Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 30: clear your head

Deep in the mountain tunnels was the fabulous bathing room with a massive pool fed by a mountain stream. Magic heated the water so that the water that fell into the pool was always soothingly warm. It was here that sounds of splashing were heard as Heather swam while Breanne relaxed at the edge of the pool, her feet submerged in the water. Webster crawled along the edge, always nearby his master, as the two women tried to unwind after a strenuous day. For Heather, it was working as she sank beneath the surface, only to rise a moment later and let out a long, soothing sigh.

“You seem remarkably calm,” Breanne said as Heather swept her long golden hair back.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” Heather asked as she enjoyed her soak in the tub.

“After what we just learned, I figured you would be upset, or at least concerned,” the elf woman argued as she sat on the side of the pool.

“I probably should be, but I have decided to ignore it. I will give it all some thought later,” Heather replied and swam to the side to take a sip of her drink.

“I would be taking this more seriously,” Breanne insisted as Webster pushed Heather’s glass along the pool edge to bring it to her hand. “Especially after the shock of Legeis’s test.”

Heather thought back to the strange events of Legeis's machine and how quickly things had gotten out of control. The goblin had added a method to slowly scale the power of his device and tested it three times on mundane magical items. It worked perfectly, so Heather dared to stand in the machine, stripped of any item that might create a false reading. He then powered it up and slowly increased in strength until Heather could feel something prickling her skin.

“What does any of that mean?” Frank asked as strange lettering filled the view screens. Legeis scratched behind an ear as Chandice leaned over his should, desperately trying to make out the data.

“Hello?” Heather called from inside the pillar of light. She didn’t dare move with all the mechanical arms circling about her, but she desperately wanted out before she exploded.

“It’s some kind of matrix,” Legeis explained. “Layered over her like a complex code. It’s meant to be this hard to obscure what it’s really doing. Somebody doesn’t want this figured out.”

“I am not familiar with these magical symbols,” Chandice said as she tried to write a bunch of them down. “But I will do some research and see what school they come from.”

“Why would anyone go to this much trouble?” Frank asked as more and more symbols came up.

“I don’t know,” Legeis answered honestly and looked up as yellow lights began to blink. “And theirs more layers I can’t even detect.”

“Look!” Chandice said and pointed to Heather as she was suddenly encased in glowing bands of bluish light that formed a sphere of magical symbols around her. “She’s so heavily enchanted it defies logic.”

“How did somebody pull this off?” Legeis stammered. “She was reset. All of this should be gone.”

“But we know about powers that persist through a reset,” Chandice said.

“This enchantment is in layers, and I bet the master layer is to preserve the lower ones through a reset,” Legeis suggested. “I am getting tons of readings for transmutation and binding.”

“That has to be the polymorph,” Chandice said. “But does it say from what to what?”

“It can’t read it,” Legeis explained and looked at the power lever. “We could try giving it more power.”

“Just do it slowly,” Chandice suggested as Legeis pushed the lever forward. The machine groaned as the arms' speed increased, and the central light blazed more brightly. A hum filled the air as magical symbols began to appear at an alarming rate. Floating in the air around Heather as layers of magic were exposed.

“I’m getting data now, but I can’t read any of it. I don’t know the magic system,” Legeis said.

“I can read some of it,” Chandice said as she looked over the symbols. “Bound by chains, the lock is established. The key is broken, and the parts scattered. Cursed to forget, never to remember. Issicara zero zero one.”

“It actually says zero, zero, one?” Frank asked.

“It’s a name identifier,” Legeis said.

“Is it saying she’s Issicara?” Frank asked as he looked on with deep concern.

“I don’t know,” Chandice said as Heather started to stumble and hold her head.

“It feels like you're crushing my skull,” Heather cried as they bent over. “Are you sure this is safe, or am I about to explode like that wand did?”

“It’s safe at this level,” Legeis replied.

“We are just getting surface information. It isn’t enough to put it all together,” Chandice said.

“Well, We are only at half power,” Legeis replied. “I could boost it some more, but I can’t guarantee it will be safe past this point.”

“No,” Frank insisted and pointed to Heather, whose image appeared to be blurring. “She's suffered enough. Shut it down.”

“I would love to stop doing this!” Heather shouted in a voice that sounded garbled.

“Yeah, it’s time to stop,” Legeis agreed and pulled a lever causing the machine to grind to a halt.

Frank was at her side to catch her when she stumbled out, her hero at every challenge. It had felt like a bumpy roller coaster ride, her body violently shaken while buffeted by a strong wind.

