Hell Difficulty Tutorial

Chapter 295 – The Bastion

We unlocked our primary classes after entering the second floor. For me, it was around level 24, if I remember correctly. Vega got offered hers at level 20.

“I like Kinetic Channeler and Ether Warrior the most!” my disciple says in the end.

She gets to choose between 5 classes, unlike the 10 I was offered, and that makes me wonder. Do those choices reflect things she’s done? Or is there a difference between going through the tutorial and leveling with the normal system?

“You like Kinetic Channeler the most because it's connected to your demon heart?” I ask her.

“Yes!” she says without hesitation.

Damn weirdo demons, half-demons, and their obsession with hearts.

Vega continues, “I like what master told me before! I want to learn how to make an antomic bomb. Mana Channeler sounds nice too, but I like using my body more.”

“Do you like Kinetic Channeler because you hope it will help you learn how to fly quicker?” I ask again.

“Yes!” Once again, she answers without hesitation.

I can only sigh at that. In the end, she wants to master kinetic energy. During the fight with the deer, she used it for a split second to try to push one of the deer away. She failed, but ever since she’s been practicing and trying to replicate it.

It's not a bad choice, either. The class will probably synergize well with her heart. She could use kinetic energy for attacks like me and maybe even learn to absorb kinetic energy without needing to use [Redistribution].

Vega also has enough talent to do multiple things at once, so she could find a way to synchronize it with her skills.

As for [Mana Manipulation], well, she has [Concentration] too. So just these two skills could be enough to allow her to create mana bombs or try to learn a skill similar to [Armament].

“Okay, pick Kinetic Channeler.”

With a big smile, she does just that and continues to read the notifications and her status.

“I got a rare passive called Kinetic Storage, master! Rare!” She tries to move and jump to her feet, but her wounds stop her, and she squeaks in pain. Yet, she is still smiling, “My active skill is Kinetic Barrier and I even got 5 points to mana and two to every other stat!”

That sounds like a defensive skill, surprisingly, but damn, Kinetic Storage sure sounds good. I should look for a similar epic passive later. Even though I got Mana Reservoir so long ago I still consider it the strongest epic passive I have. If the passives have low, mid, and upper grading like items, then Mana Reservoir is for sure upper.

“We will test them later; for now, rest.”

Then, even though I told her to get some rest, I watch as she starts testing her skills. I'm not even surprised.

She uses her Kinetic Barrier, and this creates a thin, skin-tight layer over her skin. Vega takes out a knife and prods at the barrier with the handle. I watch as the barrier gives a bit, and when I activate my Mana Wavelength Irises, I can see how the “attack” disperses. Some of the attack’s energy even seems to be absorbed by what I think is her passive.

At the moment, I think the passive works like my Mana Reservoir and will allow her to store and use stored kinetic energy for attacks. In the future, she could use it to strengthen her body or maybe do something with her heart.

So far, so good. What she lacks is a ranged attack, but we will try to do something about that.

I leave her to her training and open the community.

Savant (Hell, Alone) - no, I won't tell you how I cleared the 4th floor.

NotAaron (Hell, group 4) - oh, come on!

Knight (Hell, group 4) - as if you didn't expect that answer.

NotDennis (Hell, group 4) - we just need Noname to beat up Savant during the tournament. I bet that will make Savant a bit less cocky.

Savant (Hell, Alone) - You’re free to try. I don't mind if you attack me all at once, either.

NotAaron (Hell, group 4) - ha! You just cleared the 4th floor, and we have been on the 5th one for nearly two weeks already!

Sset (Hell, group 4) - NotAaron, don't forget that it means Savant killed one of the Calamities alone.

Savant (Hell, Alone) - Why would I only kill one Calamity?

NotDennis (Hell, group 4) - well, fuck.

Noname (Hell, group 4) - mana is the best stat.

FoodFood (Hell, group 4) - food!

Noname (Hell, group 4) - Food is not a stat, Biscuit.

FoodFood (Hell, group 4) - FOOD!

What?! Really?

Savant (Hell, Alone) - At least that corgi makes more sense than some of the Group 4 members.

Noname (Hell, group 4) - How do you like the 5th floor so far?

