He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 78: You Could Check!

A few minutes after Wang Li Lei left his office, Xiao Yun eyelashes flutter as it opens. While yawning, Xiao Yun stretches her back and rubs her eyes softly before scanning the vacant room.

Eh...? Where is Li Lei? Did I fall asleep? How long have I been asleep?

Quickly, Xiao Yun took her phone and check at the time on her screen phone.


'It seems I only slept for half an hour. Wait... 8:45? Where's that secretary? I suppose to have a fight with her around 8 o'clock... But she doesn't seem to be here... Perhaps I missed her? Or perhaps this also changed like the butterfly effect?'

Subconsciously, Xiao Yun's slender fingers tap the side of the table in a rhythm. After a few minutes on her thoughts, Xiao Yun took the book that she had not finished reading yet. 'it's better if I go back to study for a while and wait until Li Lei comes back...'

As she took her book, her palm accidentally swiped over the laptop trackpad next to her along with the stack of documents that were placed under her book. 

Xiao Yun jolts from surprise as the laptop screen flickered and showed numbers on the laptop. Seeing the familiar numbers on the laptop that caught her attention, Xiao Yun brood quietly and scan the numbers.

'This is...Finance tables and documents? But the numbers here are too small for Wang Corporation... Hm...? This is for SLP Food company?'

Xiao Yun tapped her fingers silently before moving on to check the sale report of SLP Food Company on the next document. 

"SLP?" Xiao Yun mumbled the name a few times and clap her hand in realization. 

SLP Food Company. One of the few companies that are also under Wang Corporation. Now that she thinks about it, the name of the workers in this company sounded very familiar to her ears. As if she had heard it a few times somewhere. 

The head finance of SLP Food Company is a man in his 40s, Kin Hui Cha and the head accountant of the company, Zi Gong... A greenhorn young man in his 20s. 

She continues to scroll down the numbers and read it. After a while of reading Xiao Yun rubs her chin with a disturbed frown and grumbled. 

"These numbers are too absurd... Although at first sight, it looks normal, everything here is far than right! How can a head finance do such a thing? This is a scam!"

Xiao Yun squinted her eyes and comb through her memories slowly. 

Although in the past Xiao Yun had never familiarized herself with the condition inside Wang Corporation. She did new a few things from her parents and the socialite's gossips. 

Such as the gossips of the people who dared to embezzle Wang Corporation's branch company.

SLP Food Company is also one of the companies that were involved in embezzlement that happened in the past. 

Based on her memories, the head accountant of SLP Food Company, Zi Gong was found out to embezzle SLP Food Company. And after a while of digging Zi Gong's background, it was said that his reason for embezzling was in order to pay his father's hospital debt. 

However, now that she witnessed it by her own two eyes, Zi Gong's report was all on point, diligent and honest. He didn't hide anything or did some lame trick to fool other people's eyes.

Rather than Zi Gong, the main problem of the finance table was the head finance's entry. It was full of clever tricks and holes. 

But that doesn't make Zi  Gong as innocent. Because, judging by the numbers and the way it was hidden, there's no way that Zi Gong doesn't now Kin Hui Cha's deliberate embezzlement. Especially a young intelligent man such as Zi Gong-

This also means that he shut his eyes and hide the truth, or perhaps he was also working together with Kim Hui Cha.

However, in the past, Kim Hui Cha proved himself as innocent while blaming Zi Gong. "Zi Gong reason was to embezzle money for his father's hospital debt...

But does pay a hospital debt needs more than 20 million yuan? 

"Hospital debt..." The word stayed on Xiao Yun's head like an important hint. 

This could only mean one thing. Kim Hui Cha was the reason behind everything. Perhaps in the past, Kim Hui Cha uses some sort of way to blackmail Zi Gong, threatened him and put the blame before appearing innocent.

If that was how it goes, then it explained everything. Including Zi Gong's relenting behavior that seemed almost as if he expected his own ending after he was caught. 

