Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 36: Unsettling implications

It was a sunny day as Heather lay on a couch Frank put out on the balcony for her. She lay on her stomach with the book she won in the dungeon party, eagerly searching for more information about the necromancers. At her side was a little table with a blue glitter bomb purchased from Rajeen's inn. Her skeleton servant stood quietly at her side with a towel over his arm, and a mustache painted on his blanched skull. She sighed as Quinny rubbed one of her feet, the zombie giving her no peace since the night before.

“Does that feel good?” Quinny asked as she rubbed the arch of Heather’s foot.

“It feels wonderful,” Heather replied, stretching and waving her long silky tail in Quinny's face.

“Ha,” Quinny said and grabbed hold of the tail to stroke the end of it. “You got used to tail fast.”

“It’s so useful,” Heather groaned as she enjoyed the rub.

“No regrets being evolved into a Lilim then?” Quinny asked as she played with Heather’s tail.

“Not really,” Heather replied and paused from her book. “I mean, I can always take the crown off to change back to the normal me, and the Lilim has a lot of benefits.”

“You should have seen the look on your face when Frank picked it. We all thought you were going to faint,” Quinny laughed.

“I was under a lot of stress,” Heather admitted. “I don't know why I get so worked up about these things but I do, and I can't help it.”

“It's because you didn't come here looking to play like the rest of us did,” Quinny replied. “We all saw how fun the class could be, but you were hung up on all the sexy parts of it. You keep thinking that admitting you enjoy a little intimacy is a bad thing.”

“I like to think of intimacy as being private,” Heather sighed. “But the Lilim is like putting it all on display. I can’t even use some of my powers if I am wearing too much clothing.”

“But you get bonuses from the sex slave class for wearing almost no clothing as well,” Quinny pointed out.

“Don't remind me,” Heather sighed and looked over her shoulder. Even now, what she was wearing was, at best, a swimsuit provided you didn't look close enough. Her top was a black leather corset that covered her chest and lifted them high. It left her shoulders, arms, and stomach bare, and her bottom was wrapped by a silky brief that barely covered her rear. It was one of Blackbast's outfits, given to Heather because it had a convenient hole in the back for a tail. Heather reluctantly wore the garments to achieve her class requirements to be dressed lightly.

“I like how it looks,” Quinny said as she followed Heather’s tail down, spreading her hands up the small of her back. “But when are you going to try to fly?”

“Never,” Heather replied as her skin crawled. She could summon a pair of bat-like wings at will and fly through the air. However, she hadn't worked up the courage to try yet.

“Oh, you once said you wish you could fly. Now you can, and you won't do it,” Quinny pouted.

“I will try it, just not yet,” Heather sighed. “I need time to adjust, and I get scared of the idea.”

“I bet once you start flying, you will love it,” Quinny said as she sat on Heather's rear to rub at her back.

“Maybe,” Heather replied, lifting her drink to take a sip. She loved the funny drink known as a blue glitter bomb, as it had a strong tropical flavor and a strange sweetness. Thanks to their home being magically connected to the inn, she was able to procure them frequently and never went a day without one. She sighed and went to set the drink aside, then thought better and held it up. Quinny quickly took the drink and shared it with her.

“I like these,” Quinny said after taking a sip. “It’s so awesome that the inn is like an extension of our home.”

“It does have its uses,” Heather agreed.

“Frank and Blackbast agreed that the harem girls could come here as part of their home. I even saw three of them in the garden earlier.”

“And we can use all the rooms of the inn,” Heather said as she shook her head. “Even the harem.

“I know you said that sarcastically, but there is no reason to be timid about it,” Quinny said.

“Oh, I shouldn’t be timid about entering a room where fifty women are busy being more frisky than you are now?” Heather asked.

“Would it hurt you to play a little?” Quinny pressed. “Rajeen even offered to make us honorary members of the harem and mark us with the paw print.”

Heather cringed as she thought of the mark all of Rajeen's girls carried. It was a small tiger paw on the left cheek of their rears, meant to show they belonged to the private collection of Rajeen and her chosen harem masters. There was mention of a process to earn the mark, but Heather wasn't interested in finding out what that was. Blackbast thanked her for the invite and said they would consider it, ending the tension.

“I will never have that mark on my rear,” Heather stated, then closed her eyes to groan as Quinny began to rub her shoulders. “But feel free to get one for yourself.”

