Help! Evil Wizards Turned Me Into A Girl!

11. Help! Wizards Never Pay Rent!

The landlady hollered from the hall loud enough to be heard throughout the building, "Mr. Levenstrum! I'm here for the rent. You're a whole week late."

Dead-leaf's step faltered as he reached to open the rectangular visor on his door. The landlady's wrinkled eye pressed against the opening. He raised an eyebrow at her behavior.

"Come back tomorrow, I shall have it then."

"Shall nothing! If you don't have it when I come back tomorrow, I'll be shalling you an eviction notice. Don't make the mistake of thinking your Bible lingo will soften me. It's tomorrow or bust. Hear?"

"How could I not? You have the voice of a dying crow."

"What's that!?"

"I said there is no need to crow," he snapped, "You'll have what is coming to you soon enough."

He slammed the wooden visor, leaving her to mumble loud curses as she paced slowly back down the creaky hall. He wasn't shaken by the old woman, for he wouldn't have any use for her or her dwelling in another hour. He had kept the apartment lightly furnished. There was no bed, dresser, or chair.

A small bench served to support a little collection of ointments in round tins as well as a few vials of colored liquid, two old books; and a few plastic cases for such odd assortments as nose hairs, animal shavings, nail clippings, and a vial of powdered blood. In the center of this odd arrangement was a giant oak leaf of brown crystal. A black cape hung above the bench on a single nail.

A jagged tooth rested in his coat pocket; the one he had lost fighting Nathan. It contained a portion of his power that could no longer serve him. He rolled it within his pockets as he thought; if only he could have snatched the pendant, that would have served to cover his losses.

Ambrosia had tricked him, her book had done something else entirely than what he was told and no powers had been given to him. The others might find her and use her for breeding, he thought, but as much as he fancied the thought of a race of warlocks empowered by guardian blood, it wouldn't benefit him, not one bit.

Dead-leaf again wished he could have taken the pendant; Nathan had stolen a great deal of his power when the electricity had passed between them. If he hadn't had the book of Ambrosia with him, he would have certainly been defeated. That would have meant death, or worse: humiliation.

Dead-leaf placed his tooth back inside the hole of his bottom gum. There was bleeding, but it would not take root again. The ointments proved no help. After fifteen minutes in his tenth attempt at replacing it, he threw it back inside his pocket. Time was pressing, so he packed his possessions into a black leather case, something akin to an old doctor's bag. The crystal leaf slid into a wide pocket at the inside of his coat, but no sooner than it entered his pocket it shone a brilliant amber, projecting a wavy aura.

They are calling me, he thought, they must have found her. Maybe he would get some much-deserved praise for his noble sacrifices. He laid the glowing amber leaf in his palms to watch a projection of a one horned imp above the glass, one of the many Drakni race that served the warlocks. Dead-leaf's expression soured. The Drakni sat proudly with a smug smile intended to issue intimidation, but it didn't impress the old wizard.

"What do you want? Where is my nephew?"

"I've been honored with the presence of the great Dark-leaf, and have been chosen to speak with you, Lord Dead-leaf, about your achievements in the other realm. When the great Dark-leaf chooses to speak to you personally; it'll be an honor to you sir, and you will know that your failings have been forgiven."

Dead-leaf scowled into his crystal, "What is the meaning of this? I've conquered the bearer of pendant. I used a most valuable spell to turn him into a maiden, neutralizing his strength in battle. Then I used her own power to cast the transformed guardian into our domain. The great Lord Dark-leaf should have captured her by now and used her accordingly. Doesn't he have the greatest ability to sense the guardian power? I practically offered her unto his hands, so why would he send such a low creature to congratulate me?!"

The imp's voice became agonizingly high pitched, his breath fiery. "I'm a low creature indeed compared to the wizards, but my common sense does surpass one of them, namely you. This is strange news indeed, Lord Dead-leaf. You were never ordered to seek the pendant, so why would you preempt the master's plans and take such matters under your charge?! What did you hope to gain you fool?"

"Fool!?" Dead-leaf snapped in disbelief, "I came to this magic barren realm to create what he desires most. Is this the thanks I'm to receive? Did he not sense the pendant or the guardian blood?"

"He indeed sensed it, but it was beyond his grasp! Desperate measures had to be taken prematurely and a valuable puppet was lost for nothing! Now it is no longer even in the realm of Pozalm. The master would have been quite happy with the slow extinction of the current guardian race, but now you are helping them to restore their bloodline! Kill her or capture her you buffoon, and if this plan backfires your head will be served in the master's soup!"

"She couldn't have escaped that quickly. There is no way she could have mastered the pendant's powers so soon. Something must have gone dreadfully wrong."

"Let me pray that you are jesting Lord Dead-leaf, for the sake of your own life. Unfortunately, you are the only one in position to deal with this problem at the moment. Capture her, kill her, or die trying. And most importantly, get that pendant!"

Dead-leaf's hands trembled, he could barely keep hold of his crystal.

"Forgive me little one, I am the great Lord Dark-leaf's humble servant until the end of time itself. I'll take care of this matter with all the power at my disposal. I plead for the master's mercy, and faithfully await further orders."

"Let us hope for my sake that he does have mercy!" said the Drakni, no doubt thinking of wrath expended on the messenger.

Dead-leaf trembled as he left his apartment, and continued trembling until he was hidden deeply in the woods. There he would use his leaf crystal of his own accord, putting out a call to those who would sense the emanating power. If Nadia had returned to Earth, capturing her was beyond his abilities.

Eliminating her was his only option.

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