Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 27: One big family

“Sneak. Sneak. Sneak,” Heather said as Frank rolled his eyes. For the past two days, the woman had been practicing being a rogue and was nearly constantly invisible. Now she was playing with him by whispering the word sneak whenever she was nearby, causing him to wonder if rogue was a good choice.

“You do remember I can still see you,” Frank replied as they turned to stare into her eyes as she hung from the ceiling.

“You wanted me to embrace the world and what it had to offer,” Heather replied. “So now I am a spider rogue. I do whatever a spider can.”

“Spiders don't turn invisible, and you're dangerously close to a copyright violation,” he countered.

“Who is going to sue me in here?” Heather challenged.

“I am sure if corporations can find a way, they will,” Frank said. “And I am glad you are having fun, but rogues don't whisper that they are sneaking.”

“I am enjoying myself,” Heather said as she became visible. Her feet were planted on the ceiling, and she stood straight as if walking across the floor. Webster was right beside her, looking down with his array of eyes in his usual way. Heather's long golden hair hung down, almost reaching the floor. Frank was tempted to pull on that rope and see if he could pluck her from the ceiling.

He turned about and used a long claw to poke her in the nose as she smiled at him. He truly loved this woman and was grateful to see her finally being playful. He decided to pluck her from the ceiling but did so by wrapping his hands around her waist. She giggled as her feet came free and spun around to face the right way up before being cuddled in his arms.

“Why do you love me?” Heather sighed as she ran a hand along his gray chest.

“Because you are wonderful and made my life fun again,” Frank replied.

“You were lonely, weren’t you?” Heather asked as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I would be if I had been you.”

“I was very lonely,” Frank replied. “I thought there would be players in my graveyard every day, but weeks passed when nobody showed up. I was beginning to regret coming here and worried that I might spend most of my life alone.”

“Then I fell down your stairs,” Heather laughed before looking up. “And you were so goofy.”

“I didn't know how to talk to you,” Frank said. “You practically fell at my feet, and I didn't know what to do or say.”

“Well, it made you endearing,” Heather laughed. “Though, now we have to wonder if all that was part of the plan.”

“You mean the plan laid out for Hathlisora,” Frank said. He watched he sigh and look away as they faced an unpleasant reality. More and more evidence showed that Heather was deeply connected to Hathlisora. The letter made it appear that Heather was just an agent working alongside Hathlisora, but recent events brought that into doubt. For one thing, Heather could use Hathlisora's panel, a feat only the owner could do.

Another thing was the hidden goblin machine and how its doors and devices saw Heather as an ally. According to Legeis, these devices were programmed to open for Hathlisora alone. However, the most recent discovery was the most disturbing. Heather was under a magical polymorph that altered her appearance to the form they saw now. It raised a battery of questions that couldn't be easily answered.

Chandice had shed some light on it, proving a magical item of artifact levels of power was maintaining it. She couldn't tell them more about it, as it was at a level of power so far above her skill she couldn't touch it. Heather had taken it badly, but Umtha took it worse. He noted how the goblin woman felt guilty for pushing the title of Hathlisora on Heather.

“Let's not think about any of that,” Frank said as he carried her down a tunnel with Webster following on the ceiling. A moment later, they emerged on the grand balcony overlooking the graveyard with the waterfall rumbling far to their right. He carried Heather to the railing and set her down as they looked over the yard.

Players were in the graveyard looking for various things and fulfilling quests. It was a moment Frank had begun to believe would never come, but here it was, and it was wonderful. From their vantage point, they could see three separate groups, but he knew there were more. Two were in the tunnels below, and a few more in the mists beyond their sight.

“Look, the graveyard is busy,” Heather said with a pleased tone. “Even Breanne’s swamp region has seen player activity.”

“I am glad,” Frank said as she leaned into him. “But we are going to have to move out of the tower.”

“What? Why?” Heather asked.

Frank tried not to laugh as he reminded her that players were breaking into the tower and anyone who could fly or climb walls could easily reach her ledge. That meant they were a short walk to her bedroom, and sooner or later, a party of adventurers were going to break in while they were in bed.

“Oh,” Heather said as her cheeks flushed. “That would not be good.” She paused in her thoughts and paced the balcony a bit as she considered her options. “I suppose the safest place would be Umtha's fortress. But we haven't built our palace yet, and we intended to make that player-proof.”

“We could stay with your mother for a bit,” Frank offered. “Or, if you want, we can work on the tower here to make it harder to reach us.”

