Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1558 - Nicole

The guards have left in a funny way. In the large combat room, only the dogs and men, Downton and Nicole. ?E?小???说??????

As the dragon girl’s uniform pants were pulled off, a pair of plump snow ~ hips exposed, Downton’s breathing was heavy, but he still kept a little sensible, just glanced at it, and turned away.

He is also a normal man, and staying there, he can’t guarantee what will happen.

“do not go!”

Nicole turned and hugged Downton, but because of the trousers pulling between his legs, he tripped and fell directly.

Facing each other, Nicole showed a stunning smile, followed by bowing her head, kissing Downton’s mouth, and thrusting her tongue rudely.

As a dragon, don’t look at Nicole as a woman, but her strength is definitely not small enough to subdue an adult orc.

“Flash off!”

Downton wanted to overturn Nicole, but the woman actually used magic to imprison his body, but what was even more troublesome was that the breath she exhaled had a sweet and sweet taste, which made her mentally unconsciously excited Got up.

Downton only felt that there was a flame burning in his chest, and Nicole, who was disobedient, also made his anger completely infuriate, directly turning over a back, attacking and defending, and pressing her under him.

“Asshole, do you know, I have tolerated you for a long time!”

Downton growled, grabbed Nicole by the collar, and yanked hard.


The button collapsed, the military uniform was broken, and the pair jumped out like rabbits, enough to shake the eyes of any man.

Nicole is both a high-class dragon lich and a big 6 strong Saint Aoxun. He can lead troops to fight without saying, and there is a fierce legion that makes this kind of person a devil. Downton feels owed to her, so one Zhiren gave a lot of courtesy and followed her completely. But since the beginning of the jihad, she has become more precise.

“That’s fighting, it’s about dying, not playing a house. Do you think it’s easy to mobilize the legion? Do you know how much unnecessarily material the logistics will cost? Do you know how much extra work the staff wants?”

Downton questioned, the more he said, the more angry he was, and there was a layer of blood on his eyes.

“kiss Me!”

Nicole didn’t take Downton’s lesson into consideration, and hurriedly unbuttoned his pants. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I simply ripped.

“Ma Lei, you asked for it!”

Downton cursed and broke Nicole’s legs, stiffening his waist as if a knight was charging, and entered her body.

Uh huh!

Nicole’s throat overflowed with a tempting moan, and hugged Downton tightly. The breath she exhaled was more fragrant.

Downton rides on Nicole. It is like a knight running in the wild, galloping and gazing at him.

In the meeting room, two people gasped for a long time without stopping.

With Downton’s status, no one dared to bother to disturb, until the moon was sinking, the emotions retreated, and the hustle and bustle remained quiet.

Downton lay on the floor, frowning.

“Ma Lei. Why didn’t you hold back?”

Downton murmured and gave a subconscious glance.

Nicole ~ naked, lying on the conference table, one leg pulled down. Regardless of the exposure of the mysterious land, the long military boots on her feet were still hanging her underwear.

“She won’t be born in love anymore?”

Looking at Nicole’s blank eyes, Downton was startled, jumped up quickly, and took out a blanket. Draped over her.


Downton apologizes, things will always be resolved.

Nicole’s eyes finally had a focal length, and when he looked at Downton, his expression was returning.

“What do you apologize? Don’t say that she is your demon servant, an imperial princess you don’t know, and you will fall asleep.”

Homer was dissatisfied, “Who dares to choke in your position?”

“That’s not the case!”

Downton was depressed.

“Besides, this is not your fault. It’s obviously the dragon lich. The time is up. At this time, she exhaled the breath, but it is the most tempting urge to love. If other dragon girls, you can resist. , But Nicole is your demon servant, sharing the soul, her feelings will be passed on to you, and you have been transformed into a dragon, and there are dragon genes in your body.”

Homer Cop, “Don’t forget, the dragon’s nature ~ kinky!”

“You said that I would become an indulgent man?”

Downton was startled.

“That’s not enough, but the demand must be more.” Homer sighed, “This year, you have accumulated too much pressure, and Dilan Xue and Sissi are not around, to be honest, if not every day and you Together, I wonder if you are stealing!”

“Steal a feather!”

Downton pouted.

“That’s you, if you change to other big nobles, the maid in the mansion is of good quality, I have played it all over.”

Homer is extremely admired for Downton’s self-esteem.

“I’m not interested!”

Downton pouted at Nicole with his mouth, “What now?”

“Cold salad, she is your demon servant. If you don’t sleep with her, would you give it to other men? Can you accept it?”

Homer despised.

Downton pondered for a moment, glanced at Nicole’s plump figure, reminiscing about the wonderful taste just now, and imagined a scene of a man lying on her body and shrugging…

“No, it’s totally unacceptable!”

