High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 102 - 102: A New Journey

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: A New Journey

All students ranked in the top 50 or even top 100 in the province are fiercely competed for by the recruitment teams of the five major martial arts universities. After all, for each martial arts university to thrive indefinitely, the first necessity is a steady flow of funding, and the second is the constant emergence of numerous Source Martial Artists and even Flying Martial Artists.

Powerful martial artists often give back to their alma mater, whether through direct donations or providing support within their sphere of influence. Alumni form a network... but no university sought out Li Yuan.

Li Yuan's reputation as a martial arts prodigy had long spread across Jiangbei. As the top scorer in the martial arts category in Jiangbei Province, the recruitment teams of various prestigious universities were well aware of him.

However, they also knew that he had already been signed by Kunlun Martial University with an S-level contract.

An S-level contract?

Given the cost of persuading Li Yuan to breach his contract and offering a better deal, the other top universities decided to give up.


On the afternoon of June 17th, at the community fishing pond.

"Uncle, why haven't I caught anything today?" Li Yuan, sitting on a stool, couldn't help but ask.

"Your beginner's luck has run out." Li Changzhou grinned. "Do you remember how many you caught in the past two days? Twice as many as I did."

"It's good you didn't catch any today, or your aunt would keep complaining that we can't finish all the fish."

"I'm just better at fishing..." Li Yuan was about to retort when he felt his smart wristband vibrate. Looking down, his eyes lit up.

"Uncle, the admission notice has arrived." Li Yuan raised his hand.

"Oh? Let me see." Li Changzhou stood up immediately.


"Uncle, quick, the fishing float!" Li Yuan pointed at the float that had completely submerged.

"It's a big one! Double happiness!" Li Changzhou quickly grabbed the fishing rod.


After putting the fish in the box, Li Changzhou sat down, looking at the admission notice on Li Yuan's smart wristband, a smile spreading across his face.

"Uncle, which academy do you think I should choose?" Li Yuan asked casually. "The Sixth Academy or the Eighth Academy?"

The Sixth Academy was where Dean Li was.

The Eighth Academy was where Dean Zhao, who had recommended Li Yuan to Kunlun Martial University, was. Dean Zhao was also Wan Qinghe's senior brother.

Therefore, in Li Yuan's mind, he would only choose one of these two after entering Kunlun Martial University.

"I suggest the Sixth Academy," Li Changzhou said. "Martial artists have their circles. The martial arts university you come from is a big circle; the academy within it is a smaller circle. After graduation, whether you join a martial hall, the military, or a large corporation, that's another new circle."

Li Yuan listened attentively.

A great man needs great support; having a wide network helps smooth the path of martial arts training.

Li Yuan had no intention of being a lone wolf.

"Different circles may intersect," Li Changzhou said. "Dean Zhao of the Eighth Academy seems closer to you since he recommended you first." "But has he contacted you in the past few months?" Li Changzhou smiled knowingly. "Has he guided you?"

Li Yuan shook his head.

"He surely knows your situation and your connection but hasn't reached out, indicating that he doesn't place much importance on you," Li Changzhou said.

Li Yuan nodded lightly. Dean Zhao was a powerful 29th-level Source Martial Artist. Not contacting him didn't necessarily mean he looked down on him. It could be his personality or lack of interest in mentoring juniors.

"On the contrary, Dean Li has always been concerned about you," Li Changzhou said. "He even called you before the college entrance exam."

"And it was he who gave you the S-level contract."

"In a sense, if you enter Kunlun Martial University, he would be like your mentor," Li Changzhou said. "That's a very valuable relationship."

Li Yuan understood his uncle's point.

Rather than joining an unfamiliar circle that might not value him, it was better to stick with the familiar one.

"Dean Li is a good person." Li Yuan nodded. "Uncle, should I call Dean Li on V-chat first?"

"You should!"

"But, in the admission notice, there seems to be a place to apply for your target academy. Fill in the Sixth Academy first," Li Changzhou said. "Then call him. He'll be even happier."



Li Yuan filled out the 'Admission Notice Response,' entered his personal information, and expressed his desire to join the Sixth Academy.

Then he directly called Dean Li on V-chat.

As expected by Li Changzhou.

"Dean Li," Li Yuan said directly. "I received the admission notice and have filled out the response... I applied for the Sixth Academy."

