He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 94: You're Too Late

The rough-looking man with sharp eyes that was akin to an eagle glance toward Xiao Yun and gave a monstrous smirk. 

If a normal girl at her age was subjected to that kind of smile, they would perhaps flop to the ground, shaking like a leaf in fear. 

Tian Yi guarded Xiao Yun against the man's line of view, like a loyal dog protecting its master. 

Seeing the protective way of Tian Yi's guard, the rough-looking man raised his hand up and spoke. "Hahaha, young man, young lady, you two do not need to be afraid of me. I'm not here to hurt you-" 

Not here to hurt you? Your eyes are blatantly murderous!

As soon as the man descended his hand, the group of people that had been stealthily surrounding them from a while ago, in a flash, ran toward Xiao Yun with a dangerous intention.

"-But here for your life." The rough-looking man added his real intention.

Tian Yi coldly glared at the people, making them flinched for a few seconds. However, thinking Tian Yi's glare and the fact that he was alone was nothing but an empty threat, they continued to attack barehanded.

Swiftly, firmly, and sharply Tian Yi defeated the people down to the ground one by one. Before the people could reach a meter toward Xiao Yun, they were easily taken down by him. 

Seeing each of their allies drop down to the floor unconsciously, the assassins clicked their tongues. Instinctively, without a single word nor glance at each other, the assassins changed their attack and armed themself with cold knives. 

Although it was easy for Tian Yi to defeat those assassins even if they were armed with weapons, with the assassins' large numbers it would be hard even for him to protect a girl while fighting.

"Da-Jie, don't move away from there. " Tian Yi finally spoke. 

Xiao Yun with a cold expression pulled the compact baton from her skirt's pocket and stealthily clicked the button, flung it to the side as it elevated horizontally. 

The group of assassins gave a faint glance at each other, signaling their decision to attack Tian Yi at the same time while taking the chance to capture Xiao Yun. 

In a second, with movements that couldn't be lightly treated, the assassins proceed to a stance and ambush Tian Yi. 

Tian Yi overthrew them at once, not knowing their aim. Taking the chance, one of the assassins reached his hand toward Xiao Yun's neck, with a horrid grin. 


Without his own understanding, the man collapsed down with a blued face. The people who witnessed Xiao Yun's clear movement dumbstruck for a moment. 

Not only Xiao Yun's sudden strike shocked them, but also her unchanging expression that almost looked as if she was smiling. 

Freezing expression that almost too chilling to be called a "smile". 

The assassins quickly continue their raid and this time, they charged straightly toward Xiao Yun, the easiest and weakest-looking target. 

Once again, Xiao Yun flings her hand striking each of them down and electrocute them with the baton. 

Seeing how fearless Xiao Yun's movement was, Tian Yi's smile grew between excitedly cold and excitedly fiery. 

The rough-looking man who was the head of the assassins clicked his tongue from their overwhelming attack that could soon defeat them if he kept on doing nothing. 

Mr. Wu ordered him specifically to kill the girl cleanly, without a single trace or speck. So he planned to ambush Xiao Yun, make her unconscious and kill her somewhere else. 

But he didn't expect this to happen at all. He underestimated the girl's ability and Tian Yi's coincidence arrival. 

The rough-looking men send a slight glance along with an order, before speaking to Tian Yi in order to distract his thought for a slight second. 

"Young man, you are not my target. If you leave and turn a blind eye to this, I promise to let you leave unscathed. "

Because Tian Yi had seen his face and saw the scene where they are about to take Xiao Yun, he could not possibly let him go alive. 

"What an utter bulls*t. Save that word for yourself old man- I'm not interested in any of your f*cking promise." Tian Yi coldly answered, before continuing with his defense. 

The rough-looking man laughed hysterically as if it was the best joke he had ever heard in his entire life. 

Bringing his repulsive laugh to an end, the rough-looking man gave a grin. "Ridiculous."

As he finished his words, a flash grenade rolled down to the ground. "Sh*t!" Tian Yi cursed as he instinctively closed his eyes and raised his hand toward Xiao Yun to back her up. But his movement was too late. 

