Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1568 - Ritual hot air

“How did Downton win?”

The officers in the major theaters didn’t understand it, because without detailed information, they could only speculate on the basis of the battle situation that it was clearly a green-day offensive across the board. Downton had to make a roundabout turn. Why suddenly defeated?

No one can figure it out, even inside the Evil God Army, it is believed that Kurtu is too incapable of defeat, but this guy can become the supreme commander of Green Day, there must be a few brushes. `

There was no celebration feast, because the ceremonial hot air corps appeared on the front line. This is one of the six major corps of Luo Ying and is famous for the raging attack.

This corps is composed of evil orcs, and they are all main races such as tauren, violent bear, and centaur. Their combat effectiveness can be seen.

Supreme Commander Gu Piao is a Lion Lion, but besides Kong Wu’s powerful, his head is also very good, he learned the lessons of Kurtu, no longer go all the way together, but divided into three roads, see the city to attack the city, see people kill.

In this way, although it will cause too many troops to accumulate in a war zone, resulting in excess combat power, it will not be broken by each.


Looking at the enemy’s situation, Downton knew that his own defensive tactics needed to be changed.

The warm sun in the winter shines on the Corsican plains, and there is a peaceful atmosphere, but the banner that spreads in the wind has smeared it with a layer of killing breath.

The ritual hot air was attacking Barr.

“General, a corps of about 30,000 people appeared on the right wing!”

Herald report.

“Send a heavy step defense and let the cavalry disperse them.”

The general is not nervous, anyway, the siege does not require a repetition.

Soon, another battle report came.

“It is reported that the opponent did not retreat, launched a shooting with the cavalry, and used a new type of weapon, which caused huge damage to the heavy infantry and is about to collapse.”


The herald was slammed in the face by the general.

“Separate one-third of the archers and suppress them!”

General adjustment.

The battle on the right-wing gradually became fierce. `Drew the attention of the Chinese army, so that the general had to adjust the defense center of gravity.

“Fighting at full strength, half an hour later, I want to see the city broken!”

The general shouted.

In fact. It was already a flood-like attack, but the city walls were so wide that it was impossible to send more soldiers, only to fight on wheels and consume the defenders. ,

suddenly. There was riot in the back of the Chinese army.

“what happened?”

The general exploded.

“The heavy step group was broken up, and the other party went straight to the magician group.” The herald soldier reported, “Downton is the leader!”


Hearing the name, the general stunned and followed with a grinning smile, “Suspend the offensive, allow the cavalry to be dispatched, entangle them, and send infantry to besiege.”

Downton’s head. But the priceless loot, killing him, can cause a huge blow to the morale of the West Turtle camp.

The cavalry dispatched, but caught nothing.

The golem corps is not slow, and the magician corps has always been a key protected unit. He never thought of killing them in the chaotic army. What he had just said was just a feint. After a fake shot, he began to evacuate. .

Downton knew that in his capacity. Ten times the enemy will catch up.

“What? Run away, let the cavalry continue to chase and drive them out of the battlefield!”

The general gritted his teeth and was most annoyed by the doggie tactic of taking a bite when he got the chance. But he hasn’t lost his position yet, knowing that breaking the city is the task.

The offensive of the ritual hot air was even more fierce, and every moment, people died.

After Downton led away the cavalry regiment, another regiment appeared on the left. Raid against the orcs.

“These people are still endless?”

The general swears and divides his troops to drive them away. He must ensure that the Chinese army has no worries.

When the golem retreats, hundreds of people will be separated from time to time and ran up the fork.

“Don’t worry about them, go after Downton!”

Wan Qichang will not be so stupid as to divide his troops to chase those iron bumps, as long as he kills Downton, the greatest military merit will be available. `

In his view, the fewer enemies, the greater the chance of killing Downton.

“What about cavalry? What do you eat?”

When the scattered golems regrouped and harassed the Chinese army again, the general almost exploded in his lungs.

The same tactics led to another legion, and at this time, it had been two hours since Wan Qichang chased Downton.

The cavalry is tired, the horses are more tired, and their degrees have slowed down significantly.

Downton waited for this opportunity, when he arrived in the ambush circle, the counterattack started.

“The whole army turned and attacked!”

The golem recoiled, and the rangers who had been waiting for a long time spread a rain of arrows within seconds.

One side is sleepy and the other side is well-educated, not to mention Downton’s soldiers have higher tactical qualities. The first round completely defeated them.

Rangers chase down, infantry cleans the battlefield, while Golem Legion rests in place, goblin engineers replace the new magic drill power source with the fastest speed, oil, replace worn parts, and perform rough maintenance.

Half an hour later, the golem embarked on a journey.

When dusk fell, the city of Barr remained unbroken, but the general’s regiment had already killed 100,000 soldiers. In the camp, the wounded groaning sounded annoying.

