Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 40: Show them my love

In the marble halls of Blackbast's temple Frank and Blackbast sat together, listening to Heather's tale. She explained the dream she had the night before and that she knew Frank had the same one. She then explained how she knew it and how Gisley had the power to affect their dreams. She blushed red as she admitted that she and Jaina had planned everything, and they intentionally involved Frank.

“You mean that was real?” Frank said as Heather twisted nervously before him.

“No, it was just a dream, but that was the real Jaina,” she corrected and tried to look away and prayed he would understand.

“So, Gisley altered your husband’s dream to put you and Jaina into it?” Blackbast asked.

Heather nodded as she dared to meet Frank’s gaze to see he looked confused and even a little hurt. Blackbast took his hand and, without any hint of anger, asked why she had done such a thing.

“Because of what happened that day in the inn,” Heather replied and looked down. “It's hard to put into words, but I felt something powerful and wonderful that coursed through my veins. I felt a tingle of it the day Frank made me wear the valentines day outfit, but it was so much more powerful that day at lunch.”

“Because of the kiss?” Blackbast asked.

“A little,” Heather replied as she paced. “The kiss helped set the mood, but having Frank make my evolution choice really set me off. I can't tell you how much that meant to me and what it made me feel.”

“I don’t understand,” Frank said. “Why was that so important?”

“Because of what's going on up here,” Heather said, pointing to her head. “All the fears and worries that I carry around eating away at me as I try to pretend I am not bothered. I am terrified that my secret and who I was in my previous life puts you all in danger. I spend hours every day trying to make some sense of it, but all I do is make myself frustrated. I can't keep it all straight, and I cringe every time I hear the name Hathlisora. I have a hundred decisions to make, and I feel paralyzed to make any of them. Day by day, I try to hide from my problems, but they are never gone, only pushed aside and waiting for the right moment to pounce.” She paused to pace before them, trying to put her confused thoughts together. Then, she explained that during lunch, something amazing happened. Being so close to Jaina and playing the role of a slave girl helped take her mind off the problems. That kiss started a dance of butterflies in her stomach that grew into something more. She didn't realize it until later, but she had forgotten her worries in all the excitement. She felt like she was a slave girl, just like Jaina, and it was amazing.

The only thing that remained was her worry about what to do about the evolution. It was Jaina who once again had the solution. She pointed out that Frank was her master, and it was his decision to make. Heather had never looked at it like that before, and suddenly the butterflies grew into a storm.

“I can't tell you how exciting it was to know you were going to make the choice for me,” Heather said. “I was feeling something I have never felt before, and then you made the choice, and a new feeling washed over me.”

“What feeling?” Frank asked with a bit of concern in his voice.

“Relief,” Heather said as tears came to her eyes. “I had been agonizing over that decision for days. I even convinced myself I would take it several times but chickened out and couldn't do it. It consumed more and more of my thoughts as I struggled to understand what I wanted. Then in one beautiful moment, you took all that frustration away and chose for me. I wanted to cry I was so happy, and the feeling that you were in charge took me someplace I never knew existed.”

“You finally felt what it was like to be his slave girl,” Blackbast cut in with an approving nod.

“Yes! And it felt so good! Heather cried as a tear fell to the floor. “I’m sorry, Frank. I know I keep promising I won’t change on you or rush you into things, but I keep doing it. I try to stop, but I can't help it. I don't know who I really am, and I am so desperate to be sure this is the real me. I am terrible for you, but I can't live without you.”

Warm arms came around her as Frank pulled her to his chest and cradled her tightly. He rocked her gently as she cried, unable to bare the shame of what she had done.

“Why did you involve me?” Frank whispered as they rocked.

“Because I couldn't do it if you weren't the one who told me to,” Heather replied. “I was desperate to feel that sensation of submitting to you again. I needed you to be there. I needed you to be the one who took charge again.”

“Couldn’t you have just used a dream version of me?” he pressed.

“It had to be the real you,” Heather sobbed. “I never meant for it to go as far as it did, but once I was in that mindset, I lost control. I don't know how to explain it, I just couldn't stop myself.”

“Shhh,” Blackbast said as she put a hand on Heather's back. “There is no shame in wanting to submit to your master. Yes, you took it too far, but no harm has been done, and you have had a valuable awakening. However, I am very concerned about the weight of these dangers that hang over you. I had no idea how desperate you were to escape them.”

“I just want to be free and happy like Jaina is,” Heather sobbed on Frank’s shoulder. “She never has to worry about anything but doing what Roric says.”

