne scoffed.

“You say that like it is a terrible thing,” Blackbast said and waved her off. “But the Conqueror cannot reach his full potential without one. Many of his best powers and combat buffs require him to have a slave in order to use.”

“It’s still not right,” Breanne said.

“You still see the role as being something abhorrent,” Blackbast growled. “But I tell you that the relationship between a master and slave can be beautiful beyond all other relationships. Especially in this world where one gains power from the other.”

“What does that mean?” Heather asked.

“It means the conqueror gains strength from having slaves and has magical abilities to both protect and enhance the slave. The slave, in turn, has powers to protect and enhance the master, making the relationship mutually beneficial. Or you could just get married and gain almost nothing,” Blackbast explained.

“So, theirs no real benefit to being married?” Heather asked.

“You gain a small buff known as bound in love, but other than that, it is only useful where social matters are at play,” Blackbast replied. “Once you marry Frank, Gwen can name him a prince, and he will gain the benefits that come from that.”

“Huh, I was expecting something a little more special,” Heather said. “I feel kinda disappointed.”

“Why would you be disappointed?” Frank asked.

“Oh, don't get me wrong,” Heather said and turned to put a hand on his massive gray chest. “I do want to marry you. I just thought there would be some magic behind it.”

The group was silent for a long moment as Frank stared down at Heather with pained eyes. Suddenly he swept her up into a hug and cradled her to his chest.

“This is unexpected!” Heather cried as he held her close.

“I would say that is exactly the right response,” Blackbast laughed.

“Response to what?” Heather groaned as she was crushed to the ghoul.

“You just wholeheartedly said you wanted to marry him,” Quinny replied. “And it wasn’t because Gwen was forcing you to do it. It was from the heart.”

Heather went silent as Frank loosened his grip and held her out with massive arms to look her in the eyes.

“I want to marry you too,” he said as his eyes trembled. Heather reached up with a hand and used her finger to indicate she wanted him to come closer. When she was just a few inches from his face, she leaned in and kissed his forehead.

“Now put me down, you big monster,” Heather said.

“Aww,” Quinny laughed as the two looked at one another.

“Touching as this moment is, I am not amused by this fool's offer,” Breanne quipped.

“What's wrong with it?” Quinny asked and gestured to Frank and Heather. “Franks as big as that ogre, and Heather doesn't mind.”

“It’s not a question of size,” Breanne shouted and took a few steps with her hand to her face. “I don’t like the idea of being owned.”

“Any particular reason why?” Heather asked as Frank set her down.

“Why do none of you understand?” Breanne asked. “Would you let Frank collar you if he could?”

Heather looked at Frank and reached up to run a finger over the collar she currently wore. For a long moment, she was silent, and then with a nod, she turned to face Breanne.

“At first, no. I would have run screaming from the idea. But I have seen how it was meant to work in the time I have had it on. It isn't a mark of shame. It's more a mark of devotion. It can't be forced, so by wearing one, the slave is declaring to the world that she loves her master. It’s basically a wedding ring with bonuses.”

“An excellent way to look at it,” Blackbast agreed.

“Now that I see it in that light, I wouldn't be against being his slave. I know he loves me, and I trust him to keep me safe. We all know I would never have gotten this far without him.” Heather finished her point by putting a hand on his chest and smiling up at him.

“You would honestly let him collar you?” Breanne asked.

“Well, he can't, so the point is moot,” Heather argued. “All I am saying is if he could, I would gladly wear it. Then we could share in the power that union brought us.”

“And this is why I wanted to play my class,” Blackbast said with a smile. “The collar always works best when it is worn in love. Every master class gets a boost from a slave who loves her master.”

“I suppose if Frank ever got reset, he could change to a class that could take slaves,” Quinny suggested.

“I don’t need to reset or have a collar to love Heather,” Frank boldly said as the others looked up in alarm.

“Oh, look, he just admitted it!” Quinny squealed.

“Well, this is an interesting night,” Blackbast purred. “A lot of truth is coming out without me having to wring it from your necks.”