“Did we learn anything?” Heather gasped.

“That you're heavily enchanted, and the main enchantment seems to protect the lesser ones,” Frank said.

“Great,” Heather sighed and leaned on his chest to catch her breath. He filled her in on the rest of the details as he carried her away and took her to the bedroom. She spent the next hour with Quinny rubbing her sore muscles while Frank, Umtha, and Breanne debated what they had just seen. Breanne noted Heather’s distress and suggested a warm soak in the large pool to help ease her nerves. She then joined Heather, sitting a few drinks on the rim of the pool and soaking in the arm waters as they discussed what happened.

“You do realize it calls you Issicara,” Breanne said.

“Yes,” Heather sighed as she set her drink down. “Maybe that’s why she looks like me.”

“Or you look like her,” Breanne said as she looked away. “Maybe you are her.”

“That's what I need, another identity,” Heather grumbled and swam to where Breanne was seated. She laid her head in Breanne's lap and sighed as the elf woman stroked her hair. “I just want all this to go away. I am happy with how things are. I don't know that I want to dig any of this up.”

“You are a beautiful woman, inside and out,” Breanne agreed. “No matter what comes of all this, I will always be at your side.”

Heather smiled and wrapped her arms around Breanne's waist as she closed her eyes to rest. Both Chandice and Legeis had learned fragments, but it still didn't explain anything. She knew she should be upset by it all, but the truth was she wasn't. She was happy with her life as it was and surrounded by people who loved her.

“Please, hold me and tell me it will be ok,” Heather asked as she tried not to think about it.

“Sweet Heather,” Breanne replied as she stroked the woman's long golden hair. “You are safe and surrounded by those who love you. No matter what challenges come, we will see you through them. Now rest that tired mind and think of something that makes you happy.

“Pizza,” Heather sighed as her stomach echoed her sentiment.

“It’s always food with you,” Breanne laughed and continued to pet her love.

“Hey, no fair,” Quinny called as she entered the room. “All the snuggling happens when I'm not around.” She hurried to the pool, discarding her clothing along the way before slipping into the water to join them.

“Honestly, we were only having a discussion,” Breanne said as Quinny sat beside Heather in the water and leaned into her back.

“This is nice,” Heather sighed as she closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

“You’re were in shock and determined to escape the world, not find reasons to stay,” Quinny said.

“Not to mention you are slow to fall in love, and you aren't exactly bisexual,” Breanne added.

“No, I suppose I’m not,” Heather admitted. “But I do love you two, and I am learning.”

“Don't worry about all that,” Breanne urged. “You have all the time in the world to find your footing there.”

“It might be easier on you if you evolved into a succubus,” Quinny suggested.

“Will you quit bringing that up. She is here to clear her mind and let the problems melt away,” Breanne scolded. “Besides, you know that isn’t her personality.”

“Why not?” Quinny asked. “She’s pretty enough to be one, and I think she looks hella sexy in her Lillithu devil form.”

“Frank loves it too,” Heather laughed. “I think that’s the only thing he likes about the collar. He loves the red hair and the eye slits.”

“And the breasts,” Breanne added with a shake of her head. “Why do all men find big chests so attractive?”

“Everybody likes big chests,” Quinny said. “Even women.”

“They are comfy to lay on,” Heather agreed. “So is your lap.”

“You stay there as long as you want,” Breanne said soothingly. “I am enjoying this moment immensely.”

Heather smiled as Quinny hugged her from behind while Breanne petted her wet hair. It was a moment that had taken a long time to come, but somehow it felt right. Why shouldn't she enjoy this world and the things it had to offer? She didn't need to go as far as Jaina did, but she could certainly have a more evolved relationship. After all, they would be together for thousands of years, so what was the point in avoiding the inevitable?

They shared their warm moment while talking about the future and the things they would build. It was then that Frank, in his ghoul form, wandered in with Umtha at his side, the two taking in the odd site.

“Why do you insist on tormenting me like this?” Frank groaned and shielded his eyes.

“What?” Heather asked as she smiled at him. “You see this every night in bed.”

“And I am still nervous about it,” Frank sighed and looked away.

“Oh, Frank,” Heather laughed and climbed out of the pool with the others. “You have nothing to be worried about. Now, did you want something?”

“I had an idea that might be fun,” Frank said as she glanced at the three women. “We could explore the dungeon under the city.”

“The dungeon?” Heather questioned as she looked at Breanne and Quinny. “Why?”

