Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 59: To hide the truth

The sun rose, but the skies were gray as a steady rain beat down on the inn. Heather lay in bed, her mind racing as a million thoughts competed for attention. Recent events had changed her life immensely but offered new and exciting opportunities. Last night she had a dream carefully crafted by her lovers that left her breathless. Now all she wanted was a future for this new life, but everything was in jeopardy. Soon the local rulers would come to learn the truth and claim her head. She had devised a plan to deal with the impending arrival of her executioners, but they couldn't be certain it would work.

She knew she should be worried, but recent events had pushed this to the back of her mind. Not only had she married Zillix and Alexandria, but as of the night before, she was a harem girl in Rajeen's collection. It was all so rushed and wild as things spiraled out of control. Heather was desperate to take her mind off the doom quickly approaching, so she did something she had never imagined. Now there was a silver paw print on the left cheek of her rear, making her the tiger woman's property forever more.

She curled tighter to Breanne, who was holding Heather to her breast. She, too, had the mark, as did Quinny and Umtha, all the girls joining the harem as one. It had been a night to remember, but it felt like it went by in a blur. She didn't even remember going to bed or that the bed she had gone to was Rajeens.

The tiger was also asleep, curled around Umtha with Frank at her back. Flashes of memory of the night before played out in her mind screaming at her to be shocked, but deep down, she was happy. She was happy to be a part of something so rare and beautiful that it brought a tear to her eye. Frank was her husband, her master, and the head of their family. Rajeen was now one of her masters, and the tiger woman had vowed to love them with all her soul. She assured them that the harem would always be their home, and she would never fail to care for them.

Across the way, Blackbast was sitting in a plush chair before the window, watching the dark rain fall on a sleepy world. Quinny was asleep in her arms, her long devil tail twined around the cat woman. It all felt so peaceful and serine, a moment of change and love, unlike anything she had ever dared to dream. Yet, at some point, those who sought to test her lies would arrive, and the inquisition would begin.

She wondered how a moment of beautiful love could be overshadowed by such terrible dread. At least for now, she was safe in the arms of the woman she loved, and the day could wait. With eyes closed, she listened to the rain falling on the slate roof of the huge structure Rajeen called an inn. The gentle tapping soothed her soul and helped her mind slip into a happier place. She remembered playing in the rain as a child and how the water made puddles in her backyard. She recalled how her mother taught her to make little paper boats to sail in the flowing streams that crossed her backyard. That world seemed so far away, an almost alien place that never existed. Maybe that world had been the dream all along, and New Eden was where she had finally awakened.

A soft kiss brushed her cheek, and she opened her eyes to see love gazing down at her. Jaina leaned over the bed, smiling as Heather gazed back adoringly.

“Sorry to wake you,” Jaina whispered. “I just wanted to know if you needed me to stand by you today.”

“I appreciate that,” Heather whispered back. “But I don’t want them to scrutinize you because of me. Just being in the room for support will be enough.”

“Alright,” Jaina whispered while bending low to kiss her forehead. “I hope you enjoyed your dream.”

“I loved my dream,” Heather sighed as it replayed in her mind. “I hope I have more.”

“I am sure you will,” Jaina promised. “Now, go back to sleep, my dear sister. We will talk when it’s over.”

Heather smiled under that kiss and watched her walk to Blackbast, where she stroked Quinny's head while they spoke. Jaina nodded in reply to something Heather didn't hear, then silently left the room. With eyes closed, she resumed listening to the rain, her mind drifting away once more. She was safe, she was loved, and no matter what happened, she would stand strong.

“Heather?” a voice called, rousing her from her blissful slumber. She opened her eyes and sat up to discover the rain was gone and the dark room now lit by light pouring through the window. Breanne was at the side of the bed with a small silver tray. On it were foods and treats laid out in colorful dishes.

“Rajeen said you needed to eat,” Breanne said before setting the tray on the bed.

“What time is it?” Heather asked as she sat up and discovered she and Breanne were the only two in the room.

“Half past ten,” Breanne replied. “We agreed you should probably get a little extra sleep, so Gisley was called in to help keep you under.”

“Gisley has been very busy today,” Heather laughed as Breanne shared her mirth with a smile.

