Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 57: Hard choices

The halls of Gwen's castle felt cold as Heather paced nervously before a grand window overlooking the gardens below. She caught her reflection in the glass and looked at her coppery skin that was so heavily on display as she dressed in the barest amount of clothing. Her eyes were red slits, matching the cascade of dark red hair that fell down her back. She had black horns that curled gently back, marking her as something devilish and wicked. Her entire appearance screamed sex, and yet that was the farthest thing from her mind.

“What have I become?” Heather whispered to her reflection. “How did I get here?” She shook her head and wondered if Chandice and Jaina had been right. Was she embracing this lifestyle to hide from her problems? Was all of this some vain effort to pretend she wasn’t a hunted woman with a haunted past?

Soft hands came to her shoulder, and she looked up to see Breanne's smiling face. With eyes closed, she allowed Breanne to pull her into a hug and hold her tightly.

“It will be alright,” Breanne assured her. “We will think of something.”

“How?” Heather asked. “How am I going to explain my character sheet? Not only are they going to see I am a necromancer, but I have five classes. If that doesn't turn them against me, one of them is likely to realize I am Hathlisora, and then we're sunk. Everything we built here will be ruined.”

“Shhh,” Breanne urged and kissed the back of her head. “We will find a way.”

Heather wanted that to be true, but despite several hours of private debate with Gwen, not a single viable answer had surfaced. Quinny suggested they run and abandon their home, leaving Gwen to face the angry nobles and tell them Heather was gone. Frank was silent, but the look in his eyes said he was in turmoil, feeling the pain of having to start over. Heather couldn't stand seeing him like that and silently vowed to do anything to save his dungeon.

“Maybe I could turn myself in and spare the kingdom,” Heather said. “Then at least we won’t lose what we built.”

“We are not turning you over to Kevin,” Breanne insisted as Umtha joined the hug.

“No, he would punish you terribly,” Umtha cried. “You spurned his love and fled, driving him into a rage that destroyed an empire. He isn't just going to reset you; he will come here to erase everyone who matters to you.”

Heather looked into the reflection as Quinny joined them, the hug growing in strength. She saw three women with horns and tails clutching to a central figure who was the object of their love. Had she harmed them by becoming their friend? Was loving her too dangerous a thing to do? She felt dizzy as she realized that Chandice had been right about one thing. Pretending to be a slave girl wouldn't hide her from her problems. Sooner or later, they would find her no matter what she pretended to be.

“What am I going to do?” Heather said as her lip trembled. “We have come so far, and now it's all going to burn.”

“It's not going to burn,” Breanne insisted as she clutched Heather tightly, kissing the back of her head. “I am sorry this nightmare never seems to stop haunting you.”

Heather wanted to believe her little kingdom would survive, as would her friends, but she couldn't be certain of either. Once the local rulers saw what she was, they would turn on Gwen and seize Heather. She would be dragged to the north and presented to Kevin, who would delight in seeing her suffer. Those who supported her would likely be punished with resets, destroying everything they had built. She felt the dizzying pressure crushing her shoulders as all of this was her fault. Her eyes caught the reflection in the glass again to see the women she had turned into succubi. Everything was her fault.

“Why is Frank taking so long?” Quinny asked, breaking the silence.

“Gwen wanted to discuss what was to be done with Alexandria,” Breanne replied. “He is dead against her being turned over to the people hunting for her.”

“Assuming she isn't lying,” Quinny retorted. “Until Gwen questions her again, we can't be sure that whole display in the street wasn't just an act to save her hide.”

“I wish I could put on an act to save my hide,” Heather said.

“You need to stop worrying about this,” Breanne said.

“No, she needs to worry,” Quinny countered. “She's brilliant and always does her best thinking under pressure.”

“She needs a break from the pressure,” Breanne argued. “It's been one problem to solve after another for far too long. She needs time to be still and clear her mind, or she will crumble.”

“Sometimes I wish I could just close my eyes and be Frank’s slave girl,” Heather said with a weak smile. “Just live my life with nothing to think about except what I can do to make him happy.”

“You can do that,” Breanne said as they hugged. “That option is wide open to you.”

“But it doesn't solve my problems,” Heather said. “It was meant to take me away from them, but here I am, a slave girl, and my problems are worse.”

“This is one last challenge,” Breanne asserted. “You managed to drive Moon away so completely that she gave up. We will think of something to solve this problem just as well.”

