He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 70: Without Any Fear!!!

"Excuse me", Xiao Yun called the female receptionists politely in a low toned voice to hide her real voice.

Taken in by Xiao Yun's handsome face, the other two female receptionists who were younger, stared dazedly at Xiao Yun's face, thinking how God must have spent more time in making such a beautiful young man.

The eldest lady in the bunch clicked her tongue faintly after seeing their unprofessional expression and answered politely. "Yes, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yun was a bit surprised by their polite answer and kind smiles. Unlike the past, it seemed that these ladies didn't glare at her with an annoyed look or answer her with a scoff.

That's good! Does this mean, she evaded the mistake that she made in the past?

Without any other thought, Xiao Yun quickly asked, "Is Li Lei here? I promised to meet him at 3 o'clock today."

Because of the sudden silence in the lobby, Xiao Yun's words could clearly be heard by everyone in the room. 

Everyone stared at her speechlessly. The ladies blinked many times in doubt before slapping their own thigh to confirm what they just heard.

This young man... He just called the big boss's name in a very friendly manner!!!

All this time, there was no one who dared to call Wang Li Lei's name and would usually call him with either "Big boss" or "Mr. Wang" or "CEO Wang".

Calling Wang Li Lei's name was like calling the Demon King's name which was a taboo for them.

This was their first time ever, hearing someone successfully call his name without any fear!!

The ladies almost choked from their own saliva. Wide-eyed, after squeezing a smile out of her still shocked face, the eldest female receptionist repeated her question.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't catch that, could you please repeat one more time?"

Seeing the lady's dark face, Xiao Yun became puzzled. 

Perhaps... Li Lei is very busy right now?

"Li Lei... Is he in his office now? Is he busy? Should I wait?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Ah- No, no, no- um, I mean yes- uh no", the other lady answered unstably.

Uh- Which? Yes? No? Why do I feel a lot of eyes staring at me from behind...? Xiao Yun awkwardly turned her head to confirm her suspicions.

Quickly, the employees removed their passionate stares and moved on with their work.

Perhaps it was only her imagination? Xiao Yun turned her head back after she found no one staring at her.

The eldest receptionist shook her head to clear her thoughts and made a call on the company's phone, enquiring Li Lei's situation.

Even before the lady's call connected, loud shrieks sounded from the entrance of the company. The young female employees, couldn't help but squeal when they saw the familiar silhouette stepping out from the car. 

The other employees and the guards straightened their back as if they were in a military inspection. Even the female receptionists stood up from their seats.

Xiao Yun jolted back in surprise from the people's abrupt transition before turning her face towards the entrance. 

What happened?

But before she could ask, the answer appeared before her eyes…

The familiar upright posture, black hair that looked so soft without any tangle, sharp eyes that accompanied his black hair looked icy, yet for her, it always held deep warmth and affection.

Xiao Yun had just seen him yesterday-

But why did her heart always miss him badly whenever he wasn't around?

Wang Li Lei stepped inside his company with a few strict, stoic looking people behind him. He wore a black Dormeuil Vanquish II black suit that was adorned with a dark blue tie.

Seeing him from afar, Xiao Yun was trying her best to not pounce on her beloved, like a crazy woman...No, in her current state, should she be called a crazy man?!

Wang Li Lei felt a soft presence and his icy heart melted from the unprecedented warmth. Sensing Xiao Yun's presence, he stopped and scanned the lobby for the girl. 

The people behind him also stopped suddenly and look at each other in confusion.

After observing for a while, Li Lei couldn't find Xiao Yun. But instead, his eyes stared instinctively at the young man who stood in front of the receptionist.

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