Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 30. Wingman Angel.

After they prepared themselves, they went to class. Angel was hugging her waist and smiling while walking. She was feeling clingy today and didn't want to separate from Yasenia. Yasenia let her do anything she wanted.

When they reached class, some classmates looked at them with a raised eyebrow, at which Yasenia simply smiled without saying anything. One girl couldn't help saying "What happened Angel? You have a face filled with satisfaction?" Angel blushed and her smile turned shy.

Yasenia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was thinking 'Baby, the only thing left is to say it to them. Can't you be a little more discreet?'

Of course, Yasenia wasn't the only one thinking like this. There were a lot of different reactions, the girl directly spoke "Tell me! Tell me! How is being with Yasenia?"

This made Angel even more embarrassed. The boys couldn't help but cry! 'How can those two top-grade beauties come together! Can you leave some living space for us!?'

However, some people felt uncomfortable, either because they liked Yasenia or because they liked Angel. There were especially two girls who felt this discomfort a little stronger than the rest…

When Yasenia finally calmed down everyone and went to her seat, she spoke like always "Good morning you two!"

Evelyn responded forcing the discomfort down "Good morning our most beautiful flower! So… Is there anything that you want to tell us?"

She looked at Angel who still had a slight redness on her cheeks. Yasenia saw this and thought for a moment, 'If they can't maintain their growing feelings for me, I don't think I should deepen my relationship with them… However, this doesn't mean I will stop my flirting, I will only stop if they tell me directly. I don't want to lose them because I wasn't active enough in my approach.'

Yasenia answered honestly "En, we got together."

She paused to see their reaction and as she expected, that unnatural expression surfaced a little more in Evelyn's face and Cecile's brows frowned for a second before returning to normal. 'It seems they do have feelings for me. Knowing this, the rest depends on how I handle it.'

Angel was slightly nervous but seeing Yasenia's relaxed face she continued to watch silently. Yasenia continued "In truth, not only I got together with Angel, but I actually got together with a senior sister called Andrea. Two days ago, I met her and after some talking yesterday, we entered a relationship."

Both of them looked at Angel who said "En, I met her yesterday. She is very beautiful and taller than Yasenia!"

Seeing them look at her strangely she said a little flushed "Don't look at me like that! Although I got slightly jealous, you both know about Yasenia's constitution! I wouldn't be surprised if another two or three girls enter a relationship with Yasenia!"

Yasenia looked at Angel with a raised eyebrow and thought 'What an assist! Good job baby! Tonight, you will receive lots of rewards~'

Yasenia sensing a change in their expression from discomfort to thoughtfulness hit the iron while it was hot "En, although I don't really like harems… Since I don't have another option, but to form one… I rather do it with people that I know I will love and care about them. Angel is one, that senior also seems very reliable."

Yasenia finally looked at the both of them and raised a seductive smile and continued with a teasing tone "Of course, I like both of you a lot… "

Then, using her tail to caress their legs under the table she continued "know that there is space for both of you in my heart~"

Both of their heart gave a *Thump* and Evelyn responded with slight redness on her cheeks "Y-you are kidding! How can you say something so shameless, as expected, people with big t-" *Bang!*

Yasenia flicked her forehead out of habit, then she burst out laughing! "Hahaha I'm sorry! Truly habits are fearsome hahaha!"

Angel and Cecile also laughed and the mood returned to normal Evelyn sat again and said "How can you do something like that in the middle of that kind of conversation?"

Yasenia responded arrogantly "I bet you were going to say something like I'm an idiot because of my big breast. You deserve it!" Like that they started to banter playfully until the teacher arrived.

Madeleine looked around and seeing the new breakthrough of Yasenia, she couldn't help but ask worriedly "Yasenia, you broke through again!? Are you sure you aren't weakening your foundation in exchange for advancement speed?"

A lot of the people in the class looked surprised. What a monster! She has broken through 5 levels in one month!

Yasenia stood up and went down and then she just unfurled her aura in front of Madeleine so that she can analyze it *Bang!* The pressure wave washed over everyone in the class! Now even those people at the top five looked at her with astonishment.

Madelaine spoke with a praising tone "Your aura is completely stable! Your foundation is also rock-solid, no… It became better than before!? What did you do little girl!?"

Yasenia answered without shame "Dual cultivation."

Madelaine looked at Yasenia and then laughed "Hahaha who is the lucky one?"

Then she whispered to Yasenia "With the pureness of your energy, I bet that person received extreme benefits too, right?"

She looked around and saw a completely red-faced Angel who was receiving the stares of the classmates "Not a bad catch Yasenia!" Yasenia rolled her eyes and returned to her seat.