Downton shook his head.

“Isn’t this enough?”

Homer teased, “Actually, Nicole has no choice. She can look like other men if you compare with such a good man?”

Homer is right, Nicole’s ~love~ period is up. Because of being a dragon lich, born of a cold-blooded race, this period is not like other dragons once every few years, but several decades apart, but every time it comes , Will be more intense.

Counting the time of imprisonment, Nicole is already an old woman left in the dragon family. After experiencing the imperial blood marriage, she feels that Downton is a good man. He is gentle, kind, iron-blooded, and brave. Coupled with suddenly seeing the plan, if you type it out, you can kill the elf queen and break the army of millions of evil elves.

This record is enough to make himself a famous star in the world, so these reasons add up to Nicole’s dedication.

“Nico is not as dark as you think?” Downton didn’t believe it. “Is this a misunderstanding?”

Not waiting for Homer to respond, Nicole called out first.


Nicole sat up, clutching her head irritably with both hands, then looked at Downton.

“I’m calculating you. What’s wrong?”

Nicole’s strong personality makes her really unable to pretend to be a shy little daughter, so she simply exploded, “In the future, you have to listen to me!”

“Come on!”

Downton refused directly.

“Then one more. The one who wins has the final say!”

After Nicole finished, he rushed to Downton and kissed his lips again until they were both breathless before releasing it. “This taste is really wonderful. I don’t know if it is the same for another man? Or Come together?”

“you dare?”

Hearing this, Downton raised his eyebrows, suddenly angry, and grabbed Nicole. Let her lie on the conference table and whip her hips.


Nicole screamed, but there was a smug smile on her face, and finally the awkward atmosphere was mixed up. The two sentences just made an excuse for Downton deliberately to let him be angry. She also knew that her own capricious. At least hundreds of thousands of indigenous people were killed in vain.

Of course, in the hearts of the Dragon tribe, let alone the indigenous people, human beings are hundreds of thousands dead. None of them have any psychological fluctuations, just like watching a group of ants die.

On the third day, the three troops needed by Downton were assembled, and then they took the airship of Gunflower Air, divided into ten batches, and went to Bavaria.

no way. The warship has a stronger carrying capacity, but all of them deter the enemy on the front line. Downton can’t squeeze out. He can only use this stupid method, but it is many times faster than the ground march.

After the tsunami tactics passed, the mysterious command of the evil **** army, as expected, mad winter offensives were launched on all fronts. For a time, the major theaters of war clashed.

The orcs thought they could take advantage of it, but they did not expect that large swaths of Andistina swarmed out of the ground and began to wreak havoc on the sunset prairie.

It turned out that the Zerg began to lay out thousands of years ago. They built a portal in the extremely northern area of ​​the extremely inaccessible level, and then drilled into the ground. Under the frozen ground of the north, it took a long time to build a The huge underground kingdom.

After the orc’s death squad entered desperately, the underground is now full of complex and intricate worm roads, which can allow the zerg to jump directly over the extinct Great Wall and attack inside 6.

“Impossible, the frozen soil in the north is so cold, how could there be insects living?”

The commanders who received this battle report, the first reaction was unbelief.

But the facts are already in sight.

Only Zerg can complete this miraculous tactic. For thousands of years, they have already evolved to adapt to the ecological signs of extreme cold weather, and the strong fertility also guarantees the continuation of the ethnic group.

Even so, the sixty-eight Zerg tribes that were sent out now have only three remaining. No one knows their pain. On average, every inch of worms excavated, one worm will die. It can be said that this kingdom of the lower earth, It is built on the bodies of countless bugs.

Now, the tactics are successful.

The huge swarm of insects entered the orc kingdom continuously through the underground tunnels, destroying it arbitrarily. Ranieri will naturally not miss this good opportunity~www.mtlnovel.com~Let the demon army attack the whole line and attack the orcs.

Although Rosicky wanted to sit on the hill and watch the tigers fight, once the orc was defeated, the Northern Alliance would face the Zerg army, so he had to storm the demon’s Kuye line and try to drag the battlefield on the orc’s territory.

“Xitou is coming to an end.”

Many people, out of pessimistic wailing, have been relatively safe war zones in the north through the existence of the Great Wall and the frozen ground in the north, but now they are directly broken through.

You have to know that for many years, the Western-Turkish Allied Forces have been operating the South Line with all kinds of defensive facilities, and the defense is solid. Once the Evil Army changes its strategic center of gravity, it will go south from the north to attack…

“That was the first time the orcs were finished.”

“It’s Downton’s turn later.”

“Yeah, as the speaker of the North ~Covenant, if the North falls, how can he die?”

Some people talked coldly, some people broke the jar, in short, the big 6 battle situation, the wind and rain suddenly shook. (To be continued.)

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