Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 5. Cultivation Method Acquired!

Countess Tatyana was doing some paperwork while waiting for Anna to return to the study. After hearing a knock on the door, she opened it and let Anna in. "Have we found the cultivation technique [Convergence of the stars]?"

Anna answered respectfully, "Yes, the ones with it are the third-rate sect Constellation Palace. They told us that if we wanted the cultivation technique, we must marry little Miss to their young palace master. No matter how often I have tried to convince them, they are extremely arrogant and won't change their conditions."

Tatyana stopped what she was doing and looked at Anna with a cold smile. "Did they truly say that? Did you say who we are and offer them different treasures?"

Anna answered with a sneer, "It seems that the young master of the sect once saw little Miss while she was practicing outside and really liked her. Lady Tatyana should remember the boy who harassed little miss three months ago and got beaten up by the guards."

Tatyana thought for a moment and then remembered. She shook her head. "Truly, the second-generation kids pampered from infancy are the worst."

She thought momentarily and said, "I will go personally; this thing is for Little Yassy, and I won't accept failure."

Just then, a knock sounded on the door, and a pair of golden slit eyes with a tinge of red appeared from the side. Tatyana and Anna smiled gently and welcomed Yasenia. "Mom! Will you teach me about the powers of the world today?"

Tatyana struggled internally but couldn't let this opportunity go, so she answered. "Today, you will study with Anna, Mom has something to go and pick up, and maybe she will need some days. I'm sorry little Yassy."

Yasenia couldn't help but be surprised. She is a very understanding person and very keen. Moreover, this was the first time her mother would go out for more than a few hours since birth.

Knowing that something important must be happening in the background, she didn't complain. She turned towards Anna and said with a smile, "Hehe, today you are my prisoner and must teach me about the powers in the world!"

Anna answered exaggeratedly, "Oh no! How can this be? Lady Tatyana, save this poor servant from her tragic fate!"

Yasenia started laughing, and Tatyana couldn't help but roll her eyes. She stood up, hugged Yasenia, and said, "Be careful these days and never stay alone! Remember that this world is very beautiful on the outside, but dangers are lurking where you least expect it."

Yasenia nodded thoughtfully, and with the help of her tail, she made herself taller, hugged her neck, and kissed Tatyana on her cheeks. "Do not do things fast because of me. I know that Mom is strong, but as you said, dangers lurk where you least expect them. Be careful, Mom. I love you." Then, she gave a beautiful smile.

Tatyana and Anna looked slightly surprised, but then they smiled proudly, thinking that little Yassy/Miss was an intelligent child.

After bidding their goodbyes, Tatyana went out, and to be sure that everything was safe, she decided to call Richard.

Richard is a man of 180cm in height who usually has a gentle smile on his face, be it to the people of the house or those who are friendly to them. But everyone knows him as the smiling devil; if someone tries to harm his master or those close to him, death would be counted as mercy.

His body is muscular, yet there aren't any exaggerated muscles, he has an angular face with sword-like eyebrows and brown eyes, but his face softens when he smiles. His chestnut hair is cut short with slight curls.

He is also the husband of Dr. Ava, and they have a baby boy two years older than Yasenia named Oliver.

On the other side, Dr. Ava is a woman of 160cm in height. She gives a stern aura, and her gaze is always severe. Dr. Ava has been beside Tatyana for many years as her doctor. Not only is she knowledgeable in the healing branch and alchemy, but she also has a lot of fighting strength.

She has chestnut hair cut neatly in a bob and a pair of icy blue piercing eyes.

The couple's little boy, Oliver, has chestnut-colored hair like his parents. He has inherited his mother's blue eyes. Even as a child, his personality is easygoing. In the future, he wants to become as strong as his father and protect all his friends and family.

Tatyana saw Richard appearing at the gate. He gave a bow to Tatyana and asked with a gentle smile, "What does the Lady want to order from this butler?"

Tatyana nodded and answered, "I will be gone with a part of our forces to obtain the [Convergence of the stars] cultivation technique. I want you to stay extra alert for enemies trying to make a move while I'm away. If necessary, activate the single-use killing array and stay inside until I return. The safety of Yasenia has priority over everything."

Richard answered seriously, "Don't worry, Lady Tatyana. All the people in the house know what is most important. Even if I must give my life away, I won't let any harm befall the little miss."

Tatyana nodded and turned to leave. While leaving, she said, "You are the second strongest in this house. I would rather not lose a capable right-hand man like you. Take care of yourself, too, and remember, you have a little boy to take care of now." With that, she disappeared behind the corner, going toward the barracks.