“Maybe we need to use Gwen’s idea,” Quinny said.

“We are not resetting her ourselves,” Breanne quipped. “Did you see the look on Frank’s face when she suggested that? He was horrified by the idea of being asked to reset the woman he loved.”

“Maybe we should,” Heather said as she recalled the look on Frank's face when the idea was floated by Gwen, who was desperate to find a solution. Breanne was right; he was devastated by the idea and refused to let them consider it. He took Heather's hand and vowed that he would never allow it to happen. But now she looked into her own eyes, reflected by the glass, and wondered, maybe it needed to be done. If she was reset, she could pick new classes, and there would be nothing for them to find. Of course, there was the little matter of not being able to lie.

“What are you sighing about now?” Breanne asked.

“I was thinking about the reset idea,” Heather said. “It wouldn't matter anyway. They are going to test me with a magical item that detects lies. Mother said it would be as strong as the person holding it. If I reset now, they will see my classes are all level one or two and know I did something drastic to hide the truth. Then they will use that device, and because of my level, I will not be able to lie. What if they ask me if I was a necromancer until very recently? Will it change anything?”

“Heather, you will gain nothing by worrying yourself to death,” Breanne insisted. “Focus on the fact that you are surrounded by people who love you and will stand at your side through anything.”

“I don’t want any of you to be hurt because of me,” Heather replied.

“That choice isn't yours to make anymore,” Breanne reminded. “You bowed your head to Frank and declared yourself his slave girl. He will decide what you will do.”

“Yeah,” Quinny agreed. “He and Gwen will come up with something.”

“I hope so,” Heather said when the door at the far end of the hall opened, and a woman with soft green hair entered. She was some kind of elf with unusually long ears and a cheery expression. She was also dressed in the scant silks of Rajeen's harem, marking her as one of the slave girls.

“Oh, I found you at last,” the woman said and hurried down the hall. “I have been searching this place for over an hour. I swear Gwen built this place intentionally to make people get lost.”

“It is a little mazy,” Heather agreed as her protective hug parted. The woman walked right up to her and handed her a folded piece of paper, saying it was from Rajeen and she had been charged to deliver it personally. Once it was in Heather's hand, the woman smiled and headed away, leaving them in silence.

“Rajeen sent me a letter?” Heather stated as she folded it open to read the message. It was a short note asking Frank and his harem to attend to Rajeen in her private quarters. It stated that she had a very delicate matter to discuss, and she hoped they wouldn't be long.

“A delicate matter?” Quinny asked.

“Probably about us joining the harem,” Breanne scoffed. “Why does that topic never die, either?”

“What’s wrong with joining?” Quinny asked. “We are slave girls, we dress like them, and we spend most of our time at the inn. The only thing that would change is we could use some of the harem rooms.”

“And we would have to obey both Rajeen and Roric,” Breanne pointed out.

“I don’t mind,” Umtha cut in as Quinny nodded in agreement.

“But Frank does,” Breanne stated. “And right now, he has enough of his mind.”

“I don’t think that’s what this is about,” Heather said as she played with the letter. “The tone suggests this is something personal. She has a problem she is hoping we can help her solve.”

“You have your own problems right now,” Breanne cautioned.

“Yeah, but I could use the distraction,” Heather replied as the door at the other end opened, and in stepped Frank in his handsome human form. His dark hair fell about his shoulders, and those powerful eyes bore into her as he smiled softly. Heather felt her skin tingle every time he looked at her like that. He loved having a harem of devil girls at his side, but they all knew she was his queen.

“Did you guys come up with anything?” Quinny asked, hopeful for some good news.

“No,” Frank replied as he approached. “We mostly talked about Alexandria. Gwen will hold her for a few weeks to give us more time to think about it. She promises to keep her comfortable and ensure she is well cared for. She doesn't want us worrying about Alexandria in light of our bigger problems.”

“I just want it all to go away,” Heather groaned, waving the paper before him. “And Rajeen wants to see us about one of her problems.”

“She does?” he asked, taking the paper from her hands and carefully reading it several times. “It doesn't say what about.”

“We should go and see,” Umtha urged. “You could use a drink, and you said you could use the distraction.”

“That’s a good idea,” Quinny added. “You need something to help you relax.”