“She wanted to make sure you had the best night's rest any would have,” Breanne said. “She made my dreams rather interesting too.”

“Oh,” Heather said as she looked at the tray loaded with sausage, bacon, seasoned mushrooms, cheeses, and little cakes. There was fresh bread still warm from the oven and a little bowl of whipped butter to spread with jam. Heather smiled at the lovely treat and looked at Breanne to see her smiling back.

“Well, we did it,” Breanne said.

“Yes,” Heather replied as she reached for a fork. “We are officially harem girls.”

“They could have warned us about the mark,” Breanne said as she turned her hip to reveal the silver paw print. “That really hurt.”

“You heard what Jaina said to Quinny,” Heather laughed. “We couldn’t find out how the mark was made until they made it. Probably because they knew it was going to hurt so much.”

“Branding us with magical irons is a little excessive,” Breanne stated. “But that honey they rubbed on it right after instantly took the pain away.”

“I am surprised it hurt,” Heather said as she took a bite of sausage. “We're devils. We are supposed to be immune to fire and heat.”

“That was some kind of magic. I doubt heat was involved at all,” Breanne said.

Heather shrugged and went on with her nibbling, going for some toast slathered with jam and honey. Breanne sat on the bed beside her and leaned into her side as they looked about the palatial bedroom of Rajeen, their new master.

“I could get used to living like this,” Breanne said.

“I hope so,” Heather said between chews. “Because there is no going back.”

“I suppose not,” Breanne said with a smile and used her tail to play with Heathers.

Heather enjoyed the game, and the company as Breanne sat beside her. Of all the girls, she was the one Heather felt most able to talk to, as Breanne had a wise, almost motherly quality. She was always quick to show affection and care when Heather needed it and was fond of keeping Quinny in line.

“Oh, I forgot,” Heather said when she thought of Quinny in Blackbast’s arms. “Did Quinny go?”

“Not yet,” Breanne said. “Nobody is doing anything until after the interrogation.”

“Ugh, I will be so glad when that’s over,” Heather groaned and reached for some grapes. “I am tired of this hanging over my head.”

“That all ends today,” Breanne said and patted her hand. “You will prove to them once, and for all that the woman they once sought is gone.”

“I hope so,” Heather sighed as she finally started to worry. So much was riding on her clever trick, and the untested people tapped to pull it off. What if Alexandria attempted to betray them? What if she sold Heather out in exchange for a share of the reward? With that kind of money, she could buy her way out of her trouble and come out well ahead in the end. Zillix was another wild card because she had no idea how his power worked. They spent an hour with him practicing making an illusionary copy of her character sheet. It needed to be perfect, with nothing to give away that it wasn't real. A single line is out of place or a missing symbol, and everything would fall apart. He also had to hide her power bars so the essence stat wasn't seen. She was putting a lot of faith in the tiny dragon as his part was the most important. He had to prove to some of the most powerful people in the region that Heather was not a necromancer.

“Where is Frank?” Heather asked as she nibbled on a square of cheese.

“He went to meet Gwen and ensure everything was ready,” Breanne said. “They are going to hold the meeting in special chambers where Zillix and Alexandria can be hidden in a neighboring room. They will have a magical mirror focused on you so they know when and where to use their powers.”

“Good,” Heather said as she moved on to the mushroom. “We only have one chance at this.”

“It will work,” Breanne insisted. “Your brilliant mind has saved us all a dozen times, and this plan is no exception.”

Heather smiled and took a bite of the sauteed mushrooms, humming as the well-seasoned flavors passed her lips.

“You like mushrooms?” Breanne asked.

“I love them,” Heather replied. “They are like plants that wanted to be meat.”

“Ha, I have never heard anyone describe them like that,” Breanne laughed.

“Hmm,” Heather replied as she took another fork full. She savored the mushrooms and then moved on to the little cake squares decorated with little fruit patterns. She wondered if her cook Monica could make things like this and if she should upgrade her. She ate and talked with Breanne for nearly an hour when the pair of jade doors at the far end of the room opened.

Rajeen walked in, her blue eyes fixating on Heather before she strolled across the marble floor. She wore a lovely black silk skirt at her waist and a matching wrap at the top, adorned with golden chains and charms. Over her head was a band of gold with little blue gems and a single catseye agate.

