Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 22: No time to change

Frank and Breanne stood in a market square as he added some fanciful trees to a small garden area. The city was almost complete, and players had started coming to his graveyard. The addition of an NPC at the bridge encouraging players to explore the lower tunnels had done wonders. Now players were working hard to find the entrances to these tunnels and plumb the depths. Of course, it helped that the NPC provided players with a rumor that a great treasure was hidden in the depths.

He wanted to be there to mess with the players but for now, finishing the city was the most important. Santos and his rogues were already settled in, and more than a dozen goblin players had opened shops in their section of the city. In addition, a proper road had been placed through the mountains, linking to the graveyard road and the two goblin villages. Players hadn't yet followed the road this far, but it was only a matter of time now.

Heather and Quinny were in other parts of the city, each given a small stone to make changes. They were adding decorative features like window boxes full of flowers and climbing vines to add Heather's much-desired colors. Heather also used her flower singer abilities and the special build options it gave her. There were now beautiful belts of colorful flowers growing along the walls and around every corner. The city was shaping up to be a garden paradise with its white plaster or marble walls rising like some heavenly bastion on earth.

“Does she still plan to go through with that idea?” Breanne asked as she watched Frank's interface to see the options he was considering.

“The bastion idea?” Frank asked as Breanne nodded. “She loved the idea when she saw it, but it costs a lot of points.”

“Which you have,” Breanne replied, then pointed to a flower with striking purple petals and dark blue stripes. “Heather will love that one.”

Frank added it to the garden belt around the trees and then returned to the conversation. Heather had discovered they could buy a floating island with social points and planned to anchor it to the city with golden chains to the mountain. She was going to build their palace on the upper slopes with water gardens that flowed through a great plaza full of artwork and pillars. The outer edge would be covered in buildings fit for a fantasy paradise with domed roofs capped in blue crystal tiles. Water would fall from the island in four places to feed the lower parks streams and, with any luck, create rainbows.

Heather was all about color and brightness, wanting the city to reflect her vision of beauty. On the other hand, Frank was in charge of creating an undead city guard. An entire section of the city would have a darker gothic appearance, with men leading squads of armored zombies. Heather wanted to make sure people remembered Frank was a carrion knight and thus wouldn’t be too surprised by what they saw. He was working with Breanne because part of what he was doing was making a statue of her. She was one of the city's prominent noble ladies, and he knew how to represent it.

He would create a statue that showed her in her elven beauty, but floating behind her would be a magical representation of the banshee. Glowing balls of light would float about her, representing the wisps that often haunted her swamps. A marble arch would frame the statue in a swampy fountain with a fog that spilled over the rim. He had the whole thing already designed and was waiting to show it to Breanne. This would go in a section of the city set aside to have more elvish styles that Heather was preparing now.

They walked through the city, slowly working their way to the chosen meeting point. Breanne was unaware of their plans, but Frank had something very stressful to do first. Heather had coached him on how to handle the moment, and he couldn't put it off any longer. It wasn't like they hadn't done this already, but he had never been the one to initiate it.

As Breanne pointed to an area of the street and suggested they add some small plants, Frank walked up and put an arm around her waist. She stopped in her words and looked back at him before smiling and putting an arm around him.

“You are nervous about this, aren’t you?” Breanne said in a pleased tone.

“Very, but you need to know I care about you,” Frank insisted.

“As if fighting for my honor hadn’t done that already,” Breanne laughed. “Frank, I know you love me, and I love you too. I just never believed Heather would allow it.”

“Neither did I,” Frank sighed. “I don’t know what’s come over her.”

“Roric and his harem are what came over her,” Breanne replied. “Oh, and probably weeks of Blackbast encouraging her to open her eyes. Either way, Heather wants to stay, and in doing so, she finally realized how much she could have. You, me, Quinny, even Umtha.”

“But I don’t know what I’m doing,” Frank lamented. “What if I make a mistake?”

“You are going to make mistakes,” Breanne insisted. “All that matters is you make those mistakes with no malice. If you accidentally harm one of us, we will forgive you because we know you meant well. Just be who you always are and trust us to see your true intentions.”

Frank nodded as Breanne rolled in his arms and came to his chest. She smiled and gripped the sides of his face looking deep into his eyes.