Heather nodded and hooked Frank's arm as they made their way out of the castle. Her mind was solidly focused on how to deal with the problem and avoid the impending disaster of the local lords. They would arrive in three days to demand their proof, and it would all be over. She wished she had picked Deceiver as one of her classes. Then she could use her power to trick them into thinking they hadn't seen her necromancer class. She toyed with the idea of having Alexandria try to trick them for her, but the woman's power wouldn't be sufficient. Like most powers in this world, it was all based on the user's level, and Alexandria was likely far too low even to annoy them. Without the power of the Lamassu, she was woefully underpowered. She wasn't even sure it would work even if she had the power boost. She couldn't just have Alexandria tell them they hadn't seen her character sheet or that they hadn't seen the necromancer class. As Alexandria stated, the power would wear off eventually, and then they would remember everything. No, Heather needed a way to make them see something that wasn't there. The best way she could hope to use Alexandria's power was to hide the truth when they asked their questions. Maybe she could help Heather defeat the power of the truth detection if only she were strong enough.

They arrived at the inn via magical doors and were greeted by smiling harem girls who blew kisses with promises of more. Heather blushed at their forwardness but felt silly. All the harem girls were like this, and when they saw the group of succubi in their sexy outfits, they naturally made advances. Frank seemed to like the attention, smiling and looking proud whenever anyone commented on the beauty of his girls. He truly did enjoy them being his and was proud to show them off. He liked people knowing that he was their master and that they were his beautiful slave girls.

They stopped in the common room, sitting at a table in the back for a little privacy. Before Heather could speak, a blue glitter bomb in a huge round glass was delivered. She smiled as Quinny and Umtha snuggled in to share it with her while Frank sat with his arm around Breanne. Sharing the drink that caused good dreams with her girls had become a tradition. They shared one straw and kissed between passing it around while holding hands under the table. She heard Breanne comment on how cute the display was, and Heather finally smiled. She honestly did enjoy playing this role. Maybe she chose it for poor reasons and to hide like Chandice suspected, but she had come to love it. She had four wonderful people in her life that she would do anything for. They were as close as close could be, and she had never known a sense of love like this before.

When the drinks were finished, and she had a chance to calm down, they sat at the table to discuss Alexandria. A figure approached with a small dragon perched on her shoulder and waved at the group with a big smile.

“Idris,” Frank said as he got up. “Please sit us.”

Heather wanted to laugh at how enamored her husband was with the woman. She was so much more his style than Heather was. She liked the undead and was full of powers that made them stronger. She also wanted to build a grand undead adventure with plot lines, backstory, and a labyrinth full of traps. She, Frank, and Quinny had been working together to build it the last few days, and it was nearly done.

“I didn’t want to disturb you,” Idris said. “But I heard about the battle in the city. Is everyone alright?”

“We're fine,” Heather replied, passing the straw to Umtha. “We just located a player trying to cause problems, and when we confronted her, she activated a protective creature that took us by surprise.”

“I heard Queen Gwen herself had to come and slay it,” Idris said as Zillix flew from her shoulder and landed on the table.

“Was this creature a dragon?” he asked.

“No, it was a Lamassu,” Heather replied as she looked down on the house cat-sized dragon whose scales seemed to never be a single color. He shifted and changed like an odd sort of lead display in dragon shape.

“I don't know what that is,” he admitted, tossing his head on a long slender neck. “Does it look like this?” He waved a hand as his scales glittered, and beside the table appeared something that looked like a bear, but down its back was row after row of interlocking spines.

“Ack, no,” Heather said at the gruesome-looking creature.

“Hmm,” he replied as the image faded. “We called that a Lamission in my home world. They borrow into the ground so that only the spines protrude.”

“It's more of a lion-looking thing with a human head,” Quinny said. “But Gwen killed it, and we captured the girl.”

“Well, it all ended on a good note then,” Idris commented.

“Yeah,” Heather replied but inside wished that were true. It ended with Gwen's warning that the lords were coming, and the clock was ticking, and with every passing moment, the tension worsened. Frank invited Idris to join them, and wines were ordered as Heather went back to sipping her glitter bomb while playing with the hands of the girls beside her. She was lost in thought again as Zillix curled into Idris's chest, her delicate hand stroking his back. She, Frank, and Breanne discussed the magical forest and the home Zillix was building high in Chandice's tree. It sounded magical, and Zillix even conjured an illusion to show them parts of it.

