Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 42 Timing (for collection and follow-up)

Chapter 42 Timing (for collection and follow-up)

In the absence of more personnel to supplement, Wang Jing can only maintain the current strength.

Strict training at most made the more than 200 soldiers under him more elite.

Without more people as the foundation, maintaining more than 200 soldiers is already the limit, and the force cannot be expanded.

Wang Jing thought for a moment, wanting to grab another handful of wool from the begging army.

According to the news reported by the spies, the soldiers and horses of the Murong family are about to go south to besiege the Tucheng by the river.

Captain Ran Liang will definitely prepare for the battle with all his strength. Under the circumstances of being surrounded, people in the city cannot go out to log and mine.

The resources in the Tucheng are limited, and those blacksmiths and craftsmen have no way to make more weapons and arrows.

It was a waste for these people to stay in Tucheng. If they could be brought to Nanzhai, Wang Jing would have the ability to produce weapons and arrows and various agricultural tools in the future.

This can effectively enhance the potential background of the forces.

"This one……"

Shen Yi was a little speechless about his thought, he hesitated to speak.

He could only say: "My lord wants Nanzhai to continuously deliver food, grass and weapons to the beggar army. It's a good idea, but the captain will definitely not agree!"

"Blacksmiths and craftsmen are very important to the beggar army. All kinds of siege tools, tools for building camps, and weapons in the hands of soldiers are all made by these craftsmen!"

"Even if the captain agrees to move the craftsmen and blacksmiths to Nanzhai, he will definitely send his confidants to take care of them! If the captain sends someone over, it will be inconvenient for the lord to do anything..."

Wang Jing thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said made sense.

Now his team is Fan Yin, two veterans Zhang Che and Liu Song.

Although they are all old men from the begging army, they are obviously not the core.

They only know how to lead troops to fight, they pay little attention to other things, and they behaved very honestly in Nanzhai.

Wang Jing didn't have much fear of them, instead he valued their abilities and relied heavily on the three of them.

If he parted ways with the Beggar Army in the future, Wang Jing was sure to win them over.

But Ran Liang's confidants are different from these three.

The lieutenant's confidants must put the interests of Ran Liang and the Qihuo Army first.

When they arrived in Nanzhai, it was inevitable to compete with Wang Jing for the right to speak, and to force Wang Jing to come to support when Tucheng by the river was in danger.

Thinking of the possible intrigue, Wang Jing felt a headache.

For the sake of some craftsmen, Nanzhai had to participate in the fight in Tucheng by the river, which was not worth the loss.

"never mind!"

Wang Jing gave up this idea.

When the two were discussing countermeasures for the current situation of the begging army, the spies sent by Wang Jing to Bailianzhai finally returned.

Back then, Wang Jing sent more than a dozen spies to go north at once, but now only three came back.

Wang Jing hurriedly asked the three of them to report the situation.

It was similar to what the spies sent to Riverside City said, and the information they obtained was more detailed.

For example, the number of elite cavalry of the Murong family is about [-].

Relying on these [-] cavalry, the Murong family engulfed more than [-] refugees along the way, half of them were young and strong.

Old and frail women and children with poor physical fitness all fell to death on the march.

The leader of Murong's men and horses is not weak. After engulfing more than 1000 refugees, he selected more than [-] infantry from them to control more than [-] people.

When they attacked Bailianzhai last time, nearly two thousand people under Murong's command died in battle.

It can be said that the Murong family broke through Bailianzhai relying on the strength of the selected pawns and the coerced people.If it wasn't for Ran Liang's sudden charge, several cavalrymen would have been lost.

After a big battle, the core hardly suffered any losses.

"There are still more than 1 people under Murong's command now, and the proportion of young and strong people is very large..."

When Wang Jing heard this, his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

If he is given more than 1 people, he will be able to explode two thousand soldiers in a short time, and even find a way to forcibly land on the Huxin Island in the East Lake and bulldoze Liang Shanshui Village!

It's a pity that so many people can see it, but can't get it.

After hearing this information, Shen Yi's expression changed slightly, and he grabbed the three spies and asked a lot.

After the question, there was a thoughtful look on his face.

"What did you find, sir?"

Seeing this, Wang Jing asked.

Shen Yi waved his hand to make the three spies step aside.

"Murong's cavalry is powerful, but not invulnerable!"

"They engulfed more than 1 people and selected [-] infantry. It's a good thing to do, but their attitude towards these infantry and refugees is very bad, and they treat them as cannon fodder."

"More than 1 people lost [-] at the Bailian Village, and they will soon forcibly attack the Tucheng by the river. Once the attack begins, they will be filled with human lives. It is not impossible to lose another [-] to [-]... situation, may I ask if you are not afraid?"

Half of the more than 1 people lost, such a terrifying death rate, anyone is afraid!
Wang Jing understood what he meant.

"That's true, but the Murong family has five hundred cavalry, which is enough to suppress any dissatisfaction. No matter how resentful the infantry and refugees are, they can't stop the cavalry's assault!"

He said uncontrollably.

Shen Yi smiled and said: "Master, how long have we only been here? The Murong family can't possibly have come earlier than us. Now that the begging army has not accumulated much food, how much food can the Murong family have?"

"Leaving aside the more than 1 refugees, Murong's [-] cavalry, people eat horse chews, consume a lot of food and grass every day!"

"When they are besieging the Tucheng by the river, they must allocate manpower to hunt and fish, and find ways to gather food to supplement the military supplies! As long as they divide their troops, our chance will come!"

Wang Jing said: "What do you mean, sir, that we will take the initiative to launch an attack after they divide their troops, and find a way to bring back those refugees who disobey the Murong clan?"

"Not bad!"

Shen Yi said: "More than 1 refugees are too many, they will divide at least half of them, otherwise these people will all starve to death before the Tucheng is captured!"

"The Murong clan is going to attack Tucheng, so there must not be many troops allocated to take care of the refugees. This is a good opportunity for the lord to grow stronger! Before, I suggested that the lord wait and see what happens, but now the situation has changed!"

Wang Jing thought for a while, and felt that Shen Yi's speculation was likely to come true.

As Shen Yi said, then this time is really a good opportunity for him to grow stronger!

As long as he can swallow another 300 people and train [-] people from them, Wang Jing will change his energy and cause a qualitative change, and his power will leap to another level.

After discussing with Shen Yi.

Wang Jing couldn't bear it, and personally took two sailors to sail upstream.He wanted to see with his own eyes how strong the Murong Clan's team was!
In this way, I will have confidence in fighting them in the future.

After half an hour.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing river water, Wang Jing stood at the bow of the boat and looked forward from a distance. Amidst the misty water vapor, an earthen city built with rammed earth emerged.

The city wall of Tucheng is about two people high and three or four steps wide. The defense of the city wall can only be said to be barely strong.

If there are special siege equipment such as columbine carts and rams, they can quickly attack the city wall... The beggar army did not count on the city wall, they just used the city wall to resist the cavalry.

If the elite of the Murong family abandon their horses and attack the city, then the begging army will have nothing to ask for!
 Thank you Cao Yangyang for your reward... Thank you

(End of this chapter)

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