Richard then returned to the house. When he thought about the people hiding and trying to harm their little miss or his son, he couldn't help but smile gently, even if his eyes didn't show the slightest bit of amusement.

Meanwhile, in the study, Anna and Yasenia were beginning their lesson. "Little miss, you must first know that this world is incomparably vast. The powers that I will tell little miss about are the ones that influence this area."

Little Yasenia nodded, and Anna continued, "For starters, our world doesn't have a name since countless cultures have called it differently since ancient times. We, however, do name the continents." Yasenia nodded in understanding.

Anna said, "Our continent is called the Sky Continent, and we are surrounded by another four smaller continents, each in the North, East, South, and West. These continents are called Black Tortoise for the North, Azure Dragon for the East, Phoenix for the South, and finally, White Tiger for the West."

"Each of these continents is much smaller than ours, and one first-rate sect and Kingdom control each. Similar to the names of the continents, we have the Black Tortoise sect and the Kingdom of Water, the Azure Dragon sect and the Kingdom of Earth, the Phoenix sect and the Kingdom of Fire, and finally, the White Tiger sect and the Queendom of Metal. Each sect has special cultivation techniques that aren't tied up to the attributes and are quite strong."

"There are a lot of second-rate sects and innumerable third-rate sects. The fourth-rate sects are called schools, such as the Azure school near the capital city. They are quite weak and used to recruit disciples for the main branches. The requirements for being called first-rate and the likes… Little miss will learn when you start cultivating."

Yasenia then asked eagerly, "When will I start cultivating?"

Anna answered earnestly, "Because of the harsh requirements for starting the cultivation path, one must not start until the body has completely matured. This is something that has been researched since ancient times. Remember that every expert through the eras has reached the same conclusion."

Yasenia asked, "Then if someone matures slower than others, wouldn't they be disadvantaged?"

Anna answered calmly, "Little miss, our world is very unfair. Mortals are the only ones to use the term fairness. In the cultivation world, there are very few non-written rules. One is that seniors won't attack juniors unless they provoke them first. Duels to the death agreed by both parties can't be interrupted. Reputation is essential, so humiliating someone is sometimes worse than killing them. Little Miss must be careful in the future."

Yasenia looked puzzled. "I understand why it is bad to humiliate someone. That is something that bad people do, but… Is it that harsh?"

Anna spoke seriously. "The cultivator's heart must remain steady while advancing the cultivation realms. Heart demons may appear if you are not calm enough, dragging you into a demonic path. The cultivator can become insane, a bloodthirsty beast, or worse." Yasenia shuddered.

Anna patted her and continued speaking, "This will be the last thing we will learn today, our continent's leading forces. There are a lot, so prepare yourself, little miss. The strongest powers are The Quilin sect and the Queendom of Nature; The Rising talent academy or otherwise called the Rita state; the Moon Empire, the Sun Empire, and the Star Empire; the Medicine Valley and Thousand Poisons Valley; and finally, Heavenly Sect and Demonic Sect."

Yasenia looked at Anna with a serious expression while nodding, but on the inside, the little girl was thinking, 'I will have to tell her to repeat them in the future; there are so many!'

Seeing through the little girl's thoughts, Anna couldn't help but laugh a little, "Little miss, you are only five years old this year. Until you mature, we have a lot of time until you mature to learn all these things."

Yasenia then nodded like a little sage. "Time does haste; step by step, I must achieve to be waste!"

Anna looked at her and doubled in laughter, "Hahaha."

She picked the little girl, and after she felt her tail curling around her waist and securing the little miss, she corrected, "Haste makes waste; step by step, little miss must achieve to be wise! Let's go to sleep. It is already late."

Yasenia's cheeks reddened, and she nodded. Anna couldn't help thinking that they looked like little apples making one want to take a bite.

Tatyana led her troops toward the Constellation palace in a giant battleship with a cold and murderous aura around her. 'How dare they think of my little girl as a bargaining chip. If I don't calm this rage, I may as well explode.'

The male troops around her were thinking that the Constellation palace were fools! 'Why would you latch into a cultivation technique? It is not like Lady Tatyana didn't offer better things. Worse, they are aiming for the little miss!'

However, the female troops were thinking, 'How dare they aim for our little miss! Death, Death, Death, Death…'

After four days of travel, they arrived at the star dome valley, where the constellation palace was. Tatyana and her troops dismounted the battleship, then she waved her hand and stored it in her spatial ring. Then, all the 132 troops, 66 males and 66 females, arranged themselves in a battle formation called the Yin-Yang attack formation.

