Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 19. Tatyana’s Strength.

Madeleine nodded and said. "Good. We won't do much for the first three months since it will be your adjustment period to the academy. After that, I will know enough about you for a good training plan. Don't skip the history classes of our academy since it explains the benefits and-"

Cecile intervened again. "I already explained the things she must know."

Madeleine looked at her and thought. 'Are you the teacher, or is it me!?'

Madeleine thought momentarily and said. "Then use that time to make some credits. It will serve for when we start. Even if I'm your master, you won't get other advantages except for my personal guidance and some cultivation resources I shall give you occasionally."

Yasenia nodded. 'Mom didn't give me a lot of cultivation resources other than those life-saving treasures. She said that I must not depend on her for everything. It seems that master is also of the same thought.'

Yasenia looked at Evelyn going to the stage and was curious about her fighting style against people.

Evelyn looked at the man in front of her, who presented himself as Aiden, the 39th of the violet class. He was at the eighth level of the body modification realm, one level above her.

She took out her two-meter-long spear. The man didn't underestimate her taking out his two short swords.

SinceYasenia's battle, all of the seniors took this challenge seriously. After all, they didn't want to fall out of the violet class.

Evelyn took a stance, her left leg and body leaning forward.


Like an electric spark, Evelyn charged and made one full-strength frontal attack.

Her speed surprised the opponent, but he defended without losing balance with one of his swords covered in wind element.

After blocking the spear thrust, he took the small opportunity window and attacked with his other sword covered in fire.

Evelyn saw the attack. As a response, she overcharged her nerves and muscles with electrical energy and started thrusting extremely fast!

Aiden was forced to change from offense to defense, or the spear would reach him first.

They started exchanging attacks at a fast speed.


After a few exchanges, Aiden exploded the fire in his sword and used the explosion to put some distance since he was overwhelmed by the little girl in front of him.

He then shouted. "[Fire gale]."

With an X-shaped cut into the air, he sent two waves of fire and wind attribute, the fire fed on the wind, and its intensity soared.

The attack charged at Evelyn like a fire dragon's breath.

Naturally, while Aiden was preparing for this attack, Evelyn wasn't still.

She used the overcharged nerves to snap out of the daze the explosion induced.

Blue electric currents started appearing on her hair and body the next instant.

Evelyn changed her grip, positioning in a throwing stance. Then, she whispered, "[Thunder light throw]."

Her waist twisted as a rumbling sound followed her throwing motion. The spear shot with a loud explosive sound.


This sonorous sound meant that the attack had broken the sound barrier!

Everything happened in an instant.

After the collision of the attack, an explosion occurred, creating a powerful shockwave. The result was apparent, though, as the wide fire beam was fired at Evelyn was split apart by a thin white-blue beam.

Following that, Aiden was pierced by a white spear. The leftover strength sent him flying, impaling him on the wall. The arena was silent for a second when cheers exploded! What a short yet intense fight!

Yasenia couldn't help but feel impressed.

What an impressive amount of explosive power in that last attack.

She looked at Evelyn and saw the blue electric currents still coursing through her body. However, these seem to be doing damage to her. 'So, it was a self-damaging attack. She bet it all in that attack, and she won. If Aiden were to dodge it, Evelyn would have lost. Her elements seem to be Light and Lighting. She is quite strong….'

Yasenia went down and waited for Evelyn to walk toward her. 

When Evelyn arrived before her, she spoke while wrapping her tail around Evelyn. "Good job, Evelyn." Then she whispered, "Let me deal with the aftereffects of the attack. Just relax."

Evelyn felt the overflowing energy leaving little by little everywhere the tail touched and felt so good that she accidentally groaned in comfort. "Ugh..." The sound was very ambiguous.

Yasenia carried her to the stands, and when they sat, Yasenia spoke teasingly. "Hoo? Little Evelyn, does it feel that good? Do you want big sister to make you feel better~?"

Evelyn's face reddened at her tone, but she nodded shyly.

Yasenia lifted one eyebrow and sat Evelyn in front of her. Then, she passed her tail all over her body to absorb the overflowing energy and massaged her shoulders with her hands.

Evelyn suddenly felt like her body was melting.

The relaxation Evelyn felt made her forget where she was, and she started moaning lowly. "Anh… ugh... mmm!"

One of the girls watching said exceptionally seriously, with a blush covering her face. "Yasenia, you must open that massage stall!" A lot of girls nodded.