“I don’t mind it coming out,” Heather sighed. “I am sure you all knew this was going on and were dancing around the issue for my sake.” She leaned into Frank as his arm came around her. “I was being so stubborn, refusing to accept what was right before my face. Frank is the greatest and kindest man I have ever known, and he has always stood by my side even when I was making a fool of myself.”

“Oh, he most certainly has,” Quinny teased.

Heather blushed and ran a hand along his gray chest. “I want you to call me your wife.”

“Are you sure?” he asked nervously.

“I am sure, my husband,” Heather replied.

“And now it’s baby time,” Quinny teased.

“You just can’t help yourself,” Breanne scoffed.

“Just enjoy the moment,” Quinny grumbled.

“I think we should get back to the matter of your sale,” Blackbast grumbled. “I told him we would meet in six days. This way, I had time to talk to you about what you felt on the matter.”

“I feel like taking this collar off, throwing it into a river, and going home,” Breanne shouted.

“I can always summon another,” Blackbast replied and narrowed her eyes. “Now, listen to what I have to say. I know he is in love with you, but you are correct; you have only known each other briefly. So I suggest you take the next few days to think about what you want from your time here. And if you still feel this way when we get there, you should talk to him. He is very open and forthright. I am sure he would be honest about his intentions.”

“What have you got to lose?” Heather asked as Breanne paced.

“I don’t want to belong to an ogre,” Breanne said as she twisted her hands nervously.

“He was a very handsome ogre if you ask me,” Blackbast interrupted.

“He was handsome, but” Breanne stumbled on her words as she struggled to say something without actually saying it.

“I am tired of this foolish game,” Blackbast said. “As your master, I command you to tell me, would you wear that collar for the right man?

“Yes,” Breanne said immediately and covered her mouth in shock.

“Now, do you know who that man is?” Blackbast pressed.

“Yes,” Breanne answered again and then furiously tore the collar from her kneck. “Stop doing that to me!” she shouted and threw the collar at Blackbast.

“So it isn't the collar or the class that offends you. It's the man you are upset about,” Blackbast said as she picked the collar up.

Breanne drew herself up so that she looked proud and noble as she glared down at Blackbast with intense eyes.

“I am no stranger to commitment. I was married for fifty-seven years, and it only ended when James died. I don't give my heart away easily, and I have high expectations from a man. I dated James for four years before I agreed to marry him, and I am not about to jump into the arms of some man who is an absolute stranger,” Breanne asserted.

Blackbast nodded in understanding and apologized for pushing so hard.

“But if you will forgive me,” Blackbast pressed and looked at her sympathetically. “You do know of a man who meets your high expectations?”

“I know one man,” Breanne said with a nod. “I would wear a collar for him, but I don't want to talk about this anymore. Could we please get moving before they discover Grumosh has escaped and come looking for him?”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Heather agreed.

Blackbast agreed, and they quickly set out running across the countryside, with Heather curling up in the palanquin to sleep. Breanne and Quinny sat at the other end, their undead natures keeping them awake as they spoke about the collars. When she finally stirred, they were in thick pine trees, heading along a wide, well-traveled road.

Legeis was in the front, running at nearly full speed with Blackbast laying on her side on the back of his armor. She wore only her simple silk drapes as she stretched like a cat enjoying the sun. Frank was still in his ghoul form, trudging along like a tank, his stamina never seeming to run out. Webster was on the roof like he always was, watching in all directions. Umtha was in the magic room with her goblins, watching the egg. Quinny sat at the far end of the palanquin, looking bored, but there was no sign of Breanne.

“Where did Breanne go?” Heather asked.

“She went back to her swamp to think,” Quinny replied.

“Is she still upset about that ogre?” Heather said as she thought of last night.

“It isn't the ogre that has her upset,” Quinny began and looked nervously at Heather. “We spoke about it while you were sleeping. She actually sees something very romantic about sharing the collar with someone, and I think deep down she wants to.”

“This again,” Heather sighed.

“You said you would wear one for Frank,” Quinny suggested.

“I said that because I love him,” Heather countered. “If, and that's a big if, I was going to wear one of these permanently, I would want somebody like Frank to be the one it belonged to. We are talking about putting ourselves in a very disadvantaged situation. That requires a great deal of trust.”

“It is kinda neat that you have powers to help each other,” Quinny admitted.