“It has the option to set it to random,” Frank explained. “All we need to do is define the areas it can occupy and where the entrance is, and then it will generate itself.”

“So, we won’t know what it looks like?” Heather asked.

“No,” Frank replied. “We won't have any idea what's down there. We can even flag it so players can alter it by building lairs hidden in the dungeon.”

“Really?” Heather asked. “That sounds interesting.”

“Are we going as ourselves or our alter egos?” Breanne asked as she began to towel off.

“It would be good practice to go as our adventurer identities,” Frank said.

“So I get to be a spider rogue,” Heather said as she looked about to see Webster curled in a ball in bed. “Assuming my partner will wake up long enough to come with.”

Ten minutes later, they were dressed with Heather in her rogue leather and wearing the crown. They used the magic door to pass into Rajeen's temple and headed out the front door. Frank took them to a stone tower at the side of a canal with a wide arched door. He explained that this was one of the entrances to the dungeon and that it could randomly create more.

“This is so weird,” Heather said as she straightened her backpack with Webster inside. “You are sure it will be random?”

“Positive,” Frank said and led the way, his hulking ghoul form hidden in thick armor plates. Two guards at the doorway stopped them and issued a warning that dangers lurked below. Only the brave or foolhardy ventured beyond this point, and few returned.

“Well, that’s us,” Heather said.

“Yes, foolhardy,” Breanne agreed as she readied her bow.

“This will be a cakewalk,” Quinny said as she flashed the slender sword. She wore her flashy Egyptian armor that oddly seemed to compliment her form.

Frank had the guards open the doors, and they stepped into a tunnel lit by magical torches. It only went a dozen steps in before going down a long ramp of stairs. Frank took the lead with Breanne just behind him. Umtha and Heather came next, walking side by side as Quinny brought up the rear.

They reached the bottom of the steps to find an impressively wide corridor of stone brick. It had high ceilings and randomly generated debris like rubble and cobwebs to flesh out the feel.

“The torches stop here,” Breanne said as she peered into the darkness. “My elven sight works fine, but Heather and Umtha will need light.”

“I can make light,” Umtha said and raised her staff. She caused a ball of light to float above it, illuminating a decent radius. She then used the staff to place the ball over their heads, and as they moved, it followed, driving the shadows away.

Frank nodded in approval and went to take a step but suddenly froze and looked down.

“Somebody else has been here already,” he said and pointed to the floor. The others gathered round to see the dust was disturbed by several pairs of shoe or boot prints.

“Who could have been here already?” Heather asked as she leaned back. “When did you set the dungeon to random?”

“Yesterday,” Frank replied as he peered down the tunnel. “And the entrance isn’t exactly hidden.”

“So it could be anybody,” Breanne added. “Probably a couple of small teams.”

Frank agreed and moved on, taking them down a tunnel that never turned. It finally reached an intersection with four identical passages. The only notable difference between the passages was that all the tracks went down one of them.

“It must have been one large group,” Heather surmised as she looked down the tunnel. “They stuck together and went right.”

“They could still be down here,” Quinny said as she looked down the left passage. “We should go another way.”

“Do you sense anything, Umtha?” Frank asked as he considered the choice.

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” Umtha replied.

“Then which way should we go?” Frank asked as Heather shook her head.

“You're our leader. You pick one,” Heather suggested. “Your harem will follow your lead.”

“Do we have to call it that?” Frank replied as his yellow eyes glared through the visor of his helm.

“Yes,” Heather said, putting her hands on her hips. “Now, master, which way?”

“Straight,” Frank said without hesitation. “And from now on, you have to call me that.”

“In your dreams,” Heather laughed and followed him down the tunnel.

They walked until the tunnel finally turned and entered a small room. They were quickly beset by what appeared to be savage rats, causing Heather to flail about as she tried to avoid them. Frank and Quinny took the small pack down easily and pressed on through an open archway. This led down a series of twisting tunnels and rooms that left Heather wondering if they would be able to find their way back.

They found zombies, a giant lizard, and a centipede with a stinger. All of the creatures were easily taken down by the group, with none of the creatures so much as causing a scratch. They went deeper in and found a chamber where water poured through a grate into a channel over which were metal grids to act as bridges.

“Is this part of the sewers?” Quinny asked as they entered the large chamber.

“It could be,” Frank replied. “The description said the dungeon could establish entrances or connections to other underground structures.”

“I think I see a door,” Breanne said and pointed into the shadows on the far wall.

