Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 14: The foundations are strong

Quinny lay in the sun, stretching her arms as Heather lay beside her on the blanket. They were dressed in thin bikinis to take advantage of the warm glow as two skeletons stood nearby holding trays. One tray was covered with cakes and cookies from the kitchen, the other a pitcher of iced tea to refill their glasses. A gentle breeze blew across the sweeping green, ruffling the rim of Heather’s sun hat as she sipped her tea.

“Shouldn't you be helping?” Quinny asked as she rolled to her stomach and looked across the field. She took in the sweeping plane of Heather's new kingdom, focusing her sight on the laboring goblins and skeletons.

“I am helping,” Heather said and set her tea aside. “I gave the goblins command of a hundred skeletons. They are digging the roads and ditches to speed things along.”

“I mean, helping directly,” Quinny corrected and kicked her bare feet. “I don’t think this is what Frank meant when he said you needed to lend a hand.”

“If Frank needs me, he will say something. We spent all night discussing the plans and he knows exactly what to do next,” Heather sighed. “He is going to use his ghouls to dig the sewers and tunnels while my skeletons do the surface work. The goblin engineers are there to make sure it gets done right. I just need to be here if something goes wrong.”

“Why are you doing all this work by hand?” Quinny asked. “You have a ton of points to spend, don’t you?”

“I have a lot, but whatever we can save by doing it by hand, the better,” Heather replied and lifted her hand to reveal a small crystal that floated above her palm. It was the kingdom heart she had gotten from Gwen, but now it was upgraded to include commands for her new sub-territory. To her delight, she had the option of creating a kingdom heart for the goblin kingdom she and Frank now ruled, but she could also merge that heart with her existing one. She had chosen this option, adding it to her existing heart, causing it to change. What had once been a small, slender crystal had grown twice the size and now glowed slightly with a green light.

Heather opened the interface that she had taken the time to set to a blue color. She swiped through a few screens until bringing up a summary of points she could spend on their new city. She had a modest amount, and claiming land up to a certain size was inexpensive, but growing beyond that point became much pricier. Where she really had points was in the social category, and these points could be used to purchase all sorts of magical things for her city.

The two women huddled together to look at the interface as Heather swiped over to the layout she and Frank had agreed on. It was a series of half circles built into the side of the mountain and surrounded by a low wall. Space was set aside to increase the size of the wall later, and future plans would expand the city out to encase it in a second wall. Skeletons would do all the leveling of land and the cutting of stones to build roads. The goblins would do the actual work of laying the bricks so they would be straight and level, creating the appearance that it was paid for in points. This would save a lot, but it came with a disadvantage. A road built with points would automatically repair if damaged, but Heather's roads would have to be fixed by hand. Still, doing such a thing is relatively easy when you have an army of goblins and undead.

“What is this section here?” Quinny asked and pointed to a half ring that divided the city.

“A park,” Heather replied. “I am setting it up as a fantasy style woods with scattered graves. The city's graveyard will be inside it here,” she added and gestured to an area near the center. She then pointed to another area to the side that was marked as 'for Quinny.' “Frank and I are hoping you can build some of your forest here.”

“Why would you want me to do that?” Quinny asked as she leaned in closer.

“Well, Frank reminded me that when you get high enough, you can teleport around your forest, so we thought if you had a small portion of it in the city, then you would come and go easily,” Heather explained. “We were thinking of giving you the whole park when, you know, we form a bigger relationship.”

Quinny smiled and threw an arm around Heather's back, snuggling in tighter. Heather twitched at the sudden contact but pressed on, showing her the plan to add a small stream to meander through the forest and down channels in the city. They would create a small marshy area on an upper step in the mountains that could only be reached by flying or through the upper gates that would be her castle. This was so Breanne could mark an area as her own and hopefully be able to travel between them as Quinny could.

“I don’t know if Breanne can do that,” Quinny said. “She’s never mentioned it.”

“Maybe she can't,” Heather said with a shrug. “But Frank thinks that once we are all married, we will be able to share your power to teleport around your forest.”

“Oh,” Quinny said as she squeezed Heather. “So you have more reasons to marry me.”

“Let’s not rush things,” Heather insisted as she started to blush.

“I'm not rushing,” Quinny replied. “Just reminding you that I am waiting. Besides, I'm not sure Frank is ready for this. Every time I mention it, he looks frightened.”

