History’s Number 1 Founder

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: A little test

Translator: Sparrow_  Editor: Sparrow_

Lin Feng closely examined the cauldron before him. Three feet, a pointed top, completely black and patterns faintly engraved on the body. It’s just that right then the cauldron was covered in dust and dirt, clearly, it hadn’t been used in a long time.

Lin Feng poured in his mana. The cauldron didn’t have any reaction. He put in some ingredients, and yet there was still no movement.

“It really is weird.”. Lin Feng scratched his head. No wonder this cauldron looked so old and had no signs of being used for a long time. It looked entirely like a piece of scrap without any spirituality.

But Lin Feng didn’t plan on second-guessing Zhu Yi’s luck. He entered into the system, opened up the inventory list and checked every item one by one.

The strange patterns on the body of the furnace could be used as an important identification mark.

Hard work pays off. Lin Feng found a cauldron at virtually the bottom of the inventory list, its characteristics were extremely similar to the one in his hands.

Ethereal Heart Cauldron, made using celestial meteoric iron. It creates heart flames on its own, adding a strong firepower and thus can greatly increase the success rate of alchemy.

Required trading points… 3000!

Lin Feng slapped his forehead and wished that he could immediately go over to the room next door to hug and kiss Zhu Yi.

3000 trading points, even if you sold it, you couldn’t scrape together so many trading points.

From the initiation of the system until now, even including the novice gift, the total sum of trading points that Lin Feng had accumulated and obtained was only just 2800 points.

The 700 trading points that Lin Feng currently had on his hands was only enough to buy a leg of this Ethereal Heart Cauldron.

“Not bad, not bad at all!”. Lin Feng beamed with joy, but then had doubt in his heart.

Since this cauldron is so good, why did no one discover it?

Perhaps one or two people might have been unable to see the value behind the cauldron, but how could everyone who touched it miss its value?

Carrying this doubt, Lin Feng closely checked the Ethereal Heart Cauldron’s data. He noticed a caption within, “Only the seven great Primordial Fires can exert the Ethereal Heart Cauldron’s use to its limit.”.

Lin Feng blinked his eyes and he felt slightly bitter in his mouth. He finally understood why other people couldn’t discover the worth of this cauldron.

The seven great true flames, the apex of all fire in this world. Every kind could limitlessly increase its power. They were endlessly powerful with apocalyptic power, how could their embers be that easy to obtain?

Lin Feng massaged his throbbing temples on both sides and told himself to calm down. Word by word, he pondered on the information of the Ethereal Heart Cauldron.

“Exert to the limit… In other words, spiritual flames on a slightly lower level than the seven great true flames could also make this cauldron work, but they couldn’t exert its effect to the limit.”. Lin Feng figured things out a bit, “The higher grade the spiritual flame, the more distinct the effect was. If the spiritual flame’s level was too low, it would be unable to drive this cauldron.”

Thinking on these lines, Lin Feng’s heart settled down.

The Acalanātha Inferno was recognized as a high-level spiritual flame second only to the seven great true flames.

Lin Feng immediately laid down the 24 Heaven Arhat Formation and then using the same method as before, he formed the Acalanātha Inferno with the three blazing Arhats as the core.

A little milky white ember landed in the Ethereal Heart Cauldron and a change instantly occurred to the cauldron.

Just as though a slumbering giant had finally awoken.

Around the milky white Acalanātha Inferno, a circle of crimson red flames lit up around it. It flickered around as if it were a strongly beating heart.

Following the beating of this “heart”, fiery red markings surfaced on the inner walls of the cauldron.

At this time, the Ethereal Heart Cauldron that was originally only the size of a palm rapidly grew bigger. Only until it reached a height of two meters and a diameter of also nearly two meters did it stop and firmly land on the ground. An astounding mana fluctuation radiated from within it.

Lin Feng smiled, “That crimson red flame like a heart should be the so-called heart flame. Hm… It is truly extraordinary. The power of incineration within the flame is not much different even compared to the Acalanātha Inferno.”.

With cultivators adept in alchemy, the Tao techniques they practiced were usually all fire class Tao techniques. They needed to use their own mana flames to convert them into alchemy flames to make pills.

Lin Feng practiced the Art of Acalanātha so he had his mana alchemy flames, but before this moment he had never made pills before so he was rather nervous in his heart.

Placing the materials necessary for making the Thunderous Echo Elixir in the cauldron, Lin Feng started to carefully control the alchemy flame.

Sometimes you’ve got to admit that learning something is indeed very dependent on one’s talent.

