Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1556 - Tsunami

Gesanga, an eastern city of Lombardy’s allies, has a population of nearly 5 million, rich in aquatic products, rich marine resources, excellent geographical and cultural environment, plus a suitable climate throughout the year, creating this wealthy city . ~~щww~suimеng~lā

Nearly one-fifth of the population of this city, which is dominated by fishing and tourism, is middle class, and as the jihad progresses, more and more nobles and businessmen choose to settle here and take refuge.

The sudden increase in population has also increased the pressure on the city, and life and public security have deteriorated, but everyone knows that this momentum is a jihad that is endless and endless.

People always seek to avoid evil, and at the moment of war, capable people will always choose a safer habitat.

Marlon Brando has finished his day’s work and is preparing to return home with his tired body. His ideal is to become an opera actor, and he is very popular throughout Lombardi, but he has no talent, and finally depends on his father’s shadow. Only when a sheriff arrived, did she have a bite to eat.

When a man reaches middle age to marry a wife and have a child, his life will be so dull, and his dream of the protagonist will start to dissipate.

“Uncle Tony, bring me a bottle of bluegrass caviar. Today is the birthday of the youngest son. I want to celebrate.”

On the pier, Brando greeted feebly.

“I advise you to change other gifts.”

Bearded Tony wiped sweat from his forehead.

“what happened?”

Brando was annoyed.

“A jar of five hundred gold coins, do you want it?”

Tony rolled his eyes.

“My Emperor Polo, why don’t you die?”

Brando cursed, “Be careful, I arrested you on the charge of destroying market prices. Do you dare to be so expensive for ten gold coins?”

“I can’t help it. Those nobles love it. But the output of this thing is so much, what should I do if the price is not increased?”

Tony shrugged helplessly. “Besides, since the start of the jihad, prices have skyrocketed. What do you think I worked so hard for? I support my family!”

At the end, Tony had begun to curse. After a hard day, I earned more than ten times more than last year, but I couldn’t afford a few pieces of white bread.

Brando was silent.

Due to the geographical location, Lombardi was not affected by the war and death, but the impact of the jihad still arrived.

No war can be spared from this kind of war spreading all over the world.

“This **** war!”

Brando cursed and turned away.

“Do you still want?”

Tony asked.

“Can I afford it?”

Brando waved angrily. Stroking the shriveled purse, he was ready to buy a fish to make a deal, but just after a few steps, a violent shock came from his feet.

A group of people turned their horses, and the fishing boats anchored at the pier were undulating, and many workers fell into the sea with unstable footsteps.

“Recent earthquake. Frequent!”

Tony crawled out of the water, complaining helplessly.

The shock that lasted more than ten seconds receded. But the dock was a mess.

In the past half a month, such small earthquakes have occurred frequently, but people don’t care. This has happened in the history of hot weather.

“Or buy fish and go home early!”

Brando raised his pants, just about to step on his feet. A more violent earthquake came.

Bang! Bang!

This time, most of the docks collapsed. After a while, the water splashed, the sponges surging, and some ships were submerged. Directly hit the breakwater dam.

“Ma Lei, are there any more?”

Tony raised his head from the sea, watching his boat overturned and sunk, all supplies were damaged, and he roared with distress.

“Hurry up to save people!”

Brando climbed the embankment, blew his whistle, and greeted the people, but after running a few steps, he looked at the sea at will, and was dumbfounded.

At that moment, the originally noisy quayside, as if the pause button was pressed, was instantly dead, and people’s expressions were all dull.

A huge wave is coming, it is so high into the cloud that people can’t see its limit.

As a seaside city, there is a moisture-proof period every year, but even the old men who have lived here for decades have never seen such a terrifying tide.

“Run, it’s a tsunami!”

Brando reacted first. Instead of hiding, he took out the signal flare he carried, activated it for the first time, and then the next moment, he was overwhelmed by the waves.

At the same time, a stern tide warning signal sounded in the city.

The magic crystal ball detected the fluctuation, but the momentum of the tsunami hit was too violent, like the hand of a god, sweeping everything.

boom! boom! boom!

The dam that looked magnificent on weekdays, under the impact of the tsunami, was fragile like a hurricane raging white paper, tearing it apart and submerging it in the blink of an eye.

In the imperial calendar in 1986, at the end of autumn, a thousand-year-old tsunami hit six coastal cities, including Gesangya, and then continued to advance, evened out all the encounters, and fully urbanized 23 For Ze Guo.

About 70 million people were killed and 1 billion people were affected. The lost wealth is incalculable.

This disaster directly brought huge haze to the jihad.