“It is good to see you eating,” Rajeen said. “You must keep up your strength for today.”

“You look overly dressed,” Heather remarked before plunking a small bit of cake in her mouth. “I think it makes you look beautiful.”

“Oh, my sweet pet,” Rajeen purred and used her fingers to stroke Heather’s chin. “I am dressed for your meeting. I wish to put on a more appropriate appearance.”

“Interrogation is more like it,” Breanne quipped. “But at least it will be over for good.”

“I am glad to see you are both so confident,” Rajeen said. “This matter has been most distressing for our family. Roric will not say so, but he worries for you and for the home they built.”

Heather smiled as Rajeen so casually called them family. It was a true statement, to be sure, as by being part of the harem, they were all one. Frank and Roric were her masters now, as were Rajeen and Blackbast. It was an odd arrangement but one that didn't really change anything in the long run.

“So, I should probably get dressed,” Heather said as she set her fork down. “I want this over with so I can focus on more important things, like my family.”

“I am sure the girls will be happy to hear that,” Rajeen purred and kneeled before her. “But I want to reiterate how grateful I am that you are mine. I promise you will never question my love for you, and I will wipe all your tears away.”

“Thank you,” Heather replied and got up to hug her. “I love you.” She heard Rajeen sniffle, and when she leaned back, there were tears in the tiger woman's eyes. Her words had touched a nerve, and she realized that was the first time she had said it.

“Shh,” Rajeen said when Heather went to speak. “Let me savor that moment a bit longer.”

Heather smiled, and together they walked to the window to look over the back gardens. Harem girls were frolicking about playing as they always did. Heather was free to walk among them now, living a life of carefree happiness. All she had to do was survive the coming confrontation, and the rest of her days would be like this.

Rajeen put an arm around her waist and held her close as they watched the girls play. The moment was interrupted when the doors opened, and Umtha ran in, wearing a lovely black dress.

“Heather!” Umtha said, her hands twisting nervously. “They are here!”

“Quickly,” Rajeen commanded and smacked Heather on the rear. “I have clothes laid out for the both of you behind the screens. Get dressed before they question why they are being kept waiting.”

Heather and Breanne ran for the folding screens and the dressing tables beyond. They quickly dressed in elegant gowns that bore the emblems of power under Gwen's rule. Rajeen assisted, adding jewelry and accessories until both women looked like queens. Then she took them into the back halls, using the secret ways to arrive at the most heavily guarded room in all the inn.

The hall of magic doors linked all of their homes and turned them into one large dwelling. Rajeen knew the paths across Heather's mountain home by heart and let the girls into the tower. Down the various floors, they went until arriving at the garden where the portal to Gwen's city was hidden. In seconds they arrived in the caves below the castle and used a back tunnel to go directly to a secure room inside. Frank and Quinny were waiting, dressed like nobles and bearing the marks of the city. Heather was particularly impressed by Frank's stunning green coat and coat of arms, along with various medals. He looked like a general about to do battle, but his arms came open as soon as he saw her.

“Oh, Frank!” Heather cried and fled to his embrace. “I am scared.”

“I won’t let them hurt you,” Frank said as he held her tightly. “I made sure everything was ready. Webster is in back with Alexandria, Idris, and Zillix, so he can relay anything important.”

Heather nodded and stepped back, her courage starting to wain. She knew this moment had to come, but was her trick going to work? She summoned all the courage she could muster and took his hand so he could lead the way. Rajeen and the other girls followed in their wake as every step she took felt like walking to her doom.

The doors to the meeting chambers were open, and Heather was relieved to see Roric, Jaina, and all the others standing in attendance. Gwen was also standing just inside the door wearing an unusually dark gown of black and purple as if matching her angry disposition. Across the room and seated at a table were over fifty people of various races. Heather was overcome by how many lords and ladies had arrived to question her. She hadn't expected there to be more than last time, but obviously, word had gotten around. To settle her nerves, she reached over her telepathic bind to Webster to see the spider was watching her on a magical mirror the size of a large television. From his many eyes, she could see Alexandria nervously pacing as Idris held the tiny Dragon. She felt Webster reaching back and heard his chirpy voice as she told her he was ready.

“Here she is,” Gwen announced as Heather stepped into the room on Frank’s arm. “I give you my daughter, Princess Hannah.”