“Heather,” Frank said as he tightened his arms around her to try and protect her. “I am not mad at you, just surprised by how much you have changed. This isn’t who you were even a few weeks ago. What happened that caused such a rapid change in your personality?”

“Oh, Frank,” Heather sniffed and leaned back to look into his eyes. “I married you, and we started making love. I know it's not something people like to admit, but we girls do enjoy having sex. We enjoy as much if not more than you men do.”

“I would say a lot more,” Blackbast agreed.

Heather nodded and smiled at him as the tears ran down her cheeks. “Finding a man you can trust to be vulnerable around and share your soul with is a life-changing experience. Making love to you awakened that need inside, and now I can't get enough. First, you showed me how wonderful this life could be as a player, and then you showed me how magical it could be as your wife. We met Jaina, and I saw how happy and free they were. Every one of them has struggles and trials, but they see this world and the lives they lead as something wonderful. You can't help but see in their faces and when you watch how they play. I just wanted to capture a little bit of that for us so we can be that happy. I want to be yours, now and forever, but I can't stop the voices in my head. I keep wondering who am I really and why am I here. It was only during that kiss and the moments after that I finally stopped asking that question. For one brief moment, my only desire was to love you, and I was at peace.”

“I'm sorry you have all these problems,” Frank replied as his arms clutched her back. “I wish I could protect you from all this chaos.”

“You can,” Blackbast said as Frank looked at her with a funny expression. “All you have to do is look into her eyes and see your slave girl. Take these burdens from her shoulders and make her life about your family. Let our love be what she worries about.”

Heather smiled as he took Blackbasts advice and looked deep into Heather's eyes. He ran a gentle hand over her cheek, wiping away the tears as she trembled under his touch.

“From now on, you are my slave,” Frank said firmly. “And I will make all the decisions I can for you.”

“Thank you,” Heather replied. “But you should know as a Lilim; I can summon a slave collar.”

“You can?” Blackbast asked.

Heather nodded and brought up her panel, showing them the class. She took them into the abilities and the unusual collar she got at level fifty.

“So, it’s a slave collar,” Heather said.

“It isn’t called a slave collar,” Blackbast replied.

“Did you read this carefully?” Frank asked as he and Blackbast scrutinized it.

“I just read the title and first few lines,” Heather admitted.

“Well, you might want to scroll down a bit and read it more thoroughly,” Blackbast scolded.

Heather was surprised by their reaction, so she took her time to read the collar in detail. Her eyes widened as she got into the lower parts of the description and what the collar truly did.

“I can turn a woman into a succubus?” Heather gasped.

“Only temporarily,” Frank said and pointed to a line of text. “The change lasts until the sun rises, but if you spend ten points on the collar, you can summon two of them and make the change last until you want it to fade.”

“And why do you have ninety-seven unspent points?” Blackbast demanded.

“Umm, I didn’t know what to spend them on?” Heather replied

“Have you spent any of your points?” Blackbast asked.

“Yes, I have spent a lot of them,” Heather protested. “It’s how I can fight so well with my scythe.”

“I don't understand how you have so many, then,” Blackbast replied.

“It's because she is a chosen,” Frank explained. “She gets more per level than a regular player, and she can boost skills higher. For example, she could get a third slave collar by spending twenty points and a fourth by spending thirty.”

“She can keep dumping points on a skill she has already maxed out?” Blackbast said in surprise.

“Is that not how it works for everybody?” Heather asked.

“Absolutely not,” Blackbast replied.

“It depends on the skill,” Frank said. “Most general skills can be boosted to one hundred. Class-based skills always have a cap, usually in increments of ten. So ten is common, twenty is uncommon, thirty is rare, and it goes up to fifty for special things. Some races have special access, like how elves can spend talent on bows and go much higher than a human who tried to do the same thing. In your case, a normal Lilim can probably only take that skill up ten points, but since you are a chosen, you can go higher.”

“This only makes it more aggravating,” Blackbast said as she glared at Heather. “You have the ability to spend points more easily than we do, and yet you still have not done so.”

“Well, I know where ten of her points are going,” Frank said and tapped the collar adding ten points to the skill. “Now she has two collars to play with.”

“No, you have two collars to play with,” Blackbast corrected. “She is our slave girl, and those collars and anyone they go around belong to us.” She then turned her gaze on Heather and folded her arms as her tail twitched irritably. “And did it never occur to you that it was silly for your class to have buffs and powers you could only grant to a succubus? Wouldn’t it make sense if you could summon or create one to make use of your powers?”

