Help! Evil Wizards Turned Me Into A Girl!

26. Help! Jody Is The Final Boss!

She felt the presence of someone behind her and Howard was suddenly looking over her shoulder. Jody was there, kneeling over the lounge chair pensively. The carefully arranged freckles over her cheek had already grown darker and more numerous with the usual summer sun exposure. Her bikini was a splash of neon blue, purple, and red that seized Nadia’s attention.

“Are we having fun?” she asked with a smile, “Stop trying to hog her attention and shoo. She’s Nathan’s cousin and he’ll pound you if finds out you were trying to put the moves on her.”

Nadia turned bright red and grabbed the remains of her first burger to take a series of bites that finished it off. Just eat, just eat, don’t look at Jody.

“That’s very blunt of you!” Howard protested.

“Sorry, but she already has a crush on Darrell from Methodist.”

“What!?” Howard said, turning a shade paler.

“Nadia cleverly worked her way in by challenging him to a match she knew she couldn’t win and agreed to be the cheerleader of the hottest boy in the county. All the girls are talking about how clever that stunt was.”

Howard lost another shade of color, saying nothing.

“It wasn’t a stunt and I do not have a crush on him!”

“Really,” Jody said, poking her nose, “Then why are you blushing?”

Nadia shook her head as she finished her burger while Jody’s finger rested on the tip of her nose, “Because you're poking my nose. Would you just stop it already!”

“Really, I’m only teasing,” Jody said, though Harold still looked like he was about to drop over backwards and melt away, “Anyway, why don’t you come sit with us. Really, you shouldn’t eat until after you’ve swam a little anyway. Did you bring your bathing suit?”

“I’m okay, he isn’t doing anything wrong, really, besides I don’t plan on swimming.”

“Why’s thaaaat?” Jody asked.

“Because- I- don’t- like- tight- swimsuits. That’s why I don’t have one. I just kind of wanted to hang out with- some people my age.”

She had wanted to say her friends, but to these people she was a stranger, no matter how familiar they felt to her, they saw her as a person they never met. It kind of hurt.

“Lighten up. This is a pool party. You could always borrow one of my spares, we’re about the same size though you are a bit heavier up top.”

Nadia sat straight on the side of her chair, “How can I lighten up at the thought of parading myself around in a bikini like a piece of meat. I don’t get you, don’t you- I mean, I thought you didn’t care about impressing boys.”

“Of course I do, if they're worth my time. Though I want to impress you too.”

“I’m impressed by both of you,” Howard said.

“Stay out of this!” Jody and Nadia yelled together.

Howard rubbed the back of his head, “Since when was I booted from this conversation?”

“You’re one of the cutest girls in the entire school,” Nadia believed this line of flattery would end the subject, “I can’t compete with you. I’ll look ugly.”

“You really mean that?”

Nadia took her hands, “Of course I mean it. I always thought you were pretty since I fi-"

“This is getting pretty weird, seeing as you’re both girls.”

“Sorry- I didn’t mean it that way,” Nadia said, blushing and pulling her hands away.

“Don’t let him intimidate you, that was a rude comment!”

Howard looked a little ashamed.

Jody continued, “I did want to ask you if you can give me a phone number, or even an address where I could reach Nathan. He left without saying a word, and the jerk hasn’t even called me or sent a postcard. Some friend he is.”

“Hey,” Howard said, “He’s my best friend too, so I think I have just as much a right to ask that. But you know how things are, he still doesn’t have a cell phone.”

“Can I tell you both something in strictest confidence?”

“What?” they both said.

“Nathan’s dealing with some major league, life changing problems right now. I don’t know where he is, so I can’t give you any information. But I’m sure he’ll contact you anyway. Be patient. Hopefully he’ll be back sooner than you think.”

“No,” Jody whispered, “Is he sick? Is he dying of something?”

“No, nothing like that, he just made a few mistakes and needs time to get his life straightened out.”

“Nadia,” Jody said.


“You’re a really good person,” Jody grabbed her by the arm and tugged her off the chair, “Now let me reward you with the worlds cutest bikini before Darrell gets here!”

Jody pulled her toward the dressing room.

“Wait... what!? Howard, she’s crazy, tell her to lay off. I don’t want to swim!”