Dead silence followed as the assembled mass gazed at her with suspicion. Heather hated that she needed to be judged by these fools, blindly following a madman who called himself Kevin. Still, she did her best to stand tall as Frank guided her to the center of the room, where a single chair sat on a round rug.

“Just focus on the love you experienced last night,” he whispered in her ear. She nodded as he stepped back a few paces but remained immediately behind her, refusing to give ground to the hostile players.

“Now you can stop accusing me of trying to delay you while she escaped,” Gwen snapped.

“We will stop accusing you when we have established this is her,” a man with red skin and smoldering eyes said as he stepped forward. Heather could feel his eyes boring into her skull as he searched her expression for any sign of weakness. She glared back with all the determination she could muster, but inside, she wanted to panic.

“You have brought your stone, so ask her yourself,” Gwen hissed. “But I warn you, she is my daughter, and I will not tolerate insults.”

“We know of your mad rage,” a woman with long silver hair said from the back. “Be careful, Gwen; you are not the only one who can boast such levels.”

Heather saw her mother flinch for the first time, which added to her anxiety. The silver-haired woman floated into the air and across the room to land before Heather. She was dressed in a gown of white with silvery runes that shifted and glowed as if in a kind of dance. Her eyes were strong, and her smiling was mocking as she unfurled her fist to reveal a small blue stone.

“I am sure you know what this is,” the woman said.

“It’s a truth stone,” Heather replied.

“Good,” the woman replied, as her smile never wavered. “Now, identify yourself, and be warned, I am extremely high level. If you lie to me or attempt to conceal the truth in any way, we will assume you are guilty.”

Heather nodded and looked at the stone before glancing at her mother and Frank. Both nodded, so she turned back and looked the woman in the eyes.

“I am Heather, also known as Princess Hannah, daughter of Queen Gwen. I am the wife of Frank and the slave of Lady Rajeen, Lady Blackbast, and Lord Roric.” There was a muffled round of comments as she boldly told them her titles. The kings and queens seemed surprised that the woman they came to interrogate could be a slave girl. Still, she had to collar, and nobody could mistake what it was. All eyes went to the stone as it glowed with a soft blue light. The woman turned her head ever so slightly as if unsure she believed what Heather had said.

“Then it is her,” the red-skinned man said. “So let us make the formal charges. Hannah of Ellowshire. You are accused of lying to the previous tribunal and concealing that you had three classes. We believe that you did so to hide the fact that you are a necromancer, the one sought in connection with goblin attacks in the north. How say you in answer to these charges? What can you say in defense of your actions?”

Heather tried not to tremble, but all she could see was the truth stone firmly set in the woman's hand. She knew Alexandria and Zillix were waiting but couldn't be sure if her plan was going to work. It all came down to this moment, and there was no way to escape. Her lips moved silently for a moment as everyone held their breaths.

“Get ready,” Idris said as she watched the room from the vast magical mirror. Alexandria was transfixed, focusing with all her might on the stone. She reached out with her powers as Heather began to speak, praying it would be enough. She could feel the power of the silver woman resisting her call, so she reached across the link to Heather and began to pull. Her body was bathed in blue light as her feet left the floor. She floated into the air surging with power, her eyes like lanterns as her entire focus became the stone.

“I lied because I was afraid,” Heather replied. “I was the necromancer you were looking for, but I didn’t think you would believe me if I had told you I reset.”

Heather’s heart refused to beat until the stone in her hand glowed blue. When it did, she felt a sensation of relief that she struggled not to let be apparent on her face. Was her plan working, or had her reply been close enough to the truth? She hadn't really lied, only twisted the story a bit. But maybe it was working?

“And you admit now that you are also chosen?” the man demanded.

“Yes,” Heather said as she looked down, but in the back of her mind, she was looking through Webster's eyes. She could see Alexandria floating in the air as sparks of blue lightning crawled over her skin. The woman was fully focused, drawing on the essence and channeling it into her powers. Now it was a race against time to complete the questions before Alexandria collapsed into unconsciousness.

“Then would you care to show us how you access your special panel?” the man demanded.

Heather raised her arm and pulled up her sleeve to reveal the flower tattoo for all to see. The look on people's faces changed to one of aggravation as a man stood and shouted.