The females formed the Yin, while the males formed the Yang. Tatyana found this formation within the ancient tomb. Inside that tomb, she gained a ton of advantages and an inheritance making her monstrous strength at that time even more horrible.

Then she spoke, using energy so the people inside the Constellation Palace could hear her voice from afar, "I am Countess Tatyana of the Moon Empire. I've come to discuss some matters with your sect leader."

After waiting for a moment, Tatyana and her troops could hear a deep voice answering Tatyana, "Why would the countess herself come to this little place? Well, since you are here, how about we discuss those matters inside? Of course, I would want to ask for your entourage to wait outside."

Tatyana sneered. This time her voice carried the weight of her will, making space tremble around her, "This eminence will give you one last chance. Carry your sorry ass in front of this eminence before I flatten your Constellation sect!"

Those under the Unification realm directly fainted with blood pouring from their mouth and nose. Those above that realm were pressed to the ground because of the sheer pressure of her voice.

Inside the sect, a handsome middle-aged man was sweating buckets and screaming internally. 'How can that woman have this strength! Aren't Counts of the Empire in the early or middle stages of the Transcendence realm? She is just a monster in human skin! I can't even see her level of cultivation!'

Then he awakened and flashed outside while cursing at his son for his lecherous disposition. 'I could understand if the other side was a mature beauty, but Isn't the child he wants a 5-year-old girl? What is there to like? I need to educate that wastrel... At first, I thought of making a marriage arrangement and then letting them marry in the future, but now...'

"Countess Tatyana, this is a misunderstanding. How about we talk inside over a cup of tea? Of course, the rest can accompany you inside (What a joke she alone is enough to destroy me, what does it matter if I let the others in!?)." Tatyana dissipated her aura, making the other people finally able to breathe.

"I want to see what I want by the time I reach inside. You threw away the time to negotiate. This time, I will give you what I think is worth it so there aren't any grudges between us. I don't want to make another trip and waste my time anymore with your sect."

The sect master hastily nodded, "Yes, yes, yes." Then he told the protector elder through a communication jade to take the [Convergence of the stars] cultivation technique and take it to the main hall.

When they arrived, the protector was already waiting with a scroll in his hands. Tatyana took the scroll and unruffled it. They sat and carried a cup of tea for both of them.

She passed her spiritual sense through the scroll, confirming it was correct. "At least the trip wasn't wasted..."

She put it in her spatial ring, looked at the sect master, and said coldly, "Although normally I wouldn't go this far… This time your blunder was to try to touch my little treasure. Tell your son to come. I will make it so he can't have sexual intercourse for 500 years. This will be his punishment. As for what to give you for this scroll…."

She thought for a bit, waved her hand and twenty cubic meters of silvery water appeared in a container for bathing (She had another 400 cubic meters in her spatial ring). "I will give you this meridian cleansing water. Bathing in it will eliminate the impurities in the meridians, making them cultivate more speedily. Two hundred people can use this amount, so use it wisely."

The sect master looked at the bathing water and sighed, 'It is not bad, but compared with what they offered me before… This is considered garbage. Well, I will take what I can.'

Then a youth appeared at the doorway and said, "Father, did you call me?"

When he finished speaking, he got goosebumps and felt like he had just fallen into a frozen hell. He looked towards the source and saw a pair of striking red eyes that had the promise of murder in them. 'Who is this woman? Although she is as beautiful as a fairy, she is as frightening as a demon!'

"Son, this is Lady Tatyana, the mother of the little girl you saw on the Moon Empire. This time-"

Hearing what his father began to say, the prodigal son became excited and interrupted, forgetting his recent fear, "So this is my future mother-in-law! Hello mother-in-law, I am-" *Bang!* The father was so terrified that he hit his own son flying against the wall!

The sect master looked at Tatyana and saw a stormy expression on her face. He didn't know whether to cry or cry, "L-Lady Tatyana, he is young and doesn't understand some things, h-how about letting this mistake pass…."

The more he spoke, the gloomier Tatyana's face became, making him pause his tirade. "I'm elevating his punishment to 1000 years."

The sect master really wanted to cry, but no tears were left! He resigned and answered with a dispirited nod. '1000 years without grandchildren... Should I have another child?'

After the formalities, Tatyana took her troops and hastily returned home, thinking, 'I haven't seen my little treasure for more than four days! My Yasenium is lacking!'

They sped up and reached the mansion in 3 and a half days, only to see its surroundings littered with corpses.

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