Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 53: Blinded to see the truth

“Are you ready?” Frank asked as Heather and the other girls stood by nervously. They were outside Idris's village as the sun was about to set, triggering her invasion. However, Frank had bolstered her event, and tonight's invasion would be one of a kind. Heather, Quinny, Breanne, and Umtha would have to stop the attack using their powers.

“Do we really have to do this?” Heather asked nervously as her tail twitched side to side.

“Yes,” Blackbast replied from where she stood in Frank's arm. “You got a taste of what you could do in the caves; now you need to learn how to use it.”

“Can we just seduce the zombies?” Quinny asked.

“Only if you are prepared to finish what you start,” Blackbast teased.

“I am a zombie,” Quinny shrugged. “So it wouldn’t be wrong.”

“Nobody is seducing anything,” Heather insisted. “We can do this without resorting to seduction attacks.”

“Normally, undead are immune to mind-affecting powers,” Breanne said. “But you say your power states it affects undead?”

“Only some of them,” Heather corrected. “And it says they get a bonus to resist.”

“That’s very odd,” Breanne insisted.

“I can dominate undead anyway,” Heather added. “So it isn’t like we are in danger.”

“You are not allowed to use necromancy,” Quinny reminded. “We have to do this with our other powers.”

“And remember,” Blackbast called out. “If you fail, you have to serve in the temple for a week.”

“What? That was never part of the deal!” Heather argued.

“She’s teasing you,” Frank said as Blackbast smiled. “But I might make you go topless.”

“We are winning this fight,” Heather stated in a commanding voice. “Quinny is our brawler; Breanne and Umtha are on ranged support. I will cover healing and crowd control.”

“Ha, she sounds like a gamer already,” Quinny teased.

“I didn’t know what any of that meant either,” Breanne admitted. “But I picked it up fairly quickly.”

“Should I summon an elemental spirit?” Umtha asked as they studied the town.

“Not yet,” Heather said. “I want to see what we can do without the extra manpower,” Heather said. She heard a squeak as Webster jumped to her side and bristled as if ready for the fight. “Are you sure you want to be involved in this?” Heather asked the brave spider. He chirped and bobbed his furry body to assure her he was at her side.

“Do we consider spider powers to be a normal part of our skillset?” Quinny asked.

“Only if you want to let Webster bite you all the time,” Heather replied. “Besides, do we really need to stick to walls when we can fly?”

“There are plenty of situations where climbing a wall is preferable to flying,” Breanne commented.

“Well, he can bite us when those situations arise,” Heather replied as the sun suddenly raced across the sky.

“Here we go,” Quinny said as the red streaks of sunset dipped into the darkness of night. Quinny took the lead, wearing her fantasy Egyptian armor and carrying her sword, but this time she had the small golden shield. Heather learned that this type of fighter was called a sword and board fighter, balancing offense and defense. She was grateful for that as the group approached the town that was devoid of people. The villagers had already fled indoors and bolted them shut. Every window had stout shutters closed, and barely a flicker of light escaped from inside. They walked into the empty streets listening for any sound of approaching danger, but the night was quiet as the grave.

“I don’t even hear crickets,” Heather whispered.

“The zombies probably already ate them,” Quinny replied.

“I am sure the zombies stopped to eat the bugs,” Heather replied with a shake of her head.

“I feel a disturbance in the spirits,” Umtha cautioned. “Something is approaching from the north.”

“I don't see anything,” Quinny said, then stopped with her shield raised. They all looked down the street as a white mist crawled toward them. It looked like a living thing, swallowing buildings as it washed over them. They all knew this was the beginning of the invasion, and tensions were high, but nothing dangerous stirred.

“It’s just grave mist,” Heather said. “I could make this effect myself.”

“Yes, but remember that undead move faster and more quietly while in the mist,” Breanne warned with her bow raised, ready to draw the magical string when needed. “Once we are in the mist, they can circle around to you more easily.”

“Heather nodded as they moved forward into the edge of the swirling mass. She felt a chill as it passed around her ankles, kissing her skin like the touch of the dead. She tried not to smile as it reminded her of Frank's touch, or Quinny's for that matter. Both were cold to the touch when in their natural forms.

