Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 86. Their determination. Cecile’s doubts.

The more the pair talked, the more Kali was impressed by Yasenia's amount of knowledge. 'How many months has this girl been in the academy? Her knowledge of alchemy is astounding. Moreover, she is absorbing everything I tell her, and she is able to apply them to different subjects instantly.'

Kali's gaze gradually changed, and the little dislike she felt before disappeared. Because Yasenia didn't look at her differently, her tone changed and became more expressive without Kali realizing it. Even her face loosened slightly.

She forgot about her facial scars and started laughing a little with Yasenia, doing different reactions and becoming more uninhibited. That is until she caught the unnerved gaze of a team member. Kali's heart sank as she thought about how she should have looked all this time. She looked down while thinking,  'I was so comfortable speaking that I forgot!'

She nervously raised her eyes, looking at Yasenia. 'Is she also nauseated?'

However, what she saw was the same gaze as before, clear, charming, and a little curious, as if not understanding why she suddenly stopped speaking. It was as if Yasenia was looking past her face, right into… Herself.

Kali's heart skipped a beat and sped up, making her feel flustered and hot in her cheeks.

On the other side, Yasenia suddenly saw Kali stop speaking and look down, confusing her. Then, she saw her expression change to one of dread. Yasenia looked curiously at her, 'What's wrong? Did she say something she shouldn't'

However, when she saw Kali looking at her nervously and timidly, followed by a blush appearing on her face. A smirk appeared on Yasenia's face, 'Even with the badly scarred face, she looks cute with his timid look, like an injured little animal looking up nervously.'

Kali lowered her head and turned silent. Because Yasenia didn't catch the gaze of the teammate this time, she couldn't guess what was wrong, so she asked, softening her tone, "Is something wrong, senior sister?"

Kali was about to answer when another teammate exclaimed, "Look isn't that Yasenia?"

Yasenia looked up and saw herself chasing the catkin. "Oh, it is my fight. It seems that it starts when I'm following that cat-kin towards the ambush site…."

Cecile requested to stop and see the fight, so they stopped at the side to look at it. Kali also paid attention to it.

Cecile saw the events unfold and said, "You knew there was an ambush."

It wasn't a question but a statement. Yasenia went behind her and hugged her, "Yes, I knew. I also knew that I would probably die."

Cecile became angry and yelled, "Why!?"

Yasenia kissed her cheek and spoke gently, "I wanted to fight in a life and death battle without the absolute death hanging over my head. However, I didn't go there to commit suicide, look."

Cecile saw the charge and how Yasenia was sent flying with blood splashing around. She involuntarily frowned. Then Cecile looked at how Yasenia tried to stand up after the explosion, but without being able to. Cecile felt a knot in her throat as she saw Yasenia limping away with the help of her broken tail. However, being too weak to go anywhere, the others caught up to her.

Her heart hurt each beat, seeing her fight like that, Yasenia's expression while fighting, the unceasing attacks, and her relentless defense. By this time, even Kali was frowning slightly; she didn't like it one bit.

Suddenly, they saw Yasenia turn her head in one direction while fighting, and because of this, the spear wielder managed to go behind her and pierce her chest.

Cecile's eyes widened, saying, "I killed you…."

Yasenia was scared at that conclusion. "What are you talking about, sweetheart? I had less than 10% of my energy left! It was impossible for me to live."

Yasenia turned Cecile's face and kissed her lips. She spoke seriously. "Cecile, I was killed by them, not by you. I was killed by a group of Mental Nourishing cultivators that teamed up to kill a Body Modification realm cultivator! Don't you dare blame yourself, or I will get angry at you, am I clear?"

Cecile was startled at Yasenia's serious gaze. Cecile felt her heart soften and then nodded. "I understand, don't worry."

Yasenia smiled, satisfied. Cecile said, "Next time, instead of calling you, I will dive in and help you escape without missing a single beat."

Yasenia laughed happily. "That's it; our family is like that! We don't wallow in our past mistakes. We learn from them and push forwards!" Cecil smiled and nodded.

Meanwhile, Angel was tearing up and crying loudly seeing that fight. Evelyn was at her side, hugging her and biting her lips with tears in her eyes. She spoke to Angel and herself firmly. "Remember this fight, little Angel. She is not invincible. We have seen her rise above so many impossible odds that somewhere in my mind I couldn't see her losing."

Angel hugged Evelyn tighter with tears running down her cheeks. Evelyn said, "We have to become stronger, Angel. Enough to be able to save her from dire straits as she always tries to do."

Angel nodded, clearing her tears. "I *Sob* Don't want to see Y-Yasenia like that again."

Both of them went to the side and readjusted their state of mind. Five minutes later, they looked at each other and shot forwards! This time, instead of focusing on beasts and treasures, they will become ruthless! If they see a winnable fight against cultivators, they will kill, tempering themselves with trials of blood.

In another place, Andrea was looking at that fight with a serious expression. Even if she was sad seeing her like that, Andrea understood that this was a place where even stronger people get killed. Therefore, Andrea didn't become emotional. What she did was absorb the fight and analyze it so that she could give Yasenia advice later on.

