He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 86: 87: Hundreds Screw Loose!!

Waking up in the early morning, Xiao Yun in her school uniform walk down from her room to the dining room for breakfast. Her steps were like lightning as if she was jumping on a cloud chased by something. 

Because last night she fell asleep late, now she was 20 minutes late from her usual morning. 

Without any second left to waste, Xiao Yun drinks her milk in a hurry and bid her goodbyes with her family. 

"Eh! Xiao Yun! Eat your breakfast first!" Mrs. Yu call Xiao Yun who was still downing on her glass of milk. 

"Mmm!!" Xiao Yun shook her head and gulp down the milk while pointing her finger to the clock. "I'll skip, I-I'm late!! Mom, dad, Ge-Ge, goodbye!!" 

"Wait!! Xiao Yun, you got a package!!" Mrs. Yu pull up a small box from the table and passed it toward Xiao Yun. 

Xiao Yun nodded in a hurry took the box with her without thinking, wipes her mouth, took her bag, hurried her steps and walk out of the house while greeting the servants. Although the distance between the school and her house wasn't that far, today she was very late.

Just as Xiao Yun steps out the gate of her house, a loud racing motorcycle engine resounded from behind her. 

Hearing the loud sound behind her, Xiao Yun turns toward the source of the sound. As she sees the familiar racing motorcycle, black lines filled Xiao Yun's face. While exhaling a long sigh, Xiao Yun slaps her face. 'Ugh... Why Xue Xiu Yong in the early morning?'

Don't usually people back down in fear after knowing who is her fiancee is?

Although Wang Li Lei has never like showing his face, people usually know how fearsome he is by only his name!

Did the effect backfired...?

Instead of making Xue Xiu Yong lose his interest in her, he actually grew more attracted to her? 

In the past, he also chases her and sticks to her like glue because of how freaky she is. However, in the past, Xue Xiu Yong wasn't as determined as this... And the reason as to why Xue Xiu Yong gets closer to Xiao Yun was because of how interesting, weird creature she is and also because she could repel any crazed fans of him. 

Although in the end she was bullied because of the same reason...

Like how beautiful a poisoned flower is far more amusing than a normal gorgeous flower...?

Xiao Yun shook her head, perhaps she had read too much romance manhwa that it starts to affect her thoughts...

Without any other thought, acting as if she didn't notice the identity of the person that rides the motorcycle, Xiao Yun fastens her pace to the school. 

Xue Xiu Yong lifts his brow. 'That girl... After she catches sight of me she blatantly runs...'

A smirk paints his face. Xue Xiu Yong fastens his racing motorcycle toward Xiao Yun and halts her steps. 

No matter how fast Xiao Yun tries to run away, Xue Xiu Yong was much faster than her...

Xue Xiu Yong opens his helmet and leans his chin forward. "Hey, Xiao Yun, you see me before didn't you, why did you run?"

Xiao Yun forces a smile on her irritated face, "Oh... Xue Xiu Yong, what are you doing here?" 

Xue Xiu Yong smiles and replied with a mischievous smile, "Picking you up, beautiful."

'Beautiful...' Xiao Yun nearly chokes from the blood that rises all the way to her throat...

What the hell happened to this man...?

He just suddenly grew bolder out of nowhere!!!

Hundreds of screws in his brain must have been loose!!

On the other hand, Xue Xiu Yong gazes at Xiao Yun's face silently, clutching to his chest that loudly gave pit-a-pat sound. 

'This is how it suppose to be... My heart is beating in the right tone. Not to some unknown young man! I'm straight!! Definitely I'm still straight!!'

Xue Xiu Yong finally exhales in relief, trying to assure himself that he hasn't strayed away from the right path...

Although it was subtle, dark bags form under Xue Xiu Yong's eyes. Since yesterday after he went to the hospital, his brain has been in a stage of chaos, like a person on a brink of death.

But after seeing Xiao Yun's face and feeling the loud hear thumps on his chest, Xue Xiu Yong could not contain his happiness anymore. 

So what if Xiao Yu has a demon lord as her fiancee? It's still far better than a man!!

"I don't need someone to pick me up, thank you for your offer. I could walk on my own." Xiao Yun could not waste any more time to talk with him and refuse his offer briefly. 

Xue Xiu Yong smirks showing off his beast-like canines teeth and rides his motorcycle at a slow pace. "Are you sure?"

Xiao Yun lips twitches, she frowned, "Sure of what?"

"Sure of whether or not getting a ride. You're late you know." Xue Xiu Yong continues. 

"I don't need it! And don't follow me, you're slowing me down! " Xiao Yun quickly retort back. 

Just how persistent he is?!! 

Xue Xiu Yong laughs, "I'm not following you, but the direction we are going to is the same."

Xiao Yun curses in her heart. '"The direction we are going to is the same?", F*** you!! '

"Then go before me! Why are you trailing behind me?"

Xiao Yun was already on edge of lateness. Because of how often she skips school, her absence would surely affect her report card if she is late.

Xue Xiu Yong continues to pretend his deafness and continues to persuade her. "Ah~ Even though with my motorcycle it only takes 3 minutes to arrive."

Xiao Yun's gulp before looking at her watch. [7: 22]. Her school starts at 7:30, the distance between her house and the school takes about 15 minutes... And she only has 8 minutes left...

"Xiao Yun, do you know which teacher is guarding the school gate today?" Xue Xiu Yong asks.

Xiao Yun didn't answer and instead coldly glare at him.

"It's our Literature teacher, Mr. Bai Lu Ci! He is very famous for his strictness and would never tolerate even a second late!!

