Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1547 - Dilan Snow Eruption

“To shut up!”

Naifa was poked at the painful foot. He did think of rushing to challenge the Dragon God, but that realm was too empty and vague. Even his darling, once hailed as the strongest genius of the Dragon race, could not succeed. {Щww{suimеng][lā}

“Then go to the evil **** and kill it. You are the savior of the mainland. I can guarantee that everyone will worship and sacrifice the black dragon as a guardian god!”

Holy Lily despised, “Don’t the Dragon Clan claim to be the guardian of the mainland? Then you hit their faces hard in this respect.”

“This is a good idea, but after killing you!”

Nefa had passed a few words long before he was fooled by the age. As strong as they are, as long as the things identified are absolute.

“Even if you want to kill the evil spirit, you have no chance.”

Downton charged.


Hit against Nefa’s shield.

“You are dying here today!”


Downton exerted force and shattered the shield, followed by dark illusions, savage illusions, Titan illusions, Vulcan illusions, and angel illusions, burst out of the body in an instant, and played the strongest mystery of this martial art.

Soul harvest!

The black grim reaper flew, and the soul-killing sickle was furious.

Domineering God!

The barbarian roared, tearing the sky.

Titan expression.

A gleam of light flashed, besides that, I saw any signs of mystery, but the power was incredible and could not be defended.

Vulcan Banner!

Flames rush, glory circulates, ignites everything.

Paradise Pure Land!

Angel illusions shattered and scattered, and where the light spots spread, the original dark and rich church temple directly became flowers blooming and fragrant.

The coming of holy light and general illumination warmed the gloomy and depressed atmosphere.

Starry sky mystery? Years of circulation? Fate fell!

Uh! Uh! Uh!

One by one, the cross-shaped star flickered, and the whole temple was like a starry sky, deep and long, in the years, the stars rose and disappeared.

The six mysteries finally converge on the soul of the Netherworld. Downton was cut to Nefarian.

Archangel Sonata!

Run naturally!

Horn of God of War!

An angel chants hymns, a natural goddess whispers by the river, a **** of war, agitates the horn in the wilderness.

Holy Lily, Charlotte, and Taixifeng. Used the strongest amplification spell to increase attack power for Downton’s Profound Truth.

Di Lanxue and Rosicky took the opportunity to accumulate strength and brew the strongest connotation. They don’t think that it is so simple to kill Nefa.

Dark fetal movement!

A looming black dragon egg wrapped Nefa. This is already a force involving the fate department.

Downton’s attack fell.

boom! boom! boom!

The whole temple shook, the dragon egg was unharmed, but the fortress behind it was broken by a sword and extended directly for hundreds of meters.

You know that this is a fortress made by the ancient Titans, and the defensive strength of the walls has far exceeded the defensive strength of Saint Aoxun.

After Downton’s big move, he gasped breathlessly, a little weak, and Dilanxue and Rosicky quickly attacked. Even if he keeps up his efforts, it will help Downton win time.

Nicole’s connotation also fell.

boom! boom! boom!

In addition to the assistance of the Holy Lily, the remaining six people continue to exert various mysteries and smash them on Naifa.

For a time, in the temple, the magic energy, elemental explosion, and law power were roaring irregularly. The call gate that could not be destroyed before was finally completely smashed in this energy tsunami. As for those summoned beasts, they have long been blown into scumbags.

“Everyone continue, this guy is not dead yet!”

Holy Lily reminds.

“Haha, it’s useless. This is my strongest defense. You can’t break it at all.”

Nefarian mocked, but he was also a little annoyed. Is there no limit to the magic power of these people? It has been a blast for ten minutes.

The hall was long over, and the scope of the ruins spread and quickly collapsed.

Click! Click!

Suddenly. A crack appeared on the dragon egg, which was Nefa’s strongest defense, a magical skill that could withstand the blow of the world. Just when he thought he might be wrong, a fist penetrated the dragon egg and hit the cheek.


Nefa took a punch in the jaw, and the whole person was thrown out like a boxing bag that was beaten, not waiting for the landing, Downton’s combo came.

boom! boom! boom!

The fist shadow is full of sky, every blow can accurately hit Nefa’s blind spot, making him unable to defend at all, so he is beaten in the air.

Di Lanxue saved.

“and many more!”

Rosicky shouted, and he dared not shoot, because it would interfere with Downton’s combo and let Nefa find the flaw.

Taixi Feng is ready to shoot at any time. He thinks Di Lanxue will disturb Downton, but the next second, she finds that she is like a silent summer breeze and directly melts into the battle.

Perfect fit!

Downton and Di Lanxue raised their hands and throwed their feet together, with the incompetence of the tacit understanding, they didn’t even have to look, they just attacked, and the other knew how to assist.

One plus one is not necessarily equal to two, but the couple directly broke the table. Originally, Nefa could also take the opportunity to counterattack, and now only the beaten part is left.

“I suddenly understood why Dilan Xue liked Downton.”

