Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 32: Under the Moonlight

A month had almost passed since then. The twins were due to return from their punishment in about two days.

Due to the battle with the wyvern, Qinghe’s cultivation had increased again, causing him to breakthrough into eighth realm.

Wei Xiang had been busy these past few days, only able to return at night for Qinghe to snuggle up to. It frustrated the couple to no end, but they both placed importance on work, so they bore with it.

It was a beautiful full moon night when Wei Xiang returned to Qinghe’s room this time. Sensing that his lover was on the back porch, Wei Xiang materialized from the shadows in the backyard, facing where Qinghe was lying.

One look at him stunned Wei Xiang and made his desire rise.

Qinghe was wearing his loose robe again and was languidly half-lying down, a cheek propped up on his palm. His eyes glittered brightly in the moonlight, his cheeks flushed with intoxication.

He had a jar of honey wine in his hand and was frowning at another jar that seemed to have fallen down to the ground and gotten smashed. He clearly mourned the loss.

The thin white robe barely stayed on his shoulders, opening up to reveal much of his chest and stomach. His slender and lightly muscled frame was clearly visible through the gap. The moonlight caressed his smooth skin as if in temptation. His long, bare legs were stretched out and his posture was indolent and relaxed. His silky hair was draped messily over his shoulders and back, giving him a wild and unrestrained look. Wine had reddened his lips, making them glisten sweetly.

His appearance was extremely seductive.

Wei Xiang loped over to his lover in large steps. Qinghe, just now noticing his arrival, looked up at him with wide eyes blinking innocently as he said, “It broke on its own, I didn’t push it!”

Not knowing whether he should laugh, Wei Xiang swooped down to steal a kiss from those red lips. Hmm, they tasted just as sweet as he’d imagined.

His hand sneakily slipped the left over wine jar away from Qinghe’s hands. When Qinghe realized that his last remaining jar was stolen, he looked at Wei Xiang with baleful eyes. “It’s mine. Give it back!”

Even his angry face looked cute and seductive.

Chuckling, Wei Xiang challenged, “Come and get it.” Then he upended the whole bottle over his open mouth, his tongue extending out as if to taste it.

Qinghe jealously looked at the wine being emptied. Wei Xiang licked his lips, staining it with generous amounts of wine. Those glistening lips hooked up as he repeated, “Come and get it.”

Qinghe pouted, then his eyes brightened. He moved over to his lover and pulled his head down by the nape. Wei Xiang smiled, unresisting.

Slanting his head, Qinghe brushed his lips over his lover’s and licked them. He could taste the sweet honey from the wine on Wei Xiang’s lips. Greedily, Qinghe sucked and licked until he’d consumed every drop. Finding that it was not nearly enough, Qinghe tried to pry open Wei Xiang’s mouth with his own tongue. Wei Xiang obliged and opened up. Plunging his hungry tongue inside the warm mouth, Qinghe was drunk on the mixed flavor of honey and his lover’s unique taste as he explored and caressed every part.

Wei Xiang was hardly idle. Affected by his lover’s enthusiasm, he tangled his tongue with Qinghe’s, sucking and licking passionately. He tasted honey and mint and his ardor grew deeper. His hands slipped down and stroked the smooth skin of his lover’s collarbones, chest, and stomach. Qinghe felt like his touch was leaving behind trails of fire and he relished the feeling.

But suddenly finding that the taste of wine had disappeared, Qinghe stopped and leaned back. He regretfully looked to the smashed jar on the ground.

Sensing the shift in his drunken lover’s attention, Wei Xiang could only sigh, his hands pausing as they rested on Qinghe’s waist.

Qinghe looked consideringly between the spilled wine and his lover’s mouth, carefully weighing in his mind which one of them was tastier. Wei Xiang patiently waited beside his beloved, his eyes shining with mirth.

Deciding that Wei Xiang was tastier after all, Qinghe once again leaned into his beloved’s sturdy frame, bringing their bodies close as he kissed him. Still feeling unsatisfied, Qinghe’s hand wandered down to Wei Xiang’s chest, trying to open his clothes.

He really wanted to run his hands over warm skin too, but he couldn’t undo the damn robe!

Looking down, Qinghe glared at Wei Xiang’s uniform while cursing, “What is this shit?!”

Wei Xiang threw back his head and laughed at the indignant tone. He dutifully went through the complicated procedures to undo the many layers of his robes and removed the equipment.

Qinghe looked on with burning eyes, his mouth pressed into an impatient line.