“I might go ahead and do it,” Quinny said. “I like the idea of being part of the harem.”

“I can't believe our husband was alright with it,” Heather said as she enjoyed her rub. He is really starting to enjoy this little game.

“It's not a game,” Quinny insisted. “This is our family, and we're having fun together. It just takes you longer to see all the possibilities.”

“You are talking to a woman whose entire life was built on the philosophy of one man and one woman,” Heather countered. “I never once dreamed of there being a second woman in my relationship with a man. The fact that I have four wives is already a huge change for me. Actually, not only do I have four wives, but one of them is an alien from another world. I think that gives me special credit for seeing the possibilities.”

“But you still could do so much more,” Quinny said.

“Quinny, I am married to five people and playing what Jaina referred to as a sex devil. I don't think I need to broaden my horizons anymore than I already have,” Heather countered and used her tail to flick the back of Quinny's head. “Now keep rubbing. My class recovers power from even this kind of simple stimulation.”

“You could get it back faster in the harem,” Quinny pointed out.

“If you keep that up I am going to ask Umtha to rub me instead,” Heather argued.

“Okay,” Quinny sighed and pressed on with her work. “What are you reading about anyway?”

“It's the book I won at the dungeon party,” Heather replied, studying a page covered in rows of mystic symbols. “It's more a journal of a necromancer and his efforts to do research into blending necromancy with other magics. It's full of experiments and some notable failures that produced wild or even dangerous results.”

“Anything useful?” Quinny asked.

“Well, Maybe,” Heather replied as she flipped a few pages back. “See, this experiment tried to make plants into undead. He actually managed it in a manner of speaking, creating what he called a necro blossom.”

“What good will that do?” Quinny asked as she leaned over to see the page.

“I only have some vague ideas as of yet, but if I could follow his process, I should be able to recreate it and improve on it. I think that even if the plant is undead, my flower singer abilities will still work on it. So I might be able to cause it to spread fast.”

“Oh, like you did for that plant we had to collect that got you all those kisses,” Quinny said.

“Please never bring that up again,” Heather laughed. “Jaina would have killed for that many kisses.”

“I saw that kiss you gave her,” Quinny said as she hung her head upside down to stare into Heather’s eyes. “That wasn’t just a little peck.”

“She refused to help me unless I gave her a proper kiss,” Heather argued. “I just wanted her advice.”

“So, are you girlfriends now?” Quinny asked with a smile.

“You are going to drive me crazy,” Heather groaned. “I admit I am glad about how things turned out, but just because Blackbast and Rajeen agreed we looked good together doesn't mean we are an item now.”

“You should ask Frank what he wants you to do,” Quinny said. “Let him choose if she’s your girlfriend.”

“No,” Heather groaned with a roll of her eyes. “I don't know if I trust him with that. After picking the Lilim, I wouldn't put it past him to say Jaina and I are lovers.”

“He only cares about other men,” Quinny said. “He likes to see us playing with girls.”

“Yes, how lucky for him that he's surrounded by them now,” Heather said, turning the page. She paused to read some notes at the top and then took a moment to consider what they implied.

“What are you thinking about?” Quinny asked.

“Well, you know how I said we could get some answers by using my speak with the dead spell on that skull in the old necromancer’s tower,” Heather asked.

“Yeah,” Quinny replied. “What about it?”

“Well, this page talks about an experiment to speak with dead players even after they respawn,” Heather said.

“Wait, how does that work?” Quinny asked and rubbed down Heather’s side.

“It says you need the skull still, but you do something called sealing to preserve it so it won’t despawn when the player respawns,” Heather explained.

“So, are you going to ask that skull how to find that one place?” Quinny asked.

Heather paused to think about it a moment and slowly nodded. The only reason she hadn't done it already was that she wanted to take some time to think of a multitude of questions. Once the spell was started, the skull would begin to break down, and the spell would end when it crumbled to dust. If they were right and that skull belonged to a dead necromancer, then she was determined to get as many questions out of it as they could.

“I want to go to Ezbenzon, but not until I am sure I want to take that next step,” Heather said slowly. “I have been warned that rushing to learn too much about my past will drive me crazy, and has in several past lives.”

“Yeah, you were warned about that,” Quinny agreed. “But you must be curious.”