In a blink, a gun armed with a silencer coldly touched the back of Xiao Yun. With a loud of heavy sounded 'Click' like a heavy warning to both Xiao Yun who was about to whip her baton to the person behind her and Tian Yi who was about to capture the man's neck. 

"Pfft-" The rough-looking man gave an eerie start to his horrendous burst of laughter. "That was an amazing fight, I have to applause for your bravery, young man and you, young lad-" 

"Ex-armies? Hm... It seems you are not someone sent by Wang Li Lei's enemies... Since no one would be so foolish as to dare threaten my life." Xiao Yun gave a smirk as she spoke. 

A muscle from the rough-looking man's face twitched from Xiao Yun's words. "Young lady, how do you know that? And just what are you blabbering nonsense? Finally, the fear is getting over your head?"

Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes slightly. 'So I am right. Their coordinative way of fighting and their weapons... They are ex-armies... When I mention Wang Li Lei's name, they didn't flinch nor gave a reaction. That either means are very good at acting or they are oblivious to what they are doing...'

'But, enemies...? Who could it be? My hunch is telling me that it's someone I know...'

Xiao Yun laughed softly. "Ahaha- You are quite funny. Fear? I doubt that, because I have seen something more frightening than this." her voice grew cold. -' I have seen something far frightening than this.'

At first, he thought Xiao Yun was only bluffing. Trying to act strong and hide her fear with her words, but there wasn't a faint hint of fear in Xiao Yun's eyes and her body. "You are very brave, I see."

"Why, thank you." Xiao Yun answered.

The rough-looking man raises his hand and ordered his subordinate to handcuff their wrist. He relocates his gaze to Xiao Yun and gave a friendly smile. "A normal rope wouldn't work for both of you, don't you think?"

Xiao Yun gave a disdain click of the tongue and hide it with her unchanging smile. "You think of us too highly."

"I don't think so." The rough-looking man replied.

After seizing their thing to contact and tightly secure their wrists with a solid handcuff, the assassins swiftly clean the scene, moving their allies' unconscious bodies to a large black SUV trunk. And pushed them into the car at the same time. 

Sitting next to each other Tian Yi couldn't understand the flow of the conversation and was left in the dark without a hint with a low voice, whispered to Xiao Yun. "Da-Jie, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yun answered with another whisper. "Buying time. Shush! Just play with my act."

"Ah! A-Alright..." Tian Yi obediently answered.

Taking the chance, Tian Yi helped Xiao Yun to buy her time and exclaim toward the rough-looking man that sat in front of the trunk. "Hey- you muscle head over there! Do you not know who is our young lady is?!"

The man lifted his brow. "Her? And what happens if I do know her identity?"

Tian Yi laughed sarcastically. "Just take this as an advice, muscle head. Our young lady is the only heir to our family. If you harm her in any way- Your dear precious life will come to an end."

Xiao Yun lifted her brows and tilted her head faintly. Praising Tian Yi for his ability in creating a believable lie.

The rough-looking man seemed to also believe Tian Yi's lie for a moment and spoke. "Enough of your bluffing. Hong Wu Ran. Isn't that your name young lady?"

'Hong Wu Ran?' "That isn't my name." Xiao Yun replied sharply.

The man became even more suspicious. Half- believing and half doubting. "Then what's your name?"

Xiao Yun's eyes glint with frost. "Mr. Musclehead, you will definitely regret doing this if you know my name."

Tian Yi nodded. "My lady is right."

Seeing their expression, the man regained his composure and doubts before gave ridicule look. "What a bluff. " He aimed his gun in front of Xiao Yun and smiled chillingly. "What's your name?"

"Yu Xiao Yun." Xiao Yun answered. 

"Yu Xiao Yun? I've never heard such a name before." The rough-looking man answered. 

"Then, you must've been living under a rock." Tian Yi scoffed.

"You don't believe me? I bet less than half an hour, I believe, you will understand what I'm saying." Xiao Yun further declared her last warning. 

The man became suspicious of Xiao Yun's chattering and ordered. "Tape her mouth."

The subordinate nod once and tape Xiao Yun's mouth with brown tape. 

Seeing the tape, Xiao Yun hid her smile. 

'You're too late.'

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