"Do you think that's suitable?"

"Not considering the Eighth Academy?" Dean Li on the light screen smiled, knowing Li Yuan's connection with Dean Zhao.

"The Eighth Academy is great, but over the past few months, you and Teacher Fan Jin have guided me a lot. Without that, I wouldn't have made such progress," Li Yuan said sincerely. "I think following you is the best choice."

"Haha, good!" Dean Li's voice was filled with laughter. "Don't worry, your choice is absolutely right. I will arrange everything so that in the next two years, you can become a Source Martial Artist as quickly as possible."

Li Yuan could tell that Dean Li was very pleased with his decision.

"You can relax a bit during this half-month holiday," Dean Li said. "But don't completely slack off in training. I'll expedite your admission review."

"Then you can enter the 'Kunlun Space,' and all the resources from the S-level special training contract will be provided to you." Dean Li instructed.


"I won't disappoint you, Dean Li," Li Yuan said. "For the practical exam at the end of July, I'll definitely bring glory to our Sixth Academy."

"Good, I look forward to it." Dean Li enjoyed hearing Li Yuan say 'our Sixth Academy.'


That evening.

"You've already chosen the Sixth Academy?" Wan Qinghe asked Li Yuan through V-chat. "Not considering the Eighth Academy?"

"Uncle, I'm very grateful to Dean Zhao," Li Yuan said with some embarrassment. "But Dean Li has been guiding my training. When he asked my preference, I felt I couldn't refuse, so I applied for the Sixth Academy."

"I always remember Dean Zhao's kindness. Even if we are in different academies, we are still part of Kunlun Martial University. When I get there, I will definitely visit Dean Zhao."

"Haha, alright." Wan Qinghe laughed. "Don't worry, I'll explain it to Dean Zhao. He won't blame you."

Wan Qinghe knew how to dispel any potential dissatisfaction his 'Ninth Senior Brother' might have towards Li Yuan.


"Ninth Senior Brother."

"Li Yuan said he voluntarily applied to join the Sixth Academy, but I feel he was hesitant, maybe there's another reason," Wan Qinghe sighed. "Before, Li Yuan often expressed his gratitude to you and mentioned many times that he would visit you once he got to Kunlun Martial University."

"You know."

"No matter how talented he is, he's still just a young man. How could he handle so much pressure?" Wan Qinghe sighed. "Blame me for not explaining things to him sooner. He didn't know your stance."

"This is my fault." Wan Qinghe looked apologetic.

"I understand."

"It's not your fault, and you can't blame Li Yuan," Dean Zhao, a burly man on the light screen, had a hint of anger on his face. "It must be that scoundrel Li Yang's doing."

Dean Li's real name was Li Yang.

"What about Li Yuan?" Wan Qinghe asked at the right moment.

"Let him train well and tell him that joining the Sixth or Eighth Academy is the same," Dean Zhao said. "When he comes to Kunlun Martial University, he can still attend my classes if he has time."

"Senior Brother, you have a broad mind and are not confined by academy boundaries. In this respect, you surpass Dean Li by far," Wan Qinghe praised.


In each province, there is only one martial arts university.

Nationwide, there are only five top universities, so the national and provincial lines are clearly defined.

For the martial arts category, the top 10,600 qualify for the provincial line.

The top 520 qualify for the national line.

This has been the case for years.

However, admissions for cultural universities are much more complicated.

Thus, it wasn't until June 20th that all universities in China completed their admissions.

On June 22nd, Class 2 of the third year held a graduation dinner, but less than sixty students could attend.

"On the day I checked my results, I cried. My mom hugged me and cried. High school is finally over."

"I cried too, but it was because my parents beat me up."

"Brother Yuan is amazing."

"Kunlun Martial University, and selected for special training! So impressive."

"Brother Yuan, I toast to you."

"Brother Yuan." Li Yuan was almost the center of attention among his classmates.

These newly graduated students were awkwardly learning some adult social etiquette.

"Li Yuan, thank you." Li Tianyou poured a glass of beer.

His eyes were slightly red as he solemnly said to Li Yuan, "If it weren't for you, I might not have passed."

Li Tianyou barely passed, ranking just over 9900 in the provincial martial arts category, securing a spot at Jiangbei Martial University.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"It's all because of your hard work." Li Yuan smiled, easing his friend's emotions.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to repay the money I owe you as soon as possible," Li Tianyou whispered.