Yasenia thought momentarily and said with a thinking face while continuing the massage. "I will think about it. I don't know if I would profit more like that or doing other things, and..." Yasenia continued with a seductive smile. "Maybe, you will ask me to do more than massaging~."

Some experienced girls couldn't help but swallow their saliva looking at the long and thick tail.

Cecile looked at her and said, with her typical deadpan expression. "Only massage, nothing more."

Yasenia looked surprised at Cecile and said with a laugh. "Okay, only massages."

Then she stopped her massage, making Evelyn do a dissatisfied grunt.

Yasenia knocked her head, saying. "Have you forgotten where you are?"

Evelyn looked around, and her face became red with a puff. The rest laughed a little at her antics.

Oliver didn't manage to beat the violet class alumni, but he was able to enter the indigo class in his second fight.

When he reached the stands where Yasenia was, he said, a little depressed. "Little sis, I couldn't enter the violet class!"

Yasenia sat him in front of her with her tail and massaged his shoulders and scalp only with her hands.

Yasenia spoke soothingly. "Big bro, you are in the indigo class, the second-best class of one of the strongest powers in the sky continent. What are you sulking for? The people from the blue class and below will beat you up!"

Oliver thought about it and nodded. "You are right, little sis. I will work hard and catch up to the violet class!"

One man nearby said jokingly. "Don't think we will let you enter easily! We are also working hard to maintain this position!" The rest chuckled a little.

The entrance exam ended with only five people managing to enter the violet class, Yasenia, Evelyn, Gustav he was a boy with black hair and had Death and dark attributes, Ryuuji a redhead girl that had magma and sun attributes, and finally, a green-haired boy that had wood nature and water, triple elements named Luke.

Meanwhile, in a faraway place, an elegant woman with long raven black hair and bright red eyes was walking towards a branch of the demonic sect.

This person mumbled to herself. "Finally, I found the sect that has been targeting my little treasure these recent years… To think that it is the sect created by her… Didn't we part on good terms more than 1500 years ago? I hope she doesn't disappoint me."

Then using energy in her voice, she made her voice heard across the whole sect. "Rita! Come out! Even if it is you, I will have to fight you this time if you had done what I think you did!"

In the distance, a woman appeared about one kilometer away from her. Although it seems a lot, this is a meager distance for people of their level. One kilometer or being face to face is almost the same.

The woman was very petite, with only 140 centimeters of height and a slim body. Her face, however, was incredibly charming. Thanks to her highly profound cultivation techniques, she could elevate that charm manifold making anyone under the Unification realm unable to resist a smile.

While looking at her, the taboo feeling some people felt made it even more irresistible.

This woman used her sensual voice and arts as she spoke, like an oriole singing, extremely pleasant to the ears. "Tatyana~ I'm delighted that you came to visit my sect. Would you like to chat inside? Or… Maybe have a little fun like in the past? I'm always waiting for you, love."

It was a shame that Tatyana didn't react to her spells. "Stop trying to seduce me. You know it won't work."

Then Tatyana smiled. "Not to mention that I'm already taken, and I won't betray my little treasure. You know that I won't betray my partners."

Rita's façade almost broke after hearing her affectionate tone.

Rita asked with her seductive smile, but inside, she was gnashing her teeth. "Now that I think about it, who is the father? To think that the high and mighty Tatyana would get pregnant… The man should be someone excellent, right?"

'Tell me so I can rip him apart and feed his soul to my dogs!'

Tatyana continued as if she didn't hear her. "I am here today to get an explanation. Why did you attack my little treasure during these years? Give me a good explanation…" Then Tatyana's aura exploded, making the space fabric around her tremble and almost collapse. "Or become part of my undead army."

The aura explosion blasted away Rita, and her expression changed. She opened her eyes wide and thought incredulously. 'Wait… is she serious? She will throw away all of our thousands of years of love for someone who wasn't even born 19 years ago! I refuse to believe it!'

Pushing her fear back down, she tempted her. "Tatyana~, don't be angry. Will you really kill me for such a little matter? I wanted to… test how much you loved your little daughter. The attackers I sent her way weren't even that strong. Forget this unimportant matter. I have received a good tea that you would like-."

She was interrupted by Tatyana. "Was it only your idea, or were there other people involved? Tell me the truth. You know that if I want, nobody can lie in my presence without being discovered."

Rita sneered on the inside. 'Do you think I'm the same as so many years ago? Let's see if your so-called [Absolute true zone] works on me with my new technique.'