“He isn't the only one,” Heather muttered and put the thought out of her mind. “Anyway, this area here is set aside to be a goblin district. Umtha will let the goblins know they can set up shops and homes for themselves here.”

“So you intend to make sure people know the local goblins are part of the kingdom,” Quinny said as she looked at the image.

“I am going to make half the city's guard goblin,” Heather replied. “I will also put undead out where people can see them. Ostensibly we will claim we had options to add them as NPCs because Frank is a carrion knight. They will guard the gates to our private areas along with human and goblin NPCs.”

“Isn’t that asking for trouble?” Quinny said as she worried Heather’s plan might be reckless.

“I can't hide what I am completely,” Heather said. “But if I put it out in the open and simply misdirect, it makes more sense. The story that I picked recluse so my tower and pets would fit Frank's theme, is perfect. Most people know you can blend those same themes once you have city-building options. So it stands to reason that a carrion knight and a recluse have undead around.”

“I guess, but some people will still be suspicious,” Quinny said as Heather zoomed in on the city to reveal vast portions of it were empty.

“This is all space we set aside for player buildings,” Heather said. “Frank suggested we put up generic buildings in a fantasy village theme, but I would rather spend the points elsewhere.”

“What's that big building there?” Quinny asked and pointed to the structure.

“That's going to be a temple to Gwen's patron deity,” Heather replied. “I keep forgetting the name, but Frank has it memorized.”

“So you are going to build a fantasy city with undead motifs and a steampunk goblin quarter,” Quinny surmised as she noticed one final oddity; it was a gate built into a wall that divided a portion of the city. The issue was it didn't go through the wall, only opened on one side. “Why do you have a gate inside the city that goes nowhere?”

“Oh, that,” Heather said with a smile. “That's going to link our city with a city far to the north where that Rajeen woman lives.”

“You are really going to spend all those points to do that?” Quinny said with a hint of surprise.

“Why not?” Heather replied with a shrug. “Roric, Jaina, and all the others have been wonderful. I wanted to do something to help them reconnect with their friend. Besides, I think it will be good for Blackbast too. She and Rajeen are obviously very close, and they were delighted to see one another.”

“I wonder why they didn’t stay together?” Quinny asked.

“I don’t know, but I have a feeling there is a reason they are both cat players,” Heather replied as she considered the idea. “I suspect they came to New Eden together like Jaina and Roric did, but something forced them to part.”

“I guess you could be right,” Quinny agreed. “But why wouldn’t she tell us?”

Heather considered that as she thought of Blackbast and her sad story. As exciting as coming to New Eden to play her role had been, she now wished she could have a stable, loving relationship. Sadly, her class made such a relationship difficult, and it bothered the woman so much that she was considering a reset. Blackbast had opened up about her pain to Heather while they traveled the north, but Heather hadn't yet told Frank. How would she tell him that she promised Blackbast they would try to build a relationship with her too?

“Are you alright?” Quinny asked.

“Just thinking,” Heather replied. “I am sure Blackbast has her reasons. I bet her class has a lot to do with it.”

“Well, she has decided to stay and move her temple to Roric’s forest,” Quinny said.

“I know,” Heather replied, wondering where the temple would be hidden. Heather realized she hadn't so much as set foot in the forest since they started building days ago. Chandice came to the graveyard often, and Gisley liked to fly over the swamps, dancing over the water and spreading her magical charms, but Heather avoided those trees. She was too afraid of what she might see inside those colorful groves or, worse, what its inhabitants might desire to do with her.

“We should go visit them,” Quinny suggested.

Heather felt a cold chill run up her spine and quickly snapped her finger for the dessert tray. She sent her display away and swiped a piece of cake that she eagerly began to nibble. She hoped Quinny wouldn't press the issue, and thankfully, the topic was changed when Breanne arrived.

“What are you two doing?” the woman asked as she walked up wearing a lacy white dress with ruffles at the sleeves and collar.

“Where did you get that dress?” Quinny laughed.

“I know,” Heather added with a smile. “I feel like you should be carrying a parasol with it.”

Quinny fell over laughing as Breanne’s eyes simmered with discontent.

“I should be asking you two why you are running about in your underwear,” Breanne scolded.

“This isn’t underwear,” Heather protested. “It’s a bathing suit.”

“It's two strips of cloth and two eye patches,” Breanne pointed out. “Your underwear has more material.”

“Actually, Heather has some underwear that is a lot skimpier than this,” Quinny said.