“I don't play these kinds of games,” Heather protested. “I just assumed that was how it worked. I am sorry. I glossed over it in the million and one things I have to do in a given day. Besides, I summoned it once, and it looks like a more decorative slave collar.”

“Wait!” Blackbast said as her ears perked up. “You summoned the collar?”

“Yes,” Heather replied nervously as the two stared at her. “Is there something wrong with that?”

Blackbast reached up and hooked a finger through the metal loop of the collar around Heather's neck, giving it a good tug. “You are wearing my collar; thus, your primary class is heavily restricted. So how are you using a level fifty ability when level five or six is all you should be able to achieve.”

“I don't know?” Heather replied as she realized the woman was right. Frank gently took hold of her arm so he could hold the panel interface steady and scrolled through the race perks, then pointed to a line under base racial powers.

“She is immune to the negative effects of a slave collar,” Blackbast said in surprise. “She is meant to be bound and serving while having full access to her powers. She is the perfect slave girl. She could have her collar locked and bring you more girls while gifting them extra powers in bed.”

“She is my perfect slave,” Frank agreed, tapping the button to dismiss her interface. “And maybe we should use her collars on Umtha and Breanne so you can have your two back. Then you could collar more girls for your temple.”

“Hmm,” Blackbast purred and leaned into Frank. “We must address some of these things, starting with the role Jaina will play in her life.”

Heather held her breath as Frank nodded in agreement, then turned to her with eyes full of love.

“I just need to know one thing,” Frank asked as he took Heather into a hug to rub her back. “Do you love her?”

“Yes,” Heather replied and closed her eyes. “I don’t know how it happened, but I feel as strong a connection to Jaina as I do to the others. Maybe it’s because I wish I could be as free and happy as she is. I wish all I ever thought about was what you wanted and how to make you happy.”

“Then you have my permission to date her,” Frank said. “And Chandice of course.”

“Do you mean it?” Heather asked in surprise and leaned back to see his face. “I can go on with the relationship?”

“Yes, but only if the others agree,” Frank said. “Oh, and if Roric agrees.”

“Jaina already told me he agreed, provided it didn't bother you,” Heather said as she smiled.

“Well, it seems the two men involved have the same desire not to offend one another,” Blackbast said approvingly. “So you must ask your sisters first, then provided they agree, you can continue with your relationship.”

“Oh, thank you!” Heather cried and threw her arms around Frank before planting a kiss. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“Do you really want to play this role so badly?” Frank asked.

“I just want us to be happy,” Heather insisted. “And I can't do that if I am trying to solve all these problems. I know I have to keep working on them, but at least this way, there will be times when I am not worried about them. I will finally have a break.”

“Yes, but this isn't one of those times,” Blackbast agreed. “We need to discuss this dream you wish us to participate in.”

“Yes, we do,” Heather sighed and stepped back. “I need everyone to see it.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Frank asked as he put an arm around her. “This sounds like something from your past.”

“That's why I have to do it,” Heather insisted, looking deep into his eyes. “And why I need you both to come with me. I want all of you to see it so I know I am not crazy. I also want more time to look around and see the details I might have missed. Every time I have this dream, somebody screams at me to run, and I wake up.”

“This sounds very disturbing,” Blackbast suggested. “You were warned by the woman in the crown that forcing your memories back could lead you to madness. She said you had done so in the past.”

“I don’t trust the woman in the crown,” Frank said. “She has other reasons for wanting Heather’s cooperation.”

“I do not doubt that is true,” Blackbast replied. “But cannot afford to disregard her warning, especially when dealing with memories from Heather’s past life.”

“We don't know these are from my past life,” Heather said. “That's why I need to go back. I need to know more, but you two are my masters now. I will obey your decision on the matter.”

“Hmm,” Blackbast purred and turned to Frank. “As much as I wish to turn away from this path, I feel we can't afford to close our eyes. With Gisley in control of the dream, we would be perfectly safe, and we might learn something valuable from this.”

“I wish we could leave all of this Hathlisora nonsense behind,” Frank sighed. “I know it seems important, but this is a new life, and you don't have to be connected to that person. The woman in the crown even said that I was there to help you, which means I have forgotten memories. I probably should care about them, but I don’t. All that matters is we're both here now, and I love you. What we lost in the past can stay lost.”

“Does that mean you are saying no?” Heather asked as she worried he was angry.