"Okay, okay, relax! I was told by the head of the demonic sect that he wanted your daughter dead because you were his! Who would have thought you would be so attached to an unimportant little girl."

Tatyana looked at her and calmly sighed. "Rita, I was going to forgive you if you were sincere and didn't play your usual games… But since this is your choice… Don't blame me for being ruthless and forgetting past relationships."

Rita was at first surprised that she was seen through. Not even the demonic sect leader could see through her technique!

Regardless, when she felt Tatyana was serious in her threats, she spoke to the jade communicator. "We are under attack. All the people above the Dantian Spiritualization Realm come to resist!"

Tatyana didn't stop her and let all of them group up.

More than one hundred cultivators appeared before her in ten seconds, all above the mortal realms.

Rita said seriously, "Tatyana, leave. This branch is stronger than a second-rate sect. Even you aren't able to destroy a second-rate sect alone, not to mention us, who have a hundred Transcendence Realm cultivators."

Tatyana took out a bone-white guitar that seemed to carry the world's laws in it. It had black strings and black runes all over it. The elegant instrument's appearance made Rita and the other Transcendence Realm cultivators widen their eyes in fear.

Tatyana beamed, then she said, laughing. "It has been a while since I fought seriously, let's have fun! [Innate skill: Fate calling song]."

(Author: The song is called Middle of the Night, sung by Elley duhé. Search it and listen while reading the battle! )


Tatyana started singing as her fingers moved across the cords. "I summon you, please come to me, don't bury thoughts that you really want~."

While singing and playing the first verse, Tatyana summoned endless skeletons, banshees, and wraiths.

They attack fiercely at the cultivators!

"Coome~, lay me down, cause you know this, cause you know this sound!"

In the pre-chorus, Tatyana summons female and male undead resembling living beings. They were her previous loved ones whom she killed herself—friends, lovers, sworn brothers, and sisters.

She looks smiling at the undead, and some skeletons start clapping at the rhythm of the song.

"In the middle of the night~, in the middle of the night~, I'm wide awake, I crave your taste all night long!"

Tatyana takes her [Death dragon bone sword] in the chorus and starts fighting herself.

All of them dance, her army with her and her enemies with Death!

She attacks Rita, and the drummers start hitting the drum on the song rhythm while the banshees sing with her, dealing sound damage and ripping her enemies' souls' with it.

After finishing the chorus, one-quarter of the cultivator are dead, while Rita is badly injured!

Tatyana retrieved her guitar from her spatial ring while laughing and continued the song! "HAHAHAHA, I'M TAKING YOUR LIVES TODAY"

As the song continues, Tatyana summons numerous undead with traits similar to Yasenia, humans with dragon tails.

With the pre-chorus, she called the commander of her whole army, and a dragon-riding knight appeared. He was also her first love!

"Come~, lay me down! Cause I know this, cause I know this, love!"

The chorus bursts with momentum as the commander strengthens everyone in the army and charges forwards like a tiger among sheep!

She stores her guitar again and joins the fray with her sword while dancing!

"In the middle of the night! In the middle of the night! I'm wide awake; I crave your taste all night long, till morning comes! I'm getting what is mine; you'll get yours, oh~."

This time she fights hand-to-hand with her murdered first love, who has dismounted the bone dragon to follow Tatyana to battle.

By the time this chorus ends, only a third remain alive!

Rita has lost one arm and one eye. Her face was full of despair as blood poured like a river from her wounds. But Tatyana didn't stop.

While playing her guitar and walking sensually towards Rita, she sang.

"Just call on me, ah~. Just call my name~, Like, you, mean, it, aaah~."

Then when she is near Rita, she takes out her sword and impales the completely weakened Rita to the ground as she sings the climax of her song!

"In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night! Just call my name; I'm yours to tame!" 

As her voice echoes with strength and power, her army completely destroys the remaining cultivators.

Finally, she stops with a smile. All of the cultivators but Rita had been slain!

She looked down at Rita and caressed her cheek. "Love, we will be together from now on, don't be so sad."

Then she plunged her hand into her heart. Her charming red lips moved as she chanted, “[Innate skill: Death phantom].”

The last thing that Rita said while dying was: "How did you become…so…s..trong?"

Tatyana smiled at her.

Who gave me a one-star rating yesterday!? Can you tell me at least why? I can be better \(T_T)/ Also...Did you like this fight? I tried doing something original... (I am sure this has been done somewhere but I don't remember)

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