“I see a shadow moving,” Breanne said as she drew back on her bow, an arrow of blackness forming.

“I don't see…” Heather began when suddenly the mist parted, and a zombie of unusual size burst out, barely a dozen steps from Quinny. She was on it in a heartbeat as the beast roared angrily, eager to devour them. The monster clubbed at her with a massive fist, but she met it with her shield, easily holding her ground.

“I am stronger than I look,” Quinny said in defiance and lashed out with her sword, cutting a bleeding line across its chest.

“There are more,” Umtha said as she pointed to dark silhouettes moving in the mist. Breanne opened fire, filling the air with shadow bolts focused through her bow. Umtha lit up the mist in a flashing display of light, and she sent balls of crackling lightning streaming at their targets.

Heather did her best to keep situational awareness as Frank and Blackbast had instructed. They wanted her to focus on supporting the other three and only enter combat directly if absolutely necessary. She used her telepathy to silently command Webster to watch their backs and not allow anything to take them by surprise. Then she focused on the matter at hand and decided that a few offensive spells would be fine while the battle was still young. Flame formed in her hands, and she quickly hurled it like a miniature ball of fire, causing it to fly unnaturally distant to strike a zombie emerging from the mist. The creature went up like a bundle of dry paper and began to flail about as it wailed. Heather tossed another ball at a second zombie as Umtha zapped the beast Quinny was fighting with lighting. Breanne was a hail of shadow bolts, and darts, keeping distant foes pinned down, and it all seemed too easy.

“When does this get hard?” Quinny asked as she stabbed the hulking zombie causing it to finally fall.

“Don’t say that,” Breanne commented when a howl split the air and a form leaped from the shadows.

“Ghouls!” Umtha cried as another jumped at her but was caught by an arrow that wrapped it in shadowy chains.

Three more ran out, one breaking off to double-team Quinny while the other ran for Umtha and Breanne. Arrows streaked out and slammed into the monster, but it hardly slowed as its clawed hands reached for her throat.

“Come to me!” Heather called, summoning Breanne to her side. The woman vanished in a flash arriving a dozen steps back where Heather stood. The ghoul fell into the road with a snarl, taking another arrow to the face as Breanne resumed her attack. Umtha was walking backward as her ghoul dashed about, trying to avoid her spells as it closed the gap. Heather used her flower singer powers to tangle its feet in thorny vines giving Umtha time to pummel it.

“That quick thinking,” Breanne said as Heather moved farther back.

“So far, so good,” Heather agreed. “But if I know Frank, this is just the warm-up.”

Two more ghouls emerged from the mist, along with a dozen more zombies. Heather realized that they were going into melee combat no matter how hard she tried to keep the girls out of it. Then she had a brilliant idea and spread her wings, quickly sailing to a nearby roof with a flat top.

“Come to me!” she cried, pointing at Umtha. Instantly the goblin appeared beside her, now out of reach of the undead hoard. She called for Breanne and put the two ranged casters in an elevated position where they could rain down death on their foes. This left Quinny fighting a small hoard of undead, but Heather had an idea for that too.

“Shared suffering,” Heather called and pointed to the zombie woman. Now she took half of any damage Quinny took and began to feel the blows. She quickly put a pulsing heal on herself to act as a damage absorber, then cast a halo of fire. Quinny was surrounded by a ring of flames that moved with her, burning any undead that dared to get close. Heather buffed her armor and strength, making her as effective a tank as possible.

“This is fun,” Heather laughed as Webster arrived at her side and chirped. “Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to leave you on the road.” He chirped his displeasure, then let her know that something was coming from the right of them. Heather turned to see three dark shapes of pure blackness with red eyes emerge from the mist. They looked like skeletons with black bones encasing a swirling mist, but they had no lower bodies, only a tail of inky blackness.

“Wraiths,” Breanne cried. “Don’t let them touch you!”

“I can’t believe I am worried about undead,” Heather grumbled as the monster flew at them, the roof offering no protection.

