Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1565 - The death of the king

“Maldini, come in!”

Downton’s words were not down, and the mayor of the proud spring was like a loyal dog, and quickly entered the door. ?????????

“What’s your command?”

Maldini laughed.


Downton grabbed the ink bottle, raised his hand and hit it on the mayor’s nose, bursting into a blossoming face, and ink and nosebleed ran down.

Maldini was beaten, knowing that he was flattering on the horse’s lap, but he didn’t dare to have a dissatisfied expression.

“Take care of me and do these little things. After two days, I can’t see the completion of the army. I will hang you and hang under the street lamp!”

Downton shouted, “Go!”

All the people in the room withdrew with sweat.

In charge of the millions of troops, the destruction of the giants, the slaying of the royal family, and the innumerable **** storms, the life contaminated by Downton’s hands is beyond count. Under the tempering of this iron and blood, a temperament called a tyrant, in Fast development.

Two days later, the Roman legion was assembled and headed towards Milan.

“I will take the Light Cavalry Regiment to the front with the fastest speed, you don’t have to worry.”

Downton stroked Sissy’s head and whispered comfort.

“Must come back, father, please.”

Sissi hugged Downton hard, and she wanted to go too, but when Rome first decided, there must be a big man sitting in the town, and then there was no chaos, then it was all over.

“Well, wait for me to triumph!”

After the hug, Downton turned his horse and ran for a ride, never looked back.

The guards followed suit.

Sissi held her mouth tightly, not letting her cry, but she was just worried. In life, the two closest men set foot on the battlefield. How can she feel at ease?

On the Corsican plain, the cold wind roared like a wolf howling.

Downton led the 50,000 Qingqi advance, both day and night. But after all, it was a step slower. In Bonia, he encountered the first wave of defeats.

“Failed, the city is broken. Your majesty is dead!”

Thousands of people were arrested, completely collapsed, shouting this sentence that was enough to shock Shi Potian.

“Disrupt the army’s heart and hang him!” Downton growled. “The whole army advances!”

“Downton. You calm down, take care of the big picture!”

Homer reminded.

More and more soldiers are ruined, like rabbits chased by wolves and running desperately on the plains. The spirit of these people has been destroyed, even if they are collected, they are also a group of waste.

At dusk, Downton received the latest battle report.

The governor of Milan took advantage of his greed and was beheaded by the shadow of Lorraine. Half a million elites were killed and injured, and then Milan City was besieged.

The shadow of Lorraine poured a lot of demon potions into the groundwater source, causing the citizens and soldiers in the city to demonize directly after drinking. These irrational monsters began to kill and slaughter other lives. Under the internal and external troubles, the city of Milan broke.

This is still a subordinate in the history of Lombardy. It is a huge shame. Similian II consciously had no face to see the previous kings. So after the break, fight for time for the remaining people to escape.

In the end, II and King of Milan are co-owners!


Downton stunned the battle report with a terrible face. There was blood from the corners of the mouth.

“Don’t be angry, hurry up and think that the follow-up plan is the right way, otherwise Lorraine will come over.”

Homer urged.

“Subpoena, go to Modena, and let the Roman legions gather in Montiere, Piacenza, Verona. Build defense!”

Fortunately, Downton considered this issue earlier, so he can now handle it with ease.

The war situation has changed suddenly.

Downton wanted to fly back to Rome to comfort Cici, but he couldn’t, he is now Lombardi’s only pillar and hope.

The death of King Similian was the biggest defeat suffered by the Western Turkish camp since the jihad and the highest commander in battle.

All the major theaters that received this news lost their voices and felt the great despair.

The fall of Milan City also marked that most of Lombardi’s territory was occupied by the Evil God Army. You know, this is the logistics and military base of the Western Turkic camp.

Well, even if the major theaters are self-sufficient and the eastern theater loses its ground, it also means that the southern and northern theaters must adjust their military deployments, and the defense fronts need to be longer and longer.

The eastern theater of war has never been occupied, and this has prevented neighboring countries from building defensive facilities, so if you want to block the front of the evil army, you can only fill it with the lives of soldiers.

The only reassuring news may be that Downton has arrived, but some people are pessimistic, saying that Lorraine is a replica of the holy coffin, but his excellent military talent has already been in the war of breaking the city of Milan, Fully presented.

Another concern is that in the battle to annihilate the Milan Legion, Lorraine used the Mechanical Golem Legion, which was extremely effective.

Many people have not forgotten that this arms concept was first proposed by Downton, and it shines in the heroic realm of Great Britain.

“Defeated by the arms of the son-in-law, I don’t know if II was finally relieved or depressed?”