“That's a waste of points,” Heather countered and turned to smile at him. “Let's face it; this whole area has become one big adventure spot. The tower and caves will all be explored by players eventually. If we want to be able to let our hair down and do family things, we need a safe place to do it. Besides, using magical doors or the forest portals, we can jump between homes in moments.”

“That reminds me, we need to speak to Roric about portals and doors,” Frank said. “Remember, we thought Evalynn might be able to make a forest portal to the park in the city.”

“Oh, right,” Heather said as she leaned on the railing. “But that would mean having to go into her forest.”

“You're still uncomfortable with that,” he laughed and put a massive gray arm around her.

“I don't care that they want to live that way, but I don't want to see it in action, if you know what I mean,” Heather said.

“Hmm, we could go to Rajeen's inn,” Frank suggested. “One of them is there often, and she has a portal directly to Roric's home now.”

“Why, Frank, that is a very clever idea,” Heather remarked. “And while we’re in the city, we can look for that woman and her friends so I can practice my rogue skills.”

“You are going to sneak around them?” he asked.

“I was thinking more like stabbing her in the back,” Heather corrected with a wicked smile.

“Common,” Frank urged as he took her by the arm and led her away. They went to look for the others to discover Breanne was in her swamps toying with a group of adventurers. Quinny wanted to come, but she, too, had a lot of players in the forest and was dreaming up another encounter. Umtha was in the goblin city working on something and said she didn't have time. That left Heather and Frank to go alone, so they headed out, using the forest portal to get to the city quickly.

Heather was pleased to see two women sitting on a bench in the park as they talked about settling in the city. Heather lingered long enough to hear they were enjoying the various monster player areas.

“See,” Heather said as she took Frank’s human arm. “People do love it when monster players settle nearby.”

“Yeah, most people do, but it only takes a few bad ones to reset some poor monster player,” Frank cited.

“I know, but we have a lot more protection here. So long as you're inside the kingdom, you can't be reset, even if they destroy your dungeon heart,” Heather said to encourage him.

They headed into the streets with Heather wearing her yellow dress and floppy sun hat. The appearance was drawing some confused looks from passersby's, but Heather ignored them. They stopped by Santos's bar, checking in to see if any of the girls were there.

“Sorry,” said a woman with short black hair and a scar on one cheek. “None of them has been here in a few days. Too focused on playing in that forest of theirs.”

“Well, thank you anyway,” Heather said and waved as they departed. They headed back into the streets to notice how several more buildings had changed. Players were buying up property, and the city was starting to adapt. She couldn't believe she was the ruler and these people were all her subjects. Yet she spent most of her time in disguise, walking among them without them noticing.

“Hey, you!” a gruff voice called, causing the two to turn. A big man with a yellow hue to his skin approached with two men at his side. He was almost as big as Grumosh and had arms like thick branches. One man at his side was a thin man in black garb holding what appeared to be metal claws. The other man was in brown robes and carried a simple wooden stick.

“Excuse me?” Heather asked as they approached, their body language feeling threatening.

“We’re part of the hero community, spreading the word that it isn’t right that this city allows monster players inside,” the large man said.

“What?” Heather replied in shock at his statement. “How can you say that? Monster players make it fun for Hero players by providing lairs and adventures to play in.”

“Monster players are nothing but losers who tried to wreck the server for the rest of us,” the man insisted.

“It doesn’t matter what you think,” Heather growled. “The city rules clearly state that all monster players are welcome in the city!”

“They can say whatever they want. It doesn't make it right,” the man said and went to poke a finger at Heather before Frank stepped in his way.

“Don’t threaten her,” Frank said with a voice that promised violence.

“Ha,” the skinny man laughed. “We got a traitor. A hero player protecting the rights of monster players.”

“Are you three blind?” Heather demanded. “The city has an entire goblin quarter, and undead guards patrol the streets.”

“I doubt that will last long,” the brown-robbed man said. “King Kevin doesn't allow blended cities. Sooner or later, he will send his emissaries to punish these stupid rulers.”

“He can send whoever he wants, and I will burn them to cinders!” Heather roared as her hands filled with fire. Webster chirped beside her as if issuing a threat, but Frank acted first.

“Don’t,” Frank said as he put a hand to her wrists.

“Better listen to your traitor boyfriend,” the big man laughed. “Violence isn’t permitted in the city.”

“I am not her boyfriend,” Frank growled as he squared his shoulders. “I am her husband, Prince Frank, ruler of Paradise City. And you three are no longer welcome here. Get out of my city, my lands, and all of Queen Gwen's empire.”