“I have to admit this human form suits you,” Breanne said before leaning in for a kiss.

Frank tensed as their lips came together but still managed to put his arms around her. She felt warm and inviting, her soft elven form protected in his arms. She was his, and nobody would take her away, even if he had to fight to protect her. When the kiss ended, she stepped back and took his hand, smiling as he remained speechless.

“Now, do you want to show me what you three have been hiding from me?” Breanne asked.

“What? You knew about that?” Frank asked.

Breanne laughed and shook her head as if the very thought she hadn't noticed was foolish. She explained that after raising children and grandchildren, she had become very adept at noticing when people were trying to be sneaky. She could tell right away that Heather was trying to push her off on Frank so she and Quinny could sneak off and prepare something.

Frank had to admit they did have a surprise but that he didn't want to spoil it. She agreed not to pry but hugged him and smiled, all the same, telling him how happy she was. Frank didn't understand why all this was going so well. Girls had never been this easy to please before.

They spent the next hour sharing smiles and working their way to the next section. Every section was denoted in some way, with this section being divided by a canal and low wall. Breanne immediately noted the elvish themes of the wall and how colorful the trees were. She asked how they managed to get such lovely options, and Frank explained that some of it came from Heather's flower singer class.

“Ah, that must have gifted you both with some elvish building options,” Breanne cited.

“Well, a lot of it is because Gwen is an elf, and Heather is her daughter,” Frank said. “We can build in any of Gwen's styles, just like she can create goblin NPCs.”

“Hmm, I wonder what options you will get when you marry me?” Breanne asked.

Frank tried not to react to that comment as it might spoil the surprise they had planned. She was right, though; they would have new building options once they were married. For that reason, they hadn't gone into too much detail in this area, assuming they could finalize it later when Breanne was properly a wife.

They walked hand in hand through what felt like a small village because of how much space was given to trees and plants. They reached a round plaza surrounded by elvish buildings with steep, peaked roofs capped by wooden shingles carved to resemble scales. Heather and Quinny were near the center between three large trees with white trunks and bluish leaves. Frank was nervous about approaching them with Breanne holding his hand, but Heather only waved and smiled before taking one of Quinny's.

“You’re finally here,” Heather said as they arrived. “So what do you think?”

“Did you build this for me?” Breanne asked and spun around. “You didn’t have to.”

“No, I didn't, but we wanted to,” Heather explained.

“And I helped pick the trees,” Quinny said while pointing to the multi-trunk white trees that grew overhead.

“They are very beautiful,” Breanne replied graciously and then squinted. “Do they make the area dark?”

“Yes,” Heather said and looked up. “They are magical and cause a twilight effect underneath them. Quinny said it would be perfect for what we wanted to build here.”

“You have something to build here?” Breanne asked.

“Something special,” Heather said and stepped back, pulling Quinny with her. “Frank designed it. I hope you like it.”

Breanne turned to Frank as he opened his interface and selected the predesigned object. Breanne looked up as the towering statue and fountain came into being. She looked at her own image cast in perfect marble while a magical copy of her banshee form floated behind it. The twilight of the trees created a powerful effect for the spectral image that floated behind her. The statue was twelve feet tall, with her feet planted as if walking on water. Mist spilled about her feet and even drifted over the lip of the blue mosaic basin. The glowing wisps floated about, producing a soft crackling tune lending to the magic effect.

Her lips trembled as she tried to take in the gift before losing control and throwing herself into Frank's arms.

“I love you,” she whispered before planting another kiss.

“Aww, we lost out,” Quinny said disappointingly.

Breanne parted from Frank and turned on the two women with a smile. She hurried to Quinny and swept her up, rewarding her with a kiss of her own. Heather was last to get her kiss, but hers went on longer, the two embracing warmly.

“I am so happy,” Breanne said as she stepped back to look at her statue again. “I love you all.”

“Good, because the moment isn’t over,” Heather said and nodded to Frank again.

Breanne turned to look at him as his heart began to beat fiercely. This was the part he was dreading the most, but deep inside, he wanted it to happen. He had been an avid fan of anime and was rather fond of the harem stories. He had spent hours fantasizing about being the hero in such a story while his group of women flocked about him. Meeting Roric showed him he could have such a thing, and to his surprise, Heather pushed him to accept it.