Savant (Hell, Alone) - Not very much, to be honest. I'm still waiting for my disciple, so I can gauge things properly.

Noname (Hell, group 4) - I think you will be surprised.

I let Group 4 bully Savant a bit longer and then disconnect from the community. That reminds me that I should probably check easy and other difficulties once in a while. There could be more information to be had.

I glance toward the deer meat hanging on sticks made of mana, I’ve placed a few thermal orbs nearby, in an attempt to dry the meat. It probably won't be as good as properly smoked meat, but I used some spices I brought from the 4th floor, so it shouldn't be terrible. Sure, it's not like we are lacking food at the moment, but it's fun to try.

Just like my disciple, I refuse to slack off and so I’m examining my body, trying to figure out how to use black mana more. I’ve also been keeping a small orb of black mana at my side at all times. I force it under my [Mana Domain] and keep trying to learn more.

A few days ago, before the fight with the Veil Guardian, I did another round of active tempering, which gained me 15 stats in constitution, 5 in dexterity, and 5 in strength. One point in mana, too. That made me even happier.

My stats are looking nice as always:

Lvl 218

Strength: 108

Dexterity: 106

Constitution: 261

Mana (Stage 1/3 - Vast Mana): 856 + 856

I also have close to 12 thousand shards that I’ve decided to keep. I don't know what awaits me in the Valley or in the Bastion, so I want to have them ready. It also might be a good idea to start saving them for a time when I can buy items and passives of higher than epic rarity.

My pinkie cracks and twists, a rush of mana tearing it apart as I lose control for a moment while trying to control the black orb.

As quickly as I can, I reduce my output and check on Vega. Thankfully, she seems fine. I got hurt even with my passives and control because of the amount of mana I'm using, so I'd rather be careful. I start again, more carefully this time.

Both of us spend a few hours training like that until I collect some of the food and pack it.

Vega lifts her arms in the air, and I grab her under the armpits and lift her onto my chest where she nestles her head against my chest. Once in a while, her tiny horn pokes my chin or neck, but I decide to let it go.

Examining the map etched onto the small mana stone, I fly towards the Bastion. I avoid the places marked as dangerous zones— the domains of strong monsters, ruins of old cities with active weapons, or places where the Veil is particularly active. Some of the places I'm avoiding are as big as small countries, zones where Champion-level opponents clashed, the only things left behind, mana radiation, and remnants of skills.

I mean, damn, even after a hundred years or something like that, these places are dangerous enough to kill people. They probably aren't dangerous to more powerful individuals, but it's still telling. If given the opportunity, I should check on them without Vega present.

Our flight continues like that until we reach the mountain behind which the Bastion lies. I notice Vega starting to get cold, so I generate and release a small amount of thermal energy, and that makes her cling to me even more.

When I meet her eyes, she averts her gaze. “I'm sorry, master.” She weakens her hold a bit.

“I don't mind,” I tell her.

Her ruby colored eyes shine for a moment, and she holds me tighter again. She is just like a little animal. A baby koala clinging to her mother. I'm not too dumb to understand that.

Vega has grown up on the streets alone. She is half-demon, and most of the humans in her village hated her for it. She doesn't have anyone to rely on. And she’s what? 6 years old? She’s just a little kid. It makes sense that she’s starved for warmth.

She reminds me a little of Lily, who has similar tendencies, and that makes me wonder if Lily doesn’t have a similar past. At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if all of the group 4 were a bit twisted like that. Everyone other than me, of course. I'm the most normal person here. It's the rest of group 4 that just can't stop being scary.

As I’m thinking about these things, I pass over one of the larger rocks and finally catch sight of the Bastion. Just as Nina described it in our conversations.

The Bastion is what used to be called a Skyhold Bastion, a floating island if you will. An island big enough to house around fifty thousand people. Skyhold Bastions were mostly used for war before the collapse or as guild halls for powerful guilds. Some even served as houses for the rich.

Very few pieces of information were left behind, and there’s barely anyone left from before the war. And all of it was caused by the Veil.

So there it is, the Bastion. It has fallen to the ground, nestled in between two mountains, one of which has partially collapsed into the city. The stones have buried around 20% of the Bastion.

