He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 107: Played a Big Role

[Watermelons seeds: Yes, yes, yes! I heard that I am also in the angel's class, but she said that Xue Xiu Yong called her that only because of a penalty game? So what's wrong?]

[Sky divided into three: UwU... Our Queenie... Have your work tired you up? /sarcastic/]

[Gossips Queniee: How can all of you be so naive?! I was there to see the scene that day and I saw clearly how red our angel's ears were! She was flushed all the way to her ears, it was clearly seen how happy she was!]

[Thinking twice: So...? What does our highness mean?]

[Hun hun Eggs: Does that mean our angel has an unrequited love to our hottest hunk?]


[Sky divided into three: Calm down...Seeing our angel, I also don't think that she would fall for our hottest hunk, though... I guess she is far more fitted with our charming prince...]

[Gossips Queenie: I do not know who you ship them with~ however, our hottest hunk, every day, he always tailed our angel, doesn't that prove that he have a feeling for our angel too? I'm guessing that they are going out with each other... Hehehe *Rolling eyes*]

Xiao Yun could feel her head split into two from the huge misunderstanding and took a sit on her bed while covering her forehead.

Her fingers could not pull another muscle to scroll down the rest of the chats that were fighting for shipping her with either Xue Xiu Yong or Zhuang Han Wu.

What did she do to deserve this...?

Invisible stars twinkled to her eyes. The "Cinderella" that they had been covering and suspecting the whole time is undoubtedly no other than herself...

The water bottle, hyperventilation, missing mysteriously... Didn't this prove everything that she did to help Zhuang Han Wu? 

And what did he mean by having something that other female students don't have? I'm the person in question but could not understand what you meant?!

Xiao Yun mustered a power through her bugged memories to squeeze some image of the boy that she helped. 

He should have been someone very handsome to be able to leave a memory of his face... But she couldn't see his face too because of how tiring and taxing to walk in the middle of the seas of girls at that time. 

The headache didn't come alone... Zhuang Han Wu's problem of love at first sight, cinderella, and Xue Xiu Yong... 

She had thought that she cleverly dodge the incoming attack that day... when Xue Xiu Yong called her "darling", so how could these Gossips women said that her cheeks flushed when Xue Xiu Yong called her "darling"?!!!

In fact, that day she really wanted to vomit with blood!

The eyes of these people must be damaged, they really should go to a better ophthalmologist!!

Clearly, just by reading the heated chat group, Zhuang Han Wu irrefutably has hardcore and brain-dead fans like Xue Xiu Yong have... If the identity of the "Cinderella" is revealed, not only Xue Xiu Yong's fans would chase her but also Zhuang Han Wu's fans. 

Even if Xiao Yun went to hellfire, these jealous fans with thick vinegar reeking fragrance will definitely chase her. 

Xiao Yun closed off her phone, now she could understand why Nie An messaged her. It must've been because of that foolish horny dog who made a large misunderstanding upon her. 

She tapped her phone and chatted with Nie An for a moment and another message came into her phone. 

Seeing the ID's of the person who sent the message, a gentle ripple like the Spring's flower hovered through her eyes. 

[King Li Lei: I arrived, are you ready?]

Xiao Yun stood up from her bed and straightened the ends of her skirt before walking down from the second floor to Wang Li Lei in a light dash. 

Wang Li Lei sensed the presence of the girl nearby opened the car and waited for her to fully arrive. 

In his black suit that looked even more formal than the other days, for the first time, Wang Li Lei let down his bang that curled to the side, making his usually stern face even younger than his real age. 

His casual look embellished his sharp features and brought his pale complexion to life. If Wang Li Lei stood silently in the middle of a museum, someone would definitely think of him as a sumptuous rare sculpture of a perfect human. 

After composing herself with great difficulty after losing her breath from the exquisite view, Xiao Yun waved her hand and strolled off to her beloved. "Li Lei!!" Her bright voice arrived before her body. 

Wang Li Lei's wintry eyes narrowed slightly. "Xiao Yun, are you done?"