“Oh, I am very curious,” Heather agreed. “But not so eager to use the mirrors again. That place is disturbing, and I don't want to get lost or trapped there. If we go back, I want to be sure I know what I am doing. Besides, I am not entirely sure I trust this Alluzora, and of course, now we have to worry about Garnet.”

“So, ask the skull about it,” Quinny pressed.

“I will,” Heather said with a nod. “But I want more time to formulate the questions. When I start that process, I want a solid list of questions I want to ask to get the most out of the spell. That skull has been dead for who knows how long, and the older the skull, the shorter the duration I will have to ask questions. I think I can boost the effect with my staff and a necromancer circle, but I want to be sure I get the most out of the effort. Once that skull is used up it will be gone.”

“I understand,” Quinny said as she lay on Heather’s back. “And if I haven’t said it recently, I love you.”

Heather closed her eyes and took a deep breath, still struggling with such open displays of affection with Quinny. She realized how silly it was, but it still tickled some nervous part of her personality.

“I love you too,” Heather said and used her tail to rub Quinny’s back. “I am sorry I am still a little nervous.”

“It's ok,” Quinny said as she snuggled in. “I know you are trying, and I know that eventually, it will be as second nature to you as it is to Jaina.”

“Ha, I doubt that,” Heather laughed as she turned her head to regard Quinny. “You like the idea of me being like Jaina, don’t you?”

“Why not?” Quinny replied with a smile.

Heather smiled back and activated her mimicry power, her form shifting until she looked exactly like the dark-haired Jaina. Quinny laughed and hugged her tightly, ticking Heather as she laughed in Jaina's voice.

“So this is how my girls spend their time,” Blackbast said as she entered the balcony from the bedroom door.

“Actually, yes, it is,” Heather answered as her form returned to her Lilim appearance. “Can you think of a better way to spend it?”

“Perhaps,” Blackbast said as she walked across the space to stand before the two girls. “Ah, you have taken up your studies again.”

“I had to,” Heather said with a funny smile. “You said we went through a lot of trouble to get those books, and I had better finish reading them.”

“And you should,” Blackbast said with hands on her hips. “I promised to help guide you and ensure you stayed on track. Now that I am your master, I intend to keep that promise going forward.”

“Great, I have two mothers now,” Heather complained as Quinny giggled.

Blackbast shot her a firm glare, then walked up to sit beside the two so she could run a hand along Quinny's back. Quinny sighed as she felt the claws gently dragging on her skin, making her squirm as Heather tried to read more of her book.

“So, what other tasks have you left undone for too long?” Blackbast asked.

Heather found that an odd question as there were lots of things she meant to do but never got around to. First, there were simple things like wanting to visit her bookstore and make some changes and doing a little shopping to buy more outfits. Next, she meant to have Chandice identify the strange dagger she got from the hag, and then there was the matter of Umtha. She needed to ask Umtha about her magic dress. The goblin woman had told Heather that the magic dress was meant to trigger her memories. But then she also said the crown was meant to do the same thing. It had struck Heather as odd that there would be two triggers, making her wonder if Hathlisora knew there was a chance of one or more triggers failing. She wanted to make sure Umtha hadn't misspoken to try and establish that there were indeed two triggers.

“You are taking a long while to respond,” Blackbast said.

“I am running down the list in my mind,” Heather replied, closing her book. “I have a ton of necromancer spells to learn, plus any normal magic I can pick up. I never really spent time learning how to play my flower singer, and I have always wanted to practice doing that. I need to figure out where we are going to live as this tower is in the middle of an adventure zone, and players are going to find their way into our bedroom soon.”

“You could always live in my temple,” Blackbast offered.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Heather said with a raised brow.

“Why not?” Quinny asked as she enjoyed her petting. “It’s designed to provide food, comfort, and rest. Plus, it’s beautifully decorated with warm pools to bathe in and plenty of hidden nooks where we could be alone.”

“I agree, but there Is no way to ensure we will be alone,” Heather argued. “And what is some horny adventurer going to think when he stumbles on me dressed like this?”

“Wow, did I get lucky?” Quinny offered as Blackbast laughed.

“Oh, ha, ha,” Heather replied, laying her head in her arms. “Getting back to the list of things to do, I want to run some tests on the necromancer circle. I think there is a greater purpose to their existence than boosting necromancer spells.” Heather went to share her idea when she suddenly paused and realized there was something she had completely forgotten.