Howard started eating, he wasn’t about to interfere with Jody anytime, especially when there was a chance she might convince the new girl to dress down and go swimming. Nadia found herself pulled into a private changing room with Jody and blushed at what she considered the absurdity of the situation. Her heart wouldn't stop racing.

A brand-new bright orange bikini hung inside the single locker, which Jody displayed for Nadia. It was a modest style with a sporty top. At least that much was merciful. An open yellow daisy was printed on the upper right bosom while the bottom had a pink daisy on the front of the left thigh.

“I bought this for you because you forgot to buy a swimsuit,” Jody smiled excitedly, “what do you think?”

“I think it’s too small. I can’t wear that, sorry, but no.”

“Look, it’s a cute, normal swimsuit. It's not too small. I had to make sure it wasn’t too small because you seemed kinda modest and honestly very shy. There’s nothing wrong with it, in fact I think it’ll be adorable. Just try it on and see how you look. If you’re not comfortable with it, you don’t have to wear it. But at least let me see how it looks on you.”

Jody leaned in so closely they were almost pressed up against one another. Nadia took the swimsuit, looked at it curiously, her face burned, and her voice lost all power to become a squeak, “Okay. I’ll give it a try, just, give me a few minutes of privacy.”

Alone in the dressing booth, Nadia considered her options. Seeing the crystal blue water undulating in the searing sun had made her very eager to go for swim, besides, she longed to have a good time with her friends, even if she did have to make friends with them all over again. With everyone having a good time, she wanted to join in. She wanted to play pool frisbee. She wanted to smack Jody with a noodle. Yet, she didn’t want to enjoy herself too much, the thought of enjoying herself while still a girl scared her. What if she decided she liked her current form better than her old one?

As she looked over the bathing suit one last time, she remembered all the times she had gone swimming before the change, usually the memories were good ones. Right now, she desperately wanted to swim and desperately needed swimwear. She rationalized as she stared a hole through the garment. The fact that she wore swim shorts conveniently became forgotten. The swimsuit may have been two pieces but it just happened to fit, was appropriate for her current form in this situation, and even somewhat modest.

What was the worst that could happen?

About five minutes passed until Nadia finished changing and made her appearance at the doorway. The color of the tight bikini blended well with her dark hair and light skin tone. Her heart pounded as she put her hand against the doorsill and looked out toward the pool. Howard still leaned back on the lounge chair across a table from her own. He waved her over and immediately she blushed brightly while looking down. She forgot that bikini tops showed cleavage. The world spun. Maybe being so daring wasn’t such a bright idea.

Someone tugged on her wrist. Looking up, Nadia stared directly into Jody’s face, Tish and Amanda stood behind her. Amanda was in a yellow one-piece swimsuit; her glasses were sliding off the bridge of her greased nose; a red book tucked against her thigh stayed tightly clasped in her left hand. When she smiled, Nadia noticed the gray wire of her retainer for the first time.

Tish wore a black designer bikini with blue lining, her skin glowed with a golden-brown tan; in contrast to Amanda’s farmer’s tan with a mix of sunburn. Nadia found herself rubbing the bottom of her sandal against the concrete while looking away. Her hands stayed folded behind her back.

“Hey, guys... uuhmm... I never really thanked you for helping me out, did I? Umm, what’s up?”

“Oh my God!” Tish exclaimed, “You’re so adorable, that swimsuit is perfect for you! Is that the one Jody picked out!?”

Nadia’s blush turned two shades darker as her head went down three degrees further, she had never regret a decision more, and yet, “Come on, I... I’m not... I’m not adorable, makes me sound like a puppy.”

“Ya Tish,” Jody said, “You sound like my grandma. I think she’s sexy.”

Tish snickered, “You find your grandma sexy?”

As she turned a deep crimson, Nadia wondered when the torture would end, possibly when her head exploded, “I’m not adorable, cute, or sexy, so just shut up all of you! It’s just a swimsuit, why are you making it such a big deal?”

“Please note that I said nothing,” Amanda said.

Howard worked up the nerve to approach and got their attention.

“Hey umm, Bill and I are having a diving contest, anyone want to join?”

“Sure!” Nadia left her things on her chair.

“I’ll be the judge,” Tish said.

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