After seeing that last stance, her mouth raised in a proud smile. "That is my dragoness! Even in her last breath and completely battered, she can kill half of them without flinching in pain! Hahaha, if it weren't for Cecile's interruption, she would have been able to kill at least five more!"

Andrea's teammates, some people from the Academy, nodded. "Truly an outstanding junior!"

"Leader, your little wife is impressive! If we can find her, let's team-up. Having her by our side will be a big plus!"

The others nodded and complimented, making Andrea brag about Yasenia. The others good-naturedly rolled their eyes with a smile as they teased each other.

Even before getting together with Yasenia, Andrea was quite strong. Moreover, because she had dual cultivated with Yasenia almost every night for the last months, her foundation became rock solid.  One week after Yasenia entered the half-step, they had a mock battle. At that time, Yasenia lost miserably with Andrea only using her [Chromosphere] and Halberd!

Being so easily beaten, of course, made the dragoness love Andrea even more. Andrea remembered that night quite well; her dragoness was completely submissive and cried in delight every time she was rough with her. Since then, Yasenia has been very submissive to Andrea.

Andrea can say with certainty that night was one of the best with Yasenia. Seeing her so meek and shy while pinning her and pounding her was very arousing. 'Stop thinking about it, or the armor will become tight in the waist area!'

One of the reasons Andrea could beat Yasenia so easily was that dual-cultivating with Yasenia sped up their cultivation speed and made their energy purer by the day, increasing their fighting strength.

Of course, being more skilled and experienced than Yasenia had the biggest impact in that fight. With so many good things happening since they got together, Andrea could swear that she had been sleeping with a smile daily since she got together with Yasenia.

Her teammates looked at her and asked, "Leader, what are you thinking about? You have a very foolish smile right now haha-" *Bang!*

The flat side of her halberd struck him in the back of the head, flooring him. "Less nonsense and more killing! I want to impress my dragoness when I meet up with her!"

The others laughed and said, "Yes, Ma'am!"

Returning with Yasenia, now that she was in a group, her points seemed to be multiplying. Kali and the other four were amazed at the teamwork displayed by Cecile and Yasenia.

Thanks to Cecile being Yasenia's marked mate, they understood each other deeply when fighting, making them a fearsome force to fight against.

Yasenia used her overwhelming battle style to unbalance, lock, disorient, or send people flying. Cecile used her precision battle style to cripple, injure, or directly finish Yasenia's targets, completing their indomitable combo.

Yasenia and Cecile started integrating Kali and the others little by little in their battles, and the group strength did a qualitative jump.

When the third day ended, Yasenia was already in the top 5%, and Angel and Evelyn were similar to her position.

Cecile and the others were with the leading 5000 people in the rankings, which was impressive.

Finally, Andrea was stunningly in the top 500, together with the half-steps and level nines!

Yasenia looked at the rankings, and seeing Andrea's position; she swooned with a lovestruck expression, "As expected of my darling~ Kya!! She is so cool!"

Cecile laughed at the side, and Kali was surprised seeing this… girly Yasenia. She looked at the amused Cecile and whispered, "Aren't you mad at her?"

Cecile looked confused at Kali. However, she understood fast, and she responded bluntly like always, "We are part of her harem, so I don't mind. Moreover, I also like Andrea, although not romantically. She is very reliable and knowledgeable, always looking after us."

Kali was surprised; she hadn't heard that Yasenia had a harem! Since she had just met with Cecile in the academy because of a coincidence, she thought Cecile was Yasenia's only lover. She started hanging out with Cecile because her indifference relaxed her.

"How many people does she have… in her harem?" Kali didn't know why she wanted to ask, but she did anyway. Now that the question had left her mouth, she got slightly nervous. 'W-why did I ask that!?

Cecile looked towards Yasenia, who was speaking with the others, and asked doubtfully at Kali, "Why do you want to know?"

Since the question had already left her mouth, Kali decided to take the beast by its horns and continued. Her scarred face reddened slightly as she said, "J-just, curiosity?"

Cecile observed her and asked bluntly, "Do you want to enter her harem?"

Kali's heart skipped a beat, 'M-me entering her h-harem?'

However, when Kali looked at herself, she looked down and displayed a mocking smile. "How can that be? I'm not delusional. With my face and body… I rather focus on cultivation, and when I become at least not visually disgusting… I can start thinking about romance."

Cecile looked at her thoughtfully. 'Well, it is true that her appearance is quite... shocking. I hadn't seen without a veil until we entered this formation.'

Cecile looked at Yasenia and thought, 'However, is Yasenia someone that focuses on appearance? If she did, Evelyn wouldn't be able to become a member. If it weren't because of her exotic violet eyes and electric blue hair, she wouldn't stand out in any other way. Evelyn's facial features are homely.'

Yasenia looked back and saw Cecile looking at her thoughtfully and Kali looking at the ground with a bitter expression. She didn't want to interrupt their talk, but another group was ahead… "Cecile! Kali! There are people ahead!"

Both of them reacted fast and went to their position. Yasenia didn't see anything wrong with them, so she didn't mind much. 'I will ask Cecile later.'


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