"Mn! Perfect! How do I look?" Xiao Yun twirled, her short fluffy dressed mildly swung along with the wind.

Like an image of a pure Lilly embroidered at the ends of her dress, her pure smile merged exquisitely with her look for the night. 

Of course, it took less than 0 seconds for Wang Li Lei to answer her question. However, for a moment Wang Li Lei who froze draw in a breath that he lost and pulled the corner of his lips soothingly.


Wang Li Lei's tone lingered deep to Xiao Yun's heart. She walked off next to him with her rosy cheeks gradually glowing bright red. 

Wang Li Lei looked at her fair shoulder and frowned slightly. Cueing Jang Hyun with a hand gesture, Jang Hyun like a breeze of wind followed Wang Li Lei's order and brought back a splendid, fluffy white scarf fur.

Wang Li Lei took it and placed it gently on her shoulder. "It's cold, don't catch a cold." He spoke as if he was making an excuse to hide Xiao Yun's fair shoulder from the jittery eyes of pestful men that would stare at his fiancee's shoulder. 

"Ah~~~!!!! This vinegar loving Demon Lord! What's wrong with it? I bet you guessed she would wear something like this and bought it before this... Well, what would you expect from Vinegar lord? " Andy's voice was boisterously sonant from behind Wang Li Lei. 

Uncaringly, in a sulking voice, Andy berated his friend and strip off his cool figure by calling him the demon lord of jealousy. 

Judging by the note of Andy's words, it seemed he was angry for some reason.

Xiao Yun didn't expect his sudden arrival and peeked behind Wang Li Lei's tall figure. "Andy?" 

Andy leaned on the opposite side of the car and propped his upper body on the roof of the car. "Xiao Yun! Hey!!!" Andy stepped and skipped steps in a hurry and block off Wang Li Lei. 

His yellow hair swept to the back blown over by wind like a strand of silk gold thread. He leered up and down before spinning around Xiao Yun in half a circle. 

Suddenly a solid hand seized Andy's shoulder followed by a demanding surly voice. "What can our little miss help you, sir?" 

Unlike Hi Gu Yan still form a courteous form of speech, his rough-looking face and voice were enough to make someone scare all its wits. 

The same goes to the peace-loving Andy whose hand reflexively held Xiao Yun's shoulder and shove her in front of Hi Gu Yan. 

"W-Who are you?!"  Andy demandingly spoke. 

Xiao Yun gave a dry touch of laughter, it's rare to see Andy being scared of someone since he could normally speak with one of the most frightening people to speak with (Wang Li Lei).

Andy's hand reached out to his hand and seemed to be holding a self-defense weapon. 

Xiao Yun slightly shrugged her shoulder reminding Andy's clingy hand that held her shoulder in surprise. 

Wang Li Lei's wintry aura sharply pricked Andy's back, making all the hair on his back stand in shivers. 

He glared to the back with a frowned. "Stop it! Vinegar King!!! Geez! She's like a sister to me! Stop your futile swamp of vinegar! I understand!" Andy retracted his unseeing hand and wrinkled his lips. 

In his eyes, Xiao Yun is nothing more than a dear little sister since he was only an only child. But Wang Li Lei the renowned vinegar demon lord still hold many suspicions to him.

"It's fine, Hi Gu Yan, this is my childhood friend Andy."  Xiao Yun meditated the tense climate. 

Hi Gu Yan slanted his face, glanced Andy up and down skeptically before giving a faint bow. "I'm very sorry for being rude to you, Mr. Andy. Please forgive my impudence."

Meeting the opposite behavior than what he expected from Hi Gu Yan, Andy's simple mind bowed slightly and muttered to Xiao Yun. "Who is he...? And the one behind him? They are even taller than me..."

Xiao Yun was feeling grateful that he somewhat played a big role two days ago when she was kidnapped by giving her the compact baton and introduced patiently. "The one with the wide scar on his forehead is Hi Gu Yan and the other one behind him is Tian Yi, my bodyguards."

  1. *Cough* Vinegar = jealousy *Cough* Found a perfect nickname...

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