“I really like that part,” Heather agreed. “It makes the connection more tangible and meaningful.”

“Yeah,” Quinny said. “I will be honest. I would wear one for Frank too. He's the kinda guy you can trust with anything. He would treat you like a princess and fight to defend you like a knight.”

“Yeah, Frank is one of a kind,” Heather sighed. “Honestly, the way Blackbast describes it, I wish I could do it.”

“I do, too,” Quinny said and looked away sadly.

“I am sure Blackbast would love to keep you,” Heather said to try and be encouraging.

“Nah,” Quinny sighed. “I don't mind girls, but if I was going to really commit to this, I would want it to be a man like Frank.”

“He is certainly a rare man,” Heather agreed.

“Yeah,” Quinny said and looked his way forlornly.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Heather said with a smile. “Let’s ride on his shoulders.”

“You mean both of us?” Quinny asked.

“He's got broad shoulders, and he isn't wearing his armor right at the moment,” Heather replied.

“I don't mind if you don't,” Quinny said with a hopeful smile.

Heather called for a halt so they could climb out and take their place on either shoulder as Frank used his arms to hook their legs. Then they ran on with Frank right behind Legeis so they could all talk.

“This road is pretty straight,” Legeis said as he stood in his cockpit to see the others. “I can look away for a minute. So what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Heather replied with a smile as she played with one of Frank’s ears. “I just thought this would be a good way to chat while we traveled.”

“You two look good on his shoulders,” Blackbast said with a pleased swish of her tail. “A pity he can't collar you both.”

Heather laughed and looked across at Quinny to see a very uncharacteristic blush. The reaction seemed strange, and she began to wonder if perhaps Quinny harbored feelings for Frank. She recalled the conversation in the pyramid where Quinny outright said she liked Frank. Heather had promised to get out of her way, but circumstances kept pushing them together. Surely Quinny wasn't holding a flame or perhaps a grudge? But then she had just admitted she would wear the collar for Frank, was that a hint?

She let the matter drop as they spoke about the plan for the immediate future. The goal was to return the egg and then get home. Hopefully, that destination wasn't so far now. Blackbast still wanted to meet the ogre and give Breanne a chance to talk to him. She even produced a map from inside Legeis's armor and laid it out to show them where the meeting would take place.

“I got this from Maline,” Blackbast said as she traced a rive. “We are to meet the ogre here,” she tapped a spot on the map. “It is a place I have heard of, and it fits the theme of our adventure today.”

“How does it fit the theme?” Heather asked.

“It is a meeting place for members of my particular traits,” Blackbast replied.

“What is it, a slave market?” Heather asked.

“In a manner of speaking,” Blackbast replied. “But this time of year, it is probably empty. I expect to find nothing but Breanne’s ogre.”

“Why would there be a market way out here?” Legeis asked as he checked the road and then turned back to the conversation. “This is just outside the spawn ring.”

“I believe this particular one is here to act as a stopover for a quest,” Blackbast replied. “It is said that a woman lives someplace in the mountains north of here. She can grant wishes or some such things to people who accept her bargain.”

“And?” Heather pressed.

“I don't know any more about it,” Blackbast said with the toss of her hand. “All I know is masters often bring their slaves to use in the bargain. I suspect it is because of the rumor that you can unlock the collars giving you full access to all your classes.”

“You can remove the limitation and keep the slave aspect?” Heather asked.

“It is just a rumor,” Blackbast said. “I have known nobody who can say they actually did it.”

“But if that can be done,” Heather said as she worked it out in her mind. “That means the rules are far more fluid than even I thought. There might be ways to alter or even add classes like we did with the crown.”

“Always looking to break the rules,” Quinny laughed.

“It’s her gift,” Frank added.

“Shush the both of you,” Heather said with an upraised hand. “How long until we reach place?”

“Three days at most,” Blackbast said. “The ogre needed time to get to his lair and back with items to trade, so he has asked us to wait.”

“Aren’t you just wasting his time?” Heather asked. “We all know Breanne doesn’t want any part of this.”

“You say that, but I know different,” Blackbast purred. “I think she does like the idea, but not to him. She has her heart set on another.”