“The ring,” Heather said.

“What ring?” Blackbast asked.

“I am so forgetful sometimes,” Heather said with a roll of her eyes. She then explained that long ago, when they came to recover Gwen's kingdom heart Heather had discovered a magic ring. It was hidden in a metal bowl suspended from the ceiling over the necromancer's circle. It was of special note because it was magically spectral and Heather had only been able to touch it with a ghostly hand spell. She was actively trying to pursue the wizard at the time, so she put the ring back to deal with it later.

“And I completely forgot about it,” Heather finished.

“I remember you telling me about this ring before,” Blackbast said. “But it seems funny that the ring would be spectral. Do you have any idea why?”

“I have no idea,” Heather replied. “But now that I remember it, I am very interested in finding out what it is.”

“Well, why don’t we go and see what we can learn about it,” Blackbast offered.

“We need Breanne,” Heather said as Quinny got up. “She can become spectral at will. She will be able to handle it properly.”

“A very good observation,” Blackbast agreed.

The three got up and entered the tower, heading for the magic doors. Breanne had gone to Rajeen's inn to practice her archery on a range Rajeen kept for her girls to train. Frank was with Legeis in the common room laughing over an ale as Umtha sat at his side, shaking her head at him.

“Umtha has discovered how husbands behave after they are married,” Heather laughed as they approached the table. “Hello, boys, getting sloshed again?”

“Hey,” Frank said as he looked up. “You look good in that outfit.”

“I am practically naked,” Heather stated and glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed. She then took a deep breath and walked up to him, cradling his handsome face as she smiled. “I love you,” she whispered before leaning in for a kiss. When they parted, she stroked his head and explained about the ring and what they planned to do.

“Umtha and I should come with,” Frank said as he got up.

“Yeah, I might want a look at this too,” Legeis offered and got out of his chair.

“Well, the more the merrier,” Heather said, leading the way to the back room where the various gardens were. Breanne was right where they expected to find her, practicing her archery on a lovely range with dozens of targets. Two harem girls were with her, also shooting and discussing how to channel spells through the bow. She noted the large group of visitors and asked what was up, so Heather explained the purpose of the visit.

“I am hoping you can properly touch it,” Heather said after she explained the ring.

“You mean that ring has been sitting there this whole time?” Breanne asked.

“I forgot about it,” Heather sighed. “Look, it wasn’t like I was keeping detailed notes.”

“No, your mind is often too busy to focus on a single task like that,” Blackbast agreed.

“Can we just go inspect the ring?” Heather asked as Frank took her hand.

They headed back to the cliff tower and into the back halls where the various rooms that once made up the wizard's lair were. Heather described her reckless charge through these spaces and how she stumbled on this room in the process.

They stood in a round room with a high ceiling held aloft by tall, slender columns. The center of the room was an ornate pattern of lines and mystic symbols made from silver metal and inlaid on a black marble floor. Hanging from a chain over the center of the room was a brass bowl, set high enough that it was not reachable from the floor. Heather explained how she used a spectral hand spell to remove the ring the first time, but realized she didn't have time to mess with it. Since it was spectral, she couldn't just put it in her pouch and take it with her for later.

“So why does it stay in the bowl?” Frank asked as he looked up at it.

“This is a good question,” Heather agreed. “I have no idea, but It will be easier for Breanne to handle the ring so we can inspect it. But before we do that, do you sense anything?” Heather asked as she turned to Umtha.

“Yes, but not from the bowl,” Umtha replied, pointing down. “I can feel a disturbance from the pattern on the floor. This magical circle is actively doing something, but I couldn't tell you what.”

“That’s interesting,” Frank said as he considered the pattern. “Didn’t you tell us the necromancers were building these all over the place?” he asked Breanne.

“Yes, they had teams spreading out to build them, but I have no idea why,” Breanne replied.

“Let’s focus on the ring,” Blackbast insisted. “You all get too distracted by wider issues.”

“Alright,” Heather agreed and looked to Breanne. “Can you get it?”

“I will try,” Breanne said as her skin rapidly turned pale and looked as if it was aging. Her hair went white and flew wild as if in the wind as her clothing became a garb of soiled scraps. In seconds she was an undead ghost and floated into the air to look into the bowl.