“You’re the prince?” the scrawny man in black asked. “And I suppose that makes her the princess?”

“Yes, it does!” Heather shouted as her hands tensed like she was about to act.

The three men shared a look of surprise before the giant one finally turned back and smugly demanded they prove it. Frank smiled ever so slightly as a group of fifty skeletons in full armor arrived behind a man in shining plate. As ruler of the city, Frank could call on support with only a thought, and he had sent for aid so he could make a statement.

“We came at your request, lord Frank,” the man said and dipped into a bow.

“Oh,” the thin man said as he nearly dropped his weapon. “This isn’t good.”

“You really are Prince Frank?” the giant man balked as a crowd gathered to see what was happening. “I should have known a carrion knight would be a monster player sympathizer.”

“Captain Greer, ensure these men leave our city and alert the Queen that they are banished from our lands,” Frank said before leaning in to glare at the giant man. “Go peacefully, or I will show you what a carrion knight can do.”

“What’s a little ghoul going to do compared to a Turmok warrior?” the man shot back as he towered over Frank.

There was a flash of light, and an armored goliath stood before the man looking down at him. Frank flexed his powerful ghoul frame causing metal plates to groan as people pointed and gasped.

“What was that about, little?” Frank demanded as he poked the startled man in the chest with a metal claw.

The giant man shot him a hateful glare but turned and told the others to go to the portal plaza. They would portal to some other city and make sure everyone knew that Gwen was harboring monster players. Frank wanted to rip them apart, but that meant waiting for them to respawn before ensuring they were gone.

“Wow,” Heather whispered as they walked off. “Why am I so excited right now?”

“Let's go,” Frank urged and quickly changed back. A dozen people were already watching, and he didn't want people spreading rumors about what this confrontation was about. They quickly departed and headed for the distant inn hoping for no further complications.

“You see, those three are the kind of players I was talking about,” Frank said as they turned on the last street.

“And we got rid of them,” Heather said as she held on to his massive gray arm. “You were amazing. I wish we could go home. I have so much excitement I need to work out.”

Frank rolled his eyes as they finally reached the outer walls of a vast complex of sandy-white buildings. It looked better suited to a desert city with round domes and narrow spires. Palms and other tropical plants were heavily planted, drowning the place in lush greenery until it resembled an oasis. Golden gates stood up as they approached the massive double doors of black metal. They were overlaid with images of tigers, and a jade statue of a tiger stood in the fountain nearby.

“This is certainly interesting,” Heather said as they approached the open doorway.

“She calls it the Jade temple,” Frank said as they stepped inside.

“Jade palace is more like it,” Heather replied as they saw the opulent interior. The building was technically an inn, but it wasn't like any inn she had ever seen. Inside, the walls were paneled in wood or red material with intricate pattern overlays. Slender pillars of sandy stone soared high above to support the arches of the domes. Red carpets tasseled in gold ran the length of the polished marble floors. There was something to look at everywhere, from silk drapes to statues, paintings, carvings, or planters full of exotic plants.

They headed into the main room where a hundred tables filled the vast hall. The walls were lined with private booths, some of which featured low tables and piles of silk cushions. A few dozen players lingered in the room, eating exotic foods or sharing a drink. A handful of lovely women in slave silks hurried about, waiting on their needs under the watchful eyes of powerful-looking tiger men with long curved swords.

“This is kind of nice,” Heather said. “We should eat here.”

Webster chirped his agreement so Heather picked him up and carried him over one arm. They made their way into the vast chamber as three more slave girls played a lovely tune with a harp, flute, and a stringed instrument Heather didn't recognize.

“Excuse me,” Frank said as one of the slave girls passed.

“Oh, hello. Welcome to the jade temple,” the dark-skinned elf woman said with a bow, then looked over Frank's towering frame. “Umm, how can I be of service to you?”

“Please don't be upset,” Frank urged, reaching into his pouch for the statue. A flash of light later, he was human-sized and wearing a loose white shirt.

“Oh, you’re prince Frank, and Princess Hannah,” the woman said excitedly. “I was at your wedding. It was very beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Frank said as he nervously scratched at his head until Heather swatted his arm.

“Stop that silly nervous tick of yours,” she whispered.

“I can't help it,” he whispered back before returning his focus to the woman before him. “Umm, we were wondering if any of Roric's girls were in the inn today. We wanted to talk with Roric and them and hoped one of them was here.”