“I wonder if it’s Skullman?” Heather said as she tapped her lip.

“I suspect she and Quinny share a similar need,” Blackbast said as Quinny looked away.

“So, anything between here and there?” Heather asked.

“It appears to be an open road,” Blackbast purred. “But something may have been built since the map was made.”

They settled in to talk for hours as the group trudged on, with Heather asking just how far north they were. Thanks to the map and Blackbasts knowledge of the slave site, she knew they had crossed the northern spawn ring. They were just north of the ring itself, entering the wilds of the north.

“We're on the other side of the world,” Heather said in amazement at how far they had come from Frank's original graveyard.

“Yeah, my graveyard was right on the southern tip of the ring,” Frank said.

“And this is where all the goblin raids came from,” Legeis added. “More and more, I am convinced this all to do with the goblins.”

“It has to be,” Heather agreed. “Maybe we will meet some while we’re up here.”

“That is more than likely,” Blackbast said as the sound of splitting wood and shouts filled the air.

“I guess this place isn’t so empty,” Legeis said as he turned about to drop to his seat.

A hundred paces ahead, a tree crashed over the trail as something like a giant lion with two snakes heads rolled over it.

“What is that?” Heather said in alarm as Legeis came to a halt. Frank set the girls down, and everyone readied for battle until they saw them.

A man with bluish-gray fur and a very lupine head leaped from the trees with a long spear in hand. Behind him came a woman with long golden hair wearing shining armor and wielding a similar spear. They collided with the creature in a bloody dance of stabs and cuts, but the monster lashed out by spitting poison from its heads. To everyone's amazement, a wall of light appeared between them, and the poison splashed away. That's when Heather saw her, and she nearly squealed in delight.

A woman dressed only in a golden cord on her hips, holding up a little slip of silver mesh, floated into view on a pair of butterfly-like wings full of dark blues, purples, and black rings. Her skin was a light shade of purple, and her lavender hair went all the way to her butt. She had two little antennae on her head and larger than normal eyes that sparkled with green light.

“Oh my gosh!” Heather cried. “She is so beautiful!”

“What race is that?” Quinny asked.

“I don't know, but I wish I had played it,” Heather moaned.

A shout from the armored woman caused her weapon to glow with golden light. The lion thing was struck by a wave of force, throwing it from the road into the forest beyond. Both she and the wolfman rushed into the trees to pursue it as the group stood by and watched.

Finally, two women entered the scene, one wearing surprisingly little. She walked confidently across the road, occasionally casting spells that caused one or the other warrior to glow from her efforts. The second wore a pretty dress of tan and yellow with long blond hair. The two walked hand in hand as if out for a stroll on a summer’s eve.

“Umm, why is that woman naked?” Heather asked.

“The butterfly chic isn’t wearing much either,” Legies added.

“We should help them,” Frank suggested.

“Is running into a fight with people we don't know a good idea?” Heather asked. Before anyone could reply, the naked woman looked over and saw them. She waved like nothing was out of place and, with a smile, continued to follow the others into the trees.

“That’s odd,” Heather said as she waved back.

“Should we at least move closer?” Legeis asked.

“They are aware of us now,” Blackbast said. “Move up and be ready to help, but I suspect they won’t need it.”

Legeis nodded and started ahead as Frank pointed out he was not only in ghoul form but out of his armor. Blackbast suggested he use the figurine, and a moment later, he was his armored human form instead. They cautiously approached the battle to see the lion thing flat on its back with two spears protruding from its chest. The naked woman was standing face to face with the armored one, and they appeared to be sharing a kiss.

“Why are they kissing?” Heather whispered.

“Just remain calm,” Blackbast replied as the strange group looked up and saw them.

Now that they were close enough, they could see the wolfman was more jackal or hyena-like in the face with the upper chest and arms of a man and very canine-like legs. He had tall pointed ears and a bushy tail and wore armor of overlapping plates. The golden-haired woman looked like a ray of sunshine up close with strong and beautiful elven features. The butterfly girl moved to hide behind her and peeked out over one shoulder, her antennae slowly stretching higher. The naked one didn't seem bothered as they all watched her kiss the furry man.