Lin Feng worked himself to death and fiddled around for half a day. In the end when he opened the furnace to retrieve the elixir, what appeared before him was just a pile of char.

“Was the fire too strong? Or were the ingredients not matched right?”. Lin Feng grabbed his head in distress. The materials were still very abundant, but he couldn’t practice like that either.

After furrowing his brow and thinking for a moment, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head.

“You guys all come to my room, carry your Big Senior with you guys.”. Lin Feng calmly transmitted his voice to Zhu Yi and company next door. Afterwards, he sat cross-legged, quietly awaiting the arrival of his disciples.

Xiao Budian pushed open the door and entered first. He looked at Lin Feng with question marks all over his forehead along with the Ethereal Heart Cauldron in Lin Feng’s room that was about to poke the ceiling.

Behind him, one at the front and one at the back respectively, Zhu Yi and Wang Lin carried a stretcher and walked into the room. Xiao Yan was lying on the stretcher, his face was pale but his mood was pretty good.

“Greetings, Master.”. The four people said together. Besides Xiao Yan who was lying down and not moving, the other three people all bowed and saluted him.

Lin Feng lightly nodded his head and then said, “You all see this cauldron here?”.

The four students nodded their heads together. Zhu Yi asked, “Master, this is that cauldron from the city square before?”.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, “The name of this cauldron is the Ethereal Heart Cauldron. It’s a pity that it was a bright pearl covered in dust before. Now I have reactivated it and let it show its true form.”.

Zhu Yi clicked his tongue in wonder, “This really is a wondrous item.”.

At the side, Xiao Budian asked, “Master, you called us over to look at this cauldron?”.

Lin Feng shook his head and answered, “Not at all, the reason I called you guys over is to test you guys.”.

Test us?

The four students all looked at each other. On the stretcher, Xiao Yan said softly, “What test is there, please instruct us, Master.”.

Lin Feng pointed at the Ethereal Heart Cauldron and said casually, “To heal Xiao Yan’s injury, I am currently making a type of elixir, but I purposely made mistakes in a couple of places. Making it as it is right now, it is doomed to fail.”.

“Right now I will test you guys to see if you guys have the spirit or gift for alchemy and if you guys can pick out the mistakes that I purposely left behind.”. Lin Feng said with a poker face and handed the formula for the Thunderous Echo Elixir over to them. He also seriously explained the function of the Ethereal Heart Cauldron.

“Am I too shameless? I think I’m just average…”. Thoughts turned in Lin Feng’s mind, but his face still had a sanctimonious appearance. He said lightly, “You guys can discuss among yourselves, I am listening by the side. I will know in my heart whoever proposes a correct idea.”.

The four students exchanged gazes and then gathered together beside Xiao Yan’s stretcher. They started discussing with their heads touched together.

Lin Feng secretly perked his ears listening to the content of their discussion and then compared it with his own views. He had gained quite the advantage.

He had to say that the system’s judgment was very accurate. Among the four students, Xiao Yan was the fastest to get the hang of alchemy and had the deepest understanding. With regards to the mistakes in Lin Feng’s original alchemical procedure, Xiao Yan found them the fastest and he also found the most.

As for whether or not they were accurate, that remained to be verified.

In the end, the other three students also chose Xiao Yan to make the summary.

“… The Sky Bone Herb cannot be placed entirely into the cauldron to be refined, it had to first be grounded into powder; the Frost Dew and the Jadefire Phosphorus Herb needed to be mixed together first before being thrown into the cauldron to be refined, they cannot be thrown in separately.”. Xiao Yan concluded. At the end, after hesitating for a moment he continued saying, “Also, I think the time for opening the furnace should cut short by one hour, but I am not certain about this point.”.

Lin Feng’s demeanor was quiet and calm. After listening to Xiao Yan finish speaking everything, he lifted his head asking the other three students, “Do you guys still have anything else to add?”.

The other three students all shook their heads so Lin Feng smiled saying, “You’re certain that you’re done speaking, and not going to implement any other changes?”.

Xiao Yan bit his teeth, “I’m done, Master.”

Lin Feng stood up and said with a smile, “I won’t make any comments, we’ll let reality speak for itself. I will use your method to make this batch of elixirs and see what the result is in the end.”. Finishing speaking, he did as Xiao Yan said, treating the ingredients and starting to make the elixir.

Lin Feng controlled the furnace flame, the four disciples also closely watched the cauldron. Xiao Yan was especially nervous and his palms were even starting to sweat a bit.

The four people didn’t know that Lin Feng was actually even more nervous than them. He stared anxiously at the cauldron, “Ya little kid, you better be right.”

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