She smiled to see how much Frank was enjoying her company. She thought she should feel jealous that her husband was obviously interested in another woman. Somehow it didn't seem to bother her because she knew Frank loved her and the others. There were so many women in the relationship already that she couldn't be worried about another. Even Blackbast shared their bed from time to time, making love and sharing stories about her activities in the temple.

Heather realized that Frank had changed. The boy that once would have been embarrassed to hear such details now listened intently, laughing and teasing her about them. Getting married and making love to so many women had given him a huge boost of confidence bringing out the man inside. There was a time when he averted his eyes from the nakedness of Roric's girls. Now he dresses his girls nearly the same and doesn't care if others stare at them.

Before she knew it, her mind was off her problems and feeling the tingling sensation of being a slave girl. She felt relaxed and at ease as her thoughts shifted to Jaina and her strange relationship with Roric. Jaina was a woman who came to New Eden specifically to be his slave girl. They had been boyfriend and girlfriend in the real world, and now she was his slave, and he was going to marry Chandice. As far as Heather could tell, Jaina was delighted by the turn of events. She was happy they were marrying because she was in the role she wanted to be in. Heather considered her place and the looks passing between Idris and Frank. Heather was in the role she wanted as well, and if anything bloomed between those two, she would encourage it. However, she wondered about Zillix. He was nestled into her stomach, with the woman's breasts pressing down. She was absentmindedly playing with his long tail while smiling at Frank. The way the two were touching seemed awfully affectionate. Could it be that her flirtations with Frank were just a game, and her true affection was on Zillix?

“We really should see Rajeen,” Breanne interrupted. “It would be rude to keep her waiting much longer.”

Heather agreed, and they bid Idris a good night. The woman smiled and waved them off before telling Frank she would be working on her graveyard tomorrow if he wanted to help. Heather knew he would be there, working side by side with the alluring woman.

They headed for the back archway that led into the private halls of the inn. Two tiger guards in dark plate armor and holding massive swords nodded, allowing them to pass easily. Heather always found the powerful-looking tiger men intimidating. They bulged with muscle and always looked ready to act in any danger. Those cat eyes watched everything with a calculating glare as if sizing up any potential threats. However, she caught them many times, looking lower at her body. She wondered just how much they felt and if they could lust after the woman that pranced around them in little more than tissue paper.

It took them several minutes to navigate the well-defended halls passing through several pairs of tiger men whose gazes swept over her with hunger. Eventually, they found some harem girls and asked them to show the way. A minute later, they were at a pair of jade doors thrown open to reveal a large plush bed chamber.

Heather was surprised that they were meeting in the woman's bedroom and even more surprised to see two naked women chained so they were standing on either side of the bed. The woman was gagged, but their eyes fell on the group, and the corners of their mouths curled in a smile.

“Umm, why are we meeting here?” Heather asked as the doors shut behind them.

“Is this her bedroom?” Quinny said.

“Of course it is,” Breanne said as they took in the paneled walls and ornate columns that made the large bed the room's centerpiece. It was large enough to sleep twenty, and Heather was sure it often did. Rajeen was a collector of beautiful women. The doors on the other side of the room opened into the harem. She pressed her question, and Frank looked over the letter again, but they had no idea why this meeting needed to take place here, of all places.

“There you are,” came a soft purring voice as a sexy cat woman entered the room. Rajeen was a tiger woman with pure white fur that reminded Heather of gentle snow. She had a small bit of darkness at the tip of her tail and the faintest pattern of stripes down her back. Her legs were like those of a great cat, but her arms were human with very normal hands. However, like Blackbast, she could produce a set of sharp claws when needed and was amazingly effective for back scratching. Her head was that of a female tiger with striking blue eyes and gentle features that gave her a feline-like beauty. She looked kind and loving and moved with a delicate grace as she crossed the room to greet them. Heather couldn't help but notice that she wore only a slip at her waist, barely concealing the gap between her legs. Her breasts were bare, and a quick glance at Frank showed he wasn't bothered by it at all.

“I hope my letter didn’t catch you at a bad time,” Rajeen said as she arrived before them. “I sensed a moment of tension when Gwen called you away.”

“It's another problem we have to solve,” Heather replied as her mood shifted back to worrying. Only then did she realize how long she had forgotten her problems. Just being here and watching the girls play had driven all that pain away. She longed to return to that mindset and forget everything, allowing herself to be a slave.