Madelaine went with her and made a sound canceling formation around Angel, Yasenia, and herself "Angel, you are very lucky, with the improvements I'm seeing from yesterday I think you will be able to break through to the half-step in one more week at most!"

Angel forgot her embarrassment and looked stupidly at her teacher she said stuttering "T-teacher I just broke through two weeks ago…"

Yasenia reached her seat and sat down. Then she patted her head. "Didn't I tell you that the benefits will be impressive?"

Angel looked at Yasenia and if before she felt that she was blessed, now she felt she found a heavenly treasure. She jumped at Yasenia and said with a foolish smile "Yasenia, I love you!"

Madelaine shook her head and dispelled the formation and went down to start the class. Evelyn and Cecile asked, "What did she tell you?"

Yasenia took advantage of the people discreetly spying, and to protect themselves from jealous people she said "I can't dual cultivate much with Angel because my energy can be harmful, Master advised about what to do and not to do."

Angel caught onto it fast and quick-wittedly responded, "En, I couldn't bear seeing her saddened so I gave her a hug."

Then she blurted out, "Although I don't mind doing it normally…"

Evelyn just slapped her forehead with a red face "D-Did some of Yasenia's shamelessness infect you? How can you say something like that!?"

Angel just registered what she just said and reacted by burying her face in her hands and turning around.

Yasenia chuckled softly while thinking 'This should deter most people, but I bet there are still some people that will come knocking on our doors… Should I have said something else? But that would be even more suspicious and people could think that I have some treasure that aids cultivation… That would be even more dangerous.'

Yasenia didn't know, but since she entered the class and because of her monstrous talent and divine beauty, a certain girl had already targeted her.

In the outer academy, there was a list that ranked the 5 most handsome men and 5 most beautiful women. In the beauty ranking, before Yasenia came, they were first Cecile, the second was a girl named Lucia then, Angel as third, the fourth was someone called Kali, and finally, a girl called Alysa.

Some months before the entrance exams, Kali got into an accident and now her face was deformed, but before anyone could enter the ranking two people entered the academy, Yasenia, and Ryuuji the redhead girl that entered with Yasenia in the top five entrance exams. Thus, now it has Yasenia in the first place, Cecile second, Lucia third, Angel fourth, and Ryuuji fifth.

When they were going to see Andrea, they were stopped by a sickly-looking beauty. She was 165cm in height, her platinum white hair and violet eyes, paired with the aura she gave was truly a sight to behold. One couldn't wait to help her if she needed anything.

She was Lucia one of the top 5 beauties. Although she wasn't as talented as the rest, she practiced both alchemy and formations in their respective indigo classes. Even as an outer disciple she has already specialized and didn't go to the cultivation branch.

Her voice was soft and quiet, and her gestures delicate. "Hello, my name is Lucia, Can I know if you have a massage stall?"

Yasenia raised an eyebrow and answered "No, that was only a thing that I spoke about. I haven't set up anything like that."

Lucia frowned and said a little sadly looking up "C-can I have one please? I want to see if your massages can help me recover…"

Angel and the other two couldn't help but be a little on guard. Yasenia answered calmly "I don't have the time right now. In the future, if I set up something like that, you will be able to pass the queue if there is one, three times. How about it?"

Lucia could only give up and said "En, I hope we see each other again soon"

Yasenia watched her leave, and then, she looked at the three girls behind her who seem a little tense. Yasenia laughed a little and said teasingly "Do you not like her? She seems like a nice girl."

Angel muttered "Although I don't mind you adding some girls to your harem… I won't let you create a female army instead of a harem."

Yasenia laughed and said "Don't worry, I won't let anybody enter the harem unless all the girls inside it like her. Moreover, I don't plan to have more than five girls at my side, unless an exception occurs."

Angel nodded and Cecile asked curiously "What exception?"

Yasenia thought for a moment and she didn't really know… "I don't know… Nothing comes to my mind…"

Evelyn nodded with a smile "That is good! If you had the exceptions planned, they will end up happening. You better not think of any!"

Yasenia used her tail to pat her head softly and teased "Why does it matter to the both of you anyways, mm? You aren't part of it~"

Evelyn blushed and Cecile coughed lightly, Cecile spoke with her trained deadpan expression "Since you said that we have a place at least we should know about it."

Then she nodded as if satisfied with what she just said. Evelyn also said "Of course! I have to know who will, in the future, fondle your big ti-" *Bang!*

I didn't remember writing the last sentence and I burst out in laughter when I was editing the chapter! Evelyn is a riot!

Thank you to the new Patreon member Platymage~

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