[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

Journey to the Demon Queen’s Tower! Master Explains the Orbs

hey sowwy this set of chapters is a little late(*/_\) some stuff came up! also anyone want to edit 4 me, emma isn't responding T_T


We had so many orbs now! I wasn’t sure exactly how many, but it was a lot! Master insisted on carrying all of them in his special bag, even though I offered to help him. He said something about how I’d probably lose them aor start playing with the shiny ball. Eheheh… maybe he wasn’t wrong. I was a very silly girl, after all!


I guess now we had to head for wherever the Demon Queen’s generals were. Master explained more to me as we went. Geez, it was amazing how he knew all this stuff!


“Each general is a master of a different element, as well as belonging to a different race,” he explained solmenly and seriously, with a grim and determined look on his handsome and disciplined face. “They all reside in the demon queen’s castle, which has eight lev els. Each general guards one of the seven lower levels, and the queen herself resides on the highest level. Once we defeat her, a portal should open up that will allow us to return to the world of Man.”


Neat! Just like Minecraft! But… did I want to go back? Would I still have master with me.


I didecided to say womthing. “Myaster…. Will you still be my master when we goto that world?”


He scoffed., dismissively. “Doubtful. I will return to being a straight-A student, destined for an advanced university and great wealth and acclaim, while you will return to being a useless NEET and otaku, merely a leech on the teat of society and your feamily. PErhaps it would be  best for all of if you do not even attempt to return. You can die in this world, where at least you on’t be consuming resources bettr used to help the intelligent and useful in the real world.”


Huh? Wasn’t this world real? I’d use up resources whether way, right? Master was confusing me.


“Master… are you saying you don’t want me to come b ack with you?”


“Absolteuly not! IF you return to the true world with me, I will never interact with you again, as much as is in my power to do so. You are a pathetic and detestable worm. At leaset in this world you possess a modicum of magic powers andd a body that, I will admit, has some utility in aesthetic and sexual arts. But in the real world you don’t even have those meager scraps of value.”


I started crying. “Master, why are you being mean to poor kitty? You’re just bullying me because you like me, irhgt? Stupied tsuntsun master.”


He patted my head. “Sure, kitten. Continue to comfort yourself with that paper-thing delusion of being loved or valued by anyone. If believing such will make you remain useful to me, then yes, I’m bullying you because I like you.”


Aw! Jppray, master did love me after all! He just had af funny way of showing it.


I tackle-hugged hgim! Glomp! He Allowed me to do so, wight a weary look on his handsome, solemn, serious, determined, knowledgeable, intellgienct face! MAster was so patient with me! THat’s just one of the many reasons I loved him so much :4.

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