Frank took them closer as the sound of falling water echoed in the chamber. There was indeed a door, but it was blocked by a tunnel with no floor. There was a forty-foot gap between them and the door through which the water from the sewers flowed like rapidly. Heather considered blinking across, but the ledge at the door was only a few inches, and she would likely fall.

“So what do we do now?” Heather asked.

“There must be a way to create a passage,” Frank said and pointed to the wall. “Look at those dark slits along the side. Those are probably metal grates that can be slid across to create a floor.”

“But how do we slide them?” Heather asked as the group began to spread out.

“Look for a button, or level, or something we can manipulate,” Frank said. “It has to be here someplace.”

Heather shrugged and walked back to the center of the room, looking for anything out of place. The ceiling was easily fifty feet up with small openings through which water poured. She turned to look at the other wall and squinted into the darkness. There was a ledge or something a good way up, but she couldn't make it out from here.

“Hmm, I guess it's time to employ my rogue powers,” Heather grumbled and reached back to lift her hair. “Try to make it not hurt,” she pleaded as Webster crawled up from her pack and bit her.

The bite always stung, but it only lasted a moment. Then Heather walked up to the wall and, with little effort, began to scale it.

“Where are you going?” Quinny asked as she noticed Heather's ascent.

“Theirs a ledge up here,” Heather called down and kept going. She rapidly reached the top and climbed into a small ledge where, just as Frank predicted, there was a lever. She called down to the others to explain what she had found and pulled it. The ground shook faintly as something rumbled as the metal grates in the wall slid over and formed a tunnel.

“You did it,” Frank called back just before something moved beside him. Heather shouted an alarm as a creature with four rope-like arms and a body akin to a slug dropped off the wall above. It immediately struck out with those long arms, attempting to entangle Frank, who was startled by the sudden appearance.

Heather noticed another space had opened when she pulled the lever, probably concealing the slug from sight. Of course, now that the monster was free, it eagerly attacked the others, but that was hardly a concern.

Frank tore out of the arms with careless ease, his razor-sharp claws strong enough to cut stone. Breanne loosed an arrow that trailed smokey shadows and delivered the forceful impact of a shadow bolt. Umtha was shocking it with electricity, and Quinny was at Frank's side with a sword, cutting with ease. Heather used her teleportation to blink to the floor, but the creature was practically dead by the time she got there.

“That was boring,” Heather said as she kicked the big slug.

“This is a low-level monster,” Frank said. “It's probably the boss monster of the level.”

“Boss monster?” Heather repeated. Frank explained that the dungeon was set up so that with every level down, it got harder. There were multiple ways down, of course, but they were often secrets. The main passage was always guarded by the most dangerous thing on the level. In this case, he estimated the slug to be level five or six and the rest of the trash around one to four.

“See, cakewalk,” Quinny laughed and put her sword away.

“Only because we are still on level one,” Breanne cautioned. “A few levels down, and we will start seeing some challenge.”

“So, where are the stairs?” Heather asked and was directed to the hall Heather helped create. Sure enough, it led to a small room whose only point of interest was a stairwell down. The second levels tunnels were oddly round, with a flat path down the center. There were columns along the walls in places, and the rooms were often circular. The air was damp, as were the walls, with moss and lichen growing everywhere. They found small clumps of fungus in places where glowing mushrooms grew among piles of tumbled stone.

The first monsters they encountered were a race of rat-like creatures. They were three feet tall at most, with animal skins or salvaged items for armor and crude spears for weapons. Their only real threat was they came in packs and often hurled items from a distance before closing. None of it mattered to Frank, who shrugged off their arrows and spears, walking into their midst as if bored.

Quinny displayed some skill in these battles, using a dash-like maneuver to rush into combat and then a flashing sword skill to cut the monsters down. She looked like some kind of desert warrior; her blade bathed in blood as she cut through the throng.

Breanne also showed some skill, using her bow to fire various spells through the arrows. One of the spells causes a single arrow to break into multiple barbs, pelting an area with five separate arrows. She explained that this was her shadow dart spell focused through the arrows.

Heather had only her odd dagger for a weapon but had thus far been loath to use it. The last thing she stabbed with it had caused an odd reaction. Now that she thought about it, she should have had Chandice examine it. She got the weapon from a hag living in a cave, promising to eat her. The weapon was magical, but its power seemed like a leeching effect.

They passed a room where five dog-like creatures lay dead in pools of damp blood. Frank pointed out the footprints and suggested the group from earlier must have come this way. He suggested they follow their trail for a bit and led the way down a dark tunnel.