Everyone has a different mind, but the Eastern Front has suddenly become the most eye-catching battlefield. Changing any general will take advantage of the victory and expand the results. So there must be something between Downton and the Shadow of the Saint Contest.

The current military strength is that Downton owns the Roman legion, which is the trump card, with a strength of up to 600,000, and various miscellaneous cards, plus the integration of defeated soldiers, you can make 1.2 million, but these soldiers are all arranged in A long line of defense.

The shadow of Lorraine, referred to simply as the commander of Luoying, is under the command of the Zhenxi Demon, that is, the Xitu people who believe in the evil **** after being eroded by evil energy.

These people are characterized by purple pupils and natural evil patterns on their bodies, and their combat effectiveness is much higher than that of ordinary humans. As for the combat methods, there is not much difference.

Luo Ying has a total of six large regiments, a total of three million soldiers, and the miscellaneous cards of auxiliary and reserve are not counted.

Almost no one is optimistic about Downton. Lombardi is a great plain, otherwise it will not become a grain-producing area, but at the same time, this terrain is also very suitable for large-scale regiments to fight, and it can perfectly wield its strength advantages.

Standing on the city wall of Modena, Downton took a telescope and watched the plains. The scouts of the two sides scrambled, and behind him was a general.

“The Green Sun Army is advancing so fast!”

Some generals sighed that this was Luo Ying’s vanguard corps, with cavalry as the main force, as high as 300,000, and rushed up like a torrent.

Soon, Shuaiqi appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Without confrontation and barrage, half an hour later, the cavalry began to divide into several waves, bypassing Modena, and attacking all around.

“Damn, these guys are too arrogant.”

The generals were anxious. If the Modena and Roman regiments attacked the cavalry, they could crush them, but the current situation is that the enemy wants to cut off Modena’s reinforcements, and then wait for the arrival of the army and launch a siege on them.

“There is no way. The strength of Zhenximo is too great. Your Highness, I suggest that we immediately retreat and use the Roman city as the core to build a defensive line against the army of evil spirits.”

A veteran general with a heavy voice spoke, and many people nodded. They were not afraid of death, but stayed here and would be broken by each. It would be better to concentrate their limited strength.

“What about those citizens?”

Some soft-hearted generals questioned that with the Green Sun cavalry, those civilians had only one dead path. If they were protected, they would fall into a struggle, if they were caught up by the enemy army again…

The group returned to the command room anxiously.

“What do you think, please tell me?”

Downton asked the staff to hang up the map, and according to the scout report, put out the current location map of the big army.

After the initial rustiness, the generals began to express their own opinions. These **** noble generals originally thought to give their lives to the country and the people.

Downton was pleased that these nobles had not forgotten their glory.


Downton applauded, “Next, I will arrange your appointment, General Adelaide, you are stationed in Modena, no matter what happens, the city is in the city, the city is dead, without my order, it is not allowed to take a step back, otherwise , I will punish your Nine Clan!”


Adelaide salutes, with a tenacious look and a strong ambition. This is a middle-aged man with a depression, and his ability is beyond doubt.

Through the eyes of Odin and the information held by Sissi, Downton already had a detailed understanding of these generals, otherwise he would not be able to pick the right person and place heavy responsibilities.

“Villati, Paro, Mota, I want you to lead your army out of the city, distributed in these places, not to annihilate the enemy, but to be as slow as possible, attack the enemy, and slow down their pace!”

Downton uses a pointer to click on the map, there will be a staff tag.

The generals listened attentively. This is the strategy of the first star in the north. Compared with those stubborn old people, these young and middle-aged people will worship Downton more at that time.

“If you don’t understand anything, ask now!”

Downton’s voice was clear.

“Your Highness, I basically understand your tactical thinking, that is, to use different cards to differentiate and delay the enemy, and then concentrate the superior forces~www.mtlnovel.com~ to defeat the enemy forces.”

Adelaide really expected, “But where is your main force? If you can’t defeat the enemy, then this tactic can’t be done.”

The other generals also nodded frequently. They knew that the men and women brought by Downton, a dark ranger cavalry regiment of three thousand people, a goblin regiment of hundreds of people and a barbarian regiment of 1,000 people, the rest was ten thousand. Zun’s mechanical golem.

Downton had just sent Modena’s corps to the deployment just now, apparently relying on the Dranke Legion to break the enemy.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness of the Golem, the number of other arms is too small, to know that the enemies faced by Downton will be at least 30,000 or 40,000.

If Downton brought the undead hatred of the Corps, everyone still has some confidence, after all, it is his most famous arm now.


Downton’s expression was as cold as a thousand years of ice, almost freezing everything. “Don’t Luo Ying take out the mechanical golem? I will let her know who is the ancestor of the mechanized army!” (To be continued.) xh:.218.2o4.13

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