“Did you need our help with something?” Frank asked.

“Yes,” Rajeen said while looking uncomfortable. Her long white tail thrashed nervously as she played with her hands. She apologized for asking them to meet in her bedroom but insisted it was the best place for this conversation.

“What conversation?” Heather asked.

Rajeen sighed and stepped back before placing both hands on her stomach. She uttered a magic word, and a pattern of lovely pink and purple lines appeared. It glowed with magical light, creating a lacy image of hearts, chains, swirling lines, and pleasing curves. Heather was enthralled by the image and, for a moment, wished she had a tattoo like that on her tummy.

“Is that a womb tattoo?” Quinny asked as she stepped closer and bent lower. Umtha joined her as the two examined the image that captivated them all.

“It is,” Rajeen replied. “I have one just like Jaina does.”

Heather already knew the tiger woman had a womb tattoo, a magical blessing and curse bestowed by some succubus witch far to the north. Jaina had gone to the witch, offering to carry a tattoo in exchange for elevating Roric to a chosen one. It was a way to cheat the system and gain power otherwise unobtainable. But it always came with a cost, some criteria that had to be met, or the wearer would suffer an ill effect. Heather even wondered if she had such a mark as they usually didn't appear except under specific circumstances and persisted through death, even a reset. They thought it might be how she was affected by the strange explainable polymorph that her character sheet insisted she was under. The problem was the mark couldn't be detected and wasn't visible unless she triggered it, which raised a question.

“How is it we can see it?” Heather asked. “I thought these things were hidden until they triggered.”

“That is true,” Rajeen replied. “But it is being triggered by you.”

“By me?” Heather squeaked. “How am I triggering it?”

Rajeen's soft and loving expression turned to one of shame as she turned away and left them, staring at her back. She then took a deep breath before explaining that Heather had inadvertently triggered one of her punishments.

“You see, in order to gain the boon I wanted, I had to accept some restrictions,” Rajeen began. “One of which is I must know what it is like to be a slave to another. I am required to offer myself to any master I meet for the first time to be his or her slave girl for one night.”

“And why does this affect Heather?” Quinny asked.

“Because she's a slave master now,” Breanne replied with a roll of her eyes. “When she evolved, she must have triggered Rajeen's condition.”

“But I evolved days, even weeks ago,” Heather said as she looked at the others.

“Yes, you did,” Rajeen said. “And I have been under the restriction ever since.”

“What restriction?” Frank asked as he stepped forward and turned Rajeen around to face them. The tiger woman’s eyes were wet as she explained that she could feel no satisfaction or pleasure from sex until she made the offer.

Heather's mouth fell open as the whole group went silent. Rajeen looked down and begged them to forgive her. She held off as long as she could, not wanting to burden them with her problems. She was only making the offer now because if Heather rejected her, the curse would lift in a few days.

“How long?” Heather asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Rajeen replied.

“Yes, it does,” Heather insisted. “How long after I reject you does it stop?”

“Ninety days,” Rajeen said.

“What? That’s ridiculous,” Heather cried.

“She's waited this long even to tell us, and now she has to wait three more months?” Quinny added.

“Those are the terms I accepted, and I will bear the weight of the punishment,” Rajeen insisted. “But I had to tell you and make the offer, or the clock wouldn’t start ticking. Please, you may go now. I just needed to set the timer in motion.”

“We can’t just go,” Heather said and looked to Frank for help.

“It would be cruel to leave her like this,” he said. “But the only way to help her would be to accept her offer.”

“Right, the offer. What does that mean exactly?” Heather demanded.

“You would have to make love to me,” Rajeen said but shook her head. “I cannot ask this of you. I only wanted to set the timer in motion. Please, do not worry about me.”

“This is all I am going to worry about now,” Heather growled. “We can’t leave you to suffer like this for ninety days.” She looked to Frank, who nodded his agreement. Before Rajeen could comment, Heather turned around with a wicked smile.

“Then I accept your offer,” she said, taking Rajeen's hand. “Now, get into bed, slave, so that I can break your curse.”

Rajeen's expression changed to relief and hope as Heather led her to the bed. Her troubles were lost, and her mind focused on what was about to happen instead. She intended to keep it that way for the rest of the day as she and her family added Rajeen to their list of lovers.

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