"Okay, I trust your character." Li Yuan smiled. "But don't rush it. Focus on your training once you're in university."

Li Yuan didn't say, 'The money is a gift.'

He knew that insisting on repaying the debt was Li Tianyou's way of maintaining his dignity.

Why trample on it?

"Brother Yuan, another toast to you." Zhou Qi approached with a glass.

He had also performed well in the college entrance exam, getting into a C9 university.

As time passed, many students gradually became tipsy.

Li Yuan remained sober, looking at many classmates who seemed slightly unfamiliar now, even though they had been close just half a month ago.

He understood that apart from a few close friends like Zhou Qi and Li Tianyou, this was probably the last time he would see many of his classmates in this lifetime.

His youth was truly over.

Quietly, Li Yuan settled the bill and left.


June was not yet too hot.

After the class reunion.

In the following days of vacation, Li Yuan often spent his days fishing with his uncle, gardening with his aunt, and going to the mall to buy clothes together.

On weekends, the whole family of five went to North Lake Ink Mountain for a trip.

Since middle school, Li Yuan had never felt so relaxed as he did this June.

In the evenings, he focused on martial arts training.

"Since the college entrance exam ended, I've spent less time on spear and martial arts training."

"But my spear technique has improved faster?" Li Yuan noticed this phenomenon.

This realization made him reflect.


"To succeed in anything, the effort and time spent are crucial," Li Yuan thought. "Like in any ordinary industry, the 10,000-hour rule makes sense."


"When reaching a certain level in martial arts, simply accumulating time may not be the best way."

"These days, I've been more relaxed, had more free time to think during the day, and seen more sights."

"These changes have relaxed my mind."

"They have made my spear training more efficient, with fewer distractions. My mind seems purer and calmer." Li Yuan began to understand this principle.

Training is like life. Sometimes, the more you desire, the less you get.

A moment of sudden enlightenment can be worth years of practice, but this enlightenment cannot be achieved through constant strain.

"Mental training!"

"In the past, I blindly pursued time, craving higher efficiency." Li Yuan suddenly smiled. "Just like my uncle said, being too tense for too long, I need to relax occasionally."


Li Yuan began to enjoy his time more with his uncle and aunt.

On the night of June 29th.

"Clang! Clang!" Li Yuan practiced with his spear. As he swung it, dazzling arcs of light flashed, creating numerous afterimages.


Li Yuan felt more at ease, completely immersed in his spear techniques, even enjoying it.

"Bang! Bang!" The sound of the practice sandbag being struck echoed.

"So comfortable." Li Yuan's mind raced, countless scenarios flashing through. He saw the large practice sandbag as a master opponent.

His spear strikes became faster.

And more stable. Each explosive strike seemed to become instinctive.


"Whoosh!" Li Yuan's mind felt a sudden clarity. His speed surged, and the spear tip moved incredibly fast.

It pierced through the air.

"Boom!" The tough sandbag was split open by the blunt spear, scattering countless special sand grains everywhere.

[Your spear technique has increased from 36% to 42% in the fourth tier]

[Your fist technique has increased from 39% to 44% in the fourth tier] Two notifications flashed in succession.

Li Yuan stood still, letting the sand cover his ankles.

"The third form of the Starry Spear Technique, 'Dawn Pierces the Clouds,' can finally be fully executed." Li Yuan thought.

Soon after.

Li Yuan called the relevant staff at the martial hall.

Someone came to replace the sandbag and clean up.


The leisurely vacation had to end.

July 2nd was the last day to report to Kunlun Martial University, and it was the day Li Yuan left home.

"Little Yuan, train well at university and don't worry about home." Li Changzhou advised. "I'm here at home."

"When you get to school, let us know." His aunt always worried about Li Yuan's safety, even though he was now a first-level martial artist.

"Yes, I know."

"Uncle, Aunt, it's windy. Go back inside." Li Yuan, carrying his backpack, waved with a smile.

A small aircraft hovered in the air.


Li Yuan leaped over two meters high, directly into the aircraft, and the door closed.

The aircraft quickly ascended, heading towards Tianhe Airport for a transfer.

Li Changzhou and Chen Hui stood outside the villa, waving continuously until the aircraft disappeared into the rain and mist.

Li Yuan!

Had officially embarked on his university journey.

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