Hogwarts Asylum

25. The uncrowned king of the magic world

Seeing that the night was getting darker and darker, Draco's eyelids began to tremble a little, and Oralin knew that today's conversation should end here.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten Draco's biggest concern - what Lucius thought of him.

This is actually easy to solve. Just write a letter to Lucius and Narcissa at the same time.

Although Lucius will most likely put pressure through the school board, if the pressure fails, Draco may be asked to transfer from Hogwarts to Durmstrang, even if the start time of Durmstrang has passed. It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to donate Galleons to Durmstrang. The Malfoy family will not lack Galleons for anything.

But with how much Narcissa dotes on Draco, as long as Draco wants to stay at Hogwarts, Narcissa will definitely help Draco, and even fight with Lucius for it. Sarah has never been a staunch pure-blood sect. From the beginning to the end, she was just a mediocre person who stood by the pure-blood sect because of her family.

However, Narcissa alone was not safe, and Lucius still had to give up the idea of ​​sending Draco to Durmstrang.

This is also very easy. Lucius is actually a complete fence-sitter. He doesn't care about pure-bloodism or Slytherin. If those things can't bring benefits, then it's just bullshit. As long as the benefits are enough, Lucius even dared to stab Voldemort in the back.

Moreover, Lucius has always been aware of current affairs. If the person who can bring him benefits can easily kill him, then he will become very obedient. Unfortunately, before Voldemort was officially resurrected, Eurolin was the one who could give him both Profits, and can easily kill his people.

But you can't say that when writing a letter. The art of language is still very important. After all, Ouluo Lin's cooperation with Lucius is quite happy now. Lucius can always sell the alchemy items made by Ou Luolin at high prices.

"Draco, what exactly makes you worthy of being called noble, great and glorious? I suggest you slowly find the answer to this question, because everyone has different definitions of nobility, greatness and glory. When you find that Before answering, you might as well set the Academy Cup as your goal. If you can help Gryffindor add more points and let Gryffindor win the long-lost Academy Cup, then I believe many people will be proud of you. "

"I understand, Mr. O'Loughlin, I will look for it. And..."

Draco hesitated, but Orolin simply said: "I know you want to ask your father what to do, just leave it to me. As long as you firmly want to stay in Hogwarts, then No one can stop you, I said.”

"Thank you, Mr. O'Loughlin, I know what to do." Draco looked determined, and he really didn't look like Malfoy.

"So do you still have any concerns now?"

Draco thought for a moment and shook his head, he was fine for the time being.

"Okay, let's come here today. If you don't rest, you won't be able to get up tomorrow. It will be bad if you miss the first class of school. That will probably result in your points being deducted. Are you staying with me to rest tomorrow? Go straight to class, or go back to the Gryffindor common room?"

"But I don't know the password for the lounge. I've heard before that a password is required for entry and exit."

"It's okay, I know, let's go, I'll take you there."

"Ok, thank you."

After Eurolin threw a few more wolfberries into the teapot, he stood up and took Draco towards Gryffindor Tower.

When he arrived at the door of the Gryffindor common room, Orolin spoke again: "By the way, since you have decided to stay in Gryffindor, I have a little suggestion for you."

"You say."

"That means never say the word 'mudblood' again, do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean, let me stop looking at those people with the same eyes as before?"

"Smart, Draco, I like you more and more. Maybe I should propose to Lucius that you be my assistant in the future. It just so happens that the demand for alchemical items in the wizarding world is getting higher and higher, and I still lack one. assistant."

"Really? Mr. O'Loughlin, can I really do that?" Draco said in surprise.

"Of course, don't underestimate your own potential, Draco. But before that, you must learn Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes, and Muggle Chemistry."

"Muggle chemistry?"

"Yeah, so I think you made the right decision to stay in Gryffindor, because you will never get Muggle-born friends in Slytherin.

Don't underestimate Muggles, Draco. Muggles can even create weapons that can destroy a big city in an instant. "

Draco's eyes widened, feeling very incredible. He had never known such a thing before.

"So, promise me, Draco. Never say 'Mudblood' out of your mouth again."

Although Draco still didn't understand the connection between Muggle power and Muggle-born wizards, he still nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Being an alchemist's assistant is an opportunity that many people can't ask for. It is not just an assistant, but also an apprentice. According to the records of alchemists from the ancestors of the Malfoy family, the top alchemists are all standing in the The uncrowned king at the top of the magic world!

The status of a top alchemist is much richer and nobler than that of a pure-blood family!

Draco felt that he already had a goal to pursue, and that was the alchemist!

In fact, it was not a sudden idea that Orolin wanted to recruit Draco as his assistant. He had been thinking about this issue for a long time. When he first found that he was too busy, Orolin had been looking for an assistant, but Alchemy The magical discipline of magic also requires talent.

In Orolin's mind, in addition to Draco, there are only a few people who are talented in this subject, including the Weasley twins and Seamus Finnigan (yes, the one who blew up the bridge).

Hermione might also be able to learn it, but due to the existence of the Invisible Eye, if Orolin dared to keep Hermione by his side as an apprentice, who knows if he might accidentally trigger the riot of the Invisible Eye one day during the experiment, and then A hand skating master and apprentice were both blown up into the sky, just think about it.

Alchemy has killed as many wizards as black magic. Didn’t Olololin’s wizard mother who gave him the talent for alchemy lose her precious life because of problems with the experiment? When Olololin returned home, he saw It's just a ruin...

If most of the information hadn't been sealed by O'Loughlin's mother in a box mixed with fairy iron, O'Loughlin would have had to wait a few years before embarking on the path of alchemy.

Although Alchemy can be taken as an elective in the sixth and seventh years of Hogwarts, most of it only teaches a superficial level, and the requirements are not low. You must have excellent OWLs in Potions, Transfiguration and other subjects to be able to take it.

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