“I see the ring,” she said while leaning over to scrutinize it. “It's just a simple black band, but you're right; it seems to be spectral.”

“Is there anything special about the bowl?” Frank asked.

“Not that I can tell,” Breanne said as she tapped it. She poked the side, and it moved, indicating that it somehow resisted ghostly objects passing through it.

“How weird,” Breanne said. “Even with me trying to pass through it, I can’t.” She then carefully reached into the bowl and took up the ring, holding it between two fingers as she floated down.

“This ring must be important,” Frank said as they studied the object in Breanne’s hand.

Heather tried to touch the ring with her finger, but it passed right through, proving that only a ghost could handle it.

“Why make a ring only a ghost can use?” Heather asked as Breanne held it up so they could more closely inspect it.

“Could it be a domination device for ghosts?” Quinny asked.

“Maybe we should get Chandice to look at it,” Frank suggested.

“How will she handle it?” Quinny asked.

“If you drop that ring, will it keep falling and pass through the ground?” Heather asked.

“No,” Breanne said with a shake of her head. “I know it will sound funny, but a spectral item will not pass through a solid object unless something is pushing on it. If I were to drop it, the ring would clatter to the floor. If I were to push it, it would pass right through.”

“That makes no sense,” Heather said.

“It's why I can walk over a floor one moment and pass through it the next,” Breanne pointed out. “It's all about direct effort.”

“So what do we do with it?” Quinny asked.

“I can use detect magic, but it is safe to assume it is magical,” Umtha said, then turned to Legeis. “Can you detect anything about it?”

“I suppose I can give it a try,” he replied and took out his hand scanner. He waved it over the ring several times as the device made funny sounds. “Well, it's magical, but it isn't broadcasting or receiving anything that I can detect,” he said as he switched devices, this one looking like a tuning fork connected by a cable to a small screen. “It looks like it has a direct use, doing something for the wearer, but I can't tell you what.”

“Can you tell us if it’s safe or not?” Heather asked.

“I can’t tell what it does. I would only be guessing if it was safe,” he replied.

“So theirs no way to know unless we put it on,” Heather said with a tone of disappointment. “I wish I had come across something about this in one of the books,” Heather said as she studied the ring and then held up her hand to compare her blue crystal one. “But if I had to compare these two rings, I would say they are similar.”

“They look nothing alike,” Quinny said.

“No, look closer,” Heather said and held out her hand. “It’s just a stone ring with no gemstones or fancy patterns.”

“Just like the one Breanne is holding,” Frank agreed as he looked between the rings. “So maybe the same person made them.”

“Heather’s is a panel,” Breanne remarked. “That was made by the world system when the creator picked how they wanted their panel to manifest.”

“Maybe the black ring is a panel?” Quinny asked.

They began to debate why the two rings were made the same way and why one was spectral. They went around in circles trying to throw out theories that never fully fit the situation. After a long, drawn-out debate, Umtha finally suggested that the best way to find more answers was for Breanne to put it on.”

“I don’t think that will be safe,” Frank said. “We have no idea what that ring does.”

“She’s the only one who can put it on,” Umtha insisted. “If we want to know more about it, somebody has to activate it.”

“Well, aren't we overreacting a little to assume a ring is dangerous?” Heather asked. “Aren't most magical items perfectly safe?”

“I would say you are right,” Blackbast agreed. “But there are cursed items, and I have heard of player-crafted items that were made to be dangerous. A famous enchanter once made a fabulous jeweled necklace that was nothing but an elaborate trap to catch thieves.”

“I think it's safe to assume the necromancers made that,” Heather said. “So I doubt it will hurt an undead, but I think the choice is yours to make.” She looked at Breanne who looked at the ring with some concern.

“I suppose there is no reason not to try,” Breanne said, lifting her free hand to the ring.

Everyone held their breath as Breanne slipped the ring over a gaunt finger and flexed her hand to show it was on. Heather expected her to react to the ring, but she didn't seem at all bothered, and certainly, nothing changed.

“Do you feel anything?” Frank asked as Breanne held her hand out.

“Nothing,” Breanne said. “But I wonder what happens if I become solid while wearing it.”

“Do be careful with that,” Blackbast urged. “I do not wish any of my girls to be harmed.”

