Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 32. Noon’s Power.

Lucinda was from the green cultivation class of the inner disciples, even if it seems low, anyone from the yellow class and above can beat almost anyone from the outer disciple violet class. That is because they were one big realm above them.

Being two classes above the yellow one, she was confident in herself. She was single attributed with the rare glass element. Her weapons were a long sword and shield. Very rare weapon choice in the cultivation world.

Yasenia took out her giant sword and put herself in a stance, with her left foot forward and the waist slightly lowered. She was clutching her sword with her two hands and pointing it diagonally to her right. Her body leaned forward and the tail was used as a counterweight to balance her gravity center.

When the supervising teacher said, "Begin!" Yasenia put strength in her legs and shot forward with a "Bang" Lucinda saw her approach not too fast and prepared her defense. Yasenia used [Lingering star steps] and decelerated her charge after the image was created.

When Lucinda saw that Yasenia was charging towards her without signs of stopping and she swung her sword. However, she felt something wrong when Yasenia didn't react.

Trusting on her battle experience, she knew this was an illusion, so she focused and saw a shadow approach from her blind spot to her right. Using her footwork technique, she turned very quickly and put her shield in front, putting a glass surface on top of it.

When Yasenia slowed down, she went to Lucinda's blind spot using her focus on her afterimage as a cover. Then she coated the sword with [Celestial coat] and used [Sunrise] to do a rising vertical strike! However, she saw Lucinda turn extremely quickly and put a glass shield in front.

*Crash!* A sound of glass shattering was heard and then *Bam!* Lucinda felt that she was hit by a bull! She was forced to back 3 steps!

Yasenia was hurt by the glass shield explosion but she didn't stop. Using the position and length of her sword she took one step forward and swung it down using [Sunset] and covering her whole body with the [Celestial coat].

Lucinda was still a little off of balance because of the hard-hit and saw the giant sword coming down with even more strength than before.

Using her accelerated thoughts, she tried to think of ways to evade it, but she caught a glimpse in her peripheral vision of the tail tip changing to a sword-like state! Moreover, now instead of only her sword, her whole body was covered in that silvery and golden coat.

Lucinda could only grit her teeth and cover her shield with glass using almost 10% of her total energy. Yasenia's sword hit the glass shield and it exploded like the previous one with a loud *CRASH!* and then with lessened momentum the sword hit the shield strongly. *Bang!* Lucinda felt like a mountain fell on her shield and was sent backward 6 steps this time!

She wanted to use this distance to balance herself and start a counterattack. However, Yasenia didn't want to give her even a chance to attack!

She used her legs' full strength and the [Lingering star step] speed boost and jumped forward like a bullet. Mid-charge she used her tail to slap the ground and make herself spin attacking with [Sunset] again!

Although her thoughts were fast, Lucinda's body couldn't respond as fast! This time she didn't dare block that giant sword. She focused on evading using her movement technique to move sideways, this let the vertical swing pass right before her!

Taking this chance that Yasenia was open, she thrust her sword towards the defenseless Yasenia… only to see that Yasenia, using her failed sword swing, continued her spinning momentum!

Yasenia's tail started glowing and she used [Sunset] on her vertically falling tail! Lucinda's sharp glass-covered sword and Yasenia's glowing tail clashed with a loud *Clang!* Moving Lucinda one step back again and sending the tail backward repelled with a gash on it.

Yasenia used the tail motion to twist herself and face Lucinda's direction! Without pause, seeing Lucinda still in her attack range she used [Sunrise] *Bang!* putting her even more out of balance!

In this manner, Yasenia kept pushing Lucinda back with the uses of [Lingering star step], [Sunset], and [Sunrise]. The audience was holding their breath seeing the perfectly connected attacks of Yasenia! Lucinda was unable to do anything even if she was seeing the battle in slower motion!

Madeleine and Mason had face-splitting smiles, while the four girls were totally awestruck, especially Andrea because it was her first-time seeing Yasenia fight! Andrea praised loudly "What a masterful use of her skillset and tail! She isn't letting Lucinda breathe even for a second!"

Cecile said with a frown "She isn't this violent when fighting with me… Was she holding back?"

Evelyn shook her head "I don't think she was attacking you with all her strength, but I don't think she was holding back. You have a very different style compared to Lucinda."

When the fight hit the five-minute mark, Yasenia did a strong vertical strike and Lucinda taking the chance did a shield bash and *Bang!* both of them took back some steps, finally ending the relentless attack combo of Yasenia!

The audience shouted in shock! 'Did Yasenia do some mistake!?' Even the four girls became a little nervous.

Lucinda spoke with a ragged breath "Finally you did a mistake. Do not think I will let you play me like before!"