“Did you have to say that?” Heather groaned. “And why are you rummaging in my underwear all the time?”

“You said I could wear your clothes,” Quinny replied and resumed her embrace. “But now I want to wear Breanne's.”

“You stay out of my wardrobes,” Breanne remarked and folded her arms. “Now, why wasn’t I invited to pick nick beside the lake?”

“You were invited,” Heather said. “I mentioned it yesterday, but you were preoccupied with Chandice and your Irish ghost stories.”

“She wants to hear them, unlike some others I could mention,” Breanne replied.

“Well, sit down and have some ice tea,” Heather insisted and snapped a finger. “Jeremy, a tea for the lady.”

“You’re calling him Jeremy again?” Breanne asked with a roll of her eyes as she settled beside Heather.

“She even drew a mustache on him,” Quinny pointed out.

Breanne looked up to see the black spirals to either side of his empty nose socket. She shook her head as the skeleton handed her a glass of tea and then stood by silently. Breanne asked how the work was going, and Heather took a moment to survey the progress. They were sitting on a blanket on the shore of the little lake while Frank was far up on the hill overseeing the work. From where she sat, it looked as if the skeletons had made good progress, the outline of a wide central road already made. Goblins were scattered all over in little teams, stringing up lines and hammering in stakes. They also had a large area set aside as a work camp where they were cutting stones and making bricks in large ovens. Heather felt the progress was exceptional, considering it had started but six hours ago. It was amazing how effective the undead were at labor, considering they never got tired or needed a break. With the goblin engineers on hand, it was going like clockwork.

“That’s good,” Breanne said and swiped a piece of cake from the tray. “But why is Umtha so upset?”

“Umtha is upset?” Heather asked with a raised brow as she looked at Breanne. “About what?”

“I don't know,” Breanne answered and then took a bite. “But she asked me if I had seen Quinny lately.”

“She’s upset with me?” Quinny squawked. “What did I do?”

“I honestly have no idea,” Breanne replied. “She was searching the tower for you both earlier. I ran into her in the tunnels, and she was frustrated about not being able to find you both, but she asked specifically about you.”

“Hugh, I wonder why?” Heather said and looked at Quinny who was obviously lost as to the reason. “Well, I am sure we will find out soon enough. If she doesn't think to look for us here, I will go to the goblin doom fortress and ask her what she wants.”

They settled in together to talk about the city and share the plans to give everyone a small portion to decorate and control. Breanne was happy with her little pond but turned the conversation to more pressing matters. She wanted to know what Heather had learned about the necrofidiax from her books. Heather had to admit she hadn't as yet discovered anything. The necromancer tome was huge, and most pages had normal and hidden writing, making searching it a task. Hours had been spent pouring over pages of information, but she had found nothing so far. She even skimmed the book she won at the adventure party but it hadn't revealed anything. One thing that did come up was that Heather needed a study, someplace to collect her various forbidden books where she could document them and make notes. Such a place needed to be carefully hidden, so she planned to add a vault to the city. Breanne suggested she hide them in Umtha's doom fortress, where they would be heavily protected.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Heather agreed as she considered all the traps the goblins could make to keep the curious out. “None of them care that I am a necromancer, and they will fight fanatically to protect my secrets.”

They went on to discuss the city and what Heather's colors would be. She and Frank had debated this for hours as he wanted them to be a simple black and white. Breanne asked why and Heather explained the undead motif. Frank wanted black banners with white skulls and borders. Heather insisted that a city named paradise couldn't be all skulls and blackness. They agreed on a green field with a black circle in the center. There would be a skull at the bottom of the circle, but in the circle itself would be a single red rose.

“Why a rose?” Breanne asked.

“I don't know,” Heather replied honestly. “I just felt like it needed to be there. Some color to reflect my flower singer side, I guess.”

“Hmm,” Breanne said before nibbling more cake. “It’s odd how often you think of roses.”

Heather paused to consider that comment and thought about how often roses came to mind. As far as she knew they only came to mind in her garden as they were a favorite plant. But now that she thought about it, she insisted on adding roses to Frank's graveyard. They climbed her tower in the old home, and now they filled her private yard. She realized that she was rather fond of them and they always came to mind when she thought about being calm.

“I guess I like roses,” she finally said.

“You were going to look at those flowers in my forest,” Quinny reminded.

“I haven’t forgotten them,” Heather said. “I am very interested if I can use them with my flower singer powers.”