“All I can do is try,” Breanne argued. “We have no other way to find out.” She began to color as her ghostly image faded, becoming the beautiful elf woman they knew as Breanne. She held her hand out the entire time until, at last, she was solid, and so was the ring on her finger.

“It's still on,” Heather said, reaching out to touch it. “And I can feel it.”

“It’s stopped being spectral with you,” Blackbast said. “That must mean it is somehow attuned to ghost classes.”

“There are magical classes that can become spectral,” Frank said. “But I think Heather was right when she said this was probably made to be attuned to the undead.”

“What happens if you take it off now that it’s solid?” Umtha asked.

Breanne shrugged and tugged on the ring, only to discover it wouldn't budge. She tugged harder, twisting as she pulled but the ring didn't move.

“I can’t get it off,” Breanne said in alarm.

“Be calm,” Blackbast urged and took her hand. She took firm hold of the ring and pulled but could not budge the ring. “hmm,” she said after a moment. “Take your spectral form again and see if you can remover it.”

Breanne nodded and took her ghostly form, then reached down and removed the ring with ease. She was relieved that it had come off, but they knew nothing more about it than before. Quinny suggested it might activate under some special circumstances, but Frank was the voice of reason.

“Put it back on and look at your character sheet,” he suggested. “It might be doing something passive under active effects.”

Breanne did as he suggested and put the ring back on. Then she opened her character sheet and became very alarmed.

“It can’t be!” she gasped in shock.

“What is it?” Heather asked as she stepped around to read the screen and gasped as well.

The group gathered at her side to read what was written on the sheet and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Breanne Thamasora Lvl 39 Banshee Terror: Level 39 Shadow weaver: Level 38 Deathstalker

“It gives you a third class,” Heather said as she struggled to believe it.

“It makes her like a chosen,” Frank said but quickly bit back his words. “But like she was a human chosen with three classes.”

“So, it’s like Heather’s crown?” Quinny asked.

“No, this is something else,” Blackbast argued. “She got the class free and clear, without her race changing. Heather’s human race is overwritten, but Breanne is still a banshee.”

“Uhh, if you don’t mind my asking, what is a death stalker?” Legeis asked.

Breanne didn't know, so she pulled up the class description and gawked at the answer.

“It can’t be….” she muttered.

“It’s a blend of archer and necromancer,” Quinny said. “What does it mean that you can track shadows?”

“I have no idea,” Breanne said and quickly took the ring off to see her character return to normal. She held up the ring in disbelief and looked at Heather as if to hand it to her.

“Don’t give it to me,” Heather replied. “I can’t put it on.”

“Why would this exist?” Breanne asked as she grew alarmed. “It’s too specific.”

“I don’t see the problem?” Quinny asked.

“The ring is tailor-made for her,” Frank answered as he understood Breanne's distress. “Which means she might be caught up in all this missing past nonsense.”

“Oh,” Quinny said as she understood it. “But you did get an amazing magical item. I wish I had a ring that gave me another class.”

“I am sure we will trip over something that is meant for you sooner or later,” Heather groaned.

“Well, as alarmed as I am at the implications, I can't say that I am displeased by the ring,” Breanne admitted and held up her hand. She looked around at the gathered faces, finally settling on Umtha. “Do you have any knowledge of Hathlisora working with a banshee?”

“No,” Umtha replied. “But then I know nothing about Viylah either, and she not only knows Hathlisora, but she knows she had a secret lair in the swamp.”

“A good point,” Frank agreed. “And remember, the woman in the crown said that I had been at Heather's side in past lives, which begs the question. How many of us have been here before and don't remember it?”

They looked at each other with silent faces as the question hung in the air. Heather realized he was right to be suspicious, but how could they prove it? She then remembered the speak with the dead spell and the skull waiting to be used. She added those questions to her list with a mental note, and one day soon, she hoped they would get answers. For now, they would focus on the moment and not worry about what none of them could remember.

“Let’s go to the inn,” Heather suggested with a smile. “I want another blue glitter bomb.”

“You’re addicted to those,” Frank accused as Heather smiled.

“I can't help what I like,” Heather said, taking Breanne by the hand. “And maybe we will run into Chandice, and she can tell us more about the ring.”

With that, they headed out, full of questions and a bit of excitement for the future. It was an interesting discovery, but the implications would stick in her mind until she had answers. Hopefully, her glitter bomb would help take her mind off it, and if not, they always gave her the most amazing dreams.

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