“Well, kissing is obviously her thing,” Heather whispered. “But why are two of them wearing almost nothing?”

“You mean like you are wearing almost nothing?” Blackbast asked and pointed to the silken wraps that barely concealed Heather’s body.

“Wait? You mean those girls are slaves?” Heather asked and squinted to see that three women wore a collar around their necks. Only the one in the pretty dress seemed to be without a collar.

“three of them are,” Frank replied as the blue-furred man approached them. He walked right up the group with the women at his side as Blackbast stepped out to greet him.

“Greetings, slave master,” Blackbast said with a bow and a wide smile.

“Greetings in return, slave mistress,” he said and looked over the group.

“I am Lady Blackbast, priestess of the goddess Bastet. This is my pet Heather and Quinny,” Blackbast said and pointed to the girls. “And these two are my bodyguard, Legeis and Frank.”

The furry man dipped his head in a bow and then introduced himself.

“I am Roric the conqueror, and these are my slave girls,” he said. He introduced the naked one as Jaina, the armored one as Evalynn, and the butterfly beauty as Gisley. He then pointed to the woman in the dress who had resumed holding the naked girl's hand.

“And that’s Chandice,” Jaina’s girlfriend. He asked them what business they had in the north, and Blackbast told him they were going to the meeting site to meet an ogre about selling one of her pets.

“Which one is for sale?” Roric asked as he looked over the girls.

“Oh, I am afraid the one for sale isn't present. She is an elf beauty who goes by the name of Breanne. She will use her magic to return shortly, and you might just meet her,” Blackbast said.

“Your slaves can wander off?” Roric asked with a raised brow.

“The collar is not locked, and she took it off. It was a matter of great importance that she needed time to think about,” Blackbast said.

“Nobody locks these collars anymore,” Jaina laughed.

“No,” Roric said and scratched his head. “But soon we will.”

“Maybe,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “We have no idea where to look for her still.”

“We can talk about that later,” Roric said and shifted the pack on his shoulder. “We were headed to the old site too. We’re chasing down an ancient rumor about a witch who grants wishes.”

“We were just talking about that,” Heather said.

“So you know where to find her?” Roric asked excitedly.

“None of us has any clue,” Blackbast sighed. “I was sharing some of the rumors I had heard of the north with my pets. I can't even say for certain she exists.”

“Oh, she exists,” Jaina said with a wide smile as she leaned into Roric. “And we are going to find her.”

“How can you be so sure she exists?” Blackbast asked.

Jaina smiled and explained the story of how they ran into a woman who had a strange tattoo. It was about the size of a hand and situated right below her belly button. She was the slave girl of another woman, and she had been brought to the north to see the witch. Her master wanted a particular boon, and the price was a tattoo on the slave's belly.

“And what does this tattoo do?” Heather asked.

“It binds you to your lusts and desires, driving you to act them out,” Jaina said.

“That’s vague,” Heather replied. “And what did she gain in return?”

“It gave them two rewards. It removed the restrictions of the collar, and her master became a chosen,” Jaina said.

“Wait!” Heather said in alarm. “Are you saying you can get another class just by getting a tattoo?”

“It Isn't just a tattoo,” Roric said. “It is a magical binding, part curse, part blessing, and all-controlling. The witch is a succubus that will look into your heart, find the things you lust after most and bind you to them.”

“What does that mean?” Frank asked.

“It means,” Jaina began. “That if, for example, you were somebody who craved sex, the tattoo might require you to have it frequently or suffer ill effects. It might make you attracted to monsters or animals or only the same sex. It might give you decadent cravings and hungers that you have to feed or suffer greatly.”

“And you are willing to do this?” Heather asked.

“To get my master elevated to chosen, absolutely,” Jaina said. “Besides, I already embrace decadent pleasures. So what harm can this tattoo possibly bring?”

“The witch will judge you and tell you what tattoo she will give,” Roric said. “Then you have to decide if you are willing to carry the burden.”

“So Frank could become a chosen if I got a tattoo?” Heather said and turned to look at him. “You could pick a bonus class.”

“Ha, I like her,” Jaina laughed. “She’s got that spark that says I would do anything for you.”

“I don’t need a bonus class,” Frank said and put his hands on Heather’s waist. “All I need is you.”