The base of this floating island is a perfect half-sphere with giant circuits on the bottom and countless smaller ones. Even from afar, I can see that the circuits are made from a different, crystalline material while the rest of the base is made of white stone.

There are even a few of the original buildings left standing in the Bastion. A tower in the middle and a few more all over the fallen island. There are a lot of structures built by the people who currently live there, and most of them have been made of wood or stone.

The entire Bastion is slightly tilted to the left, and even from our distance, its presence feels overwhelming.

Yes, there are stats and people dozens or hundreds of times stronger. People with skills, items, and other stuff. So building something like this probably isn't as impossible a task as it would be on Earth. But still, it's hard to take it all in. The Bastion’s diameter is probably on par with the length of Central Park or the Golden Gate Bridge? It's hard to say.

I glance at Vega who can’t stop staring at it, her mouth drops open and her eyes spread wide. It's a funny sight, so I etch it into my memory.

When I look around, there doesn’t seem to be anything too interesting. Ahead sits a few more mountains and a grassy plain with a few trees leading up to the Bastion. To the right, stand still more mountains, and behind them, I can sense immense mana. Yup, even as far away as I am, I can feel the mana from the Valley.

When I activate my eyes I can see it, a dark cloud or thick mist that hangs inertly over the Valley, which is multiple times the size of the Bastion. And the sheer density of that mana is something else.

I poke Vega, “Keep checking your surroundings, minion. And you forgot to control your heart. Try to not get hurt.”

“Maybe I got Bambi's curse, just like master!” the little half-demon says smugly.

I notice that she starts doing what I told her and scanning our surroundings.

As a reward, I poke her squishy cheek, “It doesn't work like that. Anyways, let's check the Bastion.”


Hey guys! I wanted to mention that "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" will be stubbing Book 1 at the end of the month (April) and will be published on Amazon on May 14th.

Book 1 will be taken down (Chapters 1-101) at the end of April.

To address the most important things.

Does stubbing mean you will stop posting on here?
Nope, I will continue to post on Scribblehub with the same schedule (5 chapters per week), as well as on RoyalRoad and Patreon, and I plan to do so until the end of the story. I only stub chapters that go into books once every three months, two weeks before the book is released on Amazon - that's the release schedule I've agreed upon with my publisher.
I want to keep 2 entire books on SH for at all times. With chapter 295, Book 3 should end or will be ending soon, so even as Book 1 is removed, there will still be 2 complete books left to read. Both of them quite chonky.

Why do you need to remove chapters 1-101?
The chapters need to be removed due to Amazon's Kindle Unlimited (KU) exclusivity thingy. I will remove these chapters around May 1st, and then around May 14th, the book will be available on Amazon. The chapters will also be removed from Patreon. I dislike removing them since I would prefer to keep them here, but it is what it is.
Chapters 1-101 will make Book 1. It has been professionally edited, with some minor changes made by me. Despite the chapters lacking at places I still love them and I chose not to rewrite them too much to preserve their original "magic."

Why did you decide to do this?
I hope it will allow me to quit my day job. I've been working full-time while writing, editing, and publishing 5 chapters per week without any breaks for over a year. I hope to transition to writing full-time, what would allow me to write more. I also have plenty of ideas for another story, but "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is my absolute priority, and I won't start another story unless I'm 100% sure it won't interfere with HDT.

So, who is affected by stubbing?
Only readers on SH who will discover the story after I've stubbed it. They'll need to read it on Amazon (if they wish) before returning to SH to continue reading for free. This also affects readers who want to re-read Book 1 chapters. However, you will still get 5 chapters per week for free (or in exchange cute corgi pictures/GIFs), and occasionally I will throw in Patreon plug.
You can reread Book 1 chapters before I stub them or check them out on Amazon later. It is up to you.

Will there be an audiobook?
Yup, I picked a narrator that I think fits Nathaniel really well. I haven’t heard it yet, but the audiobook should be available by May 14th as well.


First, I want to thank everyone for reading, following, and favoriting my story. Special thanks goes to everyone who left nice review. Your support has helped my story grow a lot.

I'm excited for Book 1. I expect the worst so I won’t feel disappointed, but secretly I hope it will do great. 

If you have any questions, throw them at me in the comments.

Once again thank you, have a nice weekend, and see you next week!

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