Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 2

Heather Frank and her sisters entered the room where Alexandria was sitting at a window. Gwen had put her up in the castle until she had other arrangements sorted, and the woman had taken a day to gather her thoughts. When Heather arrived, she stood and smoothed her dress before bowing slightly.

“I am glad to see you are awake,” Heather said with a beaming smile.

“I don’t even remember what happened once I started trying to hide the lies,” Alexandria replied. “But I do remember the power. It was like I was channeling a river of raw magic through me. I can’t believe what you can do.”

“Sometimes we can't believe it either,” Heather replied as they met in the center of the room. “So, what are your plans now?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Alexandria began. “I can’t ever repay you for calling the hunters off me and giving me a chance to redeem myself to Roric.”

“Hey,” Heather said as she took one of Alexandria's hands. “I am familiar with what it's like to be a girl needing a champion.” She glanced at Frank and smiled, then turned back to the fragile woman. “I am glad I could be yours.”

“So, I assume you will want to divorce,” Alexandria said while looking away. “I just wanted to make sure it got done before I left.”

Heather paused and looked at Frank, who had an equally empty look. Neither of them had given that thought any consideration and assumed Alexandria would be their wife from now on.

“Umm, can you hold that thought?” Heather asked and turned to lead her family a safe distance away.

“We can get divorced?” Heather asked once they were out of earshot.

“Of course, you can,” Breanne remarked. “Marriages fail here just like they do in the real world.”

Heather sighed and realized she should have known that. She couldn't fathom why she thought they would be forever in a fantasy world where nearly anything goes. Still, she hated the idea of a divorce from any of her loved ones and put it out of her mind.

“You should have Gwen set it up soon,” Quinny said.

“I guess,” Heather replied, looking over her shoulder at the woman who had returned to staring out the window.

“I hear that I am not such a certain tone of your voice,” Breanne remarked as she folded her arms. “What are you thinking?”

“Well, do we have to divorce?” Heather asked. “I mean, would it hurt for her to be our wife?”

“We goblins rarely divorce,” Umtha said. “We consider it bad manners.”

“That’s hardly a good motivation,” Breanne replied as Umtha shrugged.

“If you didn’t divorce, would she live with us?” Quinny asked.

“No,” Heather said. “She doesn’t have to be a full wife, just a part of the family.”

“Does she even want to be a part of the family?” Breanne asked. “We hardly know this woman.”

“But she did risk herself to save us,” Frank said. “And to save our friends.”

“So you feel like I do?” Heather asked as she turned to Frank.

“I'm torn,” Frank replied, glancing at the distant woman. “She has a bad history, but most of that was done to keep her girls safe. I think I am alright with it, provided she wants to be a part of our family. Not as a wife but something else until we know her better.”

“A concubine,” Quinny offered.

“No,” Heather scolded. “And don’t say something like that to her.”

Breanne held her stance and took a calming breath before speaking her mind. Alexandria had done them a tremendous favor and saved them all from a terrible fate. However, she had a sour history with their friends and had trouble on her heels. She cautioned Heather to think this over before acting, then reminded them all that, in the end, it was Frank's decision as their master.

“So what do you want to do?” Heather asked him.

“I seem to recall a woman who was in dire need of help putting all her faith in another woman she hardly knew,” Frank began. “That woman didn't have any reason to help the first, but she did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. She had a terrible past, and people actively hunting for her, but the first woman was so touched by her actions that she made her a daughter and princess.”

Heather smiled at Frank's retelling of the story of Gwen and Heather and how it mirrored Alexandria and Heather's situation. Breanne nodded after the story and relented from her position as Heather took Frank's hand.

“I love you,” Heather said softly. “You are a hero to every woman in need.”

“I learned that from you,” Frank said. “Let’s go see what she wants to do.”

Heather nodded as they returned, and Frank stepped forward to speak. He told Alexandria that she was welcome to stay married to them if she wanted. They would divorce her if that was her wish, but they wanted her to remain. The woman looked shocked and asked what they expected from her, and Heather explained.

“Nothing,” Heather said. “You will be a wife in name only. If you desire something more, we would be happy to explore it and build a relationship, but for right now, we consider you a close friend.”