“No, that's just what I wish we could do,” Frank said, looking at Blackbast. “I agree with Blackbast. We can't afford to pretend it didn't happen. If there is any chance this dream could safely tell us more, then we have to try. Just promise me that you will still love me no matter what happens.”

“Frank, you don't need a promise from me like that,” Heather said, throwing herself into his arms. “I can't live without you. You are my everything and now you're my master as well. I love you and will obey your every command, no matter what it is.”

“Then I do have a command for you,” Frank said, holding her tight. “You said Jaina helped you understand how much you needed to express your love to the others. So I want you to do that first. Show them how much you love them before we go into this dream.”

Heather smiled at her first direct command and settled into his arms. She had the perfect idea of how to do just that, and tonight she would show them how much she loved them. She explained her plan to Frank and Blackbast, who nodded approvingly and gave her permission to put it in motion. Then Heather hurried for the inn and asked around to see if anyone had seen Jaina or Gisley. The harem girls told her that Jaina was tied up at the moment but suggested she try the love wood and gave her a description of where to find Gisley's magical pond.

Heather was nervous about stepping through the portal but needed to do this for her family. She crossed the threshold and stepped into Roric's lodge, feeling embarrassed about the dream. She made her way through the back halls occasionally passing gnoll guards who nodded in approval. Eventually, she made her way to his grand chambers, where a fire roared in a central pit, illuminating a room that looked fit for any video game. A great wooden throne cushioned with hides sat near the back, and on it was a single figure being attended to by two gnoll women.

Before Heather could say a word, Roric began to sniff the air, and the three turned to look directly at her.

“And who is this?” one of the gnoll women asked.

“One of the slave girls from the harem, I would think,” the other woman replied.

“Good, our master could use a little entertainment,” the first woman replied.

“No,” Roric said as he leaned forward and motioned Heather into the room. “This is Princess Hannah, and she is a dear friend, not a slave.”

“Umm, actually,” Heather said with a funny smile. If she was going to commit to this, she needed to be able to tell people. With a deep breath, she told Roric of the change in as steady a voice as she could muster. “I have agreed to embrace being a slave.”

“You have?” Roric asked as his ears went up.

“Yes,” Heather sighed and took a moment to explain her burdens and how playing this role was the only thing that took her mind off them. She did her best to impress on him how awful it was to know she had a past life she couldn't remember but that everybody else knew and hated.

“I am aware that you are a deep thinker,” Roric said with a nod. “You must dwell on these problems night and day.”

“I do, and it makes it hard to enjoy this life,” Heather said. “I am so sorry for what happened with Jaina. I can’t explain what came over me. I have never felt like that before and I just wanted to feel it again.”

“You don't have to apologize or explain,” Roric said with a raised hand. “Jaina knew better, but we agree that if this situation helped you find peace, then we are glad it happened.”

“Thank you,” Heather replied with a grateful smile. “But there was one thing I could use your help on.”

“Is this to do with the dream you wish your family to witness?” Roric asked.

“Not exactly,” Heather replied and explained her plan to show her love to her wives and how she needed to find Gisley. He approved of it wholeheartedly and motioned to one of the gnoll women to show Heather the way.

“This is Lilac. She will show you a magical forest portal that will take you directly to Gisley's pond,” Roric said. “I am sure Gisley will be delighted to help you with your plan.”

Heather thanked him again and followed Lilac as the woman took her through the camp. Heather loved the tribal nature of the gnoll fortress that perched high on the bluffs in the eastern hills. It was made mostly of wood and hides with great lodges that rivaled the houses in her city. Everything was decorated in bright paints, and bird feathers woven into beautiful patterns. She crossed a rope bridge that was hundreds of feet above the ground and wide enough for five people to walk side by side. She felt that twisting sense of vertigo as she looked over the side and tried to imagine flying. She had wings as a lilim but hadn't dared to use them.

They arrived on a small bluff that had only three modest tents. A gnoll woman in a colorful dress stood beside a cooking pot as she stirred something that smelled of herbs. Behind her was a garden of lovely plants and, to one side, a clump of slender trees. Lilac took her to this clump and bid her walk between the two white trunks, and she would find herself at Gisley's pond.

Heather thanked her and stepped between the trunks as her surroundings immediately changed. Now she was standing in a little clearing in the most beautiful forest she had ever seen. The trees were massive and full of colors that she found impossible for them to have. Some had striking pink leaves, while others were blue, red, yellow, and a dozen shades of green. Some had long, delicate branches adorned with little flowers that filled the air with a sweet scent. Flowers grew all around them, and a stony path etched in moss led the way to wooden steps into an ornate building.