Umtha let loose with a sustained arch of electricity, her hands pressed together as she sprayed one of the beasts with terrible power. Breanne drew back on her bow, the magical arrow gathering light as she focused a spell on a second monster. She loosed a surprisingly bright arrow, causing the wraith struck to howl in pain.

“What was that?” Heather asked in surprise. “I thought all your spells were shadow spells.”

“My shadow spells are less effective against higher-level undead,” Breanne replied as she drew again. “But the bows default arrows are holy bolts.”

“You have a holy weapon?” Heather balked.

“It was a gift,” Breanne reminded as she fired again.

Heather went to comment before wincing in pain as she felt Quinny take a terrible wound. She looked into the street to see the poor women fighting a dozen zombies and five ghouls, all of which were taking bits out of her despite the ring of fire.

“I will be right back,” Heather said as her eyes glowed greedily, and she vanished in a flash. A moment later, she was back with Quinny in her arms and set the tired zombie down.

“I need stamina,” Quinny panted, nearly out of breath. “I had to keep burning defensive abilities to keep up.”

Heather nodded and used a sweet kiss of renewal, causing stamina and mana to begin recovering. She then used a healing kiss to restore health to Quinny more directly. Quinny was up and ready to fight in a moment, but the wraiths were nearly on them.

“These things have a lot of health,” Breanne cried as a wraith reached for her. A blast of air and hail threw it back as Umtha called on the spirit of winds to aid them. The monsters were pushed away as Heather began to lob fire while Breanne used her holy bolts. One of them fell, but the last two reached the roof, where Quinny intercepted them, using a power to force them to attack her.

“We need to get to another roof,” Heather suggested as she looked for one across the street.

“We can’t hide on rooftops all night,” Breanne countered. “and most of them are thatch anyway. We will fall right through them.”

“You're right,” Heather sighed. “Everyone, put your tails out.”

“What for?” Quinny asked as she ducked under the swipe of a wraith.

“I need something to grab hold of,” Heather said as he quickly took hold of their tails. She commanded Webster to jump on her back, and in a flash of green, they were back on the street. A wall of fire went up before the zombies and ghouls could react, separating them from the others.

“Alright, let's try this again,” Heather said before using her Lilim power to purge the wraith-induced weakness from Quinny. The ghouls jumped through the flames, taking the damage to reach their prey. Heather didn't hesitate, throwing her arms wide as she unleashed her Lilim power.

“Aura of blood!” she cried as her eyes glowed red.

[Level 45 Lilim power: Aura of blood] All succubi bound to you that are in a hundred-meter radius gain a bonus equal to your level to all combat skills. Any wound they inflict while under the effect of this aura will have the life leeching effect.

“Armor of the black pits!”

[Level 43 Lilim power: Armor of the Black Pits] You and your succubi are encased in glass-like armor of hellish design that acts as heavy armor with a magical bonus of thirty.

The girls were shrouded in black mist that left behind a shimmering clear plate over their bodies. Now they were well protected, but the undead were nearly on them. Heather had one last ace up her sleeve, and it was that they were all devils.

“And now you all burn,” Heather laughed. She created a wall of fire but turned it on its side and stretched down the street. Being devils, her girls were immune to fire, and Webster had whatever protections she had. The undead had no such protections and howled as nowhere was safe to go.

“You are brilliant,” Breanne said as the wraiths flew over the flames to reach them.

“Thank you,” Heather said with a pleased smile. “Now, let's see how your fighting skills stack up.”

Breanne and Umtha each summoned a hellish sword, a gift of their succubus race. They waded into combat with the magical weapons, scoring devastating hits against the wraiths. Heather focused on healing and keeping her aura of blood renewed. She also linked her life to the other girls while constantly healing herself.

The ghouls didn't last long in the fire, and with the wraiths tied down, they were no match for the girls. Other undead tried to join the battle, but slow-moving zombies burned up before reaching them.

“This feels like cheating,” Quinny laughed. “Being immune to fire is awesome.”