“And we don’t want you to go,” Frank said. “Gwen told us she would offer you some land. Why not build an estate and make it into your brothel?”

Alexandria looked uncharacteristically shocked as she looked out the window, trying to organize her thoughts.

“I didn’t think I would be welcome here,” she replied. “I know I helped, but what I did to Roric and Jaina still hasn't been repaid. I freely admit that not all of it was done under duress, either. I was so sure she would see reason if I could get Jaina away from him for a little bit.”

“You became obsessed,” Heather said. “I have been known to do that a time or two.”

“Or ten,” Breanne added.

“Shush,” Heather demanded as Breanne shot her a smile. She turned back to Alexandria and took a hand, rubbing it soothingly. “I want you to stay,” Heather said. “Call your girls and build your home so you can all be happy again. If you need help getting the girls here, just say so. We will arrange portals or people to help them along.”

“You would do all that for me?” Alexandria asked as her eyes trembled.

“You saved me and my entire family,” Heather said. “I wish I could give you more. At least I can share some of my power with you and offer you my heart in friendship, and who knows, down the road, maybe more.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Alexandria stammered.

“Say you will stay,” Quinny urged. “Gwen gave you a title and land. You finally have some real social status in a new kingdom that is always growing.”

“And if I stay, we can be friends?” Alexandria asked.

“Of course,” Heather replied. “Roric and Jaina will come around as well in time.”

“Then, I accept,” Alexandria said as tears wet her eyes. “I will stay and keep the title of wife.”

“You won't regret it,” Heather said and hugged her. “And don’t be shy about saying you're our wife. We all want you to keep it.”

“Thank you,” Alexandria said. “Well, I guess I had better speak to Queen Gwen about that land and getting my girls back.”

“Yes, and if you need more help, just ask us,” Heather said. “Go to the jade temple and tell them you want to speak to Hannah.”

“Oh, I meant to ask why some people call you Hannah and some Heather?” Alexandria asked.

“My real name is Heather, but my mother named me Hannah,” Heather said. “She named me after a real daughter she lost when she was young.”

“Heather!” Breanne cried. “You never told us that before.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” Umtha asked.

“Yeah, that’s something we needed to know,” Quinny said.

Heather was taken aback by their reaction and asked what the problem was. Breanne explained that her name as Hannah carried strong emotional attachments for Gwen. They needed to know that to avoid upsetting Gwen. Heather tried to argue that she was using the name Hannah and thought that was enough.

“I understand that more completely now,” Breanne said. “But if I had known, I would have addressed you as Hannah.”

“We all would have,” Quinny said.

“I'm sorry,” Heather said as she felt silly. “It's just she told me that in confidence, and I sort of felt it was a secret we shared until now.”

“I feel terrible that I addressed you as Heather in front of her,” Breanne said.

“So do I,” Frank added, taking Heather by the hand. “I wish you had told us.”

“Frank, I just didn't think,” Heather insisted. “And now that I see it your way, I feel bad about it too. I will apologize to mother and explain that I never told you.”

“Well, from now on, I am calling you Hannah,” Breanne stated.

“So am I,” Quinny agreed as Umtha nodded.

“Well, it is my name,” Heather said and then had to laugh. “But I just convinced Jaina and Roric to call me Heather again.”

“I think you should explain Gwen’s desire to them,” Umtha suggested. “They need to understand.”

“I will,” Heather said as she blushed and looked at Alexandria. “See, I make terrible mistakes too.”

“We all make mistakes,” Frank said. “It’s what we do after we make them that matters.”

Alexandria nodded in agreement, and they parted ways, heading down the halls. Heather felt terrible about not sharing Gwen's motivation for naming her Hannah and insisted they see her now. They had to ask the guards where she was and found her on an upper terrace looking over her city as Heather often did from her palace.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon,” Gwen said.

“Umm,” Heather began as she twisted nervously. “Alexandria has decided to stay and wants to talk to you about the title and land you offered her.”

“I will speak to her later,” Gwen replied, noticing Heather's tension. “Now, what did you really come here to talk about?”

Heather approached and hugged her mother, then apologized, explaining how she never told the others about the history of her name. They all felt bad about calling her Heather and would use Hannah from now on out of respect for Gwen.