Lombardi is responsible for the logistics of other countries and is a reserve place for materials and soldiers. As a result, a tsunami caused heavy losses.

“This is definitely done by the evil god!”

The Bavarian Royal Palace, who has always been gentle, has already punished hundreds of officials, and he has no way not to be angry.

It is the end of autumn. After a busy season in spring and autumn, the harvested grains are all stored up. Due to the jihad, this year is still heavily taxed, but now it is all vanished under the impact of the tsunami.

There are no food in several large official warehouses, there is no food in the hands of the people, the victims need relief, and the frontline soldiers need to eat, but Lombardi can no longer get food.

“Kill me!”

II was really crazy. Looking at the report of death and disappearance, he couldn’t stop the headache. Because of the jihad, these cities had a large number of immigrants and the population density was seriously exceeded. Otherwise, they would not die like this. Many people were so affected.

“Your Majesty, you must make a decision as soon as possible. If disaster relief cannot be done in time, those victims whose eyes are hungry and red will start a rebellion.”

The Prime Minister advised.

The people take food as the sky. Between starvation and rebellion, this proposition is no longer a choice.

“But what do you do on the front line? Are you going to make the soldiers fight hungry? They are already bleeding, and you still want to make them cry?”

II roared.

“The major empires should be able to support it. Let’s stabilize the interior first. After all, Lombardi is a rear base!”

The Prime Minister clearly puts domestic stability at a higher level, a typical self-scanning type.

“Appropriation for disaster relief!”

II closed his eyes and waved tiredly. The plains washed by the tsunami, but the largest grain-producing area is now covered with sand. For at least a few years, do not want to restore the previous production scale.

The incident of Lombardy’s encounter with the tsunami quickly spread to all major war zones. At the moment when the jihad was in full swing, receiving such news was undoubtedly a huge blow to morale.

“At least not to the point of despair!”

There are optimistic people comforting themselves, but soon they will know what it means to be truly desperate.

The Evil God Army forcibly landed in Lombardy.

After the impact of the tsunami, Lombardi’s perfect defense system collapsed. Although II II supplemented it with the fastest speed, those legions must be familiar with the defense zone, adapt to the post-tsunami operations, and the quality of the soldiers…

The combination of various conditions has weakened the defense a lot.

The Cthulhu Army rushed from the five roads regardless of casualties, relying on human tactics, and finally settled in Resangya, and then stabilized the front.

More and more evil spirits are pouring in.

At this point, everyone knows that the tsunami was a masterpiece of the evil spirits. You need to know that the landing operation requires a lot of preliminary preparations, and it is impossible to achieve it overnight.

This time, the Evil God Army was prepared, and the news that broke out later shocked the world. The highest commander of this army was one of the eight holy coffins, with the miracle virgin, holy crown lily, and great shepherd. Lorraine Sasha.

The army under her command is named after the famous Knight Lily of the Holy Crown in history, except that the white background and black background have become blue flowers on white background and pure black, which represents her camp.

Although some people came out to dispel the rumour and said that it was disguised, the generals of the legions fighting against it all admitted that she looked exactly like Lorraine.

Of course, the most powerful evidence is the opponent’s military capabilities. As soon as he played, he played the Lombardi Army to search for teeth, and he went to countless cities to reach Bavaria.

The Lombardi Alliance, one of the nine empires, is the last kingdom to be maintained by the Western Turks in every jihad, and it is the kind of fire that mankind wants, but this time, it is in jeopardy.

“This time, Similian II’s troubles disappeared. He didn’t have to worry about disaster relief, because the whole country was about to fall.”

Several kings looked at the battle report, and the emotion that was originally irritated because he hadn’t sent out supplies suddenly cooled down, and he began to think about the future.

“How could this be?”

Downton looked at the battle report~www.mtlnovel.com~ for a long time without saying a word.

“Evil God will grow up too, and after eating so much, it should be remembered for a long time, but humans have been comfortable for too long and become psychologically inert.”

Cheap God teases.

“It’s not human comfort. It’s because this tactic is too cunning and too vicious. Whoever it is, after the tsunami that hasn’t been encountered for thousands of years, will be in a hurry. It’s not easy for Lombardi to persist for so long.

Homer commented from a neutral perspective, “It is definitely a genius who developed this tactic.”

The tsunami started at the end of autumn, but after the bumper harvest, even without war, this winter, the lack of food and clothing can starve many people.

“Don’t worry about geniuses, what should I do now?”

Downton has been overwhelmed by the problems of the dragon hills, and now there is another trouble. To know that the Northern Alliance connecting Lombardi to the east, whether it is public or private, must help. (To be continued.)

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