“Ohhh,” Gisley said in a musical tone that just made you want to smile.

“We should get walking,” Roric said. “The roads here are unusually dangerous. Evalynn, take the lead.”

The armored maiden nodded with a smile and headed down the road as Roric turned to suggest the others should come. With no reason to turn them down, they headed off together, searching the old site. As they traveled, Roric and Blackbast talked about the strange quest and how they came to own their slaves. They learned Roric was a silver mane gnoll which was a hero class. He and Jaina had come in together with the express goal of exploring the more taboo side of the world. Along the way, they collected Evalynn and then Gisley, adding them to his pack. He made a fortune in the spawns selling them to men, and now they were building a proper camp in the wilds to settle down.

“You sold them to people?” Heather remarked.

“Do not speak of things of which you have no understanding,” Blackbast snapped and apologized to Roric.

“No harm done,” he said. “A lot of people have trouble understanding it. I take it you don’t require much of them.”

“Much to my dismay, they were unwilling to cooperate,” Blackbast said. “All of them are with me for temporary reasons, or I would require them to fulfill their duties to me.”

“Bastet,” Roric said as he chewed on that name. “I remember that from when I was making sample builds of my character. It’s a sex goddess or something?”

“It is,” Blackbast purred. “I run a temple that welcomes guests with open arms.”

“How open?” Jaina asked with a smile.

“Let me just say that I hold nothing back,” Blackbast replied.

“Oh, I want to visit her temple,” Jaina said and nudged Roric.

“You don't need her temple for that. Your girlfriend goes everywhere we go,” Roric laughed and looked down the road to Evalynn. “It’s refreshing to meet somebody who shares our beliefs.”

“There are many more, but they congregate in the big cities,” Blackbast said.

“And you aren’t in a city?” Roric asked.

“Oh, goodness no,” Blackbast laughed. “I am out in the middle of nowhere, along a trail only used by tired travelers. The way my temple works being in a large population area would be a curse.”

“You never turn anyone away, do you?” Roric asked.

“Only if they are belligerent and rude. So long as they come seeking comfort and rest, everything is open to them,” Blackbast said.

“Maybe we can talk about a little comfort and rest later,” Roric suggested.

“Maybe we should,” Blackbast said with a wink.

“Oh, do we get to play with her slave girls?” Jaina asked.

“She just said they were temporary,” Roric reminded. “I don't think it would be appropriate to ask.”

“I don't mind,” Quinny said, drawing a startled look from Heather. “What? I happen to like playing.”

Heater put her hands over her face as she flushed three shades of red. Roric laughed at her and suggested they change the conversation. Heather wanted to go back to the tattoos and the bonus class. She asked how it all worked, but Roric didn't know. He planned to find the witch first and then let her explain it. Disheartened but still curious, she asked him about the conqueror class and was surprised to learn Blackbast was right. It did require slaves to reach its full potential, and the more he had, the better. She asked about specific skills, and he demonstrated how he could shield his slaves like Blackbast could. He could also heal them, drain them, give them buffs or even turn them invisible. He had a decent assortment of combat skills as well, but the true strength of his character made Heather blush.

“You can’t be serious?” Heather asked.

“I am always serious,” Roric replied.

“But, why would something like that even exist?” Heather asked.

“Why wouldn’t it?” Jaina laughed. “Is it really so hard to believe that his best buffs are gained by conquering his pets?”

“I guess that’s why they call the class the conqueror,” Quinny offered with a broad smile.

“Oh, why are their classes like this?” Heather moaned.

“It's based on our games,” Jaina replied. “Let's be honest. There are a lot more adult MMOs than there are normal ones. So when the visitors were farming our games for ideas, they must have assumed that's what we liked most.”

“I was busy reading,” Heather replied.

“You’re too uptight,” Jaina laughed. “Why don’t you and I switch for the night. A few hours with Roric will loosen you up.”

“What!” Heather said in shocked alarm and practically fell into Frank for support.

“Jaina,” Roric growled. “I told you they are not that kind of slaves. Now no more suggestions.”

“Oh, I was just playing,” Jaina sighed.

“And Heather is too uptight,” Quinny added.