When only the last layer of his inner robe was left, Qinghe couldn’t wait anymore. He boldly pulled open Wei Xiang’s collar and stroked his hands over his skin. “Hmm…warm…” he murmured comfortably as his hands slipped further into the robe, wrapping around to encircle Wei Xiang’s waist. Qinghe happily rubbed his cheek over the heated skin of his beloved’s chest.

Looking down at his blissfully nestled lover, Wei Xiang smiled helplessly.

Dazedly, Qinghe muttered a question, “Aren’t lizards cold-blooded? Why are you so warm?”

Wei Xiang froze. Calling an evolved beast like a dragon or wyvern a lizard was the same as calling a human a monkey. It was insulting. If Qinghe had been clearheaded, there was no way he’d have made such a mistake. But Wei Xiang couldn’t feel angered over it at all when his lover’s soft cheek was lying so trustingly on his chest.

Sighing in defeat, Wei Xiang replied, “That’s because I’m no mere lizard, my love. I am a wyvern with a fire attribute, so of course I’d be warmer.”

“Hmm…” Qinghe liked how the chest under his cheek vibrated when his lover spoke. He liked how soothing it was.

Though he was doing nothing but hugging Wei Xiang, Qinghe still felt his body heat up. His gaze grew deeper as he sighed, “Xiang…”

Wei Xiang had already detected his lover’s rising desire. “What is it?” he asked huskily.

Qinghe stretched like a cat, the entirety of his body rubbing up against Wei Xiang’s. “I feel hot.”

Swallowing thickly, Wei Xiang asked, “And what do you want me to do about it?” He needed Qinghe to expressly tell him how far to go. He didn’t want there to ever be any regrets between them.

His mind had gone hazy with desire, but Qinghe still felt uncertain about taking this too far. He wasn’t ready to go all the way yet, but he didn’t know what else to do to quench his fire.

Seeing his lover’s confused and frustrated expression, Wei Xiang understood his reservations and urged, “Do you want me to use my hand or my mouth?”

“Use them? How?” Qinghe didn’t comprehend his meaning.

This gave Wei Xiang pause. Was his lover really so…inexperienced? Then that just meant he’d have to take it slow and let his lover have his pleasure tonight.

“Then let me teach you,” he murmured into Qinghe’s ear.

Qinghe felt goosebumps rising all over his body as Wei Xiang’s breath fanned over his ear and cheek. He felt ravenous for his lover’s touch, but he didn’t know how to ask for what he wanted. He’d just hope his lover knew what he was doing and would know enough to give him what he sought.

And so as Wei Xiang lifted him up and strode towards the stream, Qinghe laid trustingly in his arms. Seeing his rare obedient expression, Wei Xiang lowered his head and nipped at his lips. Qinghe eagerly opened his mouth and started kissing back.

When they reached the stream, Wei Xiang seated Qinghe on the bank. Feeling the cold water over his legs, Qinghe lightly shivered. Normally, he’d find the water to be at a pleasantly cool temperature, but since his body felt like it was burning up, the contrast against the low temperature of the water was even more evident.

Wei Xiang settled himself behind him. Qinghe could feel his lover’s firm thighs settle on either side of him, he could feel the warm skin of his chest at his back. Enfolded within his embrace, Qinghe felt completely comfortable and secure.

And all of this only increased the level of his arousal.

Wei Xiang undid Qinghe’s belt and slipped off his thin shift. As the cool night air brushed over his heated skin, Qinghe shivered again. If he wasn’t absolutely sure that his backyard was completely closed off, Qinghe would’ve been panicking by now. Yet he lay compliantly in his lover’s arms, letting Wei Xiang undress him.

Bowing his head, Wei Xiang nibbled on Qinghe’s earlobe while whispering, “Tell me, love. Where do you want me to touch you?”

Qinghe blushed and turned his face away as he shyly said, “Everywhere.”

Wei Xiang chuckled. How adorable was this?

His hands smoothed over Qinghe’s shoulders and slid down his arms as he lightly licked the junction of his neck and shoulder. “Tell me if you want me to stop anytime, okay?” Wei Xiang murmured into his skin.

Qinghe jerkily nodded. The heat in the pit of his belly increased in intensity. Desire flowed through him like warm honey, sweet and thick. He could barely hold himself upright as Wei Xiang’s palms moved up to his chest. Both hands fondled the stiffened buds that were perked up as if asking for attention. The rough pads of his thumbs brushed over them before Wei Xiang’s fingers kneaded the velvety nubs in experienced motions.