“We inspected her arms on our last visit,” he pointed out. “She bore no such mark.”

“Would you like to explain why they found no mark?” the interrogator asked.

“Because you didn't inspect me,” Heather said. “Frank and I switched bodies using a magical figurine. The chosen mark transferred to me while you were looking at Frank.”

Once again, the stone shone blue, and the man took a deep breath. He accused her of willingly trying to deceive them and demanded to know if she understood how serious this was. Heather repeated her story that she was frightened and didn't know why people were after her. She played on her being chosen, insisting she had been abducted into a world where she knew nothing of its methods or politics. She even lashed back, stating that she didn’t even understand why she had to answer them. Who were they to make demands of her when the visitors clearly thought her important?

“Careful,” the silver-haired woman warned. “You have no idea what danger you are flirting with.”

Heather grew more confident as the stone continued to glow blue. It was working, but how long could Alexandria keep up the channel? What if she blacked out before the questions were done? A quick look through the spider's eyes showed the woman straining, her hands shaking as shocks of electricity arced from her body. Time was running out, and Heather dropped her right hand, making a small gesture with her fingers to signal the others.

“She’s answered your questions,” Gwen stated in response to the signal. “Let’s get this farce over with.”

“Gwen, Gwen,” the silver-haired woman said as she turned her gaze to Heather’s mother. “With a temper like that, is it any wonder why we all left you to rot in your grave?”

“You dare,” Gwen snarled, playing the game by acting outraged.

“Leave my mother alone,” Heather demanded and glared down the woman. “You came here for your proof, so let’s get it over with. We all know what will settle this matter.”

“So bold,” the woman replied. “Are you hoping to convince us by being so brave? Maybe we will think you must have reset if she is so willing to show her character sheet. Why would we even need to look when you are so obviously innocent.”

“I have nothing to hide,” Heather replied and held out her arm the agreed-upon signal for Zillix to get ready. Through Webster's gaze, she saw Alexandria hit the floor, her body spent and her skills no longer available. Now she had to keep them focused on the character sheet and convince them the game was over.

“Very well,” the woman said, closing her fingers over the stone and turning to the red man. “If you have no further questions, that is?”

“I see no reason to ask more,” the man replied. “Let us see once and for all where the truth lies.”

“Zillix,” Idris gasped as she stared at the unconscious Alexandria. “Are you sure you can do this?”

“I think so,” he replied as they watched through the mirror. “I will do whatever it takes to help her.”

Heather reached for the tattoo, and with a defiant look, she rubbed the mark, only she didn't actually rub it. Her finger floated just above a silent prayer that went through her heart. Instantly her panel appeared, and every muscle in her body wanted to flinch. She looked through Websters's eyes to see the tiny dragon glowing like a bonfire, blue flames dancing into the air.

“Please work,” Heather muttered silently as several of the interrogators got up and converged on her panel. Heather was so nervous she almost couldn’t bare to look, but she slowly turned her head as the blood pounded in her chest.

“Lillim, Flower singer, recluse,” the silver-haired woman read off as her gaze shifted and their eyes met. “And a sex slave.”

Heather didn’t budge as the smile on the woman’s face grew ever so slightly. The others crowded in to confirm it for themselves with huffs and snarls in response to the obvious truth.

“So we have wasted our time,” another woman said as she exchanged heated glances with the silver-haired woman. “Are you satisfied yet, Lady Galeen?”

“I am,” the silver-haired woman replied. “But I believe we have one final question to ask.”

Heather jumped as the woman smiled wider, a look of triumph crossing her face. She turned to face the red-skinned man, who nodded as he smiled in understanding. She wondered what the pair were up to as Gwen interjected, insisting Heather had proven her innocence.

“Is that so?” Lady Galeen intoned. “Then perhaps you can explain one inconsistency in her story? She says her husband reset her after the failed attempt on her capture in the south. We can verify that she was killed on the road, but we can also verify that a necromancer came here shortly after. So if she wasn't a necromancer any longer, then perhaps she knows who the necromancer was? After all, they were both on the same road here at the same time.”

Heather felt her hands shaking as the various rulers turned hard expressions her way. She didn't know what to do, so she muttered that she had no idea who the necromancer was. The silver-haired woman raised her hand and opened her fingers to reveal the bright red glow of a lie.