From here, Heather could hear the airy tones of a woman singing with wordless notes. She climbed the steps into a building of lovely architecture that she could only assume was elvish. It was made of wood, but every surface was carved, etched, or polished to create a pleasing view. It was filled with plush couches and chairs, providing a place to sit along a back ledge open to a body of water beyond. Heather paused to look over a lake of exquisite beauty that captivated her heart. Its water was a rich blue and almost seemed to glow as it rippled in the sunlight. Lilly pads with soft pink, white, and rich blue flowers grew in clumps beside tall reeds and cattails. Willow trees grew in clumps creating sheltered areas over the water where their thin string-like branches stopped just short of the surface. The pond went back a great distance to a cliff face where a massive statue of Gisley from the chest up stood. Two waterfalls cascaded down her shoulders like flowing hair splashing to the pond in a white froth. The spray from the falls created matching rainbows that added even more color to the magical display. There was a single wooden walkway to the small island on which was a marble gazebo nearly covered over with climbing roses of a rich red color.

As she watched a woman with soft purple skin and lavender hair with impossibly perfect curls spiraled into view, her hands thrown high as she danced with love and freedom, singing the most beautiful song.

Heather could only watch as Gisley went on with her beautiful performance. Enjoying her life in New Eden like no other woman Heather knew. She wished she could capture some of this power and bring it to her life. She wanted to be just as happy as the fairy woman and put the burden of her worries aside.

“Oh, hello!” Gisley cried when she noticed Heather. Her huge black, purple, and blue butterfly wings beat the air as she fluttered to Heather, landing just before her and folding her wings away.

“And what can I do for you? Have you come to play with me?” she asked as her antenna unrolled in anticipation.

Heather couldn't ignore the woman's sweet beauty and the happiness she exuded like heat from a fire. Gisley was a perfect example of what Heather wanted to understand. If she could capture just a fraction of that happiness, she would never regret being here.

“Sorry, Gisley,” Heather said with a shake of her head. “I just came to ask you a favor.”

“Oh, can I blackmail you for kisses like Jaina did then?” Gisley asked and batted her eyes.

“Are all of you addicted to kisses?” Heather asked as Gisley smiled. “Oh, fine,” she relented as Gisley leaned in and wrapped her arms around Heather. The two locked in a warm embrace, sharing a kiss of passion before Gisely sighed and stepped away.

“So, tell me what I can do for you,” she insisted.

“Well, I was hoping to give my partners some special dreams,” Heather said.

“What kind of special dreams?” Gisley asked.

Heather explained her idea as Gisley smiled and fluttered with excitement. She promised to help in any way she could, even offering suggestions to make the dreams more memorable. She also reminded Heather that they all had to be exposed to her glitter if she was going to find them when they slept. Heather assured her that part was taken care of, as Frank and Blackbast were going to take the others to the inn for glitter bombs.

“Oh, then this will work fine,” Gisley said. “Who do you want to start with first?”

“Hmm,” Heather said as she took a few steps. “We start with Quinny. She has been after me for the longest and is special to me. I want her to know how special.”

“This is going to be so much fun!” Gisley said as she jumped up. “I will be waiting for you tonight.”

“I just hope I can sleep,” Heather said as she twisted nervously. “I am too excited.”

“Don't worry about that,” Gisley said, taking her hand. She rubbed her fingers over Heather's palm as they started to glitter with silver light. Heather watched in awe as that light turned into glitter and rained like snow into her palm, creating a pile of shimmering dust. “Just sprinkle that over your head when you're ready to sleep. It will help you drift away with ease.”

“Thank you, Gisley,” Heather said and held up her palm to admire the pile of sparkling dust. “I hope this goes as well as I am planning. I owe them all so much and have been a terrible partner.”

“Oh, I can't say that I know you very well, but you seem sweet to me,” Gisley said. “And I saw how much you love Frank on your wedding day. I am sure that you have the capacity to love the others just the same. All you needed was time to think and maybe a little help from Jaina on how to express it.”

“You are all so wonderful,” Heather said as she appreciated Gisley’s kind words. “I want our family to be like yours.”

“It will be,” Gisley replied. “But don't rush into anything. Roric and Jaina prepared for this for years and that preparation matters. They are the reason our family works as well as it does. You and Frank need time to grow into your roles, and when you do, it will become even more beautiful than ours.”

Heather hoped that was true, but she was the one who needed to bring about the change. Once again, they were all waiting on her to open up, and now was the time to show them she was ready.

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