“You want to use your flower singer powers to weaponize a flower that makes zombies?” Breanne asked.

“Why not?” Heather asked. “The zombies it makes count toward the maximum, so why not make a bunch of free ones?”

“And where will you get the bodies?” Breanne asked.

“People are in my forest every day,” Quinny said. “I have seen a few die already.”

“That's where we will get them,” Heather said. “I want to hide them away as we get more, so I can use them in an emergency. I will create some plant-infested skeletons to support them and create a biological attack force.”

“Sometimes your intense focus frightens me,” Breanne said with a wave of her hand. “But you really should focus on the necrofidiax if you are determined to create a strong defense.”

“I only have so much time,” Heather sighed. “I read fifty pages of one book or another a day, and I want to spend some time with Frank.”

“And us, I hope,” Quinny added.

“Of course, I want to spend time with you,” Heather replied as Quinny rubbed her side. “And now I suppose I have to spend time with Umtha. It is becoming very demanding of my time. How does Roric manage it all?”

“They are all a family,” Breanne said. “So they share everything all the time. Your family is still divided so you have to spend a little here, a little time there.”

“You’re right,” Heather groaned. “Maybe we should just get married and get it over with.”

“I would rather we didn’t get married just to get it over with,” Breanne corrected. “I want it to mean something.”

Heather could understand that sentiment as she wanted her wedding to Frank to mean quite a lot. Still, this game they were playing was taking its toll. Heather was very nervous about the idea of sharing a relationship with potentially three other women. There was a strong defensive instinct to defend her claim to Frank, driving away all challengers. Yet, at the same time, she felt as if she could trust Breanne, Quinny, and even Umtha. They were all the best friends she had ever had, and she loved them.

She was just about to admit her feelings when a voice called out from above, and they looked up to see a unicorn riding across the sky with hooves trailing a rainbow of light. A woman with long dark hair rode on its back, wearing a gown of flowing white silks and silvery embroidery gown.

“There you are!” Gwen shouted as the Unicorn descended and came to stand right before them. “Are you three done playing with each other?”

“We aren't playing!” Heather shouted in embarrassment and bolted up, half covering her chest. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean, what am I doing here?” Gwen asked. “I felt you, Frank, and Umtha taking terrible wounds the other day. I used my blessing to protect you and assumed you would hurry to tell me what had happened. I was clearly mistaken because two days later, I am still wondering what happened.”

“You have a unicorn mount that flies!” Quinny squealed excitedly and ran up to the white horse. “Can I pet it?”

“Her name is Mindras,” Gwen said with a nod. “And she is my favorite mount.” Gwen then took a moment to dismount so she could stand before her mostly naked daughter. “So, explain yourself.”

“I am just sunning,” Heather insisted.

“Not this,” Gwen sighed and rested her forehead on her fingertips. “Oh, how my daughter has changed her heart.”

“I haven’t changed anything,” Heather protested. “And if you mean what was killing us the other day, we stumbled on an old construct of the necromancers.”

“What? Here?” Gwen stammered.

“It was in the mountain,” Heather explained. “There are tunnels and rooms all over we haven’t explored yet. So we took some time to search some of them and found a giant ball of skulls that attacked us.”

“A necrofidiax,” Gwen said in alarm. “You actually fought a necrofidiax?”

“Yes,” Heather asserted. “And it was a match for six of us, plus a small army of summoned pets.”

“I imagine it would be,” Gwen said as she looked concerned. “Those were engines of war, meant to battle armies. How on earth did you find one here?”

Heather explained how they think the tunnels were originally dug by undead so the mountain base could be used by the necromancers. It was meant to be a hidden lair where some kind of project was being worked on. She had evidence that Hathlisora had come here several times to meet with Heather before going out again. Gwen was distressed by the idea that a necromancer's lair had been hidden in her land, and she knew nothing about it. Heather told her not to condemn herself for it and brought up her kingdom heart. She showed Gwen how Heather's own heart didn't show the hidden room or the danger that lurked inside it.

“They found a way to hide what they built?” Gwen said in shock and paced a few steps. “But of course they did; they had to. The war was not going their way.”

“I thought you didn’t know much about it,” Heather said.

“I know only what I hear from other rulers and of course the rumors of players,” Gwen said. “I did my best not to get involved in these affairs, but the necromancers had some kind of interest in the Southlands. I know this Hathlisora has been to my land several times, but she never came to the city and was never here long. I learned later that she was a hated enemy of king Kevin, and their conflicts were laying waste to whole regions of the north.”