“That’s lovely,” Gwen said with a smile as she gazed into Heather’s eyes adoringly. “I am grateful you all care so much about me, but this isn't necessary. It is enough that the people of our land know her as Princess Hannah.”

“We should have known,” Breanne said. “So we could have made the choice.”

“Perhaps,” Gwen said as she turned back to the view of her city. “It is good to know my family cares so much.”

“I am glad you see us all as your family,” Heather said as she came to her mother’s side.

“They are all related to me through marriage,” Gwen said as she put a hand over Heather's. “I know the wedding day hasn’t come yet, but that is only a formality.”

“I can’t wait,” Quinny said as she joined them. “I want to be your daughter, too.”

“You are my daughter,” Gwen insisted and reached a hand out to Quinny, pulling her in. “And I want you to call me a mother.” She hugged Quinny tight and kissed the top of her head as the two bonded.

“Now I see where Hannah gets it,” Breanne said to Frank and Umtha.

“Oh, is my daughter copying me?” Gwen asked with a pleased smile as she parted her hug.

“Hannah is just like you,” Quinny said. “She even had your intensity.”

“She is very much like Gwen,” Umtha agreed. “Sometimes, I would swear she was raised here.”

“I am happy to hear that,” Gwen laughed and squeezed Heather’s hand. “I have the perfect daughters and the perfect family.”

“Speaking of that,” Heather said. “What was going on between you and that woman? She seemed determined to make you angry.”

Gwen smiled and nodded in agreement before turning to see the others. “Her name is Galeen, and she believes she is the true power in the South. I have had rivalries with upstart rulers before, all of which ended in them moving away. Some after a showdown where I displayed who was the true power. She and I have been playing a cold game of chess for years, and she was delighted when I lost my kingdom heart. I am sure it is no coincidence that she was chosen to test the truth. I can imagine she doesn't care for the woman who restored my power and made me a rival to her once more. However, she has grown bold of late. She must believe she was able to overtake me during my weakened state.”

“So you're still more powerful than she is?” Breanne asked.

“Honestly, I have no idea,” Gwen said. “We have never come to blows, but not for her lack of trying.

“What's the point in fighting with you anyway?” Heather asked. “She has her own kingdom to rule, so why not rule that and be happy.”

“Kevin changed all that,” Gwen replied. “He united dozens of kingdoms under one banner creating the first empire. All across the world, people began seeking to emulate him, forming their own empires and seeking to match his power. Galeen dreams of forming an empire in the South and sees me as her only true obstacle.”

“Why didn’t she try to form it while you were weakened?” Frank asked. “That had to be the perfect time to strike.”

“I suspect she was behind that,” Gwen said. “And I also suspect she was trying but couldn't unite the lords. She simply doesn't have the strength to be that kind of leader.”

“Hmm, she strikes me as a pain in the rear,” Heather said. “But the way she smiled at me made me nervous.”

“I noticed that too, Breanne said. “It was a pleased sort of smile. It was only spoiled when Idris came in and claimed to be the necromancer.”

“I wouldn't worry about her,” Gwen replied, rubbing Quinny and Heather. “Unless she wants to go to war, all she can do is hurl veiled insults.”

“She must hate me,” Heather said. “I was the one who returned your stone.”

“Again, I wouldn't worry about it,” Gwen said. “My power is growing rapidly as I add more nobles to my court, and they expand my borders. Thanks to you, I have your family, Lydia, Roric, Rajeen, and now Alexandria and Zillix. I have even appointed the rouge Santos as my spymaster and given him special authority in the kingdom.”

“So your power grows as you add nobles?” Heather asked.

“I explained this before,” Gwen replied and smiled at Heather. “Any land a noble of mine claims near my borders becomes part of my overall kingdom. You expanded me to the north, Roric to the east, Lydia to the northwest, and so on. This land is earning me points, allowing me to create more nobles or develop that land with infrastructure. Then, of course, we have to talk about the swelling player population and the army of goblins at my disposal. Your marrying Umtha gave me a tremendous boost in power. I am now a queen over two queens. Thus, I have secretly created my own empire.”