Slowly he reached into his pouch and took out the object that would signify their commitment. Breanne looked stunned as Heather came to his side, and together they held the object up.

“Breanne,” Frank began as his voice cracked. “Would you marry us?”

Breanne choked as she looked down at the ring, and tears filled her eyes. She reached a trembling hand out so he could put the ring on her finger and nearly broke into sobs when it slid on. She held the ornate band before her eyes as she nodded and said yes, only to be surprised when Heather took her free hand.

“Now, it’s my turn,” Heather said nervously. “You are welcome to live with us,” she said.

“I already live in your tower,” Breanne replied.

“No,” Heather said as she trembled nervously. “I meant in our bedroom.”

Frank watched Heather flush as Breanne was struck speechless. He couldn't believe this moment had come and another woman would be joining his life. Breanne hugged Heather tightly, thanking her for opening up. Frank could tell Heather was still nervous about all this, but they both knew it was the right thing to do. Breanne lost control of her tears, and they started to flow as she tried to express her happiness. After a few moments, she struggled to get control and looked at Quinny.

“But what about Quinny?” Breanne asked.

Quinny stepped up and lifted her hand to show Breanne the ring that adorned her finger.

“They already asked me to marry them,” Quinny said. “I am moving my stuff into their room as soon as we are done here.”

“What stuff? All you ever wear are my clothes,” Heather protested and turned to Breanne. “There was no way to surprise you both, and we knew you would appreciate the gesture, so we proposed to her in secret earlier today. Frank wanted to make you the statue and use it as a backdrop for his proposal.”

“All I wanted was the ring,” Quinny said. “Oh, and you have a buff now called engaged.”

“So this is it?” Breanne stammered. “No more pretending or slowly pushing limits? We are engaged and will soon be wives?”

Heather sighed and shook her head. “Let’s just call each other wives now and address Frank as our husband.”

“Oh, I can't believe this is happening,” Breanne said joyfully. “I have never been so happy.”

Quinny ran to her arms and joined in a warm hug. “I have a wife,” Quinny said as she enjoyed the embrace. “And I love you.”

“I love you too,” Breanne replied as Heather, and then Frank joined the hug.

“So we’re finally a harem,” Quinny said as they parted.

“Whatever you want to call it,” Heather replied as she looked at her husband. “Are you alright with that?”

“I was afraid to suggest it, but if you all want to be my harem, I won't deny I like it,” he admitted.

“Harem it is,” Heather laughed and turned to the city. “And aside from the bastion, I think we’re ready to open.”

“What about the small villages you wanted to build in the plains?” Breanne asked.

“Frank and I talked about that,” Heather began. “We decided to grant the rights to build to players. That way, we can incur a few vassals and start earning points.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” Breanne agreed.

“So when is our wedding?” Quinny asked impatiently.

“Well,” Heather began and looked at Frank. “We were thinking we would open the gate to mother's city today and start bringing players over. To help push that along, we arranged for a public proclamation. We will announce Lydia's small province and the opening of our city.”

“That didn’t answer my question,” Quinny pressed as Frank came to her and took her hands.

“We are also going to present you two to the crowd and announce our intention to marry you,” Frank said. “We are going to set the date to be four or five months out, so players have time to populate both cities.”

“And our first major residents arrived this morning,” Heather said.

“The goblins are already here,” Quinny said.

“No,” Heather laughed as she started to blush. “I regret to say that wasn’t who I was talking about.” She paused as Frank started to laugh at how awkward this situation was. Heather finally gathered her strength and told them that Rajeen was in Gwen’s city with her entire harem. She planned to come through the magic gate and recreate her inn inside their city.

“Rajeen’s harem is going to be here?” Quinny asked with surprise.

“It would appear so,” Heather replied. “And she has promised to accept any of us who want to join it.”

“Oh,” Quinny said with a big smile. “So I could be a slave girl and Frank’s wife.”

“I don’t think that would be appropriate,” Breanne interrupted. “Why don’t we focus on being a family first.”

“I was just playing,” Quinny said. “Besides, I would only want to be Frank's slave girl.”

“Well, we can't,” Breanne argued. “Which also means we need to return the collars. Blackbast needs them back, and we have no need of them.”

“Don’t be so quick to say that,” Heather sighed. “Not until you have tried it.”