Heather turned back to wave at Frank and Blackbast, smiling before blowing them a kiss. Frank crossed his arms as he shook his head, but Heather was confident she had this in the bag. After all, nothing could even reach them unless it could fly, and how many of those did Idris have?

“Something big is coming,” Umtha said. “I can feel its presence growing like in the desert.”

“So a sand demon is coming?” Heather asked as she looked around for the danger.

“No, something different, something cold,” Umtha replied as the fire suddenly vanished, leaving behind smoldering bodies.

“Who turned out the light?” Quinny asked.

“I did,” a voice like a hiss echoing up from a well replied. They turned to see a towering humanoid in a ragged hooded cloak that concealed most of its body. They could see the hands were skeletal, but the rest was hidden in shadow.

“What is that?” Heather asked as the monster produced a staff decorated with skulls.

“I have no clue,” Breanne replied as she went back to her bow. “But I think it's a spell caster.”

“Some kind of lich?” Quinny asked.

“What's a lich?” Heather questioned, but before anyone could answer, the monster changed, and red spears of what looked like glass rained down from the sky on them. Heather crossed her arms and created a barrier of leaves and petals to protect them, but the barrier was quickly shredded. Quinny charged ahead, her shield up and sword raised high. She wanted to bring the fight to the monster, but he waved a hand, and skeletons formed out of the mist to block her path.

“Alright, it’s a necromancer,” Heather cried.

“It can't be,” Breanne said before firing a holy bolt at the man. One second he was in the arrow's path; the next, he was a cloud of shadow that quickly reformed to the side.

“I can’t do that!” Heather cried. “He’s cheating.”

“Oh, you’re one to talk about cheating,” Breanne laughed as she fired again, only for the man to melt into shadow and reappear just to the side of the arrow.

Umtha waved her sword in a swirling motion, causing small stones to lift into the air before streaking out to strike the man. He lifted a palm, and they bounced off an invisible barrier as if they had struck a wall.

“Alright, this is annoying,” Heather said as she focused on the strange undead man. “I have no idea how they created a necromancer, but we are putting it down.”

“Feel free to tell us how,” Breanne suggested as she uselessly fired another arrow.

“Focus on breaking Quinny through,” Heather said, wishing she could summon her undead. The strange man summoned a dozen more skeletons when Breanne and Umtha joined in aiding Quinny, keeping the zombie tank busy. Heather felt like they were playing chess when Webster warned her something was coming from behind.

Heather turned about to see three more ghouls rushing from a nearby alley. She instantly threw out a hand and summoned her scythe, only to have Blackbast remind her she couldn't use necromancer powers. Heather wanted to argue that the scythe could easily be a flower singer's power but now was not the time. She locked eyes with the charging ghouls as her scythe vanished and threw out her other hand.

“I do have a Lilim weapon,” she said as a long red rope of twisted leather formed. The lead ghoul leaped to attack as Heather cracked her hellish whip, channeling her firepower through it. It wrapped around the ghoul, burning its dead flesh as she used her draining power to leech its life away. A second ghoul jumped, but a powerful backhand from Heather sent it flying, her Lilim strength far greater than any normal man. The third one was caught when she yanked her whip, using her entangled target as a weapon. She swung it around and let go, throwing the ghoul down the street at the necromancer. It crashed into the stone at the man's feet, but Heather was focused on the two remaining monsters.

“Dance of pain!” Heather shouted and went into a spiral dance of whip lashes, using the long reach of the weapon to punish the ghouls. Every strike delivered the burning sting of fire as well as leech some of their strength away, making her stronger. When one finally got close, Heaher's fingers became claws, and she slashed at the monster while still using the whip to cripple the other. An arrow of holy light finished it off and allowed Heather to turn back to the battle to see it had changed drastically.

“Heather! Help!” Quinny cried as skeletal arms grabbed at her legs, preventing her from moving. Heather felt the sword blows land as the skeletons took advantage of the easy prey. The necromancer raised his hands high, and a glowing skull of red formed in the air. Heather had no idea what spell that was, but the intent was obvious. When he swung down, that skull would crush Quinny, causing her serious harm.