“She's lying!” the red-skinned man shouted. “She knows this necromancer!”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Lady Galeen said sweetly. “Trying to hide a necromancer is almost as bad as being one. I am afraid you are going to tell us who this necromancer is and where they can be found, or you will pay the price for conspiring to hide an enemy of the server.

Time slowed as Heather's mind searched for a solution. She couldn't tell them who the necromancer was because Alexandria was unconscious, and anything she said would be revealed as a lie. She stammered to begin speaking as she saw visions of her friends being punished for attempting to aid her. At the last second, the doors flew open, and Idris nervously ran in. She was dressed in a black gown highlighted with skulls, chains, and bony spikes. A dead silence fell over the room as she walked directly to Heather and took her place beside her.

“Who is this?” the red-haired man demanded.

“Look at her garb,” Lady Galeen said. “I believe we have finally found our necromancer.”

“All of you will be charged with colluding to hide a banned player,” the red-skinned man roared as he pointed a finger at Gwen. “You will lose your kingdom.”

“You try and take it from me,” Gwen hissed back.

“I am not a necromancer!” Idris shouted, drawing all eyes to her trembling form. “My name is Idris, and I am a priestess of death.” She displayed her power by waving a hand and chanting a dark sequence of words. Before their very eyes, a ghoul rose from the floor, followed by several zombies. She waited as the group took in the sight before explaining that she was often mistaken as a necromancer because of her power. She then admitted that she and Heather had met on the road to the South as they fled persecution by other players. They formed a friendship based on their shared experiences, and Heather was only trying to protect her from exposure. To Heather's utter amazement, the stone glowed blue, but she could see there were cracks of red. She looked through Webster's eyes to see Zillix trembling as blood fell from his nose. The tiny dragon was masking the stone with an illusion as he struggled to stay conscious. The illusion wasn't perfect, but her interrogators were too angry to notice.

“You will show us your character sheet,” Lady Galeen demanded. “Or we will drag you back in chains.”

Idris nodded and willed her sheet open. Heather held her breath as they inspected the new sheet, and the woman's smile finally faded.

“She’s a priestess of death,” she spat.

“That’s just as bad as a necromancer,” another called out.

“It may be, but it’s legal,” Lady Galeen replied and shot Idris a hateful glare. “Put your sheet away and step back, girl.”

Idris nervously complied and hurried back to the waiting arms of Jaina. Heather turned enough to see the frightened expressions on her family as they waited to see the reaction of the local rulership. Gwen looked ready to kill them all, and Frank’s expression was of dark hatred. No doubt he would be the first to aid Gwen in seeing them torn to shreds.

“Well?” Gwen demanded. “Do you have anything more to waste our time with?”

“No,” the red man said as he turned to face Heather. He bowed ever so slightly and announced that they were satisfied. Lady Galeen looked ready to rage but floated away and joined the others. Heather was too afraid to move from her spot until the very last lord had left the room.

“You may breathe now,” Rajeen said as her hand came to Heather's shoulder. “You did well.”

Heather's eyes filled with tears as the shock finally set in. Frank was at her side instantly, sweeping her into a hug and whispering it was finally over. The others followed suit, hugging and encouraging as Heather fell apart. She struggled to wipe her eyes clear of tears as Gwen stepped forward with a smile.

“My daughter, you did it,” she said, taking Heather's hand. “But whatever possessed you to publicly announce to all the world that you were a slave girl?”

Heather looked into her mother's face and then to the side to see Frank, Roric, Rajeen, and Blackbast. She saw love and compassion in their eyes, and she smiled in happiness.

“Because I am proud of what I am and who I belong to,” Heather replied. “I want everyone to know I am a slave girl, and I belong to the greatest masters in the world.”

“They were going to see it on her character sheet anyway,” Jaina added. “And the collar was a dead giveaway.”

“But she could have simply claimed to be Franks,” Gwen insisted as she looked to the others. “But I can see she wants to honor those she calls her master.”

“No greater slave girl has ever graced my harem,” Rajeen said. “She is a treasure among treasures.”

“She is the rarest of girls,” Roric agreed. “I am honored to be named as one of her masters.”

“So, is this finally over?” Quinny asked. “Can we live our lives now?”