Breanne blushed as she realized what Heather was getting at. She realized that Heather had worn it with Frank and experienced its full power. Having looked at some of the powers herself, she could see how beneficial to love making the collar could be.

“I suppose I see your point, but we can’t keep them, and Frank isn’t a slave master class,” Breanne said.

“No, but maybe he could be,” Heather said. “Remember that succubus witch thing Jaina and them went to meet.”

“I do, and I recall the revulsion Blackbast had at the idea,” Breanne countered. “I also seem to recall Chandice and others describing this woman as pure evil and frightening to bargain with.”

“It's just a game mechanic,” Heather insisted. “So what if they played up the contract with the devil theme? I am a devil when I want to be, and it wouldn't hurt to see what she wanted.”

“A tattoo that permanently curses you with sexual requirements,” Breanne was quick to argue. “Do you really want something like that complicating your life?”

“It might not complicate things,” Quinny suggested. “It might make it more fun.”

“Jaina did it,” Heather insisted. “And she is perfectly happy with it.”

“Let’s not overlook that Jaina is a whore,” Breanne said. “You are more of a saint and will not find the burden as easy to bear.”

“I think Breanne is right,” Frank cut in. “I don’t like the idea of you being cursed.”

“It won’t hurt to find out what she wants,” Heather insisted.

“I could get the tattoo for you,” Quinny offered. “I am much more open than Heather is.”

“I don’t want either of you doing it,” Frank insisted and looked distressed. “Do the collars really mean that much to you?”

“No,” Breanne was quick to say, but Heather and Quinny didn't agree. They argued that the intensification of intimacy made them more than worth it. Heather and Quinny also agreed that wearing them would be trivial if Frank was their master. They already loved him and wanted to be at his side, so what harm was there in wearing his collar? He never had to treat them like slaves, and they could enjoy the benefits they offered.

“I can’t collar you, and I am not taking the path to it,” Frank insisted.

“Wait, what path?” Heather asked as Frank suddenly flinched. He wished he had never opened his mouth as his wives glared at him.

“Frank?” Quinny pressed. “Do you have an evolution path that leads to slave collars?”

“Not exactly,” Frank sighed but it was pointless to deny. “Look, I keep going down the path that makes me physically stronger, but there are two other paths. One starts giving me magic as I become a sort of ghoul mage. The other is called the pack master, and instead of personal strength, I can summon packs of undead with some special units.”

“And where does this lead to slave collars?” Heather asked.

Frank had to explain how as a high-level pack master, he would have death collars. He could take a slave, and while they wore the collar, they became an undead thrall. It wasn't the same as a sex slave, and it would alter their appearance to make them look dead.

“But I’m already dead,” Quinny laughed.

“Wait,” Heather said as she glared at him. “Blackbast said all collars made you a bonded slave, and the master could pick the subclass. Are you lying about your choices because you don't want to collar us?”

Frank cleared his throat as three women folded their arms and demanded an answer.

“Oh, Frank,” Heather groaned. “Do you hate it that much? Honestly, it doesn't mean anything, and it offers a fun mechanic. Not to mention how easy it will be for you to disguise us. You are only so averse to the collars because you were introduced to them through Blackbast. Yes, her slaves have a requirement and have to do things you don't approve of, but yours won't.”

“Yes, they will,” Frank countered and looked away. “If you become my undead thralls, your health pools become linked. I will gain a bunch of buffs that I can bestow on you, but your greatest strength is in your connection to me.”

“What does that mean?” Breanne asked.

“It kind of works like Roric, where the more slaves I have, the stronger I am. If I suffer a wound, it will go to one of you instead, and you will keep suffering the wounds until you die. An enemy would have to kill all three of you even to begin harming me, and I couldn't be the tank that protects you anymore.”

He felt angry to have explained it and trembled in discomfort until soft hands came to his shoulders.

“Frank,” Heather said softly. “I am so sorry. I didn't understand how your class worked. Of course, you wouldn't want that, and I want you to forget about it.”

“The class even allows me to sacrifice you to gain combat boosts,” Frank sighed. “The slaves in my class line are batteries to be used up.”

“Just forget about it,” Heather insisted as Quinny and Breanne hugged him. “I will give up the collar to make you happy.”

“Maybe we can find another way,” Quinny said. “I will get the tattoo to make him a chosen, and then he can choose conqueror like Roric.”