“Masters protection!” Heather yelled, and suddenly, her girls were encased in bubbles of magical force. The skull slammed into the bubble and exploded in a terrible chaos of what looked like grinding bones. Had Quinny been hit by that, she would have been chewed to ribbons, but the man stepped back when the mist cleared to see Quinn safely making faces at him.

“We can’t get out!” Breanne shouted as she beat on the bubble wall.

“Just give me a second,” Heather said as she turned to face the man, her fiery whip still burning. She smiled as her eyes flashed green, and instantly, she closed the gap, appearing in the air mid-spiral, her whip blazing an arc of fire. “Dodge this!” she shouted as the man became smoky mist. However, he couldn't dodge to the side far enough to escape the whip's wide sweeping arc. Heather connected and delivered a terrible slashing blow, but the whip failed to tangle him. He stumbled back and threw out his skeletal hands as they glowed with blue flames.

“You will suffer,” the monster howled and gestured at Heather, causing bolts of bones burning with blue fire to streak out. Heather blinked away, coming to a rooftop before hurling a ball of fire. She had to blink again as the man turned his bone spears her way, firing a near-constant volley.

“Sheesh. How much magic does this thing have?” Heather asked as she arrived in the street to deliver another lash. The man howled as he was burned again, and suddenly, two giant boney arms burst from his back. They were easy as long as he was tall and ended in sharp, jagged blades.

“Oh, that's not good,” Heather cried as the arms began to lash at her. She darted and rolled while striking back with the whip, doing her best to avoid being stabbed. She took a glancing blow to the leg and another to her shoulder, drawing flows of her hellish blood. She felt her anger flaring as the man pressed the attack, but she focused on what she was doing. She vanished in a blink and arrived right before him, her hands catching the bone arms as she smiled.

“You would be surprised how strong I am,” Heather said as she twisted her hands, causing the arms to shatter. The necromancer howled in pain and rage when suddenly, the blackness that was his face filled with more of the blue fire. He howled, and the flames poured out, striking Heather in the face. She cried out in pain, stumbling back with her hands cupping her scorched skin, and realized she was blind, sort of.

“Wait, I can still see?” Heather said as she looked up only to take a blue bone spear to the chest. She was hurled back, her body bruised and bleeding, but she couldn't focus on the fight. The world looked surreal, the colors gone except for what appeared to be flows of glowing light in various colors and sizes. She looked around to see that small lines of them went to every person present except the necromancer, who appeared to be a lifeless prop. Frank's was oddly powerful, as was Blackbast, but the three girls had thinner lines as if they were attached to some distant power by a safety rope. Above her in the sky was a pattern of magical lines forming some symbol, but it was so incredibly vast she couldn't see it all. She was torn from her observations when something struck her, causing her body to roll down the street. The necromancer advanced on her as she climbed to her hand and knees, blood dripping from her lip.

“I almost forgot you were still there,” Heather spat and wiped her singed mouth. She had no idea why she could suddenly see these strange lights, but one thing was sure, this fight was over. Her eyes glowed green, and she was gone, only to appear a moment later above the man's head with wings spread wide. She glowed with blue light as she reached to a sky that suddenly swirled with black clouds.

“Hell strike!” she shouted as a red ray of what appeared to be more laser than fire streaked down. The man raised a boney arm in defense, but that arm burned away as he was struck. Heather amplified the spell with her essence causing the effect to burn through her foe and into the street then the ground below. When the flash ended, there was a hole filled with molten rock, hissing as the heat met the night air.

“Heather!” Quinny called from inside her bubble. “Let us out!”

“Oh, sorry,”” Heather said and waved her hand, causing the bubbles to fade. I should have done that sooner.”

“You most certainly should have,” Blackbast scolded. “I warned you that using that spell affected all your girls simultaneously. You could have used it to block the one attack, then released it a moment later.”

“It has a five-minute cooldown,” Heather argued. “What if I needed it for something bigger right after I let it go?”

“You must consider the risks,” the cat woman replied. “But you can spend points on it to lower the cooldown.”