Heather decided to fill Gwen in on the goblins' role and how they built a machine to repair something Kevin had broken. She told Gwen all about the goblin invasion to protect the machine and how its destruction created the glass in the desert. She then told her how the egg was part of a second machine, hidden in the north. Heather described the massive size of the machine and the intense power that flowed through it; all meant to do one thing. Fix the item that meant so much to Hathlisora that Kevin broke.

“And now you are the goblin queen,” Gwen said. “As much as you try to deny it, you are walking the same path Hathlisora walked before. I don't like how you have been wrapped up in all this chaos or the danger your future might hold.”

“We are going to stay here for a good long time,” Heather assured her and pointed to the city. “I have a home to build and a family to care for.”

“So you have finally stopped playing your silly game and admitted you four are a family?” Gwen asked.

“Uh,” Heather choked and glanced between Breanne and Quinny.

“She needs a little more time,” Breanne answered for her. “I think Umtha sneaking her way in upset her plans.”

“Yes, the goblin woman is sneaky,” Gwen agreed as she rubbed at her chin. “But I don’t think she did it out of malice.”

“Nah,” Quinny said as she pet Mindras. “Umtha did it to protect Heather. I think she would die to protect all of us.”

“I have to agree,” Breanne added. “She genuinely cares for Heather's well-being and has been a good friend to us. She sees us all as a group as she had a tapestry made to represent us all as a single unit.”

“She did?” Gwen asked in surprise. “Does this mean you have taken your throne?”

“Yes,” Heather replied and relayed the context of the long conversation with Umtha. Gwen approved of the goblin woman's desire to make Heather's burden in ruling them light. She also approved of Umtha's desire to protect Heather with her fortress, offering an escape route through the deep tunnels if necessary.

“Which brings us back to the necromancers,” Gwen said with a dire tone. “What do you plan to do about that thing?”

“Nothing,” Heather said. “I managed to dominate it and told it to hide underground where we found it. That's where it will stay until I know more about it. Once I know more, I will think more seriously about its future and if I want to make more.”

“More?” Gwen said in shock. “My daughter, do you know the danger such a thing puts you in? You can easily explain away these two skeletons, but that thing was a weapon of the necromancers. Nobody will be fooled by a story that you just happened on it, and it bowed to your will. Only a necromancer could have made that thing, and only a necromancer could control it.”

“I am aware of that,” Heather replied and folded her arms over her chest. “But I can't just ignore what I am. It's already there, so all I can do is hide it and try to learn more.”

Gwen seemed displeased by her answer, but what else could Heather do? She didn't build the thing or hide it in the strange room. It was already here, so all she could do was hope to keep it secret. What was more interesting was that the room and the creature inside were hidden from their kingdom hearts, which made Heather very curious. How had the necromancers found a way to hide things from such a powerful tool, and where else had they done so?

“Are you going to show us the city?” Gwen asked, breaking Heather out of her thoughts.

“What?” Heather said and blinked. “It’s hardly a city yet. We are just starting to build the main road.”

“So, walk us through it, and help us imagine what’s coming,” Gwen suggested.

Heather relented and led the way, walking barefoot over the field and describing the layout they had agreed on. The outer ring was all for player homes divided into four districts, each with a different layout of streets. The next ring was the park with a meandering stream, statues, and plazas. Heather explained the placement of small clusters of graves and how she planned to turn the whole region over to Quinny. As she talked, they arrived at the outer edge of the work being done to find Frank and Legeis leaning over a table and pointing to an elaborate drawing.

Heather went right up to Frank and startled him by running a hand over the gray skin of his back. He asked her why she stopped sunning, and she pointed to Gwen and explained she wanted to see the work so far. Gwen addressed Frank as her son for the first time and asked if they could poke about the work site. Heather wanted to laugh to see how nervous Frank was at being addressed as her son, but he nodded and repeated Heather's words that there wasn't much to see yet.

Heather then led the way in, walking down the wide grand lane that would run through the city's center. Thus far, it was only a low ditch dug out by the skeletons, but it showed how wide the causeway would be. Heather described how she would put planting spaces down the center, dividing the causeway into two halves and adding some color.