“You leave her alone,” Blackbast snapped, then explained that Heather and Frank were engaged to be married.

“Well, if I may be so bold to ask another question,” Jaina began. “What did you do with the big guy?”

“The big guy?” Heather repeated.

“Yeah, the big gray one that was carrying you two on his shoulders when I crossed the road,” Jaina pressed.

“Oh, I saw him too,” Gisley said in a melodious voice that sounded like a choir. She looked at Frank and made a slight frown. “But I didn't see this one.”

Frank cleared his throat as a topless butterfly woman fluttered before him. Heather noticed his distress immediately and quickly took his hand for comfort. They then looked at Blackbast, hoping she could explain it all.

“Our friend is a carrion knight,” Blackbast said. “He can assume the form of a powerful ghoul when he needs to.”

“So why isn’t he in it now?” Jaina asked.

“We find it makes new people uncomfortable,” Blackbast explained. “We didn’t want to scare you off.”

“We don't scare easily,” Roric said and glanced at Frank. “Go ahead and take your form if you want to carry your women again.”

Heather shrugged, so Frank stepped back and used the figurine to change while the others weren't looking. For an hour, he walked with Quinny and Heather on his shoulders until Quinny jumped down to use the palanquin. Gisley then fluttered over and alighted on the other side, talking happily about almost anything.

Heather was trying not to laugh as Frank managed to blush. Gisley wore the sheerest of tissues at her waist, and her bare body so close to his face was making him uncomfortable. They walked and talked until the sun moved to twilight, then they agreed to make a shared camp for the night.

Frank was uncomfortable about the whole thing, but a campfire was made, and Roric produced a magic tent from a tiny bag. It was a palatial structure made from animal hides and wooden poles. It was furnished with a massive bed which his girls readily climbed into. Even the knight Evalynn took off her armor to reveal she wore about the same as Heather was. The true star of the night was Gisley, who fluttered about under the moonlight, singing a song so beautiful it made Heather want to cry. When the moonlight hit her wings, they produced silver glitter that flowed in currents on a gentle breeze.

“How is she doing that?” Heather asked as she watched the woman sing and dance in the air.

“She’s a lunar fairy,” Evalynn said as she came out of the tent. “She has all sorts of blessings when the moon is out, and her kiss is like rose petals.”

“Poor girl doesn’t sleep either,” Jaina called from inside, where she was helping Roric take off his armor. “But she likes to snuggle.”

“You are welcome to use space in the tent,” Roric said and gestured to one side where there were thick rugs and dozens of cushions.

“That would be amazing,” Heather replied before Blackbast took her wrist and politely turned him down. She then dragged Heather away to where Frank, Quinny, and Legeis sat by the fire.

“It doesn't make any sense,” Legeis said. “Why keep two girls with no armor on?”

“Jaina said he likes them that way,” Frank replied.

“You sit beside your husband,” Blackbast said and turned Heather over to Frank.

“What did I do wrong?” Heather asked in confusion.

“You do not want to share a tent with a master and his sex slaves,” Blackbast said. “Not unless you like to watch.”

“Ooooooh!” Heather groaned as her face flushed red.

“Now, you three are welcome to return through the palanquin as Roric will summon hunting beasts to guard the camp,” Blackbast said. “See if you can get Breanne to return with you in the morning.”

“Alright, but what are you going to do?” Heather asked as Quinny stood up.

Blackbast took Quinny's hand and gave Heather a sultry smile. “My pet and I have accepted an invitation. We will see you in the morning.”

Heather watched with her jaw hanging open as Blackbast took Quinny to the tent. When the flap closed, she turned to Frank and practically dragged him to the palanquin.

“Where are we going?” he asked in alarm.

“Anywhere but here,” Heather replied and practically shoved him inside and made him use the magic door. They returned to the swamp and strolled the graveyard holding hands as Heather's mind was a storm of chaos. Admitting that she wanted to marry Frank and seeing his reaction lit a fire deep inside. Spending hours talking to Roric and his amazingly happy harem had only fanned those flames. Finally, alone with Frank, she made a decision and smiled as she led him to a patch of ground under an old tree. After all, they were committed to be married, so what was the point in waiting?

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