Saint Lily felt a little lost in her heart suddenly. She had a good impression of Downton. If his girlfriend was not Lion Ji, with her character, Shiyou would give up her identity as a virgin after the Jihad and pursue him. And then get married and give him a bunch of children.

“Forget it, I’ll go find Elaine Lily!”

St. Lily pouted, and laughed at herself.

“That’s your true love!”

Xia Luo smiled. Love is really elusive. Why do you want to have it until you lose it?

Nicole, who was about to attack, gave up, holding her chest in both hands and watching Downton performing.

“Damn, you don’t have to be too tight!”

Nefa cursed.

Soul Blast!

Nefa’s body suddenly turned into a black hole, and the endless suction made the light unable to escape, so that the temple suddenly dimmed.


The black hole exploded, impacted radiation, and the hard floor was crushed into powder.

Di Lanxue grabbed Downton in one step and reached forward with one hand.

A blue cube suddenly appeared in the palm, followed by a rapid expansion. Turned into a diamond-shaped force field shield.

The violent energy contact was immediately annihilated.

“It’s really troublesome!”

Nefah escaped from the battle, supported his slanted jaw, and squeezed it straight. For many years, I haven’t been so embarrassed. A lot of hatred and shame breed in my heart.

“I have decided……”

Nefa’s declaration of beheading was not finished, he heard a shout from behind. Turning back subconsciously, you see a fist that expands rapidly in your field of vision.

“Hello, where are you looking?”


Downton punched hard, Nefah was hit directly in the air, and after rotating his body 180 degrees, his head crashed into the floor.


The Holy Light tribute was thrown out, but after contacting Nefa, it was offset.

It can be seen from this point. Naifa does have prideful capital. It is only necessary to know that the entire continent can exempt it, and there is less than one slap.

“Downton, you back away!”

Di Lanxue suddenly opened her mouth and attacked alone. She was too strong. There were few battles that allowed her to go all out, so she stayed in the half-step God of War. Now that she has a strong enemy, she still cooperates with Downton so that she will finally take that step.

“Come on!”

Downton teleported back, encouraging in a low voice.

“It’s so arrogant!”

Seeing only Di Lanxue shot alone. Nefa’s lungs were exploding.

“Cancel the marriage contract, be with someone you like, and protect yourself from the wind and rain.” Shengli smiled and felt happy for her friend. “She can finally let go of everything.”

“Yes, these heart knots are unraveled, and her martial arts are also advanced.”

It was the moment Rosicky’s words fell. With a bang, Di Lanxue’s body glowed with blue light, with a blue halo burst.

A vast will of the **** of war like smoke waves, began to overflow from the lion Ji, flowing in the temple, not surging and energetic, but like her character, calm, timeless, deep!

“Damn, I’m not your whetstone!”

Nefa was depressed and was about to explode. At the foot of Di Lanxue, the God of War aura condensed and followed, and the blue spot was misty.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Downton’s heart was throbbing, stepping on the aura of God of War, and the will of the God of War shooting quickly, and Dylan Xue co-sponsored, and then resonated.

For tens of thousands of years, Nefa once again felt fear. He was not afraid, but it was an emotional wave that could not be exempted.

This is the God of War.

“Arrogant, I am also God of War!”

Nefa roared. In his heart, he could not control envy, jealousy and hatred. He was a **** of war, but it took more than three hundred years to temper the realm. How big are the men and women in front of him? However, in his twenties, Nefa’s time is enough to laugh and arrogant, but compared with Downton, it is a world apart.

Of course, the most important thing is that Nefa is going to death, and the fire of his will is like a candle in the wind, on the verge of extinguishing, so he is deeply jealous of watching the burning vitality of Downton and Di Lanxue.

“Can you let me play against him?”

Tracy Feng is eager to try.

“It’s not too early. Let’s lose the trump card and kill it. I have to rush back to preside over the pastoral meeting!”

Holy Lily urged.

Now that the battle has been fought, the temptation is almost the same, and the rest is death.

“You really don’t consider my suggestion? How to kill the evil god, you are a mainland hero!”

Nicole still didn’t want to desperately.

“Don’t ask again~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even if he wanted, I wouldn’t agree.” Downton stared at Nefa. “Putting hope on others? We haven’t waste it to that point!”

“Good, relying on others, how much is not challenging?”

Rosicky teased.

“Arrogant, arrogant, ignorant, and soon I will let you understand the horror of Pope Heiyan!”

After Nefa finished speaking, waves of black mist began to overflow from his body. He knew that human form could not beat these people, so he had to restore the dragon’s posture, so that no matter the cast or melee, the combat effectiveness would increase several times.

Negative energy attacked again.


With a terrible wolf roar, the sound of the demon sounded, Xia Luo’s demon servant appeared, it was a silver moon wolf god, followed, eagles hovering, hovering in the sky, that is the demon servant of Taixifeng.

The space around Di Lanxue crystallized, a crystal lion emerged from it, the whole body was clear and blue, majestic and majestic, and the high head, overlooking all living beings. (To be continued.)

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