Yasenia was also a little tired, but much better than Lucinda. She spoke calmly "Mistake?"

Then her lips raised in a smile "I didn't make a mistake!"

Yasenia looked towards the sky and seeing the sun high up there she took her sword with two hands and pointed skywards!

Her aura started inflating and Yasenia spoke "[Absorption of sunlight…" Her eyes shone with golden radiance and her sword exploded in golden light! Yasenia pointed her sword at Lucinda and finished saying "...Noon]!"

A sword-like sunbeam fired from the sword with enormous momentum! The sun also fired a circular sunbeam from the skies! Lucinda opened her eyes wildly and used the rest of her energy to form two giant convex glass shields trying to disperse the sunbeams!

However, even this was useless as the beams directly exploded the two shields! Lucinda saw this and she felt death approaching! When the sunbeams were about to hit her, the surveying teacher appeared and dissipated the beams with a wave of his hand, saving Lucinda's life.

Then he announced "Winner, Yasenia!"

The whole stadium exploded in cheers! Yasenia put her sword on the ground breathing a little roughly. The fully charged noon attack consumed almost 30% of her total energy. It really was no joke! After this battle, she has about 40% of her energy left. You have to remember that this was a fight against someone in the third level of the Mental nourishing realm!

Angel was completely starry-eyed at that last attack and was shouting "KYAAA! YASENIA, I LOVE YOU!!!" of course she wasn't the only girl in the stadium that said the same.

Yasenia however seemed to hear her, so she looked towards her and winked with a smile. This attack however had a wider attack range than [Noon]! And the cheers from that side exploded even more.

Then Yasenia walked towards Lucinda and regained her calm expression, with the giant sword on her shoulder, and her confident steps she looked extremely charming!

Yasenia spoke, "I will give you a chance, tell me who told you the nonsense about me brainwashing Andrea, and I will let you stay in the academy. I don't want to destroy an unrelated party's future."

Lucinda looked up and said "I can't tell you, I have an oath restricting me"

Yasenia frowned. She did expect this… "Tell me anything you can tell me about that person, are they female or male? Tell me the age, or the height. I don't care, I need something."

Lucinda thought what things didn't fall in the category of 'Don't tell anything about me.'

Yasenia got impatient and asked "What was the oath? Can you tell this?"

Lucinda said while not saying her name to not activate the oath "I will never speak about anything related to you or things that can expose you"

Yasenia was surprised but for a different reason. "Didn't you think that that oath was extremely suspicious? You got yourself duped that easily!?"

Lucinda was somewhat speechless, now that she has a clearer mind after the fight… It truly seems like it…

Yasenia held her forehead and thought, 'what can I ask? Things that are unrelated to them? But they can't be things that will expose them… Where is the loop in this oath? Wait, expose HER? If they don't directly expose only her… Is it too far-fetched? Trying doesn't hurt.'

Yasenia doesn't mind the people around, she knew that the culprit is here in the stadium, so maybe she can also use this and try to catch them.

Yasenia looked down and asked "From where isn't that person? Tell me which countries surround their country, this isn't something related to them, nor doesn't expose ONLY them, right? Can you tell me that?"

Lucinda tried to speak but chills run up her spine when she opened her mouth. She shook her head. Yasenia was out of ideas then. Worse she didn't see any of the silent spectators she paid attention to flinch nor anything that would expose them. She shook her head, resigned.

A lot of people were watching this exchange, now they were curious about what will Yasenia do. Will she cold-heartedly go ahead with the expulsion? Or will she forgive her?

Yasenia looked down and said "You can't give me anything, I won't stop your expulsion. Blame your naivety and hotheadedness. To be frank, even if you are unrelated, you still could have harmed me a lot. It is like someone gives you a knife and you plunge it into their target because they told you they are bad guys. You are unrelated, but your guilt isn't lowered because of this."

Yasenia looked at her eyes and continued "You are talented, so you will be able to find a nice sect to settle. Use this as a lesson to mature and not to become a vengeful ghost." Yasenia then turned and left.

Yasenia spoke while leaving, "By the way, those kinds of people tend to like to "get rid of the evidence", I advise you to find a teacher and explain everything you can, truthfully, so that they can send you away safely."

Lucinda could only regret it now, but instead of hating Yasenia, because of what she told her, she was so grateful that she couldn't hold her tears.

She shouted at the departing back with a ninety-degree bow and tears in her eyes "Thank you for your guidance!" Yasenia waved her hand and disappeared into the coliseum passage.

Combo attack! Did you like the fight? What would you have done with Lucinda? Comment below~ Thank you Logan Vingris for your support in Patreon!

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