He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 104: Arc 3: Prologue: Vague Glance

After Xiao Yun woke up from her sleep, she thanked God that the next day after she was kidnapped was a weekend. Or else, she would definitely be late beyond help at the moment. 

The clock hand had passed 12 when she woke up. Although she didn't feel it yesterday, she is very tired from all the work that she did. 

Xiao Yun stretched her back. She could feel half of her burdens lightened. Although someone once said that "there is nothing good from revenge", she clearly felt better after seeing Qu Mei Xing's face yesterday.

Xiao Yun silently sat at her bed as she pondered. Sinking to her thought, she had lost the track of the timeline for her life. 

She didn't expect Qu Mei Xing and Qu Zu Hen to go so far as to do an assassination attempt. It all started because of a small change that she did, but who knows what would happen in the future?

Now that her future jumped into an unknown ending, she has to build her own defense and offense for the future.

Xiao Yun braided her hair subconsciously.

She had seen Tian Yi's and Hi Gu Yan's ability and marked their level of loyalty and found a place to put her trust in. Turning Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan is surely not a bad offer for her to sign on. 

Her next thing to do is her works- her company that she would flourish.

"Azure" an excellent company with a b*stard as their head designer. Her main idea is to use the head designer, Zhu Yi Nian and suck him dry before casting him aside. How should she proceed with this one...?

Xiao Yun ribbed her chin and further created a plan. "Chuan Huan Jing the real designer is best friend with Zhu Yi Nian... I'm not sure whether he would believe me... No... No normal person would suddenly believe a word from a stranger, right? So... I need to stretch his trust further away from Zhu Yi Nian." Xiao Yun muttered silently.

"Also," Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes. "SLP Food Company... Next Friday, Li Lei would face off with them and receive evidence of the head finance's wrongdoing... I don't really care about the head finance but...Zi Gong, the head accountant, he seemed to be a person with a good foundation-"

The corner of Xiao Yun's lips raised with a bright plan passing through her mind. Should she take a bet and see how it will turn out?

If Xiao Yun wanted to do this, then... She needed to ask Wang Li Lei for his permission. 

After all, a good wife should follow her husband, right?

Xiao Yun giggled and continue her train of thought. 

Although she still has plenty of people for her revenge to completely end, Xiao Yun could group up her enemies in two categories; her side and Wang Li Lei's side.

On her own side, she has Qu Mei Xing and Choi Yeon Jun's company and On Wang Li Lei's side, he has a woman who has an intense feeling for Wang Li Lei that her identity still remained a blank to Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei's family.

Wang Li Lei's family... 'In the past, grandfather Wang and grandmother Wang really despised me a lot... they even called me a witch for being able to seduce Li Lei...It's not like I can't blame them, in the past, my personality was quite twisted...Although I haven't changed that much though...'

Speaking about Wang Li Lei's grandparents... Xiao Yun's mind seemed to warn her about something very important that she forgot...

"AH!" Xiao Yun ruffled to the small shelves next to her bed and unlocked her phone to look at the calendar. "That's right!! A month after this is Li Lei's grandparent's marriage anniversary!!!"

Yes, how could she possibly forget this?

It's the day when everyone from Wang Family specially gathered to celebrate Wang Yong Yi and Wang Yan Zhi's marriage anniversary and the day when she was insulted by Wang Li Lei's cousin who worked together with the woman who had a deep feeling for Wang Li Lei.

Thinking about the woman who likes Wang Li Lei, Xiao Yun's clenched her fist subconsciously.

She needed to be very careful about this event... 

Xiao Yun gave a tired face. Washing off vixens is truly a troublesome thing...

While she was pondering, a shadow loomed from behind her. Xiao Yun's sharp senses took a slight glance at the shadow and reached out her hand to capture the hands of the person who was about to touch her. 

Although Xiao Yun only knew some defensive moves from her past lives, if someone repeatedly did the same movements for years, her body had grown accustomed to it and reflexively slam Yu Xing Fu's shoulder down to the floor harshly.

"Awww!" Yu Xing Fu wailed in pain. He only wanted to cheer his little sister up after the kidnapping incident that happened yesterday and yet now he nearly kissed the floor from the sudden martial art movement that Xiao Yun's performed. 

"Ah!" Xiao Yun's hands quickly released Xing Fu's hand and shoulder. She raised her hand up in the air for a moment before hiding it behind her back with an apologetic face. "Hehehe..."

Xing Fu slowly stood from the floor while massaging his shoulder. "You, where do you learn such a gree-"

"What happen Ge-Ge?" Xiao Yun deliberately cut his word to divert the scene that happened.

Yu Xing Fu scrunched his brow and opened his mouth before closing it along with his initial question. "Mom told me to check if you have woken up or not, she said if you have woke up, she had cook lunch for you..."

"Really?" Xiao Yun could feel her stomach growling and without any thought ran down to the kitchen. Even though planning is important, food is even more important!

Yu Xing Fu raised his hand mid-way and stared at Xiao Yun who ran from the room with a confused face. 

Since when did Xiao Yun become that strong? 

As expected, he really held great respect toward Wang Li Lei who could withstand his little sister...


Xiao Yun's eyes sparkled with the sight of the delicious dishes in front of her face and quickly pray before taking her chopstick to eat. As she ate like someone who had been starving for days, her mom was sneakily glancing at her with a somehow sharp stare. 

Unable to hold any longer, Xiao Yun asked Yu Yang Lu with complex eyes. "Mom, did I do something wrong?"

Her only thought for her mother to star at her this passionately would only be one thing. Perhaps she did something...? Or did she ate something she wasn't supposed to...?

This morning when she woke up, she could not remember anything other than sleeping while being carried in a princess style by Wang Li Lei. 

Thinking back, she also kissed Wang Li Lei's cheek boldly yet after that sunk into an embarrassment. 

Although she was supposed to be older now after her past life...Why does she always act like a high-school girl in front of him?

Well in a sense, she is a high school girl and the memories she had in her past life seemed more like truth and future that could happen if she stayed on her straying path like her past life.

"Yun-er...What do you think about moving out?" Yu Yang Lu asked in a somewhat ambiguous tone. She couldn't speak straightly and asked Xiao Yun about her future move with Wang Li Lei and thought that it would've been better if Wang Li Lei told her own his own. 

"Huh...? Moving out? We are going to move house?" Yu Xiao Yun could not decipher her mother's words and slanted her head. 

Yu Yang Lu wrinkled her lower lips and shrugged her shoulder. "No well...Forget it, I'm only asking your opinion, leave it be. Anyway, after what happened yesterday are you sure you are alright? Li Lei wanted to call a doctor but he said you refused."

Xiao Yun lifted her brow and pulled a light muscle on top of her lips. "Mn, I didn't get hit or anything- So don't worry. Instead, calling a doctor for such a small reason would make it seem like a big problem." Xiao Yun answered wisely. 

Although Yu Yang Lu is happy that her daughter gradually grew mature, she had a worried look all over her face. 

A highschool girl like her daughter should be more open and spoiled at her age. Yu Yang Lu worried that her daughter would keep everything to herself like Wang Li Lei...


Xiao Yun's phone across the table vibrated. She put down her chopstick and read the message before smiling with love-struck eyes. 

There is only one person who could make her daughter's face lit up so brightly by only a single message. "Is that Xiao-Lei?" Yu Yang Lu questioned. 

"Mn." Xiao Yun answered.

Yu Yang Lu's lips softened as she saw the warmth on her daughter's eyes. It seemed even if she didn't act spoiled to them, she still has someone else she could act spoiled to as she like. 

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