“Sorry,” the girl said with a shake of her head. “None of them have been here today, but to be honest, they are just in another room, thanks to the magic doors.”

“Right,” Heather said as she began to pet Webster. “Do you think we could use the door to get to Roric’s camp?”

“I am sure mistress Rajeen would be glad to let you use it,” the woman insisted. “Let me go announce you and let her know. Please sit and have something to drink. I won't be gone very long.”

Frank took Heather to a table, where she set Webster down to crawl about. Another harem girl arrived to ask them what they wanted to drink and quickly returned with a glass of rich blue wine.

“This is really good,” Heather said as she took a sip. “I wonder if you can get drunk here?”

“You can, but it takes a little more than normal and it’s affected by your stats and skills,” Frank replied.

Heather shrugged and continued drinking until the harem girl returned to inform them that Rajeen would see them. They were taken through a door guarded by two tiger men whose eyes looked menacing as they watched them pass. They went down a wide hall adorned with artwork Heather tried not to notice for its decadent nature.

“The mistress is honored you have come,” the harem girl said. “She is grateful for the doors you provided.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Heather said as they turned a corner to arrive at solid jade doors guarded by six of the tiger men. The harem girl took them inside, and they arrived in a room full of statues of beautiful women. Heather tried not to look at them, afraid one of them might be hers. At the far end of the room stood the owner of the jade temple, the sultry-looking white tiger woman Rajeen. Thankfully she was wearing a silk top, though it barely contained her chest. Heather felt Frank grasping for her hand in nervousness as they approached the tiger woman.

“Welcome to my home, noble ones,” Rajeen said with a bow of her head. “I am told you wish to speak with my love.”

“We just wanted to make an offer to Roric,” Frank replied. “Quinny is a forest-building class like Evalynn, and she can create magical portals that allow people to step from one tree to another in the forest. We would be willing to give Evalynn a small portion of the park to become an extension of her forest so she could do the same.”

“Ahh,” Rajeen said with a nod. “But she already has a portal to your city.” Rajeen then pointed to an open archway through which was a very different room. It looked primitive and tribal, with red paintings of hunting creatures on the walls.

“Of course,” Heather groaned and rolled her eyes. “We gave them the doors. What do they need the forest portal for?”

“We even came here to use the doors,” Frank laughed. “It never occurred to us that the very thing we came to use made our trip pointless.”

“Well, it wasn't worthless,” Rajeen purred and gestured to the hall. “In fact, I am glad you are here. You see, this hall was made specifically to contain the magic doors. It is protected by my guards and by layers of magical wards. Even the statues you see will come to life to repel intruders, rendering this space hostile to anyone who should not be here. Teleportation, passwall, even ethereal travel will not allow you to enter this space.”

“Wow, why did you go to such lengths to protect it?” Heather asked.

“Because my loved ones had an idea they wanted to share with you,” Rajeen purred and gestured to the various empty places on the wall. “They thought we should all link our various homes to here so that our houses would effectively be one.”

“Link all our homes? Here?” Heather repeated as she looked at Frank.

“We do have two doors we aren’t using anymore,” Frank replied. “But who else would we link?”

“We are assuming Gwen’s city, your goblin’s city, and we are trying to find a way to connect Blackbast’s temple,” Rajeen replied.

“Blackbast,” Heather repeated. “Hmm. We could move the portal to Gwen's city here, but then I think we should ask mother to move the door on the other side. It is open to where the public could find it, and I would hate for an unlucky player to wander in here.”

“We could use our doors to link Umtha’s city and our new home in our city,” Frank suggested.

“That would require us to place two doors in the hallway,” Heather said as she looked around to see there was room for twelve doors. “I guess there is room.”

“There is plenty of room, and it would essentially make my inn a part of your home,” Rajeen said. “You would have free use of the main room, the baths, and the harem if you wished.”

“I think I will pass on the harem,” Heather interjected.

“I thought you looked good in slave silks,” Frank teased.

Heather turned a stern glare on him as Rajeen laughed and suggested Heather would one day be lounging in the harem.

“Only in your dreams,” Heather protested as she pointed a finger at him. “Besides, you have your own harem.”

“Ah,” Rajeen said as she strutted around Heather. “My loves told me of your blossoming relationship. I am pleased to hear you have found your way.”

“It took a while,” Heather said as she looked about the room. “But you know what, I think this is a good idea. We link our homes to one hall and were all just a few steps apart. Maybe Evalynn can make a forest portal near Roric's camp to take us to Chandice's magic shop.”