Xiao Yun's eyes widened as he heard the name of the teacher. In her school, the teachers the morning that guards the gated school and warn the tardy students would shift according to the schedule. And they would minus the student's marks according to which subject they are teaching.

Her literature mark is already on a tense red line... If she loses any more mark than this her she would get an E on her report card! Not to mention, her literature subject teacher, Mr. Bai Lu Ci is a very strict and scary person!!!

Xue Xiu Yong grins happily and took her bag forcefully while shoving another helmet to her hand. "Ride on."

"No, give my bag back." Xiao Yun flatly declined and shove back the helmet. 

Which sane person wants to ride with you?!

Xue Xiu Yong brushes off her words and continued. "You do now that I still haven't deleted that picture, right?"

Xiao Yun glared while cursing Xue Xiu Yong and his future generations-. "You! I went out with you at that time, so isn't that enough?! Delete it! You promised me!" 

"That time it was accompanied by people and then you even fainted!!" Xue Xiu Yong replied curtly.

"So? You didn't say that I couldn't bring anyone with me! And fainting isn't my choice!" Xiao Yun retorted sharply.

Xue Xiu Yong acted deaf and continued to blabber on. "Hm... Ride or not?"

"Tch!" Xiao Yun took the helmet in anger and ride his motorcycle with a sour expression. She quickly regrets not riding the car to school!!

Could she slap the past her 10 minutes before?

However, even if she loses her points or that picture goes viral, Xiao Yun would never ride the motorcycle.

'Don't you know just how much brain dead fans you have?! More than half of the students in the school!!' 

(Brain dead fans, fans that follow their idol's decision, act, or words, without any second thought- ignoring whether it's wrong or right.)

In the past, she was also bullied for being closed to Xue Xiu Yong... How could she be so dumb and ride on knowing what was waiting for her in school?

It wasn't that she couldn't defeat them, but those girls' jealousy is troublesome and too much for her to handle!!

'If it comes to this... There's only one plan left! Knocking Xue Xiu Yong off and destroy his phone!' Just before she was about to land a harsh chop on the back of Xue Xiu Yong's neck, a black car stopped in front of them. 

As the side window of the car slowly descended, an icy aura emitted from the car gust out, giving shivers for the people who were just out in the sunshine.

With a coldness that freezes everything, like a statue of beautifully carved ice. Wang Li Lei swept his cold eyes toward Xue Xiu Yong. 

His eyes were unlike usual.

It was cold and vacant. Too frightening for anyone to see. 

Even Jang Hyun who has been familiarized by the murderous intent on the battlefield still shivers from fear and becomes overly-sensitive with his surroundings the moment Wang Li Lei's aura brushes him. 

He forgot. Just because his master toned down his inner blood-loving beast, he forgot just how intense and cold-hearted Wang Li Lei was.

A man who was well known to never hold a feeling.

Xue Xiu Yong's first instinct warned him to run away, no matter what in order to save himself. 

With the other two out of four people who had started trembling in fear, Xiao Yun's eyes locked brightly on Wang Li Lei without a hint of fear or shivers. 

Coldly without any room for negotiation and voice that was akin to a sharp-dagger, Wang Li Lei called noticed Xiao Yun's warm presence and once again toned down his anger. 

"Xiao Yun, come in." Wang Li Lei said.

"Mn!" Xiao Yun quickly agreed and walked. As she forgot something important, Xiao Yun pulled her bag from Xue Xiu Yong and spread her palm wide. "Give me your phone." Xiao Yun ordered.

"What- N-!" Before he could answer, Wang Li Lei's eyes sharply warned him to end the conversation in a blink, not caring how. 

"Tch." Xue  Xiu Yong clicked his tongue peevishly before opening his phone's gallery and passed it toward Xiao Yun. "Here."

Quickly Xiao Yun deleted every picture on the phone and the backup picture's data before doing some other stuff in order to protect herself from Xue Xiu Yong's threatens. 

Satisfied by her works, Xiao Yun nodded before adding. "You didn't save the picture on your computer or USB or any other saving method, did you?"

Xue Xiu Yong gave a long sigh. "No."- 'I should have done that...'

Based on Xue Xiu Yong's brain's capability, carelessness, and his stupidity, he wouldn't have the idea to even send a copy of the picture somewhere. But that doesn't mean that Xiao Yun would believe his words easily. However, for him to blatantly lie in front of Wang Li Lei in his jealous mode is close to impossible. As lying in his state now would also mean courting death.

"Really? If you have still had one and hid it from me, I would make sure you end up the same as him." Xiao Yun threatens. She really had enough of him now!

"Him?" Xue Xiu Yong asked curiously.

"Who else? Kou Xin Lin." Xiao Yun briefly answered before entering Wang Li Lei's car. 

Without giving a single glance toward the leftover puppy, Wang Li Lei ascend the mirror and ordered Jang Hyun to continue to drive. 

Left by the people speechlessly, Xue Xiu Yong ruffles his hair with a face filled with black lines.

For the first time in his life, Xue Xiu Yong witnessed the reason behind people's fear toward the Demon Lord, Wang Li Lei.

Inside the car, Wang Li Lei was silent than ever, perhaps because he was trying to calm himself from his jealousy or he was thinking nothing. 

Xiao Yun, "Li Lei, why are you here?"

Wang Li Lei, "I wanted to tell you something. I will have to cancel our meeting today. I have urgent business in W country, I'm sorry."

Xiao Yun shook her head. She knew just how busy Wang Li Lei is and for him to spare a time to teach her must've been not easy. "No, it's fine. I like to see you when you're working! Good luck and save travel!"

Wang Li  Lei smiled softly before gently caressing her head. "Mn, take care of yourself. If anything happens, tell me."

"Mn!" Xiao Yun answered. 

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