“So this is dungeon crawling?” Heather asked as they peered into a room to find a dead snake of significant size.

“Yeah, it’s fun,” Quinny said.

“We’re just wandering in the dark, hoping to not get killed,” Heather said as she came to Frank and leaned into him. “So which way now, master?”

“You know I am going to get used to hearing you say that,” Frank replied.

“Well, enjoy it while it lasts,” Heather teased. “I plan to visit Blackbast later and talk to her about giving the collars back.”

“You are?” Breanne asked in surprise as she moved closer.

Heather sighed and admitted she loved the collar's effects, but it wasn't right to keep them. They played too important a role in Blackbast's class to keep them for such petty reasons. She was going to offer the collars back and ask if they could borrow one from time to time to enjoy the benefits.

“We could always just go to her temple to use them when wanted,” Quinny suggested. “Then we could really play a game of master and slave girls.”

“I am fine with that,” Frank said and turned to lead down the hall.

“Wait,” Heather said as her hands came to her hips. “What part of that are you fine with?”

“What do you mean?” he asked as he looked back.

“Is it only using the collars occasionally you're fine with or are you fine with you being master and us being your slaves?” Heather asked.

“I told you I was getting used to it,” he teased.

“Oh great,” Heather groaned. “He’s turned into Roric.”

“I have not turned into Roric,” Frank countered and turned to fold his arms over his chest. “But you four have been antagonizing me for days. Swimming naked and playing where I can see you just to rile me up. You keep insisting you’re my harem and teasing me about things you know make me uncomfortable. So fine, I accept, you’re my harem, and I like the collars on.”

“Well, we have to give them back,” Heather sighed.

“Yes, we do,” Breanne agreed. “Maybe we can get something else to use for our disguises.”

“I have been thinking about that, too,” Heather said. “I really enjoy our time pretending to be adventurers, and I want to keep doing things like this. Maybe Chandice can enchant something to capture our images so we can hold on to them?”

“Maybe,” Breanne agreed with a nod when something echoed from down the hall.

“Did you hear that?” Quinny asked as she drew her sword.

“It sounded like a door slamming,” Frank said as he peered into the shadows. “Let’s go see what caused it.”

Heather shrugged and turned invisible to follow along. Into the darkness, they went seeking the source of the odd sound. Minutes later, they crossed a pillared hall, choked in dust and cobwebs. Fresh blood pooled on the floor, and somebody tracked it away. Frank pointed out that there were no bodies to be found, indicating that whatever caused the wound had gotten away.

They passed halls and other rooms as they followed the trail of blood, eventually coming to a large circular room. They found yet another stairwell and what appeared to be a dead ghoul.

“Hmm, he’s smaller than the ones in your tunnels,” Heather said as she looked at the slain monster.

“The ones in my tunnels are higher level,” Frank explained as she looked to the stairs. “Somebody has gone to the third level,”

“Why haven’t they healed?” Heather asked as she noted drops of blood.

“Maybe they don’t have a healer,” Quinny suggested as Frank led the way down.

“Isn't that kind of dumb?” Heather asked as they arrived at the third level to find the tunnels even more dilapidated. Here they looked ancient, with cracks in the stone walls that opened into holes in some places. Cobwebs were everywhere, but it was clear somebody had gone through them in a hurry. The dust was disturbed by booted feet heading off into the dark tunnels with more blood drops to indicate somebody was still bleeding.

Frank led the way, his massive form providing comfort as Heather crept behind him. She couldn't help but smile as she enjoyed the moment teasing him by whispering behind him.

“Sneak, sneak, sneak,” she said softly.

“Nobody does that,” Frank said as he paused at an intersection. There was a rumbling from someplace to their right, followed by what sounded like shouts. He took a right and followed the tracks in the dust, coming to a vaulted hall in which lay a very still form.

“What Is that?” Quinny asked as Frank crept closer. He squatted beside the body to see it was a woman with a spear that was broken. Her body had been battered and bruised by several types of weapons. She was covered in soft curly white fur and had a small pair of curved horns on her head. Her ears were long and narrow, closer to the top of her head, and her feet ended in sandy brown hooves.

“Oh,” Frank said as Heather arrived to look over his shoulder. “Don’t look!”

“What? Why don’t you want me to look?” Heather asked in surprise and looked anyway. She gasped and stepped back, unable to believe what she was seeing.

“What is it?” Breanne questioned when Heather went silent.

Heather turned and looked at the women behind them as if she had seen a ghost.

“It’s Grettah.”

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