“Yes,” Heather said as her tears renewed. “And it’s all thanks to…. Oh my gosh, Zillix!” Heather ran from the room as the others followed, unsure what had her panicked. She burst into the side chambers and rushed across the space to where the tiny dragon lay in a pool of his own blood.

“Zillix!” Idris cried as Heather leaned over him.

“What happened to him?” Gwen asked. “I thought he was only supposed to go unconscious.”

“Alexandria was already out when they started asking about necromancers,” Heather explained as she carefully lifted him up.

“Then how did the stone glow blue when Idris lied?” Jaina asked.

Zillix hid it in an illusion,” Idris cried as Heather placed a pulsing heal on the creature. “He was already at his limit when I ran into the room to claim I was the necromancer.”

“I saw him through Webster’s eyes,” Heather added. “He was fighting to stay awake and sacrificing himself to keep up the illusions.”

“The poor thing,” Gisley said in sympathy. “Is he going to be alright?”

Heather didn't know, but she couldn't just give up. Her heal seemed to be doing something, but just in case, she lifted the tiny creature's head and gently kissed the tip of his snout. Her healing kiss began to flow as her power flooded his body. A few moment's later, she handed his sleeping form to Idris and prayed it had been enough and that all he needed now was rest.

They checked Alexandria, and Gwen had her move to a bedroom to sleep it off. Heather then returned to crying as Frank lifted her into his arms.

“Let’s get you home,” Frank said. “I am sure the harem girls can help soothe this stress away.”

Heather nodded as he took her away and carried her back to the inn. She was undressed and placed among the girls, who immediately brought her wine, food, and gentle caresses. Rajeen and Frank stayed at her side while she struggled to wipe the worries away. Roric and his girls were nearby, with Gisley offering to rub Heather's shoulders. She used fairy magic to soothe away the stress and promised Heather a special good dream that night.

“You did it,” Breanne said as she arrived with Quinny, Umtha, and Blackbast. “It is finally over.”

Heather looked up and nodded. “For now.”

“Forever,” Rajeen insisted. “You have proven to a host of the most powerful people in the world that you are not a necromancer. They will spread the word to the ears of those who care, and the search will be called off.”

“It’s all thanks to Zillix and Alexandria,” Heather said. “I wish I could think of some way to reward them.”

“Gwen is going to offer Alexandria and Zillix a title and land in her kingdom,” Breanne explained.

“And we had a discussion,” Roric said as he stood beside Frank. “We masters have agreed to form an order to protect the harem. We wish to make access to the harem the greatest honor anyone can achieve.”

“And for his role in saving the day, we wish to offer Zillix that honor,” Rajeen said. “Provided he adds his slave girl to it.”

“Idris isn’t a slave girl,” Heather stated.

“Oh, she looks like a slave to me,” Rajeen laughed. “While you were busy falling apart, I had a chance to speak with her and hear her call him her master. So if all the existing masters are in agreement, we will add the tiny dragon to our unique union.”

“He saved us,” Frank said. “And he risked dying to do it. He has my vote.”

“The dragon is a funny creature,” Blackbast said. “But he was willing to risk making enemies of the power players on the server for my precious one. I would not vote against him.”

“He saved our home and our slave girls,” Roric added. “He deserves a place here.”

“Then so be it,” Rajeen said. “When he awakens, he will be given a place among our number.”

“So we will have five masters,” Jaina laughed. “Our little club sure has grown of late.”

“It can finally be the happy place it was always meant to be,” Rajeen said. “Heather is free of her curse, and a new day has begun.”

“Yes, it has,” Heather agreed and leaned into Frank. “Yes, it has.”

“I love you,” Frank whispered before kissing her head. “My little slave girl.”

Heather smiled as she accepted her title and closed her eyes to relax. The battle was over, and the lie was complete. Now word would spread, and with luck, the hunters would cease. She was finally free to live her life unburdened by the shackle placed around it so long ago by Moon. Though she was still a necromancer, nobody had any reason to suspect it.

With a sigh, she turned to Frank and smiled. “Take these crazy thoughts out of my head,” she begged.

“How?” Frank asked as he looked deep into her eyes.

“Easy,” she said and tapped his chest. “Remind me that I am a slave girl.”

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