Hogwarts Asylum

11. Severus, guess what I just saw

Eurolin had a problem when he first boarded the Hogwarts Express. Obviously magic can do it, but why not make the train faster so that it can arrive at Hogsmeade Station during the day.

Professor Slughorn's answer was that he chose to arrive at night in order to prevent others from easily discovering the location of Hogwarts Castle. Professor Flitwick's answer was that it was because the four founders arrived at night By the time we arrived on the other side of the lake.

Olorin prefers the former answer, because it is difficult to maintain a tradition without any substantial benefits for hundreds of years without anyone raising objections, even in the magical world that looks similar to living in the Middle Ages.

However, the reason why the magical world seems so backward is more because the convenience of magic has made wizards lose their enterprising spirit. After all, most of their needs can be met with magic. Who would think about being as lucky as Muggles in exploring the field of science? Unfortunately, most low-level wizards are still laughing at the weakness of Muggles.

This is the most incomprehensible thing. Obviously many wizards have participated in the bloody Muggle World War, and such wars in which thermal weapons dominated the battlefield have occurred twice, but most wizards still use the ability to The gun that easily kills wizards acts as a kind of firework launcher.

Peeves' understanding of guns may exceed that of most wizards in the wizarding world - he once owned a large-caliber muzzleloader gun and a small cannon!

Probably only wizards who have lived in the Muggle world all year round may realize the horror of firearms, so this does not rule out the possibility that someone deliberately keeps the wizarding world backward.

As night fell, the train happened to pull into the station.

Hagrid, who had specially tidied up his appearance but was still a bit slovenly, stood at the door of the station with an oil lamp and greeted the newly admitted little wizards to line up to leave the station and board the boat at the lake. The second graders and above took the ferocious-looking but ordinary people's eyes. The carriage pulled by the missing Yeqi headed towards the castle.

"Okay, it's time for you to line up. You don't need to pick up your luggage. Someone will help you take it to your dormitory." O'Loughlin stood in the circle surrounded by the four Harrys and said, "Longbottom, you'd better take your luggage with you." Leif, okay, go and see you later."

After saying that, Olorin disappeared without a trace without waiting for the little wizards to say goodbye to him.

"No matter how cool Professor is, is this magic?" Harry looked at Ron, who was most familiar with the wizarding world.

"Of course, this -" Ron actually didn't know how Professor O'Loughlin did it, but it must be magic.

"That's Apparition, a very advanced magic. I read it in a book," Hermione was not ready to tell the title of the book because she knew that these three boys must not have read it, just like Ou Professor Luo Lin said that showing off knowledge to ignorant people is actually quite boring, "Apparition can allow people to reach wherever they want to go. Let's go, the giant is waving again."

"That's Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts. I know him," Harry said. "He was the one who brought me to Diagon Alley from my aunt's house. He was very nice and gave me a birthday present - That was the first birthday present I ever received.”

"Then he is indeed fine..." Neville said, holding Leif.


Eurolin suddenly appeared on the other side of the bridge in front of the castle gate. This was the closest place to the castle where he could apparate.

As O'Loughlin strolled across the bridge, he spotted a figure wandering left and right.

"Ah, Severus, are you waiting for me? That's really embarrassing." Every time O'Loughlin saw Snape, who was frowning and looking serious, he couldn't help but want to tease him.

Snape didn't want Orolin to know what he was doing here, so he turned around and walked into the castle.

Orolin looked at Snape's back with a smile. He knew that his next words would make Snape turn around for him.

"Severus, guess what I just saw? It was Lily -" Before Orolin could finish speaking, Snape turned around.

The veins on Snape's forehead popped out because he turned around and saw that Eurolin had taken out a lily from somewhere and was about to pin it on his hat.

"You think this is fun?" Snape said with a straight face as he tried to regain his composure.

"Of course, I enjoy it as much as I did when I was in school," O'Loughlin pinned the flowers, "How about it, does Lily look good?"

"P..." Snape, who wanted to curse in vain, sighed in vain and said with a cold face, "I know you, Orolin, just like you know me.

I don’t know what about me interests you, nor am I interested in knowing, but I know that you think everyone is stupid, including me.

Fooling me, fooling everyone, brings you pleasure, just like a madman, no, you are, and you will deliberately lure them to attack you, so that you can satisfy your desire to attack at will.

But you also have a unique moral quirk that no Slytherin has. You are always fighting back, so I believe what you said. You became a Death Eater just to observe that person. You have never killed him. Any innocent person.

You are like the contradiction itself. You have an extremely strong desire to attack and an extremely strong ability to attack, but you never take the initiative to show them.You regard the rules as nothing, but you always follow another set of rules.

I feel very pitiful for you, Michael, because you actually have no emotions, let alone love, hate, and hatred.

Those fools in Hufflepuff think you love nature as much as they do, and those fools in Ravenclaw think you share their thirst for knowledge, but that's all your disguise.In fact, you are incompatible with everyone, like a basilisk among a group of ash snakes. You are pretending to be yourself, otherwise you would not know what to do at all.

You are really too arrogant - no, that can no longer be considered arrogant. You are like the moon (here translated as Luna), high above the world, free from the world, and always looking at the world. Except for those who are insignificant to you, Meteorite, nothing.

If I hadn't known you for 20 years, I would have felt that you were not from this world and that you were not a human being at all.

In other words, have you started to regard yourself as a god?Michael? "

Eurolin listened quietly. Today happened to be the 20th year since he had known Snape in person. If you include Snape, whom he had known in books in his previous life, it would have been more than 40 years.

For all these years, Orolin had never known that this arrogant and paralyzed man could say so many words in one breath. He suddenly found it very interesting, and this was the first time that Snape pronounced his name as Michael.

Of course, he would have been happier if Snape hadn't used Legilimency on him.

However, although Oluolin had 1 confidence in his Occlumency, he still decided to stimulate this facial paralysis again.

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