“She could do the same to Blackbast’s temple,” Frank suggested.

“Doors would be easier,” Heather said and held her hand out as a blue gem came to life. The kingdom interface appeared, and she started swiping through options as Rajeen looked over her shoulder. She went right to the magic doors and scrolled down the list until she found the basic pair.

“We can easily afford more,” Heather pointed out and tapped at the option to buy them. “Thanks to Umtha's sneaky second wedding, we earned a mountain of points from the goblins.” A moment later, the small pair of magical doors appeared in her hand, and she held them out to Rajeen. “Give these to Blackbast so she can join us as well.”

The look on Rajeen’s face was one of surprise as she graciously accepted the doors. She even had to wipe a tear away as she tried to make Heather understand how much this meant to her.

“I saw how close you two were in that dream,” Heather said. “But I don’t understand why she isn’t here with you?”

“It is her class,” Rajeen said. “We came in together and assumed that I could enslave her and, through her, enslave others. It has worked for many of my girls and is why I have such a large harem.”

“So you can enslave other slave masters?” Frank asked.

“Yes, and then they can enslave girls who become my property through them,” Rajeen said. “But some classes come with requirements that make them ill-suited to this task. Hers is one of them, and we quickly discovered that she needed to be set free. She also could not remain in the city as her requirements would make her far too busy.”

“I bet,” Heather replied with a funny look. “So you two wanted to be together but parted ways because you had to.”

“That is the truth of it,” Rajeen replied. “She needed someplace remote to place her temple, which meant going far away. She was so upset at the idea that she had planned to reset and pick another class. I discovered her plan and forbade her to do such a thing. I knew she loved the class she had picked despite how poorly it worked with mine. So I made her promise to go and try her class the way it was meant to be. We kept in touch with letters and occasional visits, but our relationship was effectively broken.”

“Oh,” Heather replied, looking down to see Webster at her feet. “I bet she was thrilled to see you.”

“Of course,” Rajeen said. “But you sound as if something is the matter.”

Heather sighed and explained how Blackbast had come to regret her class. She longed for a proper relationship with a committed lover, but her class made that impossible. She didn't believe anyone would want her to know what she had to do.

“That class has come to haunt her,” Rajeen surmised as her tail twitched irritably. “Why did she not say anything to me?”

“I think she was hoping Frank and I would love her,” Heather said. “She told me she had feelings for us.”

“I see,” Rajeen replied with a nod. “But can you do such a thing?”

Heather looked to Frank, then shook her head, not wanting to put this burden on him. “I haven't decided yet,” she replied, so the burden fell on her. “I like Blackbast, but our group is tightly bound and exclusive. I don't know how well she will work in that relationship.”

“Roric is better suited to her,” Frank said. “He wouldn’t mind at all.”

“Do not be ashamed to say she would not make a good match,” Rajeen urged. “This is your relationship we are talking about. You may have invited others into it, but you did so carefully, with the exception of the goblin. But your relationship is what it is, and that is a beautiful thing. It would be unwise to bring another into it that would destabilize that balance and perhaps ruin what you have. You must put what you already have first and consider her carefully.”

“I would take her in a heartbeat if I could overlook what she has to do,” Heather said. “But I don’t think I can, and admitting that hurts. I want to go to her arms and tell her I love her.”

“You are a treasure,” Rajeen said as she reached out to stroke Heather's cheek. “You care so much about so many, and you commit acts of kindness just because you can. But fear not,” she added and held up her hand to remind them she had the doors. “Soon, my pet will be joined to my temple, and I will allow her to serve in hers. I will give her the love she has long desired, and perhaps one-day Roric will too.”

“What do you mean by that?” Heather asked as Frank came to stand behind her.

“I mean that Roric and I are kindred spirits, and I would not deny him my hand if he asked for it,” Rajeen replied.

“Oh, a wedding,” Heather said with a smile. “That would be something.”

“Indeed,” Rajeen said. “But my pet obviously has her heart set on you. I will bring her the doors and talk to her about my desires to see if we can find a new lease on our relationship.”

“I hope you do,” Heather urged as she wondered what Blackbast would say. She turned to look down the hall and wondered where all this was going. Soon Rajeen's odd inn, Blackbast's temple, Roric's camp, Umtha's private rooms, and Heather's inner chambers would be one connected space. It would almost be like they were living together as a sort of family, enjoying the world and the wonders it had to offer.

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