“Oh, so that's how it works,” Heather said as she realized the implication. “So you are over us and thus an empress?”

“Sadly, it won't let me claim the title,” Gwen laughed. “It appears I have to have more kings and queens under me before I can, but I am further along than Galeen. However, I implore you all never to mention this. I know it isn't a secret that you are a goblin queen, but I do not want it known that I benefited from such a thing.”

“Does player population matter to your power?” Quinny asked.

“Player population is everything,” Gwen said. “Thus rulers are always encouraged to create lands that draw players.”

“And we are drawing them in by making our lands friendly to monster players,” Breanne said. “But for how long? Kevin doesn’t allow kingdoms to be so open to monster players.”

“I don't care what he decrees,” Gwen said with a hug from her two girls. “All I care about is what makes my family happy.”

“Well, I am glad Alexandria chose to stay then,” Heather said. “She will build her estate and bring her girls to live there. That should help boost your power.”

“Indeed it will,” Gwen replied.

Heather hugged her mother and told her they were going to see what was going on at the guild. Then they headed off using the magic doors to reach the palace, then descended to the city to walk the streets. It occurred to Heather that she had played at the guild in her succubus form, and now people would recognize her. She smiled when they called out her name and waved and frowned when a few girls blew kisses to Frank.

They reached the guild, where a group outside immediately recognized them. One man even held open the door so they could go inside. Heather gave him a smile before going in and walked down the main aisle as people at the tables looked up in alarm.

“Isn’t that the prince and his wives?” one man asked.

“How did he land all those succubi?” another said.

Heather loved it when people were jealous of Frank and his collection of exotic devil women. She proudly strode up to the counter at the far end and leaned on it to wave for the bunny woman.

“Hello,” Heather said with a smile. “We need a quest worthy of our talents.”

“Oh, hello!” the woman said cheerily. “I have the perfect quest for you.” She ran off and hurried back with a paper handing it to Heather as she bounced with anticipation. Heather smiled and looked over the quest, then frowned as Breanne struggled to hold in her laughter. Quinny and Umtha made no effort to keep it in as Frank took the paper from Heather's hands.

“Strippers needed for a wild night,” Frank read as he scratched at his head. “Umm, it pays well.”

“I don’t care what it pays,” Heather snapped and snatched the paper from his hands. “I am not a stripper.”

“Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Breanne asked. “You're practically dressed for it now.”

“This is so I can make use of the naked defense skill,” Heather insisted and slammed the paper on the counter.

“Umm, is something wrong?” the guild woman asked.

“Yes, do you maybe have a quest I can do with my clothes on?” Heather demanded.

“I have a dancing…” the woman began, but Heather’s horns burst into flames as her anger flared.

“I mean something where I can kill a monster,” Heather insisted, then gave up. “Forget it. I will find one myself.” She walked off and went to the board, looking over the posting as Frank came to stand behind her. She was pleased to see lots of player postings, and the random system seemed to be working well, but most of the quests were very simple.

“You shouldn’t get so mad,” Frank replied.

“I know,” Heather sighed. “I am fully aware that I am sending mixed signals. I dress in lingerie while walking around, smiling, and blowing kisses. I can't be angry at people for seeing what appears to be a succubus and assuming I want to play a typical role.”

“I am glad you understand that,” Frank said.

“But sometimes I just want to do something normal,” Heather said as she looked over the papers. “You know, do a simple quest that isn't related to what my class would typically do.”

“It really is what you're made for,” Frank said. “You even earn experience from it.”

Heather sighed and picked up a paper that wanted something called the red beast slain. It said the beast lived in a cave far to the north and had his pack and gear trapped inside. He was offering a reward for the return of his gear as well as his gratitude.

“Here, let's do this one,” Heather said when a form stormed up behind Frank.

“You!” a woman shouted, causing them all to turn. They came face to face with the woman, who kept making fun of Heather as she did her quests. The woman now stood glaring at her with arms folded as he curly hair was tossed in irritation.

“You were the princess all along, and you forced us to reset our guild progress!” she snapped. “You abused your power and lied to everyone to make it appear like you were newbie adventurers.”

