He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 340: The Poor Cousin-I

"I'm here. If you ever feel loss, I will be by your side." he said, holding her hand tight to make her feel safe and help her to bring herself from what she had seen. She pulled her smile softly her head leaned on his shoulders.

"I know because of you I feel brave, thank you." he nestled her head and he saw how her pink lips moved up to kiss him.

"Mrs. Sophia was always a woman who was gentle. I remember that there were times where we, I mean Xing Fu and me come to Andy's house and she would often bring us apple pies she said to be a recipe from her home." she played with his fingers, her eyes looking down at his long fingers and he let her leaned on his chest, taking her time to speak as her words come out muffled with her face buried there. "I never noticed anything more than I thought. That all the time Mrs. Sophia was hiding her mental pain and that Andy had to suffered in pain. I thought they were a happy family of three."

"Some times what we have seen had been made perfectly by the other person. You don't know what you seen is the truth or something that had been fabricated." stated Wang Li Lei, holding her to his arm as they both sat on the bed.

"Perhaps because I was small at that time and I don't remember well if I sees any bruises on him when he was a child but Andy, he wasn't clumsy." she whispered, remembering his pain he had went through her heart ache. "Mrs. Sophia was the one who had inflicted the wounds on him. He had to bear with it for I don't know how long. Then, I saw Mrs. Sophia almost killed him by smothering him in water. He was only ten when it happened. I guess like what you said, their relationship wasn't as perfect as I thought. They were all hiding their pain and Andy too." a single tears found its way back to her eyes, loosely falling down to her chin which then fall to the quilt that covered her legs.

Wang Li Lei raises his face, lifting her chin he wiped away the tears with his thumb. She saw how gentle the expression he had on his handsome face when he did that and felt happy that he was there by her side the entire time she had went through the nightmarish memory of the past.

"Where was Mr. Cheng when it happens?" the father should have been by the child's side to protect him from his mother's abuse but seeing it, he guessed that the abuse had went for a longer time. He saw her head shakes left and right.

"I have only seen him protecting Andy one time, when he almost died in the water." But when the rest of the wounds happened to Andy, Mr. Cheng who was also a doctor should have known it wasn't injuries that happened due to a child's clumsiness.

He didn't let her go from his embrace and she hear him speaks, "He must have thought to solve Mrs. Sophia's mental pain slowly in the house."

"However for Andy to continue to go through such a thing is... to cruel."

"I also think the same. No matter what Mr. Cheng had in mind at that time, he must have been shaken too but nevertheless I don't agree with his judgement." He hugged her waist bringing her face close for their forehead to touch. "You don't have to worry about the past, Xiao Yun and don't blame yourself. You doesn't notice his pain but it doesn't make you as someone who had turned a blind eye to the abuse Andy went through. I'm sure he too felt that same."

Wang Li Lei may have been a jealousy person. He hates talking about any men when they were alone but it didn't mean he wouldn't comfort her who was suffering now. He could only imagine the pain it had by seeing the abuse happen in front of her. It was not something Xiao Yun should have seen and it was also something Andy shouldn't have experienced. He also knows the siblings bond between them that they had. Like how Andy have thought of Xiao Yun as his own little sister though Xiao Yun never admitted in front of him, he also think of him as his own older brother. And to see him suffering made her feel the pain too.

"I didn't only see that." she pulled herself away from his hug and looked at him, "I saw that Choi Yeon Jun, he claimed to be Andy's little brother. He was also Mrs. Hernely's son."

Wang Li Lei who wasn't expecting the news, had a surprised gaze. "They were brothers?"

She nodded, she saw Wang Li Lei mulling over the new fact coming toward them like a surge of waves.

Xiao Yun spoke, "At first I thought the reason why they have worked together for revenge to Mrs. Sophia. But when I watched the memories, Andy never hold a grudge against Mrs. Sophia. I was just close to see what made him agree to work with Choi Yeon Jun but then I suddenly woke up." There was also the memory of his brother and Andy conversing also Andy's death but Xiao Yun thought this was more important to speak before it all.

"I know you want to know everything now but don't be too in a rush we still have time before the gem power stopped." he then saw how her eyes closed and opened for her black eyes to glimmered at him. "You must have felt scared. I wish I was there with you." there was a regret she could tell from his words.

"I was, a little more scared than I thought but now I don't feel scared anymore. When I think you are there when I wake up, I feel like I could go through everything." which she did. "Thank you for staying with me and comforting me."

"I wished to do more but it was all I could do." he kissed her lips, cooing her the kiss they had that night on the bed was different. It was calm and soothing which made her heart elevated with the gentleness he held her with.

"You did more than anyone could ever do." she replied back a wide smile over her lips.

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