Morale is falling.

Downton did not intend to let these guys sleep well, and they were attacking all night, but there was an early warning of air riding, and he could not send a warship to attack.

The next day, the orcs who had a bad rest put on dark circles.

The siege continued, and the sadness of the generals began to repeat yesterday’s process.

“Ma Lei, the whole army obeyed the order, first get rid of that golem for me!”

This time the general led the team personally to catch up.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. How can the degrees of arms be the same for many arms? Soon, the formation lengthened.

More than 300,000 people walked on the plain, thinking with their knees, and they knew how huge it was.

When he saw that the enemy’s degree had dropped significantly, Downton began to fight back, using the golem’s degree to bypass the general’s main force and attack the flanks.

The general had to reinforce and adjust the center, but when the main armies ran over, Downton ran again and started attacking from the other side.

“Ma Lei, how to fight this battle?”

The general is going crazy. He wanted to use his superior strength to siege the opponent, but he couldn’t get the chance at all.

Although the number of these golems is not large, the fighting power is too scary.

This stalemate. It lasted for a whole day and night. When there were only more than 200,000 soldiers scared by the general, he suddenly realized that he could not defeat Downton Tang, so he went in the direction of Commander Gu Pail.

Downton began to chase after the title. Because he turned to defend, he had more troops.

“If you’re still a man, fight me!”

The general cursed.

Assembly battles can solve opponents once and for all, but casualties will also increase, so Downton ignores it and still uses side dog tactics, consuming orcs.

By the time this guy got under the city of Modena and found the ancient flail, he was already disgraced, and the remaining soldiers were less than one hundred thousand. Morale is falling.

“Waste? What are you doing here?”

Gu Pail was furious, and he didn’t give the general a chance to hang it directly in front of the city gate. The arrival of those defeated soldiers would pass the uneasy emotions to other soldiers, which would affect morale.

The 600,000 Roman legionaries arrived, and Downton finally had the same strength as the opponent, so he opened up and fought against the ritual hot air.

Gu Yao, who is good at attacking, has no reason to refuse. Then challenged.

The Roman Legion is worthy of being one of Lombardi’s strongest trump cards. The soldiers are excellent, the officers are outstanding, and they are led by Downton. Directly disabling the ritual hot air.

Gu Yao also had the ethics of the soldiers. After defeating the regiment, he did not escape, but committed suicide.

“Won again?”

The major war zones that received the battle report were in an uproar, and then no one doubted Downton’s military talent.

of course. Others say that the Roman legions were already powerful, and Downton was exposed to their light, but many people knew that this was fart.

Downton’s victory was not a fluke.

This is the home battle, Downton has the geographical advantage, the time is equal, as for the peace, the Roman Legion defends the homeland, especially after Downton’s victory, the morale is booming, and looking at the Orc Legion, one-fifth of the Corps is Downton is not the most pinnacle situation.

Various factors combined to create this victory, but the pleasant time is short, because the army of Luo Ying finally came up.

That kind of millions of legions is like a tsunami, and it is ruined.

The real moment to test Downton comes.

Everyone believes that after Heinrich, this man who has become the star of hope and the savior of Lombardy will definitely have a big attack with Luo Ying. After all, since his debut, Downton has not suffered a defeat. In the minds of young people, there will inevitably be arrogance and explosive confidence.

Furthermore, Downton is also a flag of the Western Territory camp. If it retreats, it will also cause a huge damage to morale.

The fact is also what everyone expected, Downton opened the posture, personally stationed in Montiere, shouting the slogan of unstoppable fighting, but the reality is cruel.

In the defense circles of cities such as Piacenza and Verona, under the strong attack of the Luoying Army, they began to retreat.

The soldiers did not work hard, but the enemy was too strong.

The intelligence received by the major theaters of war is also a defeat and retreat, and for a few days, there has been no good news, which has made their attitudes more and more pessimistic~www.mtlnovel.com~ began to adjust the center of gravity of the defense, once The Eastern Front was broken, how to deal with it.

The commander of Zhenxi Demon, Luo Ying stared at the map, her face confused, she had maintained this posture for several hours.

“Why is this happening?”

Luo Ying murmured, and the battle reports of the last three days were piled up at his desk. The casualties began to increase, and most of them were killed in the pursuit.

“Commander, you think about it, this is the killing caused by the dying struggle of those enemies, it is normal.”

“Yes, in this kind of war of annihilation, almost all the prisoners will be killed, so they fight hard to resist, completely understandable.”

“The battle situation is ideal. In addition to Montier, which Dunton insists on, we are advancing across the board. The fastest one has already arrived in Turin. As long as you take it, the gateway to Rome will open!”

The generals smiled and discussed the situation. They had no reason to be unhappy because they won Lombardi and were just around the corner. (To be continued.)

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