Heather was stunned the woman was talking to her like this, especially before the crowd at the nearby tables. The woman went on to complain about how Heather and Frank had no right to punish them.

“Oh, now hold on!” Heather snapped back with a finger pointed her way. “We were just trying to have some fun without being the prince and princess. You lured another player into a trap, then killed her just because you didn't like her look. Not to mention, whenever we crossed paths, you were as rude as possible. Honestly, you behave like a spoiled child.”

“How dare you!” the woman shouted. “We are the ones who make your kingdom work. We wanted to take charge of the guild and make some genuine changes here.”

“By removing quests for low-level players,” Heather countered. “Or don’t you remember telling us that?”

“She was probably too busy insulting you,” Breanne quipped.

“I am trying to set a standard,” the woman insisted. “You can't run a kingdom on low-level trash. You have to attract the real players and level the kingdom up.”

“I happen to like my kingdom the way it is,” Heather insisted. “And I like all players regardless of race, class, or level. Everyone is welcome to call my land home.”

“You will never have a powerful kingdom then,” the woman countered. “Especially if you keep attracting monster players like that goat woman.”

“She was an alpaca, and her race isn’t a monster player,” Heather countered. “However, I am.” she accentuated the point by pointing to her horns. “I am not about to turn away other monster players when I am one. Besides, I wouldn’t turn them away even if I wasn’t one. I think the world works best when hero and monster players work together.”

“It’s against the law,” the woman insisted.

“I make the laws here,” Heather said. “And I don't care what another player thousands of miles away has to say about how I rule my land. If you can't see how wonderful this land is, then why are you playing here? Why not go to the north, where you can find plenty of cities exactly like you want?”

“She doesn’t want to go to the north because she will be a small fry there,” Breanne laughed.

“That isn't true!” the woman shouted. “We just happen to like it here.”

“Then learn to play for fun, not power,” Heather insisted. “You don't have the right to lord it over other players just because you're higher level.”

“Like you did to us?” she snapped.

“We came to the aid of a player you abused,” Heather countered. “We could have punished you a lot more, but all we did was demand her items back and reset your progress. Even now, we are standing here letting you vent instead of lording it over you like we could. We don’t do that unless we absolutely have to. All we wanted was to be seen as regular players and be a part of the city. We thought we could get a good feel for how the city worked for other players by running some guild quests. Then we could make any changes needed to make it more fun.”

“Hmph,” the woman said and tossed her head. “And will you interfere if we take control of the guild?”

“Are you going to ruin it?” Heather asked. “Are you going to make it an elitist club where only your like-minded friends can join? Are you going to drive out anyone you feel is undesirable?”

“I just wanted to make things better,” the woman insisted.

“Then play the game and stop worrying about having control,” Frank interjected. “I am sorry, but if you and your friends start to break things, we will set them back to how we want them. This land isn't just for you; it's for all of them,” he said, waving to the crowd watching the argument. “And to be honest, the low-level players add the real value to the city. They are the ones who make changes by making a home here and becoming part of the culture.”

“But people thrive on competition,” the woman insisted. “All the big power players got that way by being competitive and stamping out their rivals.”

“But why?” Heather asked. “Why not just run a dungeon with your friends and have fun? Why not let the monster players grow with you so they can provide you with increasing challenges? Why stamp them and other players out so only the elite survive? It's like you can't shake the real-world mindset that everything is limited. We don't need to fight for limited resources here. I can open my panel and build a city with the touch of a few buttons. It just doesn't make sense to compete.”

“Speaking of which,” Breanne said as she joined the conversation. “Where are your friends?

The woman looked shocked, then lowered her head before admitting that all of them but her warrior friend had abandoned her. They blamed the guild reset on her and cut them off to seek fortune without her.

Heather looked at Frank as he nodded in agreement with her silent question.

“So, umm, we are going to go get this guy's gear back,” Heather said as she held up the quest. “Why don't you come with us?”

“You want me to go with you?” the woman asked. “After all our history?”

“Why not,” Heather shrugged. “It looks like you could use some new friends.” Heather smiled when the woman relented and asked if her warrior friend could come, too. Heater assured her he was welcome to come, and together, they set off to find fun, excitement, and adventure.

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