“You shouldn't have used essence,” Frank added. “That marks you as special, and people might ask questions.”

“Frank,” Heather said as she touched his chest. “I used it at the dungeon party while a thousand people watched, and nobody questioned a thing. They assumed it was some form of devil power.”

“I think you did well,” Umtha encouraged as she joined the group. “But you need to heal. Your fave looks burned.”

“Yeah, you look like you just face-planted on a barbeque,” Quinny agreed. “How can you even see?”

“I don’t know,” Heather replied as she raised her hand before her eyes to see magical lines and symbols on her skin. “But I can see magic.”

“You can see what?” Blackbast asked.

Heather looked up in alarm and didn't even know where to begin. She explained the lifeless look of the world and the flow of magical lines that crossed over everything. She described it as a spider's web but explained that the NPCs didn't have them.

“But how?” Breanne asked.

“It’s the gem,” Frank said as he pointed to Heather’s forehead. “She’s looking through her third eye for the first time.”

“Right!” Heather said in surprise and put her hand over the gem, and her vision was blocked. “It is the gem. I can see through it like it's some kind of magical eye.”

“Maybe that is what it is,” Blackbast suggested. “There are higher-level spells that grant magical vision. Wizards gaze, magic sight, Blessing of seeing, truth sight, and others.”

“But she can see magic,” Umtha said. “Do any of those have a detect magic element?”

“I am not a class who can use such things,” Blackbast replied as Heather spun around. “But we already know that crown is highly magical. Maybe it mimics several of the sights.”

“But why did I have to be blinded to see through it?” Heather asked. “And what purpose does seeing magic serve? It’s just a bunch of pretty colors like I am at some kind of laser light show.” She reached out a hand and waved it through a line of color only to cause it no discernible harm. “I can’t manipulate it in any way.”

“Will you please heal,” Breanne requested? “I hate seeing you like this.”

“Alright,” Heather grumbled and put a pulsing heal on herself. Each pulse made the lights fade as her normal eyes returned until they were gone, and her normal vision returned. “Better?” Heather asked as she blinked her red-slitted eyes.

“I love you,” Frank said, looking deep into her devilish face. “My little succubus.”

“Ha, now he’s soppy emotional,” Heather laughed. “Who knew that innocent boy I met all those months ago secretly harbored a desire for a succubus wife.”

“I am willing to bet that is nearly every boy's dream,” Breanne stated.

“Yeah, they all want a hot devil girl ready to fulfill their wildest dreams,” Quinny agreed.

“Can we please stay on task,” Blackbast urged and looked deep into Heather’s eyes. “The sight is gone?”

“Yep,” Heather replied. “But it has to mean something. There wouldn't be a reason to see those flows unless there was a use to it.”

“And now we all know what will keep you awake at night for the next week,” Blackbast grumbled.

“Hmm,” Heather said in agreement as her mind worked on the possibilities. “We should go to the inn and get a drink while I think about it.”

“You are addicted to these drinks,” Blackbast accused.

“Of course I am,” Heather replied with a smile. “They cause good dreams.”

“Ha, really good dreams,” Quinny agreed with a wink.

“And you are alright with these dreams?” Blackbast asked as she turned to Frank. He looked at Heather and nodded, the two sharing an understanding of what had already happened in the dreams.

“It’s only a dream,” he replied. “And I don’t care what happens in them so long as they love me when they wake up.”

“Hmm,” Blackbast purred and leaned into Frank seductively. “That opens up some interesting possibilities.”

“Let's go to the inn,” Frank said as he changed form to his dark-haired human body. He put an arm around Blackbast and headed for the nearest forest portal. Twenty minutes later, they were seated around a table as Heather shared a blue glitter bomb with both Quinny and Umtha. They discussed the gem and Heather's strange sight as she tried to make sense of why anyone would need to see such things. She wondered what it all meant and was reminded of the first section of the necromancer book. The world existed in layers, and the magic in each layer was different. Was she seeing into another layer of the world, and if so, could she use it to her advantage?

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