She opened her kingdom heart at various places so they could see models of the buildings that would one day stand on these places. Gwen was struck by the way Heather wanted to mix a little undead style with fantasy designs and lots of floral colors. The base colors for the city would be the grays of stone, but Heather wanted to use white marble in key places like the inner walls to make the city stand out. In addition, large banners would hang from the walls to represent her alliance with Gwen's city and the goblin kingdom, telling players where Heather stands from the start.

Heather paused at an area currently being worked on by goblins directing teams of skeletons. She explained how this was going to be a magic fountain whose various levels floated and poured a soft blue, glowing water. It would also be planted with hanging vines that grew colorful flowers circled by glowing lights. The whole space would be the grand plaza of the city, and one prominent building would be an adventurer's guild.

“An adventurer’s guild?” Quinny asked. “What is that for?”

“It was Frank's idea,” Heather replied. “He said he'd seen it in a lot of anime. He wants the guild to provide quests that send players to your forest and the graveyard. It will offer players contracts and pay them for completing them, encouraging players to frequent your lairs.”

“That's an amazing idea,” Gwen said. “He really is fond of the idea of building an adventure for heroes to explore.”

“It's why he plays a ghoul,” Heather sighed as she thought of her husband. “Frank is in love with the idea of building a grand adventure for players to explore and have fun. He said the guild should give players ranks, and the higher you are, the more challenging and rewarding the contract. It could also take contracts from other players who have a pest problem to deal with. He wants to find players who will build inns nearby and put stores for gear and weapons all along the plaza.”

“So he wants to turn this space into a central hub for players seeking adventure,” Breanne said. “He has thought about this a lot.”

“Frank kept me up all night talking about it,” Heather laughed. “He is very excited about building this city and having the guild to help encourage players to play nicely. Once we have some players, he wants to create occasional events where players receive a special reward.”

Heather could see the others thought the idea was brilliant and moved on to take them to an area that was staked out but hadn't been touched yet. She explained that this would be the gate that linked to Rajeen's city, but Gwen immediately cut her off. Gwen explained that the further away the city was, the more the gate would cost to link. If it was as far away as Heather described, it would cost all her social points and more. She recommended Heather give her a pair of magical doors, as those were far cheaper and not distance dependant.

Heather protested that Gwen was the one who told her she could build gates, and Gwen admitted she had, but didn't realize the city was so far away. She hoped Heather would consider linking their two cities together as they were much closer.

“Link our cities?” Heather said as she considered it. “Why not?”

“Why not indeed,” Gwen remarked. “Or you could link it to your goblin city, but that might be better left as a stronghold. A gate that took an army directly inside would defeat the purpose of all those defenses.”

“I suppose I could use the doors to get to Umtha’s base,” Heather agreed as she pondered another place her doors could go. She blushed at the thought and quickly put it out of her mind turning back to reconsider her magic gate. She had planned to link it to Rajeen, but a doorway would have to do. Then, Rajeen could place it in her inn and visit as often as she wished.

They moved on as Heather described the temple they intended to build. Gwen teased her and suggested she should marry Quinny and Breanne in it when it was ready. Heather choked at the notion but agreed it was a good idea to avoid hurting their feelings. However, she wasn't prepared to be squished in a hug between Breanne and Quinny, who were thrilled that Heather had vocalized her intent to marry them.

After some blushing, she took them to where she explained the land would be cut into tiers, with the outer ring being manors for important people, and the next higher level would be another garden done in Heather's style. The highest level would be where her castle was, built into the stone of the mountain like Umthas base. Heather planned to make it look a bit more inviting, but the principle was the same.

Gwen was impressed by the design and the way Heather hoped to expand the city by adding more rings and growing outward. Heather pointed out how Frank even had the locations of several small villages in mind, creating a proper kingdom with a flow of players to keep it bustling. But, right now, most of it was grass and markers, with only the main road showing any real progress.

With the tour over, Gwen suggested they go back to enjoying their bask in the sun and climbed onto her Unicorn. With a wave, she urged the animal on, causing it to gallop off and take to the air, running on what appeared to be a rainbow.

“I want one of those,” Heather said as she admired the display.

“I want one too!” Quinny was quick to add as she grabbed Heather’s hand.

Heather wrapped her fingers around the happy zombie woman's hand and then reached out to take one of Breanne's. “Well, let's go back and do some sunning while the boys work,” she suggested and carried the two away. It was time to build a better future and move toward a relationship that united them all. After all their foundation was as strong as the stone they building with and nobody could break their walls.

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