Zi Gong is an intelligent young man with a lot of potentialities. It was a shame that he ended that way in the past.

The first thing that came to her mind after examining the documents was to expose Kim Hui Chan to Wang Li Lei before Kim Hui Cha could throw all the blame toward Zi Gong. 

Xiao Yun took her note and wrote down the numbers on the laptop once again using a different way. As she finished, Xiao Yun also types a few things as a reminder for the future to prove Kin Hui Cha's embezzlement.

As she finished reviewing the documents once again, another document fell from her side and caught her sight. 

Following her keen instinct and hunch, Xiao Yun proceeds to read the other documents on her hand."Azure" The big headline on the stack of paper stood out to her eyes. Pondering like an unmoving statue, Xiao Yun read the document that piques her interest the most.

In the room alone, Xiao Yun mumbles the name of the fashion brand. "Azure...?"

Saying the name out loud, the cogs in her head start to work.

Azure, a famous fashion brand that would go bankrupt in the future.

In the past, this became hot news because of the famous fashion brand suddenly goes bankrupt because their head designer sold his designs to another fashion brand...

According to the gossips, the designs that the head designer sold weren't actually his and that it was his friends who build up the company from scratch, Chuan Huan Jing. But the one who bought the designs is a prominent person who had a high backup.

When Chuan Huan Jing tried to sue them in the court for plagiarism in the end, he lost and people start to suspect him as plagiarism. Out of stress and disappointment, Chuan Huan Jing killed himself a year after the incident... However, 3 years after that, the head designer who stole his designs could not come up with new designs, bringing the truth of him stealing designs to light-

Xiao Yun continues to scan the documents solemnly. 'The foundation of the company is very valuable and full of potential. But the problem is the head designer who would sell their design, Zhu Yi Nian. '

Xiao Yun looked at the other documents along with their stock raises and sales. As she read the document, Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes and mumbles, "But why is this in Li Lei's office?"

"A capital investment proposal they sent to Wang Corporation." Wang Li Lei who had been standing there a few minutes ago answered her question all of a sudden.

Xiao Yun jolts in surprise and looks toward Wang Li Lei with a shocked face. "L-Li Lei... Can you give me a signal... I nearly got a heart attack from surprise." Xiao Yun pats her chest that beats louder than a rumble of thunder.

Wang Li Lei's face turns to worry when he heard 'heart attack' from Xiao Yun and answered before walking toward her. "I've knocked and called your name for a while, but you couldn't hear me because you were too absorbed by the documents. Are you all right? I'm sorry for surprising you. Wait for a bit, I will call a cardiologist to check your heart."

Seeing Wang Li Lei's apologetic face and hand that was about to make a call. Xiao Yun realizes her offhand comment of 'Nearly got a heart attack' that triggers Wang Li Lei to his worried mode.

Since the past, Wang Li Lei would get worried even for a small scratch on her fingers. She remembered once when she got a paper cut and how Wang Li Lei brought a group of prominent doctors only to treat the minuscule wound...

Xiao Yun forehead itch for a facepalm... She forgot just how overprotective Wang Li Lei is!!

"Uh... Li Lei, you don't need to apologize. That's only an offhand comment!! It's not like I will really get a heart attack! Um... In fact, uh...er... you see, my whole family has a very strong heart for generations!!" Xiao Yun put her palm over Wang Li Lei's hand to stop what he was about to do.

Wang Li Lei looks at her with doubt. "Are you sure? Let me call a cardiologist first to make sure." His tone sounded rigid like an unmoving mountain.

Flustered, the circuit in Xiao Yun's head fused from over-working. In flusteration, Xiao Yun subconsciously answered. "Uh-! No, no, no need!! See, I am really alright!! If you don't believe me, you could check!!" Xiao Yun spread her arm wide. 

"I could check...?" Wang Li Lei blinks with doubt while gazing at Xiao Yun's arm. 


Realizing what she had just said, Xiao Yun gulp, stunned by her own words...

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