“Let’s not spoil our beautiful moment,” Breanne suggested. “All this can wait for a long while.”

“I agree,” Heather said. “We just got engaged to each other. Let's not ruin it by dredging up painful ideas.”

“So there is only one more person to talk to,” Quinny said as the other three turned to look at her. “Umtha has to be told.”

“I have been dreading that,” Heather replied.

“Why? She is already married to you,” Breanne said.

“I know, but we haven't accepted it,” Heather sighed. “I feel like you two should join the relationship first, then we add Umtha.”

“That's very kind of you, but it isn't necessary,” Breanne relented. “It's obvious that Umtha loves you, and she gave the crown hoping you would remember how much. In many ways, her offer to handle the burden of goblin affairs was much like Frank's selfless actions. She cares about you so much that she doesn't want to see you unhappy, even if it makes her unhappy.”

“Yeah, Umtha has always worked to your benefit,” Quinny added. “And even when you broke her heart by saying you weren't Hathlisora, she still did her best.”

“There is still a chance she isn't Hathlisora,” Frank pointed out, but by the looks on their faces, none of them believed it. “I was just saying,” he sighed and let the point go.

“Let's not bring that up either,” Heather said. “I am princess Hannah now, and we might as well forget the name Heather and Hathlisora.”

“Agreed,” Breanne said.

“So do I get to be princess Quinny?” she asked.

“Ha, you can't wait for that, can you?” Heather laughed.

“I have been waiting my whole life to be a princess,” Quinny argued. “I can wait a little longer.”

“Good, because I think it's time we opened the gate and started the flood,” Heather said.

“You don’t have to announce our engagement,” Breanne offered.

“Yes, I do,” Heather sighed. “And I want to. I am sorry it took so long.”

They went through the city together to where a gate on the outer loop stood. It was placed on the walls that separated the inner city from the outer and hung on either side with green and cream banners adorned with golden unicorn heads. Delicate white pillars covered in red roses framed the gate and held up a sharply pointed arch. It was wide enough for thirty people to walk side by side and taller than the houses around it. Heather walked up to the smooth stone surface, knowing Gwen had already set the gate on the other side. She placed a miniature door against the wall and stepped back before commanding it to open.

Everyone watched as the gate grew, spreading across the wall as the stone seemed to fall into a blue void. A pinhole of light formed in the center, rapidly growing to reveal the city beyond. It spread to the boundaries of the archway, and suddenly, there was a gust of wind.

Frank looked on as he saw a swarm of people on the other side, as if the archway was just another entrance in the wall. Heather took his hand and stepped through to greet the crowds, who cheered as Quinny and Breanne followed them.

She gave a little speech about her city and how the goblins were friends and not to be killed. She told them where to find the graveyard, the haunted forest, and the swamps, then suggested they visit the adventurers guild. She also told them about the new gothic province in the north and how it could be found but cautioned them to be careful. Before she finished, she made Quinny and Breanne join them to announce she and Frank had asked the two to marry them, and they said yes.

This brought a cheer from the crowd as more and more people began to swell its ranks. Heather then told them they were looking for a few village builders to create some small towns in their area. Then she stepped aside, and people began to pass through, her city finally open to the masses. Soon players would be settling in, and a new chapter would start. They greeted several people who took the time to say hello until a mass of women approached behind a smiling tiger woman.

“Hello again,” Rajeen said with a gentle bow. “Congratulations on your engagement.”

“Thank you,” Heather replied with a blush. “It was long overdue.”

“We set a space aside for your inn,” Frank said. “We intentionally locked the entire block until we knew how much space you needed.”

“How very thoughtful,” Rajeen replied. “I am truly touched. I am also grateful that you choose to give Roric a set of doors despite my intentions to come here.”

“Well, you would still be a few hour's walk from their home,” Heather said. “This way, you can put the doors wherever you want, and you will never be more than a step away.”

“Hmm, I think in the harem would be good,” Rajeen said and looked at her girls. “That way, Jaina and the others can sleep where they belong.” Dozens of girls laughed and giggled at their master’s comments before she finally looked to the open gate. “I am grateful for your kindness. If you ever need my support with anything, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you,” Heather nodded and took Frank's hand. “And welcome to Paradise city.”

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