Unable to contain the pleasure, Qinghe groaned softly. Unlike with the twins, when his body had responded only for his mind to firmly rebel against their touch, Qinghe felt both his body and mind opening under Wei Xiang’s hands. He had all but melted into Wei Xiang’s body under the onslaught of his skilled fingers.

One of Wei Xiang’s palms eventually trailed over Qinghe’s stomach and traveled below, gently encircling his erect member.

Qinghe sucked in a breath.

Hesitantly, he called out, “…Xiang…?”

Nuzzling his neck, Wei Xiang said soothingly, “It’s okay, relax.”

Reassured, Qinghe settled down again.

Lightly massaging the base, Wei Xiang began moving his hand up and down the slender shaft. Qinghe moaned throatily. The friction of the palm against his sensitive member felt too good, inciting fresh waves of desire to flood him.

Qinghe uninhibitedly writhed, his hands clenching where they lay on Wei Xiang’s thighs, his toes curling in the water and making small splashes. Wei Xiang carefully paced the rhythm of his hand to maximize his lover’s pleasure.

Tension thrumming beneath his skin, Qinghe arched his back to thrust into Wei Xiang’s fist. The friction was too delicious and only increased his appetite.

Sensing his lover quickly nearing the peak, Wei Xiang moved faster. Sweat beaded on Qinghe’s skin as ambiguous sounds slipped one after another out of his lips. He moaned and gasped, his chest moving up and down as his body twisted around unable to process this much stimulation. He felt like he was on the edge of something. He yearned to go over that edge.

Wei Xiang, while using one hand to stroke Qinghe’s member, was using the other hand to slide over his skin, occasionally pinching or rolling one of the perky buds on Qinghe’s chest. His hot mouth laved and sucked on his lover’s tender neck, leaving behind pink and red marks.

Qinghe’s body was taut with pleasure. His eyes squeezing out clear droplets, his lips opened as he panted frantically. He could feel that he was close, so close.

His hand moving up and down swiftly and firmly over his lover’s sensitive flesh, Wei Xiang made sure to brush his thumb over the slit at the tip, rubbing at the translucent drop of liquid that had already beaded.

That one bit of extra stimulation proved to be too much. Qinghe felt his mind go blank as his body shuddered. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him as he released, the pearly liquid spurting out to cover Wei Xiang’s hand.

As the climax receded, Qinghe turned limp, panting softly as the aftershocks still coursed through him. The sheer amount of pleasure he’d just felt was incomprehensible to him. What the heck had just happened?

“Are you alright?” he heard his lover ask concernedly. Qinghe was still in a daze as he nodded. His body felt loose and heavy and completely sated.

Their reflections in the water were distorted and mixed with the moonlight. Wei Xiang scooped up some water and lightly cleaned them both up.

Suddenly realizing something, Qinghe asked, “What about you?” He still felt his lover’s arousal pressing up against behind him.

“I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry,” Wei Xiang said.

But Qinghe wasn’t having it. He turned his body so that they were facing each other and firmly gripped Wei Xiang’s hardness through his pants, making him hiss.

Leaning in, Qinghe whispered with a sly smile, “You’ve taught me well tonight. Now it’s my turn to show you what I learned.”

Resting his forehead against Qinghe’s, Wei Xiang chuffed out a laugh and said huskily, “Then show me.”

Licking his lips in anticipation, Qinghe reached into his lover’s bulging pants…

Under the moonlight, the couple had a very long and satisfying night of mutual exploration.


By the time they retired to bed, dawn was beginning to peek over the horizon.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang lay comfortable and naked in each other’s arms, both sleepy, but neither yet asleep. Red marks were scattered all over their bodies, a sign of their passionate night.

“I might not be able to make it tomorrow. I’m sorry for having to leave you alone again,” Wei Xiang spoke softly into Qinghe’s hair.

Qinghe stiffened before relaxing once more. “It’s okay, your work is important too. It just means that if I ever get busy with sect matters and end up not being here to greet you, you can’t blame me as well.”

“I will try not to,” Wei Xiang replied, his lips curving in a smile.

Qinghe closed his eyes, hiding the melancholy within them. But Wei Xiang noticed nonetheless.

“I will use the next couple of days to finish with my work. Then we can spend the next few weeks together without interruptions,” Wei Xiang explained.

Smiling happily after hearing this, Qinghe looked up and said, “Thank you. That’ll be great.”

“Yes, it will.”

And then they finally fell asleep with soft smiles on their faces.

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